Quandary |

nice, i like that it has a strong Pathfinder/3.x feel while not necessarily following every mechanic slavishly...
at least for wizards, it still feels like vancian on a faster refresh/day cycle, with buffed up cantrips...
what is the refresh/day cycle, is it the 4hr game day, or faster than that? on the 2nd spellbook (parallel refresh) feat:
i assume it would be at a lesser slot pyramid progression than your 1st spellbook refresh feat,
certainly for the highest level spells, so it wouldn't immediately double all your spellslots?
the blog said the # of spells seems worse than tabletop, but since tabletop refresh is 24 hours,
i don't really see that to be remotely true...? (not to mention buffed up cantrips)
how is refreshing otherwise constrained?, i assume it takes enough time so can't do it in combat,
maybe you can't take any damage during the refresh or it starts over?
it was said you can swap out keywords on the fly... but does that take time out of combat?
otherwise you can just macro-hotkey each spell to be cast with optimal keywords for just that spell, breaking the point of slotting specific keywords...?
you mentioned switching between evoker/necromancer 'class feature passive feat' (better name please!),
i assume that takes time to do, i.e. non-combat... is it also an option to slot BOTH school passive powers?
how does "multiclassing" casters work you would need both caster class features slotted to cast from both of them?
would 'multiclassing' casters use different wands/etc for each class, as well as needing to slot 2x 'passive spellcasting class feature'?
how would that look compared to a 'single class' caster, would the 'multiclasser' have more spellslots each refresh (separate refreshes) but perhaps lower power?
re: concern of spellcasting being THE 'dip' option for light armor characters, having other wondrous item choices which conflict with spellbooks seems part of the equation there...
re: 'arcane weapons' (wands, please just call them wands even if they are in weapon slot) not working well conceptually with UMD,
i could see some of them coming with 'free' known cantrips similar to how headbands of INT come with free skills and for these wands it would make sense for UMD to be able to activate the included free cantrip...?
re: illusions being art intense it seems pretty easy to limit them to real objects/creatures/effects already in the game with existing art (which you can select ala clipart) and that gives a concrete reference for what your illusion is OF...? although illusion is a sticky subject regardless though, so i can understand limiting it, but if it can be pulled off i think it really has good potential to enrich the game.

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Using the spellbook will replace my weapon attacks? What if I want to stab someone between castings? Will I need to Refresh the book, change back to a weapon and then waste another refresh to get the rest of my spells? Am I limited to cantrips in combat instead of using cold steel, while my spellbook is in effect?
Also, if I want a particular spell more than once, does that mean I need to put more than one copy in my book, or will having it there once allow multiple castings?

Quandary |

i do kind of think that for wizards/prepared casters they should 'set' their metamagic keywords when they prepare a spellbook, it shouldn't be 'on the fly' separate from that. if players want to 'leave a slot open' they could add one at a later point though. perhaps there can be specific options allowing for 'on the fly' metamagic keywords but the default letting you switch them all around before each battle just weakens the point of having a set number you can access at any one point, and goes further from the tabletop experience... having a signifigant time period to switch metamagic words would help, but tying it to spellbook preparation seems like a good and simple approach. now, sorcerors should be masters of on the fly flexibility...

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Like what I read, most concerns seem to be adressed, casting seems a fun and dedicated system, customisation possibilities seem huge.
But I would have liked to hear about combat casting/concentration, as this is a huge thing to balance casters to non casters (i.e. if someone is in melee with you, will you be mostly unable to cast spells or will it hardly matter).

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Using the spellbook will replace my weapon attacks? What if I want to stab someone between castings? Will I need to Refresh the book, change back to a weapon and then waste another refresh to get the rest of my spells? Am I limited to cantrips in combat instead of using cold steel, while my spellbook is in effect?
This was a little confusing to me, too, which is why I asked for more detail. I still don't understand how we'll switch between using our Wand/Staff and casting Spells. I have to believe I'll be able to easily continue attacking with my Wand/Staff in between casting Spells, but this blog sure makes it sound like I'll have to use a Refresh to activate my Spellbook.
Also, if I want a particular spell more than once, does that mean I need to put more than one copy in my book, or will having it there once allow multiple castings?
I think the blog addressed this directly:
So, say a starting wizard acquires a spellbook with a 3rd level spell, a 2nd level spell, and three 1st level spells. That wizard only has two 1st level slots. The 3rd and 2nd level spells will begin grayed out and unavailable: the wizard can't cast them yet. All three 1st level spells will be usable, however. When the wizard casts one of them, it also will gray out because it has now been used. The wizard could then cast either of the remaining spells, but then he'd be out of slots and the whole book would gray out. After using a Refresh, both the slots and used spells in the book would reset.
I imagine we'll be able to put the same spell in a book multiple times. That would seem to be very equivalent to preparing three Fireballs, for example. However, considering that our Spells will be very powerful, I wouldn't be surprised if they only allowed a single copy of a particular Spell in a given Spellbook, and used that as a balancing factor, but I consider this much less likely.

