PFSS (Pathfinder Society Snaps)

Pathfinder Society

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Shadow Lodge 4/5

13 people marked this as a favorite.

Hey, Shadow Lodge, your faction leader so ugly...when I cast Summon Monster, Grandmaster Torch appears!

Hey, Taldor, your empire so gets +20 to stealth checks.

Hey, Silver Crusade, you're so unpopular...even the Prone Shooter feat won't take you.

Hey, Grand Lodge, your agents so dumb...when it got dark outside, they went to the Lantern Lodge to buy a lamp!

Hey, Season 0, you so easy...people call you Day Job.

Hey, Season 4, you so deadly...Synthesist Summoners want to ban YOU.

Hey, Sczarnis, Guaril's so crooked he stole the end of thi--

Grand Lodge 2/5 RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Zarta lol


1/5 **

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Hey Osirion, the Ruby Prince is more diseased than Ron Jeremy.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

3 people marked this as a favorite.

You hear the real story about the Pit of Gormuz? Qadiran dropped a copper piece into a gopher hole.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Your fighter is sooooo dumb, every time he trips...:
...he brings luggage.

Your monk so stupid, when someone told him to raise his DPS...:
...he bought a ladder.

Your spell DCs are so low...:
...not even Aroden could raise them up.

Your character build is so weak...:
...he gets carried more than a Cure Light Wounds wand.

Your initiative mod is so bad...: can't act until Eyes of the Ten

Your Cleric is so dumb...:
...he tried to cast Blindness on the Eye of Abendego.

Your gear is so crappy...: gets CMD bonus against Steal.

Your backstory is so hack...: does slashing damage.

Your dumpstat is so low...:
...monsters in Orv stumble over it.

A Musket Master, a Zen Archer and Ezren walk into a bar...:
...when they are suddenly beset by ruffians.

The Musket Master, having the highest initiative, swings his weapon about and blasts the nearest thug for an obscene amount of damage. As he reloads his musket, he turns to the Zen Archer and proclaims, "One shot, one kill."

The Zen Archer, having the next highest initiative, spends a ki point and fires a flurry of shots at the remaining thugs, killing them all. He turns to the Musket Master and serenely says, "Many shots, many kills."

Ezren, finally receiving initiative, surveys the carnage about him and says, "What can I do? Should I cast a spell? Should I do the Hand of the Apprentice thingy? Do I need to roll? Or should I drink a potion or something?"

Sczarni 3/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I still do not know what a jelly ax is? All I know is the Andy or Anns hate'em.

Scarab Sages

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Hey Grand Lodge, your leadership is so crooked...even the Lissalans in your faction are unionizing!


Loved the joke Sammy T! :)

5/5 5/55/55/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Your character is so racist Mengakare said "daaaaaaaaam"

Your character is so stupid animal companions beat him at checkers

Your character is so unoptimized bards give him wedgies

Your character kills so many sentients the Andorans are getting worried.

Your character is so ugly they made the paracountess go celibate.

Your character has failed so many faction missions he needs to use chronicle sheet loot

Sovereign Court 5/5

3 people marked this as a favorite.
BigNorseWolf wrote:

Your character has failed so many faction missions he needs to use chronicle sheet loot

NO you didn't. :-)


This reminds me of the "Yo mamma's CR so low..." jokes I came up with a while ago for taunting monsters:

Yo mamma's CR so low her touch AC is "yes".

Yo mamma's CR so low PCs is docked XP for killin' her.

Yo mamma's CR so low she don't have hit dice, just a coin toss.

Yo mamma's CR so low the only sub-type she qualifies for is "mount".

Yo mamma's CR so low she uses a d6 for saving throws.

Yo mamma's CR so low she just has a single stat line.

Yo mamma's CR so low dopplegangers die from cloning her.

Yo mamma's CR so low she can't even do non-lethal damage.

Yo mamma's CR so low if she was a swarm "Alchemist's Fart" would kill her.

