I have the worst luck coupled by a "harsh" DM (Pathfinder)


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Silver Crusade

ub3r_n3rd wrote:
Once again I ask YOU @Maxximilius - Do you have any build advice or characters that can be played with this obscenely low ability score or are you going to continue to derail and proclaim that it can't be done with this group and to continue to advocate running away from the group the OP loves?

The OP asked for character-building advice, and she already received this advice. Being a parrot is of no use, especially since she already built her character. By digging a bit, others found out her real issue with the upcoming game being the DM and granted more relevant advice in order to fight her problem at the source.

The OP didn't want a miracle, otherwise I would have granted this character-building advice too; or even better, I would have suggested they talk about this like mature people in order to have a blast despite the odd circumstances and prerequisites of her character.

Please tell me you don't actually believe this game has any chances to have a nice going for everyone in the party.

But again, since you seem to insist on my supposedly useless contributions: my advice is as valuable as that of any other people on this thread. The OP is free to follow or ignore it, which I would in my own consciousness consider a mistake. If you don't like it, you are free to ignore, flag, hide and/or move on instead of answering yet again to my useless contributions.

Lantern Lodge

ub3r_n3rd wrote:
I think I'm done with this thread though because I am now to the point of re-re-repeating myself for people who obviously don't get it and want to derail the thread because of their personal feelings about a DM they have never met and will never play with.

Reminds me of the scene from Liar, Liar:


Fletcher: You scratched my car!

Motorpool Guy: Where?

Fletcher: [indicating with his hands] Right there!

Motorpool Guy: OH... That was already there.

Fletcher: You - -LIAR! You know what I am going to do about this?

Motorpool Guy: what?

Fletcher: Nothing! Because if I take it to small claims court, it will just drain 8 hours out of my life and you probably won't show up and even if I got the judgment you'd just stiff me anyway; so what I am going to do is piss and moan like an impotent jerk, and then bend over and take it up the tailpipe!

Motorpool Guy: [tossing the keys to Fletcher] You've been here before haven't ya?

ub3r_n3rd wrote:
ikarinokami wrote:

talk about a disengenious argument. The OP stated, that the GM invited her but now clearly doesnt want her to play anymore, and is just too cowardly to ask her to leave, and she is too stubborn to quit on her own.

The OP is the only person in the group who if her character dies will be removed from the game and not be allowed to return. The OP and the GM do not communicate with each other outside of the game, and the GM has no desire to do so.

Please stop with this argument that we don't know about the group or making assumptions. This game is not going to be fun , because it cannot be. So please stop with this notion that this can be.

This game is going to be a battle of wills and will divide this group and pit the players against the GM. The OP already stated some of players are watching the see if the GM is too mean to her, that's a problem, you cannot play a game like that, regardless of how the OP's wants and needs. As the person stated, it's like giving advice someone about what dress looks nice on them, while and not suggesting that maybe first they should go to the hospital to have that gaping gun shot wound looked at.

Again, someone who is making assumptions based on only the little bit of information that we have from the OP thus far.

The OP was invited to the game, the DM is seemingly passive-aggressive, we don't know if he'd allow the others to re-roll or roll up new characters if they died during the course of the game, and we don't know everything about the situation as we are not there.

I will not stop making this argument because I don't like to jump to conclusions, I like to have all the facts beforehand and the number one fact here is that the OP wants to play in this game and wanted some viable options for PC's. So I answered the question with advice on quite a few options - one of which was the Syn Summoner, and the OP decided to go with that.

You don't know how this game is going to turn out and neither do I. That is pure speculation at...

please what assumptions did i make? the OP confirmed everyone of those clauses. The OP stated that she knows he wants her not to play, but that she is too stubborn to quit. The op stated that if she dies she and only she will be removed from the session, the OP stated this rule only applies to her. The OP stated that she and the GM do not speak to each other out side of the game. The OP stated that the other players are making sure the GM is being fair to her. Did the read the thread, she acknowledge all these facts, but stated that at this point it was a matter of principle. If you think that this can turn out well, then i suggest that prehaps you have been living with humans. There is no way this can turn out well. anyone who has had any interperonal relations with other human beings can see that.

ikarinokami wrote:
please what assumptions did i make? the OP confirmed everyone of those clauses. The OP stated that she knows he wants her not to play, but that she is too stubborn to quit. The op stated that if she dies she and only she will be removed from the session, the OP stated this rule only applies to her. The OP stated that she and the GM do not speak to each other out side of the game. The OP stated that the other players are making sure the GM is being fair to her. Did the read the thread, she acknowledge all these facts, but stated that at this point it was a matter of principle. If you think that this can turn out well, then i suggest that prehaps you have been living with humans. There is no way this can turn out well. anyone who has had any interperonal relations with other human beings can see that.