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Kalmyel Stedwethren wrote:Using the spellbook will replace my weapon attacks? What if I want to stab someone between castings? Will I need to Refresh the book, change back to a weapon and then waste another refresh to get the rest of my spells? Am I limited to cantrips in combat instead of using cold steel, while my spellbook is in effect?This was a little confusing to me, too, which is why I asked for more detail. I still don't understand how we'll switch between using our Wand/Staff and casting Spells. I have to believe I'll be able to easily continue attacking with my Wand/Staff in between casting Spells, but this blog sure makes it sound like I'll have to use a Refresh to activate my Spellbook.
So, I've been thinking about this, and while there's certainly not enough information in the blog for me to assert this with confidence, my suspicion is that the spellbook takes up one of the four Refresh Ability Slots on your toolbar (Keys 7-10) because it is filled with Refresh-based abilities (spells). I don't think the spellbook itself is limited per refresh.

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Sintaqx wrote:I dunno about a combat thing, but I'd like to see this being something done to supplement siege warfare against settlements. Have a circle of X mages get together to rain meteors down on the town walls like a living trebuchet.Thanks for the response, Stephen.
Another thought crossed my mind while working a bit of my own wizardry on a particularly obstinate server. Has there been any consideration on ritual spells, circle magic, or coven magic? Could a group of casters collaborate to rain fire and brimstone (fireball heightened by the combined keywords, etc) down on a group of targets? Something that would be more effective than each casting their own spell and increasing the magical turbulence?
Possibly, I think it loses one of the key balancing points of seige engines though. (I could be guessing here though) but at least per my pre-concieved notions, the idea of seige engines is for them to be slow and difficult to get into position. IE wizards don't particularly fall into that category primarally because unless when they have the group spell equipped they move slowly etc... That isn't to say there aren't ways to balance it however, maybe if the cast time were slow enough (IE a couple of minutes in which the wizards need to be protected could do the trick)

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Dario wrote:Possibly, I think it loses one of the key balancing points of seige engines though. (I could be guessing here though) but at least per my pre-concieved notions, the idea of seige engines is for them to be slow and difficult to get into position. IE wizards don't particularly fall into that category primarally because unless when they have the group spell equipped they move slowly etc... That isn't to say there aren't ways to balance it however, maybe if the cast time were slow enough (IE a couple of minutes in which the wizards need to be protected could do the trick)Sintaqx wrote:I dunno about a combat thing, but I'd like to see this being something done to supplement siege warfare against settlements. Have a circle of X mages get together to rain meteors down on the town walls like a living trebuchet.Thanks for the response, Stephen.
Another thought crossed my mind while working a bit of my own wizardry on a particularly obstinate server. Has there been any consideration on ritual spells, circle magic, or coven magic? Could a group of casters collaborate to rain fire and brimstone (fireball heightened by the combined keywords, etc) down on a group of targets? Something that would be more effective than each casting their own spell and increasing the magical turbulence?
I would expect it to have a setup time (preparing the site of the ritual) and a long cast time (it's a ritual). Also, much more vulnerable than a seige engine, since killing a player is much easier than attacking a structure.