Yo mamma's CR so low you'd think she the "LAME" template applied.

Yo mamma's CR so low only a Paladin with "Detect Suck" could find her.


4 people marked this as a favorite.

Your character's build is so unoptimized, Mark and Mike banned the build out of pity.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, West Virginia—Charleston

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Your summoner's build is so terrible, he's been a synthesist ever since they were banned...and nobody has noticed!

5/5 **** Venture-Captain, Massachusetts—Central & West

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Your INT is so low, when the GM asked for "knowledge rolls" you said "dinner... croissant... french..."

Shadow Lodge 4/5

11 people marked this as a favorite.

Your fighter is so dumb that when he got a bonus feat...:
...he bought an extra pair of boots.

Your AC is so bad...:'s 1st edition good.

Hey Paizo, your Faction Mission is so confusing...: has a 25% chance of attacking the nearest creature.

Your character build is such a dog...:
...halfling cavaliers ride it.

Hey GM, your roleplay is so wooden...:
...Druids can wear it.

Your barbarian is so dumb, when she became a Seeker...:
...she asked when Quidditch practice was.

Hey Paizo, this scenario is so bad...: detects as evil.

181 Andoran Faction Pathfinders walk into a bar...:

The Bartender says, "We don't serve your kind here."
The Andoran Pathfinders say, "Why not?!"
And the Bartender says, "Because you want everything free."

A new Pathfinder...: on their first trip to Absalom, the city at the center of the world, and visits the Grand Lodge. Venture Captain Ambrus Valsin spies the young Pathfinder and offers to give him a tour. The young Pathfinder eagerly accepts.

Ambrus leads him to a large granite hall with names and numbers carved into every single inch of the plain stone walls.

"What is this?" asks the Pathfinder.

"These are all the past and present members of the Pathfinder Society," explains Ambrus.

The Pathfinder smiles then asks to see more of the Grand Lodge.

Ambrus continues the tour and they come upon a medium hall made of obsidian. Candles flicker somberly in front of gold plaques, each plaque bearing a name and a date.

"What is this?" asks the Pathfinder.

"These are all our brethren who have fallen serving the society," explains Ambrus.

The Pathfinder bows his head for a moment then asks to see more of the Grand Lodge.

Ambrus leads them to a small, elegant chamber with walls of marble adorned with portraits of mighty warriors and powerful casters.

"What is this?" asks the Pathfinder.

"These are all the most experienced who have risen to the rank of Seeker...and the fewer still who have become Venture Captains," explains Ambrus.

Impressed, the Pathfinder thanks Ambrus for the tour.

As they make their way out of the Grand Lodge, they pass an extremely tiny room...and the Pathfinder is stunned at what he sees.

The delicate doors are crafted from Darkwood, harvested from the Darkwood Vale under a full moon by a revered Patron of the Grove. The doors glide upon hinges of dwarf-forged Elysian Bronze, the precious metal salvaged from deep within the towering Kodar Mountains from the long-thought-lost treasure vault of the ancient mad titan, Kariustyl. Music, almost too beautiful to listen to, spills softly forth from the room, its haunting notes weaving themselves into the souls of all who listen, reminding them of their own fleeting and ephemeral existence. In the air wafts the teasing scent of rare Arcadian spices, the exotic smell hinting at tales of a wild, unknown land beyond the ruins of fallen Azlant on the far side of Golarion. A pitifully few plaques, thick with the pantina of time, hang on the wall...each bearing an honored name carefully engraved by an inhumanly elegant hand that was, no doubt, honored by the mere act of doing so.

"Yeah, that room is for the roleplayers."

Scarab Sages

Your campaign world is so bland, I played a Monk in it who took a Vow of Fasting, and she can still eat whatever she likes!

Not precisely a "PFSS", but still....

Shadow Lodge 4/5

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Your cleric is sooooooooo dumb...:
...she cut off her hand and threw it for a ranged touch attack.

Why couldn't the monk enter the monastery?:
Because he had no ki.