Yes. You're right.

But the OP is mature and empowered enough to make that decision herself.

If she isn't, well... That's how maturity is developed in life--by dealing with the consequences of one's own decisions.

You've made your point and she thanked you for your advice. She's made her decision. There's no need to convince the rest of us of your point because we already agree with you. No, it probably won't be fun. But it's still her decision to make.

Ansel Krulwich wrote:
ikarinokami wrote:
please what assumptions did i make? the OP confirmed everyone of those clauses. The OP stated that she knows he wants her not to play, but that she is too stubborn to quit. The op stated that if she dies she and only she will be removed from the session, the OP stated this rule only applies to her. The OP stated that she and the GM do not speak to each other out side of the game. The OP stated that the other players are making sure the GM is being fair to her. Did the read the thread, she acknowledge all these facts, but stated that at this point it was a matter of principle. If you think that this can turn out well, then i suggest that prehaps you have been living with humans. There is no way this can turn out well. anyone who has had any interperonal relations with other human beings can see that.

Yes. You're right.

But the OP is mature and empowered enough to make that decision herself.

If she isn't, well... That's how maturity is developed in life--by dealing with the consequences of one's own decisions.

You've made your point and she thanked you for your advice. She's made her decision. There's no need to convince the rest of us of your point because we already agree with you. No, it probably won't be fun. But it's still her decision to make.

I wasn't trying to convince anyone of anything, or questioning her decision. if you will note i was responding to somone who said i was making assumptions i was pointing out i wasn't making any factual assumptions.

second the OP's decision has nothing to do with the judgement of whether or not the game can turn out well. that is an issue seperate and apart from any decision she chooses to make or not make. one has nothing to do with other.

The OP has the answer to her question. There's really not much else to discuss, is there.

I agree. I think that people have given the OP more than enough advice. I think that the OP is now free to have cake and eat it too.

Lantern Lodge

That being said, I wouldn't mind hearing from the Zergei about what character was been decided on, and how it goes over in the game.

For that matter, since we all clearly love drama and gossip about anonymous forum-goers, please give us details about any new conflicts or problems that arise. ;)

I am wondering if this is a new incarnation of all the other "bad dm/bad player" threads we have been getting...

The Op's first post was this thread with just enough input to get it to 209 posts...HMMM, usually the OP just starts it and watches the fun.

It will be interesting to see of the Op keeps posting or vanishes into the mists of the internet.

Zergei wrote:


HP: 125
AC: 22 (+12 Natural) -- when fused my AA goes from 9 to 36.
STR: 28
DEX: 17
CON: 18
INT: 7
WIS: 10
CHA: 11
BAB: +9
Evolutions: Bite, Bite Improved, Claws, Climb, Flight (Wings), INA(X3), Large Size, Limbs (Legs)x2, Reach (Bite), Trip (Bite), See in Darkness.

I'm deducing because of the way synthetics work it'll take my mental scores so the low scores do not matter.


Sorry if people already helped here, but I'll try to give input on this.

1. As you're going quadruped you will want one of your LImb evolutions to be arms, if not both of them. This will make it so that you can still cast your spells.

1.2. Also, as you're quadruped you get the awesomeness that is Pounce. IT IS AMAZING. Get it and love being able to charge and still make full attacks.

2. Seeing as you're going the trip route, obviously one of the feats for your summoner might want to be Improved Trip.

3. I'd be tempted to make the Flight magical if not just for better maneuverability.

4. Not sure how you set your summoner's base stats from this, but if possible try to make your physical scores your "dump stats". Including your 2.

5. See in Darkness might be alright, but you're auto getting darkvision through your eidolon, so unless you DM likes to toss Darkness at you, I might suggest something other than that. (Lots of good choices. Perhaps scent, swim, gills, immunity or maybe even the increase ability one.)

6. Remember that you can still cast Mage Armor, so your AC will go up even higher.

7. If any of them offer it, try to pick a wildkin that is immune to sleep effects. Also, if you have a wizard or sorcerer in your party, try talking them into picking up Keep Watch. The longer you keep your eidolon up the better off you'll be.