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So, I've been thinking about this, and while there's certainly not enough information in the blog for me to assert this with confidence, my suspicion is that the spellbook takes up one of the four Refresh Ability Slots on your toolbar (Keys 7-10) because it is filled with Refresh-based abilities (spells). I don't think the spellbook itself is limited per refresh.
Nihimon wrote:I'm a little confused. Previously, Spellbooks were to occupy Refresh Slots directly. Could you give us a little more detail on what Wondrous Item slots are? Are they hotbar slots like Refresh Slots and Utility Slots? Is the "Spellbook" Refresh feat simply a spellbook that we've placed in a Refresh Slot?Hmm, could've sworn we'd mentioned that previously. Wondrous Item slots are gear slots that you use for items that don't otherwise have a body location. There might ultimately be a big array of things to go in there, but initially it will at least include Bags of Holding and Spellbooks. You only get two, so effectively equipping a Spellbook means you're not increasing your encumbrance with a Bag of Holding or doing something else cool.
That seems pretty clear. We'll be able to equip a maximum of two Spellbooks, and doing so will have an opportunity cost of not equipping other Wondrous Items.
And then, from the blog:
When you use your wizard's "Spellbook" Refresh feat, your weapon attacks are replaced by the spells from the spellbook.
I expect I wasn't very clear about what was confusing me, so Stephen didn't know how to clear up my confusion. Hopefully, this explains it a little better and he can clarify:
1. How do we activate a Spellbook?
2. Are we limited in the number of "Spellbook" Refresh feats we can use?
3. How will we toggle back and forth between our Spellbook and using our Wand/Staff?

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This blog looks great! Thanks for the write-up and the clarifications in this thread, Stephen. I never really understood spell casters in the PnP, but this blog makes me want to roll a wizard =P
Sintaqx wrote:I dunno about a combat thing, but I'd like to see this being something done to supplement siege warfare against settlements. Have a circle of X mages get together to rain meteors down on the town walls like a living trebuchet.Thanks for the response, Stephen.
Another thought crossed my mind while working a bit of my own wizardry on a particularly obstinate server. Has there been any consideration on ritual spells, circle magic, or coven magic? Could a group of casters collaborate to rain fire and brimstone (fireball heightened by the combined keywords, etc) down on a group of targets? Something that would be more effective than each casting their own spell and increasing the magical turbulence?
I also have concerns about siege capabilities, but I certainly hope to see unit formations that use magical attacks in battle much like you describe.

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Agreed. There was some information on sorcs in this one at least, but the later half was all about the books and wizards specifically it sounded like. Curious on the differences myself (and always preferred sorcs personally) and how they plan to make the two different and unique with the mechanics presented thus far while keeping it balanced and fair.
If a wizard can lose everything by losing their spellbook, but the sorc doesn't have that same weakness...I suspect they're going to be much more restricted somehow. That said, they're already going to probably be missing the huge versatility a wizard has by swapping books which might even it out in itself. Hard to say though.

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So, say a starting wizard acquires a spellbook with a 3rd level spell, a 2nd level spell, and three 1st level spells. That wizard only has two 1st level slots. The 3rd and 2nd level spells will begin grayed out and unavailable: the wizard can't cast them yet. All three 1st level spells will be usable, however. When the wizard casts one of them, it also will gray out because it has now been used. The wizard could then cast either of the remaining spells, but then he'd be out of slots and the whole book would gray out. After using a Refresh, both the slots and used spells in the book would reset.
I imagine we'll be able to put the same spell in a book multiple times. That would seem to be very equivalent to preparing three Fireballs, for example. However, considering that our Spells will be very powerful, I wouldn't be surprised if they only allowed a single copy of a particular Spell in a given Spellbook, and used that as a balancing factor, but I consider this much less likely.
Unless I'm misunderstanding things, I think multiple copies of the same spell in a spellbook will be redundant. Based on the description, it sounds like we can cast any spell in our spellbook as long as we have a slot of equal(or higher?) level available. We will essentially function the same way Sorcerers do now, except with the ability to swap of sets of spells known between refreshes.

