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Organized Play Member. 119 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.


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In one of the early scenarios for sfs there is a spaceship with the ability to launch fighter drones. Is there an option to have something like that on a pc ship? Could be automatically controlled by the ship or be controlled by people on the main ship like actual drones are done in real life ( even our real spacecraft). I am not saying they should be able to drift.

While not in most media, combat drones are in EVE.

dotting :)

Ok so vampires give 2 negative levels per slam, but don't get Temp HP. Could it be changed so they heal that way? the spell Vampire touch functions that way.

Also what about a spell that drains the blood right from an opponent? Or like in Skyrim where it is a Fireball AOE life Drain? Yes it sounds overpowered, but that really depends on the actual numbers involved.

yes the Book Winter Witch is the source of what I mentioned. And the small story in the Wayfinder that ties in to that story.

He used no scroll, and it seemed to be fairly common. Or at least not so out of the normal that they no one thought he could do it.

ok in the fiction students of the Arcane are able to attempt to summon Devils long before they should have access to the spell to allow them to do so. Is it a ritualized form of the spell that just takes longer to cast or what? It seems to be a very important part of the Academe, but by the rules it can't be done. Ideas?

Ok, so the Grater one is level 8(wizard/sorc) so you get it at level 15(or 16 if Sorc) and you get to control up to 18HD monster. So around your HD. Thats cool.

The normal on is level 6(wiz/sorc) so you get it at level 11(or 12Sorc) and you control upto 12HD monster. So just a lower level with an equaly lower cap, all seems good so far. Also note that the Grater is 2 spell levels above the normal.

The Lesser dosn't fit the pattern. It is just one level lower then the normal (odd in it'self) and you get it at level 9(or 10Sorc) and can control up to 6HD monser? The others have the creature at or slightly above your HD, at least for the max. With Grater you can bind an Imp (technicaly, why you would use a level 8 spell to do so is beyond me, but you CAN). anyway, It just seems odd.

Possable fixes, make Lesser level 4 spell and cap HD at 8HD. Possably with a level 2 verison that catps at 4HD (ok not sure what creatures you can bind that are 4HD but it would follow the pattern regardless).

Ideas? thoughts? Or am I crazy?

I like the idea of summoning elementals for a wizard, they feel very arcane. But they are not on every summon list, and thats not fun. Any ideas to improve them or how to modify them?

The 8 Schools of Magic (as devided up in the Wizard's spell list)

The book says the Staff of the Master as 8 versions, but only shows us one of them (Necromancy). I think it is a cool staff, but what do you think the other versions would look like? Or just pick a lvl 1, a lvl2 and a lvl 3 spell from the school in question?

I like the new arctype, and the rage part means it is a way to get some of the best of Barb while still being a fighter.

For a fighter (or any char, really) from the North I think Endurance would be a good fluff feat coice. It gose from fluff to optimizing if the char adventures in cold (or really hot) areas. But is it worth the feat slot?

My build:
Human Fighter (Viking)
1. endurance (Human), Shield Focus Heavy Shield (1stLVL), Weapon Focus Battleaxe (figher1)
2. Intimidating Prowess
3. Power Attack
4. Weapon Specialization

after 4 not sure exactly what to focus on. Ether some shield feats (like Ray Shield) or Vital strike or something.

Second main question: What rage powers are good for a fighter? Don't need claws, a bite attack is cool but not sure it is the best option.

maybe the Viking archtype, it gives your fighter rage and works with a shield. Less damage but could be fun.

note, having played a twohander figher, the damage is crazy, any non giant/boss dead before I even rolled dice, and the DM cried when I crit. However I died a ton, and the shield fighter stayed alive longer.

I think they made a game out of that book, oh yes they did. :) One of the first Roleplaying games ever. Also a great book.

as to pathfinder stuff...... Cha bonuses? Bunnies survive by outnumbering their enemies, which when most carnavores think your lunch is quite a statement.

Note the + cha may be due to public perseption of someone playing a bunny... as at least 1 company made lots of money advertizing it.

Ok so I was looking in the books wanting to make a cool shield. Knowing that fighters have issues with ranged unless they pull out a ranged weapon or can fly (which is really expensive) I tried to add a ranged attack to a shield.

