TeroSNS's page
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If he/she went with the bard route, he/she can stack Dervish of Dawn with Soundstriker, whom have the ability to destroy objects, and later on people, with sound attacks.
basicly what the topic says, but let me elaborate:
Years ago when we played pathfinder, we encountered a barbed devil. We thought that ok the barbed devil does his thing and is all barby and tries a grapple.
Turns out GM had been inspecting the grapple rules throughout and he used the attack sequence mentioned in topic,
1. barbed devil attacks, hits and does normal damage
2. Uses grab ability and initiates grapple
3. gets to do barbed damage on top of that
4. releases his grip
5. tries to repeat for the second attack of barbed devil (I recall him succeeding)
I think this is by the rules, but this whole thing still seems fishy, your thoughts on the matter?
Also, could there exist a build that could also exploit this?
Really sorry for thread necro but I have to point out a fact on the matter of Halfing racial trait vs the 2 feats:
Feats can be taken by representative of any race. This means that you will get more strength than a halfling, and thus make more damage with the sling, and in melee.
What if the forceful hand or other such is summoned before the casting of haste or bless?
The thing that bugs me is the theoretical infinite amount of attacks you can make, limited by your movement speed...
Unless you are thinking of doing normal move (positioning) + whirlwind attack at the end, not striking one of the targets?
I would think not, as whirlwind attack is an attack of its own kind, while the 11th ability references to a normal full attack.
And it as well causes confusion by the rules of whirlwind. By the looks of it you could get theoretically get an attack towards anyone within walking distance. Can you make an attack to the same target multiple times?
I've been wondering if spells such as hydraulic push, forceful hand and others apply bonuses to te cmb roll from buffs such as haste, bless etc?
If not, is there any way to increase them? Do feats of improved [maneuver] apply?
Most common as defenses would be fire or cold resistant ones, as those elements are most commonly found in spells and enemy creature abilities. But other way around, they are most resisted attacks on monsters as well. Electricity comes a good second, but starts to get more situational as a resistance. Acid on the other hand is a so-so as an defense, but i think not so many are resistant or immune to acid. Except every devil. I would always pick cone over line because of greater amount of possible targets (never seen enemies coming in as a conga line). Although many of these things depend on dm preference of monsters and combat areas. This coming from a guy who hasnt played a tabletop dd ever.
Cap. Darling:
This is a gestalt character, two classes, get both class abilities, choose the better result on duplicate statistics (hp, saves, bab, etc.)
Would the rage power that grants extra AoO be too much with combat reflexes?
What is so great about come and get me? It seems sort of meh to me.
Again, I forgot to mention that we use 20 point buy.
No traits. No hero points.
And I am starting to lean not to use natural attacks, even being better, I sort of am bored of those kinds of alchemists.
Wow... Amazing feedback! I forgot to mention not to include too much on ultimate books, as none of us has them and gm has that kind of not yaving not giving basic policy. All non crb and apg stuff is by request. Also potions of high cl are not allowed either, so it is safe to say that i prefer ption buffing discoveries. Also i dont want to go multiclassing too much either, preferrably none. As a side info, our party consists of npc sorcerer\oracle and pc druid\monk. Also amulet of mighty fists seems to cost a small fortune...
what is this potion glutton feat? I can't find it from d20pfsrd.com. Does power attack have additional non-cleaving feats that could be useful? Why Tumor familiar?
Vivisectionist has been approved for me already.
Sorry for lack of info, thanks in advance
I've heard that using improved shield bash to go two weapon fighting is a good way to spend feats effectively, having more attacks and keep the high shield bonus to ac.
I am here asking of what would you suggest on the said build. We start at lvl 6, and i have decided of going with insane melee capabilities. What i keep wondering tha should i go for feral mutagen, or save a discovery for other stuff and go with greatsword. Additional help with rage powers, discoveries, feats and skill allocation is also very much appreciated.
Thanks in advance, sorry for bad english.