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4 people marked this as a favorite. |

So, I've been thinking about this, and while there's certainly not enough information in the blog for me to assert this with confidence, my suspicion is that the spellbook takes up one of the four Refresh Ability Slots on your toolbar (Keys 7-10) because it is filled with Refresh-based abilities (spells). I don't think the spellbook itself is limited per refresh.
Refresh feats are the most likely of any activated feat to differ in their exact mechanism from feat to feat. Some Refresh feats will only work once per Refresh, some can be used a fixed number of times per Refresh for full effect, some can be used repeatedly but have worse and worse effects until you Refresh, etc.
Spellbooks as currently conceived don't charge you anything for opening them, just using an actual Spell. Think of the button that goes in your Refresh feat slot as basically up to six individual 1 shot Refresh feats. You press it to see what Spells are available, but if you don't use any, you could open and close it an unlimited number of times (though there may be a slight animation cost for doing so, in the sense that it takes time to animate you switching from a weapon to the book). You'll close the book by pressing the same button again or hitting your weapon-swap key.
So you should be able to weave attacks and spells, for example you could use a wand attack, press 7 (or wherever you have the Spellbook feat slotted), select Fireball from the list of spells, hit 7 or the weapon swap key to go back to your wand, make another wand attack, then open the spellbook again (and you'd have access to whatever you had the last time you opened it, minus fireball, which you used).
And just to hit a few more of the questions real quick:
Yes, if you put multiple Fireballs in the same book, you can use that many per Refresh.
Yes, only equipped gear can be threaded, not things in general inventory.
You can't change what feats you have slotted during combat (and we're still hammering out the specifics of exactly when you can adjust your build), so you couldn't use a macro to on-the-fly swap, say, Necromancer for Evoker to make sure you always have as many keywords as possible for dissimilar spells.
We're calling Wands "Arcane Weapons" because that category also includes Staves (and possibly other things like Rods down the line).

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Sintaqx wrote:I dunno about a combat thing, but I'd like to see this being something done to supplement siege warfare against settlements. Have a circle of X mages get together to rain meteors down on the town walls like a living trebuchet.Thanks for the response, Stephen.
Another thought crossed my mind while working a bit of my own wizardry on a particularly obstinate server. Has there been any consideration on ritual spells, circle magic, or coven magic? Could a group of casters collaborate to rain fire and brimstone (fireball heightened by the combined keywords, etc) down on a group of targets? Something that would be more effective than each casting their own spell and increasing the magical turbulence?
what would be best is to have a game object that requires either a)a large investment of components and/or b) multiple players with specific feats/keywords interacting with the object that allows one person to cast spells scaled for siege damage

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We're calling Wands "Arcane Weapons" because that category also includes Staves (and possibly other things like Rods down the line).
This brings up another question: Is there a difference between a Wizard Staff (Arcane Weapon) and a Quarterstaff (Simple Weapon)? Can a Wizard staff be used with martial abilities requiring a two handed weapon? Can a quarterstaff be used to cast cantrips?

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Thanks much, Stephen. I think I get it now. I was getting hung up thinking of Wondrous Slots as being on our Hotbars, but they're just equipment Slots - like the equipment Slots for Rings, Armor, Weapons, etc. We have two Wondrous Slots available. Spellbook are equipped in Wondrous Slots. Equipped Spellbook may be slotted into a Refresh Slot on the Hotbar. I suppose it's even possible to have a Spellbook equipped in a Wondrous Slot, but not placed in a Refresh Slot, so it's not really available during combat.
I was also getting hung up on Refreshes, but re-reading it now, I see that...
We're also creating a Refresh system. Characters can use particular abilities a certain number of times per four-hour in-game day, or until the player uses a Refresh—a special action characters take to refocus, rest, and regain abilities. This system avoids the situation where your character has nothing useful to do and is waiting for a new game day to begin before they can be productive. Using a Refresh requires at least fifteen seconds of uninterrupted time, so it's not something you can usually do in the middle of combat. Characters only have a limited number of Refreshes per game day.
Our design gives more Refreshes to new characters and fewer to experienced characters. Generally speaking, as a new character you will be able to do a few things often using Refresh, and as an experienced character you'll be able to do a wide variety of things without depending on a Refresh.
... and ...
Refresh Slots
Most combat abilities that are not tied to weapons are Refresh abilities, and they're placed in slots 7–10. These are things like spells, rage abilities, etc. If a character has a spellbook equipped, it can go into one of these slots; activating the spellbook turns all weapon slots into spell slots determined by the spellbook. Wizards will have to find and equip different spellbooks to get access to different spells, with some books being more valuable or rare than others.
... are completely separate, even though they both use the term Refresh. I guess I was thinking the Refresh System Refreshes had to be placed in Refresh Slots, but that's obviously not the case.

