What would you do in this situation?

Off-Topic Discussions

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I thought he weren't supposed to talk about Forbidden Fighting Club?

The Exchange

MeanDM wrote:
Yeah. They have open and closed (by invite only) MMA classes, but the semi pro guys train with us mensch in the Ju Jitsu classes from time to time. I've trained with Mike a couple of times. Super nice guy and very talented.

A lot of the guys that I fought and trained with were surprisingly easy going.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Andrew Turner wrote:

I want to read more about this place and the flying pink unicorns that s!$* rainbows and vomit skittles and which must roam its pleasantly policed and beautifully maintained streets.

Alrighty then, Mr. Turner, I've got you down for a 6AM-12PM brain wash-, er, cult indoctrin-, er, friendly conversation with a couple of Sebastian's Witnesses. Afterward, you'll never waver in your commitment to Sparklemotion ever again.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Moorluck wrote:

So where did "This is Sparta" get off to?

I wanted to hear more about this Forbidden Fighting style.

He's over in tropes vs women in video games making up laws about slander and the 1st Amendment. I didn't have the heart to correct him again.

The Exchange

Walter Sobchak wrote:
I thought he weren't supposed to talk about Forbidden Fighting Club?

The first rule of Forbidden Fight Club is we always brag about Forbidden Fight Club.

The Exchange

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Ambrosia Slaad wrote:
Andrew Turner wrote:

I want to read more about this place and the flying pink unicorns that s!$* rainbows and vomit skittles and which must roam its pleasantly policed and beautifully maintained streets.

Almighty then, Mr. Tuner, I've got you down for a 6AM-12PM brain wash-, er, cult indoctodrin-, er, friendly conversation with a couple of Sebastian's Witnesses. Afterward, you'll never waver in your commitment to Sparklemotion ever again.


I ever tell you that I love you Amby? ;)

The Exchange

MeanDM wrote:
Moorluck wrote:

So where did "This is Sparta" get off to?

I wanted to hear more about this Forbidden Fighting style.

He's over in tropes vs women in video games making up laws about slander and the 1st Amendment. I didn't have the heart to correct him again.

Well, one fight at a time I guess.

Actually I was dealing with some issues pertaining to my Goddaughter.

Seems 13 Acts have been deemed Unconstitutional and are being Repealed. Among them are the Excessive Training, Cultural Defense & Cultural Protections Act.

Also the Laws I referenced in that thread have to do with the fact that she slandered their names by spread incomplete and false information. Then she breached the First Amendment by posting their private conversation without their permission or being an immediate participation.

Now before you insult someone maybe you aught to reacquaint yourself with the Forum Rules.

The Exchange

Azaelas Fayth wrote:

Actually I was dealing with some issues pertaining to my Goddaughter.

Seems 13 Acts have been deemed Unconstitutional and are being Repealed. Among them are the Excessive Training Act & Cultural Defense & Cultural Protections Act.

Also the Laws I referenced in that thread have to do with the fact that she slandered their names by spread incomplete and false information. Then she breached the First Amendment by posting their private conversation without their permission or being an immediate participation.

Now before you insult someone maybe you aught to reacquaint yourself with the Forum Rules.

This. Does. Not. Exist. So I doubt they'll ever repeal it.

Funny I am reading a Hard-Copy of ALL 3 of them right now.

Stop using insulting facts. Geez!

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Azaelas Fayth wrote:
Funny I am reading a Hard-Copy of ALL 3 of them right now.

Have you found a good fiction publisher yet?

Yeah my Marine Recruiter.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

poison fist skills of Count Dante.

I used to train Masonic Templar Demon Tiger-Blooded Vatican Assasins.

I got Count Dante's hidden sutra and the Black Dragon Fighting Society patch from the back of a Micronauts #3 in 1978 and I never looked back.

I tried to join the Marine Core Green Berets and they just laughed at how deadly I was. Too deadly. They deemed me a potential loose cannon; back then the Harry Callahan Vs. State of San Francisco Loose Cannon Deterrent Act was still not considered unconstitutional. Owell. Their loss.

The Exchange

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Azaelas Fayth wrote:
Yeah my Marine Recruiter.

Did you have to pay him $200? Because I think he may not have been a real recruiter.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

did he look like this guy?

Moorlock, He is literally reading this with me in the recruiting stand in my hometown.

Alongside an Army, Navy, and Air Force Recruiter. They are getting a kick out of it.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Azaelas Fayth wrote:
Funny I am reading a Hard-Copy of ALL 3 of them right now.

Pics or it didn't happen.

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Azaelas Fayth wrote:

Moorlock, He is literally reading this with me in the recruiting stand in my hometown.

Alongside an Army, Navy, and Air Force Recruiter. They are getting a kick out of it.

You do realize they don't share offices, right?

PS. Moorluck not lock.