Your linguistics skill is soooooooooooo low...:
... ;alJFa m'a 9358 z1*7 m`ao )&Xa

Your character is sooooooooo poor...:
...he can't even withdraw from combat.

This scenario is soooooooo lame...: takes a 10' move penalty.

A Council of Golarion's Greatest Evils was called...:
...and were judging nefarious prospects for membership.

First strode in the snarling Gorilla King of Usaro, Ruthazek.

A cloaked figure asked, "Why do you deserve membership in our brotherhood most foul?"

Ruthazek bellowed at the assembly, "I am the chosen of the Demon Lord Angazhan! I am the smasher of the Taldan army and the keeper of their Worldbreaker! I am the shatterer of Jaytirian! FEAR ME!"

After a brief flurry of whispers, the figure spoke again.

"We find you...worthy."

The jungle monarch roared in approval and took his place in the circle of evil.

Next floated in a chariot of bones pulled by horses of shadow and death driven by the immortal ghost king, Geb.

The cloaked figure asked again, "Why do you deserve membership in our brotherhood most foul?"

"I am Geb. I defiled my own people and turned them into undead. I have slain untold hundreds of thousands from Nex. I have profaned the revered Knights of Ozem by turning their mightiest warriors into my personal gravekights and made their herald of Aroden into my own Harlot Queen!"

After a brief flurry of whispers, the figure spoke again.

"We find you...worthy."

An unholy chorus from the underworld wailed its approval as Geb took his place in the circle of evil.

Finally, a pitiful human warrior stumbled into the room wielding nothing but the most basic of weapons and wearing cheap armor.

The cloaked figure asked yet again, "Why do you deserve membership in our brotherhood most foul?"

"I'm a Pathfinder and--"

The cloaked figure interrupted.

"Yeah, yeah. Worthy. You guys will do ANYTHING for 2PP and 1XP."

5/5 5/55/55/5

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Your chronicle sheets are such a mess that an audit turned up Jimmy Hoffa.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

8 people marked this as a favorite.

Your healer is sooooooo dumb...:
...he tried to remove the Secondary Success Condition

Your fighter is soooooo dumb...:
...he only uses Spring Attack in March, April and May.

Your wizard is soooooo dumb...:
...she thought Ant Haul was a relative of hers

Your Shoanti Superstitious Beast Totem Barbarian build is sooooo common...:
...every character gets it as a language known.

Your rogue is sooooo dumb...:
...he's a rouge.

A tetori monk, a gunslinger, a slumber witch and a pounce eidolon summoner walk into a bar...:
...and the GM just hands them their chronicles.

Your table social interactions are sooooo tone-deaf:
...they get a bonus against sonic attacks

Your samurai is sooooo dumb...:
...when he picked an order, he chose "a cheeseburger, fries and a small Coke"

A hundred and one Season 5 Faction Missions walk into a bar...:

The bartender says, "Hey, we don't serve your kind here."

The Season 5 Faction Missions say, "Why not?"

The bartender says, "Well, to be honest, I'm not sure because it changes depending on what time it is. You guys wouldn't happen to remember? No. Hmmm. Ok. Uh, how about you just act all faction-y and I'll let you know when you're close? I guess? That work? Cool."

Great Thread

1/5 **

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Your rogue is soooooo dumb...:
...he's a rogue.



Sammy T wrote:

Your samurai is sooooo dumb...:** spoiler omitted **

No Coke! Pepsi!

Your Pathfinder is such a hurderhobo...:
he rolls for initiative during the VC briefing.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

Your Survival roll was soooooo bad...: couldn't even find the Adventure Path.

Your barbarian is soooooo dumb...:
...she wanted to know if her feat chain rusted.

Your fighter is sooooo dumb...:
...he thought Fury's Winter came after Fury's Fall.

Your PbP campaign is sooooo slow...: can only take a single move action or standard action each turn.