Am I right that if I want a Command word Item that dose Magic Missle at Caster Level 5 (3d4+3 damage) it would be: ( 1(Spell level) X 5(caster level) X 1800 ) Devided by (5/2) for two times a day? Thats fairly cheep for a solid spell. And This can be added to a shield that is magical without a cost increase (as in the cost of the shield before this enchat dose not affect the cost of the enchant)

or did I do it wrong? Cus shields like this would be fun :)

I know that the Summoning spells are great, but at low level you summon then do what for the next few rounds of combat? If you are not trying to blow all your spells at once, can seem hard to contribute.

I know the problem will decrease once you get more spells.

Also, should a Wizzard that summons buff his/her summons? and there are few low level buffs that can be applied, whats up with that?

One of the few things I like about 4th ed is that tanks (normaly melee fighter types) have ways to keep bad guys on them. In Pathfinder, you can build a typical sword and bord char, and then see him never hit cus the bad guys know the wizard is easyer to hit. You can't force them to try to attack you (the intimidate stuff is fairly weak), so there is no MMORPG tanking.

So how broken would marks be?

What level would a spell that gives summoned monsters (yours or even just allies and not summons) like +1d6(fire/cold/acid)??

Or would it be more of a feat to empower summons? thinking wizard summons.

Just thought I would add one thing, it is in the rules that you can add to the Summon Monster list. In Inner Sea Magics it is one thing you can get from an acadamy. Really cool and fun. Allows for more unique summons.

Is the 100g per spell level worth it for advanced template? It seems that you would go though a lot of gold in gems.

Also I like how you can add scorpions to the list :) Str posion that could acutaly be usefull. Plus other fun monsters.

Really makes me want to see what the abilities would be for a non conjuration school (I love conjuration, however for a magic school game it would be better if players had different focuses)

I get the specilization thing, however the iconics from MTG are fairly biased on what colors they use. Most use just a few (for the most part). Few of them regularly use all five. Not counting colorless because they all would use that.

To be honest I did not notice the BAB or the armor not interfearing, might as well let them get the armor feets as they level up. That changes things, as the first few levels are easyer with armor and weapons.

What about spells that add mana, such as a lot of Black spells that cost life points (HP) for mana? Like Dark Ritual? Such could be very usefull, or as an ability. Growth for gree, counter for blue, some bolt for red, a heal for white maybe?

I'm not sure I am reading the class right, but it seems to me that at level 1 you can have 3 laylines (mana) and your spell costs 2 mana, so you can cast 1 spell once a day. That is lower then ether Wiz or Sorc. They add stat bonus spells (int or cha of 12 gives 1 bonus first level slot). also spelization helps them. Granted at level 2 they get 3 spells when the others get 2.

Do they start with any laylines? Because the way I read it they need to go out and clear land, without anyway to clear it of hostiles. Granted, they could claim peacefull lands I guess. I see this class being the typle that needs to keep exploring hexes and that leads to great adventures.

Perhaps a base line ability (think school power, bloodline power) that they get baised upon the primary color they pick. Like a blast or attack for red, a zombie for black, a dog for green or sort. Something they can do several times a day.

also what about cantrips? do they get them? are they free or cost mana? do they start with any?

Sorry for the questions, I really like the idea.

I like the idea of a MTG style caster. I always saw them as high (17+) wiz or sorcs. But thats just me. If you want to play that uniqe style of land magic, I think you are doing a good job creating that system.

a few things I disagree with: Abjuration is white/blue, as all Dispell(read: Counterspell) are inside of it. In MTG, counterspell is a blue card. Healing should be available to white, and every caster can summon creatures. MTG battles are basicaly your Planswalker summoning minons to kill the other guy (and his minons).

Also that is very few spells per level, with no way to learn more. But great start.

Is there a guide to necromancy out there for pathfinder rules?

I like how in the Ultimite equpipment book it has several Apprentance items. What would an Apprentance robe (lesser Archmage robe) beable to do, and for what cost? SR? Armor? Spells?

I have Ultimate magic and I see under the preconstructed spellbooks they have some little bonuses called preperation Rituals. How do you make them, and what is the cost related to them? Do they all scale up or it is only for a given level?

