Smorm Gormley |
Hi, I have some questions about a magus (8th level) using the weaponwand spell. First round, I cast weaponwand and insert a wand of shocking grasp. Is it legal RAW next round, using spell combat, to deliver shocking grasp via spellstrike through my scimitar, and then take my two melee attacks but elect to use the scimitar as a wand (per weaponwand spell)?
I assume that if it is indeed legal RAW then this would also stack with haste (if another caster has hasted me, e.g.), and with buffing the scimitar with keen for one arcane point as a swift action? So then the magus is doing 21d6+5 (4 * 5d6 for spell plus 1d6+5 for the scimitar in spellstrike).
And followup question, since shocking grasp requires a touch attack roll and the scimitar is keened, would each of these spells use the extended crit range of the enhanced scimitar (so that's an average 26d6+5 damage for a 15-20 threat range)? I'm not really concerned whether it's the "optimal" attack strategy for an 8th-level magus (although it seems decent), I just want to be sure I understand how the weaponwand spell works. Thanks!

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Think this is a little off. Assuming the wand you are using is maxed out, you get 5d6 per wand strike. At 8th level, the magus gets 2 attacks, add an additional for haste which would total 15d6 of wand damage, as scimitar damage is negated by the weapon wand spell. Negating the weapon damage, "doing so does not allow you to add the weapon’s damage to the wand’s attack roll". So yes you get the crit range for hitting, but doesn't actually apply crit damage.
Unless you are trying to use the wand for your spellstrike damage, which you can't do to my understanding. For spellstrike you have to cast the spell, and wand use wouldn't be casting but using a magical device.
Just my two cents, and that is worth less than two cents. LoL

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No. Wand wielder does not allow you to activate your wand more than once in a round, it only allows you to use wands in place of casting your own spells when doing spell combat. You cannot Spellstrike with a wand.
HERE is a similar discussion I started recently regarding a Wand Wielder with Weaponwand. The very first post links to an FAQ that states that "using a wand does not count as "casting a spell".

Grick |
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Is it legal RAW next round, using spell combat, to deliver shocking grasp via spellstrike through my scimitar
Spellstrike (Su): "At 2nd level, whenever a magus casts a spell with a range of “touch” from the magus spell list, he can deliver the spell through any weapon he is wielding as part of a melee attack."
FAQ - "Does using a potion, scroll, staff, or wand count as "casting a spell" for purposes of feats and special abilities..." - "No. Unless they specifically state otherwise, feats and abilities that modify spells you cast only affect actual spellcasting, not using magic items that emulate spellcasting or work like spellcasting."
Spellstrike works when you cast a spell. Activating a wand is not casting a spell, so it does not work with Spellstrike.
I assume that if it is indeed legal RAW then this would also stack with haste
Spell Combat (Ex): "As a full-round action, he can..."
Haste: "When making a full attack action, a hasted creature may make one extra attack..."
Spell Combat is not a full attack action, so it does not work with the extra attack granted by haste.
This is RAW, but may not be as intended. If you would like an official response to this issue, there's a FAQ Request Thread here.
and with buffing the scimitar with keen for one arcane point as a swift action?
If you're 5th level, then yes, you can add Keen with your arcane pool. (If the scimitar is not yet +1, you'll have to use your other point of enhancement to make it +1 before adding keen)
And followup question, since shocking grasp requires a touch attack roll and the scimitar is keened, would each of these spells use the extended crit range of the enhanced scimitar
Spellstrike (Su): "This attack uses the weapon's critical range (20, 19–20, or 18–20 and modified by the keen weapon property or similar effects), but the spell effect only deals ×2 damage on a successful critical hit, while the weapon damage uses its own critical modifier."

Grick |

I just want to be sure I understand how the weaponwand spell works.
If you have the Wand Wielder arcana, you could do the following with an active weaponwand spell. You must still be wielding a light or one-handed melee weapon in one hand, and have the other hand free.
1) Declare spell combat, a full-round action.
2) Activate your weaponwanded wand of shocking grasp in place of casting a spell. (via wand wielder arcana)
3) Make your free attack granted by the touch spell, either making a normal touch attack, or by using the weaponwand special ability and making the attack with your weapon, using all your weapon bonuses (weapon focus, enhancement bonus, etc.).If you hit, you discharge the spell, but nothing else, no weapon damage or effects.
4) Make your normal iterative attacks with your weapon.
(Alternately, you could do part 4 before part 2 if you like)
If you missed with part 3, you could hold the charge, but because you didn't actually cast the spell, you can't use Spellstrike, which means your options for delivering the spell are limited. You can make a touch attack as a standard action, or you could make normal attack(s) with unarmed strike or natural weapons. Or, due to weaponwand, you could possibly replace the standard action touch attack with a weapon attack, using weapon bonuses, but not dealing weapon damage on hit.
Weaponwand is not written very clearly. It doesn't say if the attack with the weapon targets touch AC or normal AC, nor if it can happen in place of iterative attacks. If you plan to use this spell, you should check with your GM to find out how he plans to interpret it. I think most people consider the 'attack with the weapon' to change only how you calculate your attack bonus, and nothing else.