A tongue-in-cheek tale of a GM, a monk and the fable of 'realistic fantasy' in Pathfinder (reposting myself from the rules forum):

OK, the dragon roars in anger at your arrogant rescue attempt of the princess. Chunky Monky, you're up.

Chunky Monky the Monk:
Ok, I move up to the dragon, use acrobatics to avoid the AOO and grapple him. My CMB is--

I'm sorry, CM. It's not realistic that medium-sized human could grapple a gargantuan-sized dragon.

Chunky Monky:
Uh, ok. Hmmm....Chunky Monky yells to the party, "I'll grab the princess!" She's on the other side of the chasm, right?

Yes, it's a 40' chasm. She's on a 10x10 ledge that the dragon flew over and dropped her on.

Chunky Monky:
I spend a Ki Point increase my speed by 20'. I now move at 80' round and get a +20 bonus to my acrobatics. With a running start and my normal acrobatics bonuses, I'm pretty close to autosuceeding on the DC 40 jump--

I'm sorry, CM. It's not realistic that you could jump 40'. The world record is only 30'.

Chunky Monky:
...ok...I spend a Ki Point to increase my speed by 20'. I now have 80' of movement. I use the Run action to move 320' in a straight line--

I'm sorry--

Chunky Monky:

--CM. You would be moving 36 miles per hour.
(turns to another player)
That's 58 kph for you, Maple.

Maple the Winter Witch from the Great White North:
Thanks, eh!

Usain Bolt, the fastest human alive, can only run 27 miles per hour. So...

Chunky Monky:

Your action?

Chunky Monky:
I delay.

You sure?

Chunky Monky:

Hawking, you're up.

I swift action cast Quickened True Strike. As a standard action I cast my memorized Reach Plane Shift.
(rolls dice)
From 50' away, I rip a hole in the fabric of space and time and teleport the Dragon to an entirely different dimension.

Chunky Monky:
Wait, what?

(rolls dice)
The Dragon fails his save. With an anguished roar, he is sucked into the temporary wormhole you created.

Chunky Monky:
The Dragon WHAT?!

Congratulations, you have--

I still have a move action left.

Chunky Monky:

Whoops! Go ahead, Hawking.

I use my Fly spell to traverse the chasm and offer my arm to the princess. "Do not worry, milady. I shall Teleport us across the whole continent and directly into your palace room in but a moment."

The princess--

Chunky Monky:
I come off delay.

Uh, ok, combat is over...but go ahead.

Chunky Monky:
I run and throw myself into the chasm.

Grand Lodge 4/5 ** Venture-Agent, Colorado—Denver

13 people marked this as a favorite.

My girlfriend just told me, "Some of the guys you play with should be playing Bath-finder."

Ohhh, snaaaaap!

Dark Archive 2/5

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Sheila Heidmarch. /end statement

5/5 5/55/55/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Your stats are so well rounded ... you get a split and then thrown in the gutter.

Your bluff score is so bad... you tried to tell a halfling his shoes were untied.

Your swim score is so low... you drowned in debt.

Crane wing nerfed you so hard now come in extra crispy and original recipe.

You necro'd a thread so badly... i went to favorite a joke before I saw it was mine.

Rivalry's end:
You betrayed the party so hard...Torch asked for your autograph.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Your Fighter is sooooooooooooo bad... : his hands a great sword is only mediocre.

Your Monk is sooooooooooooo dumb... :
...she took Improved Trip so he'd have a better vacation.

Your Fly skill is sooooooooooooo low... : have a burrow speed.

Your Ranger's charisma is sooooooooooooo low... :
...he only has an animal aquaintance

Paizo, this scenario is so sooooooooooooo frustrating... : should be called 'high tear'

Your Evangelist Prestige Class is sooooooooooooo overpowered... :
...he worships himself.

Your move speed is sooooooooooooo slow... :
...when you double move you get arrested for loitering.

A Necromancer and a Paladin walk into a bar... :
...and nothing happens because they are mature, civil adults.