There are couple of things that makes me wonder as well, as there are plenty of bleeding that say that they stack and don't stack. Not to mention are hard to determine which is worse than the other, as some do solid damage while others are dice based.
Such as this critical feat
Core rulebook wrote: Bleeding Critical (Combat, Critical)
Your critical hits cause opponents to bleed profusely.
Prerequisites: Critical Focus, base attack bonus +11.
Benefit: Whenever you score a critical hit with a slashing or piercing weapon, your opponent takes 2d6 points of bleed damage each round on his turn, in addition to the damage dealt by the critical hit. Bleed damage can be stopped by a DC 15 Heal skill check or through any magical healing. The effects of this feat stack.
Special: You can only apply the effects of one critical feat to a given critical hit unless you possess Critical Mastery.
Or this rogue trick
Core rulebook wrote: Bleeding Attack (Ex)
Benefit: A rogue with this ability can cause living opponents to bleed by hitting them with a sneak attack. This attack causes the target to take 1 additional point of damage each round for each die of the rogue's sneak attack (e.g., 4d6 equals 4 points of bleed). Bleeding creatures take that amount of damage every round at the start of each of their turns. The bleeding can be stopped by a DC 15 Heal check or the application of any effect that heals hit point damage.
Special: Bleeding damage from this ability does not stack with itself. Bleeding damage bypasses any damage reduction the creature might possess.
Also, does the bleeding damage caused by abilties/feats require a separate note of bypassing damage reduction on the description, or do all bleed damage ignore it?
Too bad touch of fatigue isn't in the spell list of a magus...
umm, isn't a wand just a source of spell, so with wand wielder, you just cast stuff like normal amidst the spell combat, then you can use it with spellstrike?
and I meant that with the SPELL: WEAPONWAND can you use SHOCKING GRASP WAND within the WEAPON via ARCANA: WAND WIELDER, so that your 1 hand is free while you use CLASS FEATURE: SPELLSTRIKE to add SHOCKING GRASP WAND's charge to strike the enemy with your WEAPON.
or instead of yanking a magus arcana, you could just use arcane mark for this...
Can you use the wand inside your weapon (weaponwand) as the spell combat spell part, with spellstrike if you have the correct arcana to do so?
-> shocking grasp (wand with weaponwand spell) -> attack(s) with the weapon, with the charge with them?
As rope dart is a ranged weapon, you can use ranged feats, such as multishot and rapid shot?
hogarth wrote: Vamptastic wrote: Does anyone know what a Scorpion Whip actually is? I was imagining it to be like Ivy's weird sword thing from Soul Calibur. That's an urumi, which has a different set of stats in Pathfinder. I think urumi is actually a very long sword with thin enough blade that it is flexible anough to whip around. you can google or youtube it to confirm. Scorpion whip is what I believe is the one that ivy uses from soul calibur.
I am confused about these, they seem really underwhelming in the mater that you either choose to increase the size of hurlable, or the distance you can hurl? Am I missing something or is there an errata that makes the hurling and greater hurling to have both when picked?

Really sorry to revive this old thread, but I'd like to note something that actually stands inside the bestiary (pages 296-297):
"Step 2: Add Class Levels
Once you have determined the creature's role, it's time to add class levels. The first step of this process is to modify the creature's ability scores. Creatures with class levels receive +4, +4, +2, +2, +0, and –2 adjustments to their ability scores, assigned in a manner that enhances their class abilities. Creatures with NPC class levels do not receive adjustments to their ability scores.
Next, add the class levels to the monster, making all of the necessary additions to its HD, hit points, BAB, CMB, CMD, feats, skills, spells, and class features. If the creature possesses class features (such as spellcasting or sneak attack) for the class that is being added, these abilities stack. This functions just like adding class levels to a character without racial Hit Dice."
basicly that is like using a standard array of 15, 14, 13, 12, 11 and 8, then adding the racial adjustments. You literally copy the statistics from the bestiary book, and add those modifications bolded.
take this fact as it is, I thought to add this to all the readers to at least have one other option than debated in the thread.
You should provide us with alternative(s) to our cloak and body slots that are good enough for us to really pay 130k extra for that super ring. I haven't found anything decent, that is not replaceable by spells.
Also you should consider the fact that you shouldn't take same crafting feat (if any) as the bonded object, for example my wizard has craft woundrous items and a staff as a bonded object, enabling him to make a craft his staff into a powerful one some day, without wasting the crafting feat for it.

Tharg The Pirate King wrote: OK here is the argument. Ring is the best. Hands down period it is the best. First off untill enchanted the ring is a mundane (though masterwork) item, so it will not detect magic.I simply do not plan on making mine magical at all and here is why.
There is a rule that states you are limited to wearing 2 magical rings. but there is no rule that states that you cant wear 2 magical rings and your non magical bonded ring. So why would theif take that non magical when you have those 2 magical ones.
Now if you are lucky you can get a GM to decree that you can wear 2 rings only that function but one that doesnt mind Toe Rings or (if you read Book of Erotica) other places. heck I had a Half Orc with a huge Magical Giant's Ring that I used as a nose ring. If you are lucky your GM will be fine with you wearing that nonmagical ring on your toe hidden far away inside that boot away from looters.
counter argument:
"If the object is a ring or amulet, it occupies the ring or neck slot accordingly."
Thus you cannot use it like that by RAW, but if you have houseruled so...
also the bonded object is (Sp) not (Su).