Smorm Gormley |
Thanks everyone for the replies. Two things definitely corrected: (i) haste won't augment a full-round action; (ii) a shocking grasp wand that does 5d6 would be much more expensive than I thought. One more thing I think the posters are saying is that wands containing spells that require attack rolls don't do critical damage even on a 20, though cast spells can crit on a 20. Is that right?
Things got a little muddied though discussing the use of weaponwand I was describing. Restating:
1) standard action, cast weaponwand and insert shocking grasp wand
2) next round, declare spell combat / spellstrike:
2a) swift action: add keen for one arcane point
2b) cast shocking grasp (not using wand) and deliver via melee weapon -- so weapon damage is added, and the spell can deal critical damage in the expanded threat range.
2c) take the (two) melee attacks granted by spell combat, electing in each attack to apply damage from wand or from scimitar, but not both, since the spell states: "You can attack normally with the weapon or use the weapon as if it were the encased wand". If choosing to treat the weapon as the encased wand, you can use the extended threat range to confirm hits, but cannot use critical damage multipliers.
Sorry I wasn't so succinct before. Please let me know if there is still something amiss with this sequence of actions.
If the above makes sense then I have a followup question: If the spellstrike misses, and I proceed to the melee attacks of spell combat AND elect to activate the wand encased in the melee weapon, presumably the charged spell in my free hand would just channel down the melee weapon on the next successful melee attack, right? So whenever I next succeed on an attack roll, I would deliver the charge from the spell, and the charge from the activated wand, correct? Thanks

Grick |

(i) haste won't augment a full-round action;
Unless it's a full-attack. (And unless your GM house rules what is almost certainly the intent, or the FAQ request gets addressed - hint hint)
(ii) a shocking grasp wand that does 5d6 would be much more expensive than I thought.
3,750 for CL5 shocking grasp wand. (Half that if you make it yourself with the feat)
One more thing I think the posters are saying is that wands containing spells that require attack rolls don't do critical damage even on a 20, though cast spells can crit on a 20. Is that right?
No. It can still crit on a 20 and deal double damage, even from a wand.
2c) take the (two) melee attacks granted by spell combat, electing in each attack to apply damage from wand or from scimitar, but not both, since the spell states: "You can attack normally with the weapon or use the weapon as if it were the encased wand". If choosing to treat the weapon as the encased wand, you can use the extended threat range to confirm hits, but cannot use critical damage multipliers.
No, if you use it as a wand, then it's a standard action to activate it. You just have the option of using your weapon bonuses on the attack made to deliver it.
If the spellstrike misses, and I proceed to the melee attacks of spell combat AND elect to activate the wand encased in the melee weapon, presumably the charged spell in my free hand would just channel down the melee weapon on the next successful melee attack, right?
One of the (possible) side effects of using a wand not counting as casting a spell, is technically it doesn't cause a held charge to dissipate.
So if you cast frigid touch, and for whatever reason you hold the charge, then you activate a wand of shocking grasp, then your next actual touch attack would deliver both spells.
It (possibly) wouldn't work if they were both the same spell since you might run into the 'same effect' stacking rules.

Grick |

in round 1 you could declare spell combat and cast weaponwand and stil do your full attacks
Spell Combat (Ex): "As a full-round action, he can make all of his attacks with his melee weapon at a –2 penalty and can also cast any spell from the magus spell list with a casting time of 1 standard action"
Weaponwand: "Casting Time 1 round"

Smorm Gormley |
No, if you use it as a wand, then it's a standard action to activate it. You just have the option of using your weapon bonuses on the attack made to deliver it.
I was reading too much into "You can attack normally with the weapon or use the weapon as if it were the encased wand". Thanks for clearing that up Grick.

TeroSNS |
umm, isn't a wand just a source of spell, so with wand wielder, you just cast stuff like normal amidst the spell combat, then you can use it with spellstrike?
and I meant that with the SPELL: WEAPONWAND can you use SHOCKING GRASP WAND within the WEAPON via ARCANA: WAND WIELDER, so that your 1 hand is free while you use CLASS FEATURE: SPELLSTRIKE to add SHOCKING GRASP WAND's charge to strike the enemy with your WEAPON.

C.M. Ramos |
As it was explained to me and similarly as the original reply stated, the Wand Damage doesn't stack with Weapon Damage. You are either attacking for Weapon Damage or using the Wand with the weapon merely a means to deliver or direct that Wand within. Unless there is some feat or other ability I'm overlooking, Weapon and Wand damage don't stack.
As a Whip wielding Inquisitor with Weapon Wand, this was a very important clarification for my character. I can either Attack for Weapon Damage or perform a Combat Manuever OR perform the necessary Attack for the Wand (usually a touch attack since I have Range). However, this doesn't mean that the Weapon Wand's Damage effects can't stack the Wand with another effect i.e. Inquisitors BANE ability and a couple Judgements (Sacred Destruction plus). 3:-)
When fighting most Mobs, I typically turn into the trip master while the rest of the party whittles them down, and may have a Wand of Cure Moderate loaded to Heal my party members when they need it - "Thank you, Sir, may I have another?" ;-)