8. Spell wise you'll definitely want to pick up rejuvenate eidolon and especially evolution surge (if that's the name....surge is in the name I'm sure.)

9. Remember that you can't really wear armor (or benefit from it) when your eidolon is up.

10. It has been shown by one of the game creators that you can indeed take the Extra Evolution feat, so there is another point for you if you want to use a feat on it.

11. Other feat possibilities: Improved Grapple. Get this and the Grab evolution, use it with arms of course. Then you could pick up rake and start making grabbed creatures lives sucky. Iron Will could be useful for you, as a synth summoner you really don't want to fail will saves. Dodge and Toughness could help make you a bit more survivable. I can't recall the name, but there's a feat that you get to make an attack of opportunity if you successfully trip a person. With that, combat reflexes might be good for you as well.

12. Not sure what you want to do skill wise... but as it looks right now, you're not going to have very much.

Anyways, hope this helps. :)

Good luck with your summoner.

Be sure to let us know how the first session went!

ub3r_n3rd wrote:
Maxximilius wrote:
ub3r_n3rd wrote:
So no, the reasonable answer here is to answer the ONLY question at hand - which the OP asked - and come up with some constructive means of playing a character with a 2 in its stat-block.

This kind of character requires an awesome group and constructive GM in order to be viable, the lattest lacking from what we've been told. All this theorycrafting and minimaxing which has already been done by other people and don't need confirmation by myself means nothing when the guy supposed to tell and direct the story is already hating your guts with a passion and arbitrarily putting sticks in your wheels.

You are not helping someone who wants a viable character if she does not even have a viable group to begin with. Playing a synthesist will mean she gets to play a character that can stand on its own on specific situations; that means the DM now has a character that he didn't want to be viable yet is standing on her own, and he will just have to wait one or two sessions for these specific situations to rise instead of screwing with her right in the first combat. That looks so much hyper fun and candy cool awesome.

So yet again I affirm it: the only way to play this character is to play it in another game. Whether the OP does not want to -actually- hear it is her problem, and I'm sure otherwise it will become obvious in due time.

We actually don't have any background by the OP on the rest of the group and how awesome they are. You are making assumptions and not helping at all with the lack of advice other than to "run the other direction and leave this group." That's not helpful to someone who wants to play in this group with the vast majority being close friends. So your argument is supposition and conjecture at this point when talking about the group as a whole.

The synthesist is probably the most viable choice in order to make a survivable character where that 2 means little to nothing. So do YOU have any other character-related advice on what else...

We don't NEED any background information.

This is a disaster waiting to happen.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Ganryu wrote:

We don't NEED any background information.

This is a disaster waiting to happen.

Of course it is. Why do you think I want to hear what happens?

Apart from all the synthesist options, and the 2 in one of the mental stats options (which I don't like, as it would be terrible to roleplay), there's also the 2 dex oracle. It has been mentioned before, but no-one else seems to have picked up on it, so it's worth stating again.

An oracle of nature can use their cha instead of dex for the purpose of AC and CMD, while an oracle of lore can use their cha instead of dex for AC and reflex saves. The latter seems stronger to me, but they're both decent, and you'll be left with dex only making a difference to initiative and either reflex or CMD. If you take the lame curse, having terrible dex even sort of makes sense. Thus, you get a perfectly playable spellcaster with terrible initiative and one glaring defensive weakness (CMD), and some other above average defenses (AC and reflex).

soupturtle wrote:

Apart from all the synthesist options, and the 2 in one of the mental stats options (which I don't like, as it would be terrible to roleplay), there's also the 2 dex oracle. It has been mentioned before, but no-one else seems to have picked up on it, so it's worth stating again.

An oracle of nature can use their cha instead of dex for the purpose of AC and CMD, while an oracle of lore can use their cha instead of dex for AC and reflex saves. The latter seems stronger to me, but they're both decent, and you'll be left with dex only making a difference to initiative and either reflex or CMD. If you take the lame curse, having terrible dex even sort of makes sense. Thus, you get a perfectly playable spellcaster with terrible initiative and one glaring defensive weakness (CMD), and some other above average defenses (AC and reflex).

Can also take the noble scion feat to have initiative based on Dex as well. I actually really like the idea of a lame oracle with an insanely low Dex (that barely matters mechanically) just for the flavour of it. I'd even suggest that this oracle is actually using crutches to get around. (Maybe take Catch Off Guard and use them as improvised weapons.)