@TOZ: You got a Camera that works? I don't. And we already got yelled at for slacking off...

They do in the cases where the town doesn't allow them to set-up independent offices.

This... omg... this HAS to be one of the most ENTERTAINING threads I have read in a Looooooooong time. And seeing as how I come from FaWtL thats sayin' something. Thank you all for helping me get through the last 30 minutes here at work.

And Hello Hunny! You wants me to bring home ice cream? :D

Grand Lodge

Azaelas Fayth wrote:
@TOZ: You got a Camera that works? I don't.

Sure, I'll mail you one.

TOZ wrote:

As a Medal of Honor awardee for actions in Afghanistan, I would have used my expert combat skills to fold the offending miscreant up like a pretzel and have him begging forgiveness from the table.

No you cannot see my orders appointing the medal, it was a G-14 classified operation whose details cannot be disclosed at this time. It was awarded during a secret visit by the president to a forward operating base that no longer exists.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Moorluck wrote:
Could you give me an actual name? Because as far as my searches pull up you're either an ancient medieval knight, or a drug gang member.

...can't he do both?

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Solnes wrote:

This... omg... this HAS to be one of the most ENTERTAINING threads I have read in a Looooooooong time. And seeing as how I come from FaWtL thats sayin' something. Thank you all for helping me get through the last 30 minutes here at work.

And Hello Hunny! You wants me to bring home ice cream? :D

You know I am barred from eating ice cream because of my extensive training in ancient Spartan fighting.

So yeah... a banana split would be nice. :D

The Exchange

Freehold DM wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Could you give me an actual name? Because as far as my searches pull up you're either an ancient medieval knight, or a drug gang member.
...can't he do both?

I suppose if he's been around that long he can do whatever he wants.

Moorluck wrote:
Solnes wrote:

This... omg... this HAS to be one of the most ENTERTAINING threads I have read in a Looooooooong time. And seeing as how I come from FaWtL thats sayin' something. Thank you all for helping me get through the last 30 minutes here at work.

And Hello Hunny! You wants me to bring home ice cream? :D

You know I am barred from eating ice cream because of my extensive training in ancient Spartan fighting.

So yeah... a banana split would be nice. :D

If Sonic is open I'll bring you one. :D

The Exchange

Solnes wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Solnes wrote:

This... omg... this HAS to be one of the most ENTERTAINING threads I have read in a Looooooooong time. And seeing as how I come from FaWtL thats sayin' something. Thank you all for helping me get through the last 30 minutes here at work.

And Hello Hunny! You wants me to bring home ice cream? :D

You know I am barred from eating ice cream because of my extensive training in ancient Spartan fighting.

So yeah... a banana split would be nice. :D

If Sonic is open I'll bring you one. :D

Thanks Bunny Hunny.

Welcome Hunny Bunny! :D

Hi Solnes!!!!!

Moorluck wrote:
MeanDM wrote:

There is also no case of State of Missouri v. Barns. There is also no case in Missouri which even mentions "Templar."

P.S. @ Moorlock, You're right this is fun. Where did you fight? I've trained in martial arts on and off since I was 11. I'm taking Brazilian Ju Jitsu now, and at 40 I look back and wish I'd tried fighting semi-pro or pro. Alas. I'm too old now.

Local in SC, started with a few "tough man" contest. I did alright, but after 4 years and no break I, read my fiancé, decided it was time to hang up the gloves.

I enjoyed it, but a decade plus later... my body is explaining why getting kicked in the head is a baaaaaad idea. :/

His fiance' hated the fighting... :)

The Exchange

Are you sure that these recruiters have the security clearance to know about these obscure laws? I mean because they obviously, the laws that is, are NOT general knowledge.

Freehold DM wrote:
Moorluck wrote:
Could you give me an actual name? Because as far as my searches pull up you're either an ancient medieval knight, or a drug gang member.
...can't he do both?

{ponders getting lowrider adjustable air-suspension on front legs}

Freehold DM wrote:
Hi Solnes!!!!!

Hiya!! ((hugs))

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I am a Drunken Master of Nuts Fu.

Dark Archive

Anybody have a shovel?

Grand Lodge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Guys, check out this letter from my Commander:

"Dear MSgt !@#$%%,

I'm having the JAG find a way to Honorably Discharge you based on some suprising documentation. When applying to the unit, you failed to specifically mention your membership in the following:

-The Arashikage Clan
-The Mandalorians
-The Foot Fist Way Dojo
-The Crew of the Righteous Indignation
-The Eagle Scouts

I'm not sure what most of those are, but they sound pretty unamerican and unsafe. I cant sacrifice the safety of my troops or the mission in order to accomodate your personal needs. Good luck in your next career.

best regards,

Col Smith, Jones"

Crap....there goes my 20.