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I don't think I've ever been so tempted to play a pure wizard in my life.
Me too! I've never actually succeeded at making Nihimon the Wizard my main in any MMO I've played. I've always ended up playing Khimber the Paladin - usually because Tanks were required, and my wife really doesn't like playing melee classes. I'm extremely excited about this, now, and very hopeful that I'll finally be able to break the cycle and play what I really want to play.
Of course, that all might go out the window when they describe the Paladin class :)

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Stephen Cheney wrote:We're calling Wands "Arcane Weapons" because that category also includes Staves (and possibly other things like Rods down the line).This brings up another question: Is there a difference between a Wizard Staff (Arcane Weapon) and a Quarterstaff (Simple Weapon)? Can a Wizard staff be used with martial abilities requiring a two handed weapon? Can a quarterstaff be used to cast cantrips?
I'd be willing to bet money that the answer boils down to "Yes, if they have the right keywords" :)

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Using magic staves as quarterstaves is something that we'd like to make available, but other considerations may prevent it. Those being:
- Art may want to make magic staves look awesome in a way that doesn't look like you could safely use them as blunt instruments.
- Animation sets for the two (such as stance and how you hold it) are potentially very different, so attack animations for one might not blend correctly with the other.
- Keyword sets are very different for melee vs. arcane weapons, so it might be weird to have one class of weapon that gets twice as many keywords so it can do both effectively.
- We'd like to set it up so you can offhand a staff Gandalf-style (at severely reduced charges available), and that absolutely wouldn't work with quarterstaff attacks.
So maybe but it's the kind of thing that might prevent a lot of other coolness so it might not be desirable.

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Stephen Cheney wrote:We're calling Wands "Arcane Weapons" because that category also includes Staves (and possibly other things like Rods down the line).This brings up another question: Is there a difference between a Wizard Staff (Arcane Weapon) and a Quarterstaff (Simple Weapon)? Can a Wizard staff be used with martial abilities requiring a two handed weapon? Can a quarterstaff be used to cast cantrips?
As a sidenote - how many rules lawyers have used that discrepency to try and pull off all sorts of crazy combo's in the Tabletop version.

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Imbicatus wrote:Stephen Cheney wrote:We're calling Wands "Arcane Weapons" because that category also includes Staves (and possibly other things like Rods down the line).This brings up another question: Is there a difference between a Wizard Staff (Arcane Weapon) and a Quarterstaff (Simple Weapon)? Can a Wizard staff be used with martial abilities requiring a two handed weapon? Can a quarterstaff be used to cast cantrips?I'd be willing to bet money that the answer boils down to "Yes, if they have the right keywords" :)
I'd have lost money, and if I'd thought about it more, I should've known that earlier. Keywords don't enable attacks, they enhance them. As such, the presence or absence of keywords shouldn't be the limiting factor in determining which attacks can be used with a particular weapon.
I suppose there must be some sort of Category aspect to weapons which serves to control which types of attacks are possible.

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Let‘s see if I got this straight. Let‘s say I have a wizard with 2 level 1 slots, a level 2 slot, and 2 level 3 slots. I have a spellbook with 2 burning hands, a magic missile, two fireballs, and some generic level 2 fire spell (most of the time, fire works. If it‘s not working, you‘re not using enough fire.) I have a wand, with some fire-like cantrips equiped in numbers 1-6 on the keyboard. My spellbook is on number 7. When I enter combat, numbers 1-6 show my cantrips, but when I press 7, they temporally turn into the spells from my book, with burning hands sitting on numbers 1-2, magic missile on 3, fire 2 on number 4, and 5-6 have fireball (or something along those lines.) By pressing 7 again, I switch back to my cantrips.
So casting spells would be a rather lengthy (and easily spotted) process. PCs will be able to tell is someone wants to cast a spell, as they will have their spellbook out, and know that the biggest clump is the most dangerous place to be. I hope that casting spells would have casting times, but also that you would be able to change the target of the spells with a rather long casting time. Otherwise they would be rather useless against mobile targets.
I do like the idea of seige magic. It could be a branch of that solder skill/feat line (you know, the one with formations) that allows the casting of spells with very long casting times, but other wizards with the nessicary feats could help, reducing the casting time needed.