But I do believe the OP said a couple times already that she's going to play a summoner.

Ah, I missed that. I always get lost on who the OP is in these long threads. :P

How is this even a conversation?

Dude, just tell the GM "No".

Love how everyone seems to think that when they advise her to quit that she will listen to them. It is obvious that she won't. And said she won't from the beginning.

As to synthesis, I recommend the feat that allows you to keep your eidolon active while you sleep. That way your protected even then.

A bad idea doesn't become a good idea on the basis that you simply decided to roll with it. :p

Dark Archive

soupturtle wrote:

Apart from all the synthesist options, and the 2 in one of the mental stats options (which I don't like, as it would be terrible to roleplay), there's also the 2 dex oracle. It has been mentioned before, but no-one else seems to have picked up on it, so it's worth stating again.

An oracle of nature can use their cha instead of dex for the purpose of AC and CMD, while an oracle of lore can use their cha instead of dex for AC and reflex saves. The latter seems stronger to me, but they're both decent, and you'll be left with dex only making a difference to initiative and either reflex or CMD. If you take the lame curse, having terrible dex even sort of makes sense. Thus, you get a perfectly playable spellcaster with terrible initiative and one glaring defensive weakness (CMD), and some other above average defenses (AC and reflex).

This was suggested earlier, but OP replied that she doesn't fancy playing an Oracle.

I don't know if multi-classing is another thing she isn't allowed to do, but a one level dip into Oracle is all that would be needed. I like the idea of a character with Dex 2 caused by the Wasting Curse, although it is the reverse of how a "normal" oracle works in theory - i.e. get a curse and become an oracle, rather than becoming an oracle and getting a curse.

Shifty wrote:
A bad idea doesn't become a good idea on the basis that you simply decided to roll with it. :p

Sometimes you simply have to go with a worst option, life isn't going to always work out for you. Those people who always run from difficult things will find themselves really great at running, but unable to take off their shoes when their laces are tied into messed up knot.

I admire the OP for choosing a more difficult road; and if her PC is still alive when all is said and done, she can have the grim satisfaction that she stood before a great wall of disparity, scaled it; and while she is standing at the top, she can roar her accomplishments with claws (catfolk maybe) held high!

Rogar Stonebow wrote:

Sometimes you simply have to go with a worst option, life isn't going to always work out for you.

And this just isn't one of those times, down-home and folksy as that wisdom may well be :)

1 person marked this as a favorite.
selunatic2397 wrote:

I am wondering if this is a new incarnation of all the other "bad dm/bad player" threads we have been getting...

The Op's first post was this thread with just enough input to get it to 209 posts...HMMM, usually the OP just starts it and watches the fun.

It will be interesting to see of the Op keeps posting or vanishes into the mists of the internet.

I had no intention of vanishing, there's just too many replies so far to reply to them all. >.>

I do thank everyone for both concern and advice, and we had our first session on Thursday. Nothing out of the ordinary. The DM is known for making power plays for certain events to happen which I've never understood cause I know a few DMs who do it. He 'skimmed' through my backstory which I didn't fully appreciate but I guess he obtained the basic gist of it, I'll post it here once my hero lab is done updating. (I'm terrible at structurally sound writing. Sorry for run-ons, fragments, etc)

I decided with the Catfolk synth, I didn't really understand which Feats I should've given myself and which evolutions to give my eidolan but there was a great deal of fun making it. I usually just simply RP or make characters with heavy RP elements and I deduce its why I can usually have fun even with the circumstances I may be in. I don't fancy Oracles simply cause the last time I played any sort of spell caster I gave myself a rough time. With the summoner I have very limited spells and mainly summon monster, and fused eidolan as my primary abilities.

I've never had the "best" charcater or the highest damage, or the most utility, I made this account actually several months ago and simply forgot about it. I've never min/max'd cause even though I understood the basic gist of it I didn't understand where people obtain these race/class/godlike combinations that resulted in being either batman, jesus, etc. But I know the depths of his intelligence, and outside of him just going "This happens cause I said it does." I don't think he has the ability to challenge me or the character.

Here's the backstory I came up with for the campaign.


