ddgon |
I like the new arctype, and the rage part means it is a way to get some of the best of Barb while still being a fighter.
For a fighter (or any char, really) from the North I think Endurance would be a good fluff feat coice. It gose from fluff to optimizing if the char adventures in cold (or really hot) areas. But is it worth the feat slot?
My build:
Human Fighter (Viking)
1. endurance (Human), Shield Focus Heavy Shield (1stLVL), Weapon Focus Battleaxe (figher1)
2. Intimidating Prowess
3. Power Attack
4. Weapon Specialization
after 4 not sure exactly what to focus on. Ether some shield feats (like Ray Shield) or Vital strike or something.
Second main question: What rage powers are good for a fighter? Don't need claws, a bite attack is cool but not sure it is the best option.

Turin the Mad |
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5th level feat: Raging Vitality <-- this is a MUST HAVE for a Viking. Extra CON while raging *and* can 'burn' rounds of rage when at negative hp? Yes please!
Ftr 6: Reckless Abandon rage power <-- the only rage power a Viking really needs. A viking's AC can get just gawdawful high, so cashiering a bit of AC for the all-important attack bonus is worth it.
For a Viking, I like (in no particular order):
Improved Critical (battleaxe)
Greater Weapon Focus (battleaxe)
Greater Shield Focus
Greater Weapon Specialization (battleaxe)
These four feats are your "must have" feats after 6th level, in no particular order of acquisition. I personally detest burning gp on the keen property when furious is of substantially greater value for the gp for a Viking's primary weapon.
Dazzling Display
Shatter Defenses
Deadly Stroke
These three feats play up on the Intimidation God that a Viking can be very, very well. I view Intimidation God as your secondary schtick - hacking off limbs with your trusty battleaxe is your primary. Cesti (get a pair of cold iron cestus) make excellent back up weapons in case your axe is removed from your possession for some reason.
Optional: Improved Sunder to go with Power Attack, Die Hard, Toughness, Missile Shield, Rage Power (Inspire Ferocity); Ray Shield has a pretty steep entry requirement, and whether or not you want to get it I suspect would be very campaign dependant.
The only thing you are missing out on as a Viking is the Fighter's weapon training class feature. Fortunately, rage goes a long way to making up for it, especially in combination with the furious property.

Major_Blackhart |
Personally, I would say go half-orc, get endurance as an alternative racial trait, and just go the deathless route for your maddog viking berserker.
But I love half-orcs!
Really, the Viking Archtype is great because of the buffs, and a number of the rage feats and powers are a great addition to this guy, plus the ability to get fighter only feats. I mean come on! Get yourself a nasty weapon and specialize the hell out of that bad boy! Then go with a shield and go TWF, and with Reckless Abandon and a few other rage powers/critical abilities, you have the chance to be a one man recking machine that's hard as hell to hit and hard as nails at the same time.