Basicaly, they put something cool in the book, but nothing on how to make or tweek it. I think it is a cool addition (and Maguses should be able to use it as well)

So ya, how do they work? how do you make them?

Acutaly you get 4 First level spells a day, if you focus into a school of magic. (1 for being level 1, 2 from high Int, and 1 from spelized school of magic)

and 3 Cantrips, which you never run out of.

Oh and any Scrolls you may have. You have the feat to make them, and they are fairly cheep.

sweet. Any stories about them? I did think it was odd you get the Lesser then next spell level get the normal. With a huge HD differance. 6HD minon at 7th or 8th level is still powerful.

3hd? left with some odd choices and small elementals. Very fun. Could totaly see some WOW warlock types. They have demons as pets. Sure in this system it is differant, but if ones goals are same as that you call (or cha check is good enough) it could work.

So ya, thanks for the reply. I know they are not 'pets' but you can make them defend and protect you for x days. Fairly usefull for an adventureing person.

Lesser Planar Binding is level 5 spell, so wizards get it at level 9. They already have Magic Circle vs Alinment and Demenional Anchor. What level would least be? 3 or 4? If it is 3 what HD limit? Wizards get 3ed level spells at 5th level so likely not 5HD but maybe 4? But then they wait four levels for 2 more HD?

Ideas? Basicaly wanting to get into summoning and haveing a pet before 9th level. I know scrolls can allow you to do it before 9th.

Protection from Evil is a lvl 1 spell that dose 3 things. The part I'm interested in is the no mind controle part. How much would this be as an item. It is a level one spell after all.

I know this completely ruins at least 1 school of magic, but is it possable to make this item?

The DC is fairly high, but can be a usefull ability. At level 1, with Con 14 and Rat Familer and a trait for fort you can get +5, which means that 45% of the time you make the save (for a level one spell, which at level 1 is all you can cast).

At level 3 you should have a cape to add 1 to that, as well as a class bonus of 1 so a save of +7. DC of 17 means you are 50%.

At level three, being able to full round cast SM2 and the next round fast cast means you can get 2 Hell Hounds to show up and attack/breath that round. Very deadly at that level. Granted, you have to worship a LE God and are likely LN or LE yourself. And you use 2 of your 3 second level spells for the day. But for some campians it could be worth it.

d20PFSRD.com local feats. It comes from the Crimson Thrones player guide.


Have you looked over the Acadame Graduate feat? Would it be worth focusing on Fort save for that Feat for a Conjouration mage?

Also, I know that a starting Int of 20 is nice, but is it absulutly needed at the start?

I understand that point. I'm not asking about that wizard college exactly, as it focuses in Conjuration. Other colleges focus in other schools, what would be an equal ability for the other schools?

I like the feat, but it is only for 1 school of magic. I think the other 7 should have something simular to help a new wizard out. What would they look like, or even attempt to do though?

Anyone have good non-Conjurer wizard ideas? I know Conjurer is good, but that is why I want some that are not focused into that. Perferably Low level builds (all wizards get good with high level spells)

Been wondering, Conjuorers get a feat that lets them summun as a standard action (fort save) but what other Graduating feats could there be?

Also any Wizard College ideas? any Pathfinder core info on such?

Is a priest a cleric/Orical? Or can a wizard be a Priest? That is my question. If you are from Chiliax, then Asmodeus followers are common. It is the offical religon, after all. Sure it's evil, but it is also accepted. Plus adventures are basicaly killers for hire as is.

So can a wizard be a priest of Asmodeus?

Ok, so it says in the D20PFSRD that a Hell Hound is an alternet for summon monster 2. I know it is evil, but that creature is awsome compaired to the other stuff that Summon Monster gets. It has as many HP as some SM3 creatures, and has an AOE breath attack, as well as immunities.

Would it become findish or no? Would it get the extra HP from trait?

Is this supost to be only for special clerics or something? Because this makes an awsome summon. Who needs a Fiendsh hyena when you can get this? It is normaly on the SM4 list, so clearly overpowered at level 3. Oddly it is a CR 3, so when you first get it your party could kill it as a soid encounter.