Backstory: "Not all heroes are in the story books."
~The Queen

Not all stories have an ending, some are just new or humble beginnings. Such is the case for I'xioba, the most loyal of all of queen's original guard. However let's start from the beginning, I'xioba was just like any other catfolk during her youth as she played with children, and wandered as curiosity was a damned test during her childhood that she simply could not overcome, but she did as she became older. I'xioba still remembers the days of the surface dwelling, as the horrors and trials of the underground proved to be too much. I'xioba's family worked under the queen who both ended up losing their lives under orders. I'xioba did not resent anyone for this however, just simply understood that they died doing their duty. I'xioba had a great loyalty about her, even if she still had not overcome her own mischief. She ended up staying with the last family she had left which was her elderly grand mother, Fare but this was the catalyst of that fateful day.

As she came into her adolescence she was a 'gentlewoman' and quite dapper as it would seem. Many even exclaiming that she was the perfect blend of curiosity and courteousness. Not having many enemies and connected with many people quite easily with just her natural personality. She seeked to work with the queen as her parents did before her to prove that her loyalty was not in question. She consented to this, and she proved loyalty soundly. The queen would banter with I'xioba claiming that she was her second pair of eyes from time to time. And she loved her as any daughter would, and even at times regarded her as a second mother.

After a time going home to her elder, disaster struck and parts of the underground began to cave in and stones fell. During the climax she found I'xioba's elder pinned between the house and the earth and she did what she could to save her albeit at the cost of her own accord. The stones came thundering down atop of the house with I'xioba still inside. Everyone thought this was the end for him, people crowded and circled around to watch and see if she was alive. After a few minutes people began to lose hope, but then emerging from the rocks was the ebony furred feline. People cheered, but then gasped at her gruesome injury.

Her ankle, heel, and over all her feet crushed by the massive stones made a very bloody scene as she crawled out of the rubbled house. Her joints were bleeding at the bone, but completely disfigured. I'xioba grandmother elated but also saddened rushed to her aid and fellow wildkin in the village began to do anything they could for her recovery. Several years later her grandmother passes but leaves behind many ancient tomes, and books of magic of "Two becoming One and One becoming Two."

Shortly after she found these books the Queen herself took I'xioba in as she had no more family to go to, and they were slain by outside circumstances so she felt responsible being closest to the family to take care of the last Shadowclaw. Over the years past she still served beside the queen, but because of her injury she kept a non-combative role and still served with ambition, and absolute submission. She practiced arts of magic during her own private, and secluded time as when she was with her "mother" she gave her all of her effort, and attention.

One day she inquired to the queen if she could go to the badlands. Curious she asked why would she willingly go there when she has what she needs and wants here. I'xioba simply stated to her mother that she would like "to protect those who have had similar misfortune to her own just as her mother did before him." She smiled at this realizing that I'xioba was indeed a good person and she allowed her to venture stating that when she needs her eyes again, she will call for him... Or for her birthday.

I'xioba complied with a chuckle and a smile as she always did with her queen and ventured into the lands of exiles and began doing everything she could to aid them, never for glory or her own pride, but just as a true knight would, she protected and defended those she could with her life, and new found "gifts" from her grandmother.

"May she rest in true peace."


Liberty's Edge

MrSin wrote:
Zergei wrote:
@Little Skylark - For me specifically no, I don't get to re-roll. Everyone else does if they die. -____-
Your not welcome, your not treated well, and they force you to play a character who's gimped. You may need to talk about this because that's a mess you shouldn't have to deal with. Its mistreating you and no one deserves it.

You're not reading between the lines. She is simply complaining on internet about people. We don't really know how she behaves towards other people in the group.

Liberty's Edge

Genuine wrote:

That being said, I wouldn't mind hearing from the Zergei about what character was been decided on, and how it goes over in the game.

For that matter, since we all clearly love drama and gossip about anonymous forum-goers, please give us details about any new conflicts or problems that arise. ;)

Speak for yourself. This kind of immature drama is what ruins RPG'ing for players and DM's alike. This is especially bad for the DM's who put so much time in preparing the gae.

Lantern Lodge

Thorgal Ironfist wrote:
Genuine wrote:

That being said, I wouldn't mind hearing from the Zergei about what character was been decided on, and how it goes over in the game.

For that matter, since we all clearly love drama and gossip about anonymous forum-goers, please give us details about any new conflicts or problems that arise. ;)

Speak for yourself. This kind of immature drama is what ruins RPG'ing for players and DM's alike. This is especially bad for the DM's who put so much time in preparing the gae.

To be clear, I think it can be fun here, on the messageboards. At the table, yeah, not so much.

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