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... and know that the biggest clump is the most dangerous place to be.
I hope that's not always the case. It's a common feature in Raid Boss fights to have effects that dissipate their damage among everyone in the area, so that a single character would likely get killed, but having 5 or 6 characters in the area means each only takes a fairly small amount of damage. I hope PFO gives Wizards Spells with this kind of effect, even if it's not present in PFRPG.

Valin Alistar |
6 people marked this as a favorite. |
I just want to say I think the ideas presented in this blog are excellent.
I love that spells will be something fundamentally different from "normal" attacks. One of my biggest complaints with almost all (fantasy) MMOs is that magic is just another type of ranged attack, usually with slightly fancier graphics.
Having them be something powerful but limited and costly should go a long way toward making magic magical again.
Also I really like that a spell book is a unique strength and weakness and the drive to acquire new spells should lead to all sorts of appropriately wizardly behavior.
Finally I'd enjoy seeing ritual siege magic and magic wards against it in addition to more mundane siege engines and walls.

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Imbicatus wrote:Stephen Cheney wrote:We're calling Wands "Arcane Weapons" because that category also includes Staves (and possibly other things like Rods down the line).This brings up another question: Is there a difference between a Wizard Staff (Arcane Weapon) and a Quarterstaff (Simple Weapon)? Can a Wizard staff be used with martial abilities requiring a two handed weapon? Can a quarterstaff be used to cast cantrips?As a sidenote - how many rules lawyers have used that discrepency to try and pull off all sorts of crazy combo's in the Tabletop version.
Not as many as you might think. TT requires you to fully commit to a caster class or you are pretty much worthless at high level due to caster levels falling behind, and there are generally much better weapons to twink than a Quarterstaff with it's lousy damage die and crit profile.

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I just want to say I think the ideas presented in this blog are excellent.
I love that spells will be something fundamentally different from "normal" attacks. One of my biggest complaints with almost all (fantasy) MMOs is that magic is just another type of ranged attack, usually with slightly fancier graphics.
Having them be something powerful but limited and costly should go a long way toward making magic magical again.
Also I really like that a spell book is a unique strength and weakness and the drive to acquire new spells should lead to all sorts of appropriately wizardly behavior.
Finally I'd enjoy seeing ritual siege magic and magic wards against it in addition to more mundane siege engines and walls.
Could not agree more: Magic should have different "rules" to physical weapons, to make it stand out. All the above are conducive to that cause. The collection of knowledge also is in keeping. Also think reducing the frequency of animations of spells will help the doubly impressive effects match the doubly impressive effects during a combat.

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Finally got around to reading the blog I like it. I think that the refreash system also bring some tactical choices to larger forces.
If i read it correctly spells on refreash are big spells that will make large impacts. The down side is that during any given period of combat they are a limited resource.
This brings something interesting for larger scale battles and thats effective control of casters. In a larger scale battle a caster might be able to go into combat, cast their spells quickly, leave the immediate battle area, go out of combat, refreash, then go back in to alpha again. Honestly I dont see the issue with this. However for the other side this brings up a point of having scouts/skirmishers whose main purpose could be preventing those casters from leaving combat. A caster who is leaving to refreash probably has cast most if not all of their spells, leaving them open to attack. Not only that but if a caster does that you can take out a heavy hitter by not allowing them to get their spells back.
The caster's side has a couple of options, accept the caster as a lose and have him die and run back, or use some resources (other people) protect them while they run out of combat to refreash.
Looks fun. Im glad that GW is thinking about the balance issues between casters and non casters.

NineMoons |

For example, could a monk use shocking grasp to enhance unarmed damage? Or could a fighter using a staff hit someone with it physically and at the same time deliver a touch spell like chill touch through it? A staff normally isn't a great weapon, but if you can combine fighter attacks with spell damage, it gets a lot nicer.
You will need to "read" your spells, Ie: have an open spell book in your hand, the other hang free for components, gesters.

NineMoons |

From: I Put a Spell on You
posted by Ryan Dancey, on Wednesday, April 3, 2013
"Wizards improve their spell slots in a kind of "pyramid" formation: you can't improve a spell slot's level if doing so would mean you no longer have any slots of that level (unless it's the lowest level slot and you have all six slots). For example, a player could not turn 3-2-1 into 3-3-1 or 3-2-2 but could turn 3-3-3-3-3-2 into 3-3-3-3-3-3)."
Can someone please explain how we go from 3-2-1 to 3-3-3-3-3-3.