So is it something an evil wizard should beable to summon or no? (as Sm2, no question about it with SM4)

Ok, is a Magic Missle wizard a good or really bad one trick pony? With a trait, I can use Maximze at lvl 5, or Empower at 3. With the feats Spell focus (evocation) spell Spelization at level 1 (human) it is 2d4+2+1(evoker bonus) damage.

The idea was after level 1 to take Spell Pen and Greater Spell pen as lvl 2 and 5 feats, and a metamagic. Which meta is better for this spell, maximize or Empower (or another one I overlooked?)?

The way I see it, the bonus with MM is that there is no attack roll, no save, and only SR. The feats are geared toward SR (which if you want to do damage you might as well get). Only one feet helps only MM, the others can be used to help other spells, like Fireball and Sorching ray (at a bit higher level because of metamagic).

What are non-spellcasters to do while Wizards and other magic user's use magic item feats to make money? I know they can adventure, but is there a way they can made gold during downtime? Crafting a Masterwork weapon takes about 4 to 5 weeks, for a lvl 5 char with high int, so it is not close to the 1k per day the Wizards can make. So ideas?

What happened to it? It made it so you could have a shield and weapon and still have light. I know you can just cast Contunual Flame on your shield or hat or such, but still.

Ok not sure were to put this question. I heard from a friend that there was a feat or trait (not sure which) that would allow a Magus to use Dex for to hit and Damage, and take less then 2 feat slots (Weapon Finness and Devilsih Dancer, which is in an odd book)

Or is Devilish Dancer being moved to a more core book?

thanks :)

where in the FAQ or errata is that?

It says that sheild bashing is an off hand attack, is this true even if it is the only weapon you are attacking with that round? Also is two weapon fighting still needed for Shield Slam Feat?

Also if you have improved Bull rush, and grater, do the +2 apply to Bull rushes that happen from Shield Slam or not?

Looking over the weapon table I noticed that only the Trident was a onehanded weapon with the brace property. the shortspear dose not have this, and the spear and longspear both do, but they are twohanded weapons. So a trident only as brace so long as you don't take off the two side prongs?? Is this an error??

Also, didn't most common militaries in the day use Pikes or other reach-spear type weapons a lot? Or did they utlize shilds and sword (which in this system is soo bad :( )

I looked into this recently, and it seems that to create a CR2 Iron Cobra you need 2 LVL 6 spells and 1 LVL 8 one. You could buy scrolls and attempt to cast them, but it seems most have a CL of at least 11 as a basic requirement. It seems that making Golams is an NPC thing because by the time you can make them, they are no longer a real threat to you. Unless there was a way to make them at lvl5 (when you can get the feat) without having to make checks on scrolls and to be able to make creatures who CR is not so low that is it pointless.

I realize that was a runon sentance. But the point is, it is fairly pointless to make Golams because the CR of the creation is too low compaired to the CL needed. You have to be lvl 11-16 to beable to make the CR 8 ones. Sure if you want the best Golams it works, but somehow I don't think you are that high lvl.

I would like to see wizards beable to create constructs at earlyer lvls that can help them. But not sure how you can with the rules :(

Are they both the same race, like Human or Half Orc?

If yes, then the main differance is the gear they have on them. The skeletons are going to be 1HD with bad stats. I don't think you get the fighers actual stats (I know you don't get the stat bonuses from leving up), you get an array of 10s, and if your DM is nice a +2 to something.

This is the main reason I think Animating undead is bad, because you have to find bigger and bigger monsters to animate or they are so weak they don't really matter in a fight.

If you take Craft Wondrous Items at lvl 3 and Arms and Armor at 5 then with your wizard bonus feat you can pick Craft Construct, but I can't find any constructs that you could make at that level? they all requre higher level spells then a 5th level can cast. Am I missing something?

Ok here is what I got at level 5, useing a 20point buy and Level 5 Wealth guidelines. The Bite is a Primary attack, as are the claws, so if he dose not attack with a weapon, they are all at the highest BAB. So doing the math I found his damage output while ranging to be decent.