Your Ranger's charisma is sooooooooooooo low... :
...he only has an animal 'aquaintance'

Your Monk misses so much when she flurries... :
...she casts Gust of Wind.

@Sammy T, This thread is so good you could tell all of your jokes twice ;)

5/5 5/55/55/5

3 people marked this as a favorite.

You've played down so many times you can't afford to pay attention during the mission briefing.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/55/5 **

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Rulebook, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

You're bard is so bad, when he Inspires courage, the team gets the shaken condition.

5/5 5/55/55/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

You DM so seldom you've got fewer stars than dancing with the stars.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

Your feat tree is so long, we had to call the fire department to come get you.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Your spell selection is so poor the rogue takes pity on you.

Your AC is so low the Invulnerable Rager lends you his Cloak of Minor Displacement.

Your will save is so low you make playing early season scenarios a viable challenge.

Your class is so poor Paizo replaced it with a single trait.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/55/5 **

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Rulebook, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Your wizard is so bad, his spell book only has one page.

Your Barbarian is so weak his Rage is only a temper tantrum.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Your spells are so bad you not only cantrip you do! *looks ashamed*
Your charisma is so low magic devices use you.

Dark Archive 5/5 *

Your so inept that a new progression chart had to be added to all of the chronicle sheets-- we now have normal, slow and rock bottom.
It will now take you 18 scenarios to gain a lvl.

5/5 5/55/55/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

You've use so many additional resources for a character it comes with a cart...

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Your eidolon build has so many flaws that if we were playing 3.5 it would have more feats than a fighter.

Your eidolon is so weak it got demoted to animal companion.

Your animal companion is so weak it got demoted to familiar.

Your familiar is so weak it got demoted to rogue.

Sczarni 2/5

Tim Statler wrote:
Your wizard is so bad, his spell book only has one page.

Hey, that is not nice...

Silver Crusade 2/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

You're so dumb, Animals have a handle YOU skill.

You are so fat, you cast Reduce Person on yourself just so you can enter the dungeon.

Your Disable Device is so poor, Zon Kuthon decided to grant you spells.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Your Oracle is so lame your speed is never reduced due to encumbrance.

Your legalistic curse is so good at law it can change the meaning of the word curse and just be a benefit.

Your wood Oracle is so dumb it doesn't even take a question for him to be stumped.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Your Magus is so weak you should call it Surprising Grasp.

Your Gunslinger is so broken if she they fire again they should explode.

Your Magus is so dumb he cannot even spell combat.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

How will you be able to tell how many high level Pathfinders there are in a group in six months time by counting only one class? Count the Evangelists.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

I love this thread.

5/5 5/55/55/5

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Your bard doesn't inspire competence he only inspires middle management.

8 people marked this as a favorite.

Your Paladin is so self righteous his best mercy is shutting up.


2 people marked this as a favorite.

Your bloatmage is soooooo fat...:
...he shops in the Large creature section.

Your Rogue's Perception is soooooo low...:
...his trap spotter didn't go off when he picked his class.

Your Paladin's Sense Motive is soooooo bad...:
...he worships Lamashtu.

You're soooooo clumsy...:
...your AC goes up when you're flat-footed.

You're soooooo poor...: need Prestige to buy a sling.

Your playstyle is soooooo selfish...: can use spotlight at will as a spell-like ability (caster level equal to your class level).

Your Oracle's Saves are soooooo low...:
...he closes for the Chicago Cubs.

Your Cleric is soooooo Neutral...:
...she channels indirectly ionizing radiation.

Your concentration check is soooooo bad: don't remember the setup to this joke.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Your rogue is so jealous of other classes he turns green and gets stronger... no wait that's the alchemist, what can rogues do again?

Your Faction Leader is so slutty she could make a succubus blush.

Your Empire is so decadent there national sport is inbreeding.

Your Faction leader is so crooked Grand Master Torch would not play him at poker.

5/5 5/55/55/5

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Your character is so unoptimized you should upgrade to Harsk.

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