NineMoons |

I Put a Spell on You
posted by Ryan Dancey, on Wednesday, April 3, 2013
"Your class feature slot (school for wizards, bloodline for sorcerers) provides more and more basic keywords as you improve it, and those keywords are ones that support that specialty's spells."
This "class feature slot", How will it work with Multi-Class Characters?

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From: I Put a Spell on You
posted by Ryan Dancey, on Wednesday, April 3, 2013
"Wizards improve their spell slots in a kind of "pyramid" formation: you can't improve a spell slot's level if doing so would mean you no longer have any slots of that level (unless it's the lowest level slot and you have all six slots). For example, a player could not turn 3-2-1 into 3-3-1 or 3-2-2 but could turn 3-3-3-3-3-2 into 3-3-3-3-3-3)."
Can someone please explain how we go from 3-2-1 to 3-3-3-3-3-3.
3-2-1 --> 3-2-1-1 --> 3-2-1-1-1 OR 3-2-2-1 --> .... --> 3-3-3-3-2-1 --> 3-3-3-3-2-2 --> 3-3-3-3-3-2 --> 3-3-3-3-3-3

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Can someone please explain how we go from 3-2-1 to 3-3-3-3-3-3.
Just in case Kafi's very technical explanation didn't give you enough detail:
As soon as you learn the Wizard Spellbook feat, you'll be able to cast two first level spells. That is, your spell slots will be "1-1". The ultimate goal is to be able to cast all 6 9th level spells, at which point your spell slots would look like "9-9-9-9-9-9". So, you have between 2 and 6 spell slots, and the number in that slot represents the maximum level spell you can cast with that spell slot.
As noted, you'll start out with "1-1" spell slots. There may be other factors, but your first major decision will be whether to advance your spell slots to be "2-1" or "1-1-1". The former allows you to begin casting 2nd level spells, while the latter allows you to cast 3 spells instead of just 2.
The "pyramid" formation refers to the rule that determines how you can advance your spell slots. It may be easier to visualize and understand if you think of your spell slots as "1-1-0-0-0-0" instead of simply "1-1". Writing it that way, "3-2-1" would be "3-2-1-0-0-0". The rule is that "you can't improve a spell slot's level if doing so would mean you no longer have any slots of that level" unless it's the lowest level. So, you can't go from "3-2-1-0-0-0" to "3-2-2-0-0-0" because you wouldn't have any more "1"s, and you still have "0"s which are lower than "1"s. However, once you get to "6-5-4-3-2-1", you can go ahead and advance to "6-5-4-3-2-2" because, although you won't have any more "1"s, you also don't have anything less than "1" either.
I'm sure we'll figure out a better way to explain this eventually :)

NineMoons |

NineMoons wrote:3-2-1 --> 3-2-1-1 --> 3-2-1-1-1 OR 3-2-2-1 --> .... --> 3-3-3-3-2-1 --> 3-3-3-3-2-2 --> 3-3-3-3-3-2 --> 3-3-3-3-3-3From: I Put a Spell on You
posted by Ryan Dancey, on Wednesday, April 3, 2013
"Wizards improve their spell slots in a kind of "pyramid" formation: you can't improve a spell slot's level if doing so would mean you no longer have any slots of that level (unless it's the lowest level slot and you have all six slots). For example, a player could not turn 3-2-1 into 3-3-1 or 3-2-2 but could turn 3-3-3-3-3-2 into 3-3-3-3-3-3)."
Can someone please explain how we go from 3-2-1 to 3-3-3-3-3-3.
Arr so simple, thanks! :)

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This "class feature slot", How will it work with Multi-Class Characters?
As I understand it, and some of this is my intuition rather than explicitly spelled out by the devs, when you Multi-Class you'll have access to multiple Class Features, but you'll only be able to equip one at a time.
When you equip a Class Feature, it doesn't stop you from using abilities from other Classes, it just makes the abilities from that Class a little better. The Dedication Bonus makes your Class Feature even more effective at improving your abilities if all of your equipped abilities are from that Class.
So, you'll (probably) still be able to cast a Spell when you have your Monk Class Feature equipped, you just won't cast it as effectively as you would if you had your Wizard Class Feature equipped.