Barbarian LVL 5 Half-Orc
STR 21 +5
DEX 14 +2
CON 14 +2
INT 12 +1
WIS 12 +1
CHA 7 -2
HP: 46
DR 2
Fire Resistance 1
Fort: 6 (4+2Con)
Ref: 3 (1+2Dex)
Will: 4 (1+2Will+1Trait)
Speed: 30F (med load)
AC: 17 (10+2Dex+5Armor)
Attacks: Bab 5
Attack: +11 1d4+6
Attack: +10 1d12+7
PA axe
Attack: +8 1d12+13
Full attack
Axe +10 1d12+7 / bite +6 1d4+3
PA Full attack
Axe +8 1d12+13 / bite +4 1d4+5
Acrobatics +8 (5Ranks+2Dex+3Class-3Armor+1Racial)
Climb: 10 (5rank+4Str+3Class-3Armor+1Racial)
Knowledge (Nature): 5 (1Rank+1Int+3Clas)
Perception: 7 (4Rank+1Wis+3Class)
Survival: 9 (5Rank+1Wis+3Class)
Swim: 9 (5Rank+4Str+3Class-3Armor)
Feats: Power Attack, Weapon Focus Claw, Weapon Focus Bite
Traits: Berserker of the Society, Indomitable Faith
Rage 10 times a day
Rage Power: Lesser Beast Totem, Raging Leaper
Invunerable Rager
Great Axe (g), Masterwork Scale Mail (g), Belt of Str +2, Amulet of Mighty Fists +1
Toothy and Rock Climber Racials

Barbarian LVL 5 Half-Orc RAGING
STR 25 +7
DEX 14 +2
CON 18 +4
INT 12 +1
WIS 12 +1
CHA 7 -2
HP: 56
DR 2
Fire Resistance 1
Fort: 8 (4+4Con)
Ref: 3 (1+2Dex)
Will: 4 (1+2Will+1Trait)
Speed: 30F (med load)
AC: 15 (10+2Dex+5Armor-2ranging)
Attacks: Bab 5
Attack: +13 1d4+8
Attack: +13 1d6+8
PA Claw
Attack: +11 1d6+12
Full attack
2Claws +13 1d6+8 / bite +13 1d4+8
PA Full attack
2Claws +11 1d6+12 / bite +11 1d4+12
Acrobatics +11 (5Ranks+2Dex+3Class-4Armor+1Racial+4LVL)
Climb: 11 (5rank+6Str+3Class-4Armor+1Racial)
Knowledge (Nature): 5 (1Rank+1Int+3Clas)
Perception: 6 (4Rank+1Wis+3Class)
Survival: 6 (5Rank+1Wis+3Class)
Swim: 10 (5Rank+6Str+3Class-4Armor)
Feats: Power Attack, Weapon Focus Claw, Weapon Focus Bite
Traits: Berserker of the Society, Indomitable Faith
Rage 10 times a day
Rage Power: Lesser Beast Totem
Invunerable Rager
Great Axe (g), Masterwork Scale Mail (g), Amulet of Mighty Fists
Toothy and Rock Climber Racials

For a Paladin would two-handed weapons (Greatsword) be a great way to go or the standared Longsword and Shield path? I see the Shield giving 2 to 5 points of AC at the cost of a fair amout of damage, starting at level 1.

Stats would be 20 Point Buy, and likely human with
Str 18
Cha 16
Dex 12
and int at 8 everything else at 10. Feats would focus on Lay on Hands (more of them and the feat that gives you +1 Attack when you use LOH).

Also, I know that mounts are rarly used, but any advice on a mounted Paladin? Or is it something that just isn't worth playing because so much of the game (fights) happen indoors?

Would letting them use a ritual to create and controle 1 Undead of Skeleton or Zombie type wtih HD equal to the creater's level be broken? Like a Fast Zombie (human) with 3 more HD for a level 5 Antipaladin insted of the Divine bond weapon thing?

It would make skeletans and zombies that are meaning full as you level up. As it is you have to look for really large creatures to reanimate and they get outdated and are hard to replace. This would allow a Necro type to have a pet that is at least able to keep up.

Also thinking about giving it Proffinacy with one melee weapon (the player still has to pay for the weapons...)

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