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![]() Just wanted to update. Looking for a player to join our Saturday morning/ afternoon group. We are an evil party that just hit level 10. All characters in the group are power gaming as we only run with four players. One of our members had to drop due to a work schedule change. Also, I'm looking to DM the Way of the Wicked adventure path, every other Friday starting at 6pm as work allows. Already have three players, would like two more. ![]()
![]() Looking to get the Friday group up and running if there is enough interest. Would probably meet every other Friday. Currently have 3 players, hoping to find another player or two and a DM. If we don't find a full time DM then I would be willing to run an adventure path to be determined later. (Crimson Throne, Skulls and Shackles, Wrath of the Righteous or Shattered Star) ![]()
![]() Hello, I'm the mentioned Wizard in the party, and just wanted to describe the party a bit better. Barbarian is following the superstitious, witch hunter and pounce route.
We all also agreed to have party loyalty at the table, so no need to worry about your own group killing you in your sleep. ![]()
![]() Well the setting would be up to whomever GMed. I am currently taking over full time GM duties for the Saturday morning group so I would like a chance to play as well. I think from my Sat group there would be one other player willing to join a second group. Off the top of my head, the Kingmaker Adventure Path should be a fairly easy setting to run if we couldn't find a GM who wanted to run a custom campaign. Enough interest would just mean getting a enough people for a regular game, possibly meeting weekly on Friday evenings. ![]()
![]() Looking to fill a player spot for a weekly Saturday Morning group. Currently running the Second Darkness Adventure path, and meet at 9:30am, and play until around 2:30pm with a small break for lunch. Group of 4 seasoned players, two of which rotate DM, and a new player. Looking to add at least one more player. Also willing to start another group up if there is enough interest. ![]()
![]() So, We're looking for a long-term campaign, once a week (give-or-take). We've all been playing for a very long time and have always had to re-start characters around level 10 due to various reasons. We've just got into the swing of things and got out party set how we wanted and hit level 3; but then, our DM had a very serious life situation come up and had to drop out. Our current meetups are Saturdays at 9:30 and we start at 10. We can also meet on Sunday mornings instead though. Our party consists of: Barbarian-Magus-Wizard-Bard-Oracle (side note, we are an LE party, with party loyalty) If we could not start our characters over it would be a blessing, and are game for any adventure. We had started the Second Darkness adventure path if it makes a difference. ![]()
![]() Think this is a little off. Assuming the wand you are using is maxed out, you get 5d6 per wand strike. At 8th level, the magus gets 2 attacks, add an additional for haste which would total 15d6 of wand damage, as scimitar damage is negated by the weapon wand spell. Negating the weapon damage, "doing so does not allow you to add the weapon’s damage to the wand’s attack roll". So yes you get the crit range for hitting, but doesn't actually apply crit damage. Unless you are trying to use the wand for your spellstrike damage, which you can't do to my understanding. For spellstrike you have to cast the spell, and wand use wouldn't be casting but using a magical device. Just my two cents, and that is worth less than two cents. LoL |