The Exchange

Maccabee wrote:

Guys, check out this letter from my Commander:

"Dear MSgt !@#$%%,

I'm having the JAG find a way to Honorably Discharge you based on some suprising documentation. When applying to the unit, you failed to specifically mention your membership in the following:

-The Arashikage Clan
-The Mandalorians
-The Foot Fist Way Dojo
-The Crew of the Righteous Indignation
-The Eagle Scouts

I'm not sure what most of those are, but they sound pretty unamerican and unsafe. I cant sacrifice the safety of my troops or the mission in order to accomodate your personal needs. Good luck in your next career.

best regards,

Col Smith, Jones"

Crap....there goes my 20.

You could always take up bounty hunting, with the Mandalorian combat training you'd be awesome at it.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Powerful in the ways of the Farce this one is...

Hey, one of the guys who founded the boyscouts did try to take over america at some point.

The business Plot

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Azaelas Fayth wrote:

Actually I was dealing with some issues pertaining to my Goddaughter.

Seems 13 Acts have been deemed Unconstitutional and are being Repealed. Among them are the Excessive Training, Cultural Defense & Cultural Protections Act.

Also the Laws I referenced in that thread have to do with the fact that she slandered their names by spread incomplete and false information. Then she breached the First Amendment by posting their private conversation without their permission or being an immediate participation.

Now before you insult someone maybe you aught to reacquaint yourself with the Forum Rules.

Slander is a tort action whereby one person can sue another for false statements which damage another's reputation. Truth is an absolute defense to slander. Ergo since they did say those things it's not slander.

The 1st Amendment, like all of the United States Constitution, limits government action, not action by private individuals. Furthermore there is nothing in the 1st Amendment about privacy or private communication. Here's the text to refresh your Civics class.

1st Amendment to the U.S. Constitution wrote:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Azaelas Fayth wrote:
Funny I am reading a Hard-Copy of ALL 3 of them right now.

Cool. Since you're looking at hard copies right now, what's the statute code? It'll be right there at the top. It'll have a smaller number, followed by USC, then the symbol for section, then another number. For example, pulling a random book off my shelf at the home office I got foreign relations. 22 USC 2225 is the Integration of Women Act which states the president is requested to instruct US representatives in international organizations to encourage the integration of women into policy making positions.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm going to start a list called The Tales of Azaelas Fayth.

My favourite was when he said that he was the head of both his Scottish and Viking clans, and that he had access to secret anthropological research that supported his erroneous views about Celts.


The Exchange

3 people marked this as a favorite.
MeanDM wrote:
Azaelas Fayth wrote:
Funny I am reading a Hard-Copy of ALL 3 of them right now.
Cool. Since you're looking at hard copies right now, what's the statute code? It'll be right there at the top. It'll have a smaller number, followed by USC, then the symbol for section, then another number. For example, pulling a random book off my shelf at the home office I got foreign relations. 22 USC 2225 is the Integration of Women Act which states the president is requested to instruct US representatives in international organizations to encourage the integration of women into policy making positions.

Uhm... 555... uh...UPS... 867 5309?

The Exchange

littlehewy wrote:

I'm going to start a list called The Tales of Azaelas Fayth.

My favourite was when he said that he was the head of both his Scottish and Viking clans, and that he had access to secret anthropological research that supported his erroneous views about Celts.


Are they from Latveria?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Azaelas Fayth wrote:

@TOZ: You got a Camera that works? I don't. And we already got yelled at for slacking off...

They do in the cases where the town doesn't allow them to set-up independent offices.

Actually in Springfield they all have their own offices. In fact they each have multiple offices.

Army: one on E. Seminole and one on N. Kansas Expressway.

Navy: one on E. Battlefield Rd and one on N. Freemont Ave.

Air Force has three: one on S. National, one on W. Elfindale (off Sunshine), one on N. Kansas Expressway.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Y'arr! My hard copy be sayin' RRR-RRRR.

Moorluck wrote:
littlehewy wrote:

I'm going to start a list called The Tales of Azaelas Fayth.

My favourite was when he said that he was the head of both his Scottish and Viking clans, and that he had access to secret anthropological research that supported his erroneous views about Celts.


Are they from Latveria?

Somewhere in this region I believe...

The Exchange

Me wonders if anyone here remembers the story of the boy who cried wolf?

The Exchange

MeanDM wrote:
Azaelas Fayth wrote:

@TOZ: You got a Camera that works? I don't. And we already got yelled at for slacking off...

They do in the cases where the town doesn't allow them to set-up independent offices.

Actually in Springfield they all have their own offices. In fact they each have multiple offices.

Army: one on E. Seminole and one on N. Kansas Expressway.

Navy: one on E. Battlefield Rd and one on N. Freemont Ave.

Air Force has three: one on S. National, one on W. Elfindale (off Sunshine), one on N. Kansas Expressway.

Now you know some are at a secret obscure office that isn't listed in any registry. Haven't you been paying attention?

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