Most Ridiculous Build Ever

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

A think I have come up with the most ridiculous rules legal build ever what it involves is a large Arsinoitherium riding a huge tiger whilst vital striking (which you can do on mounted charges because the mount is charging not you).

The idea being that you end up with 60d8 gore (improved natural attack, strong jaw, spirited charge, Greater Vital Strike). You would need a cross class between a druid and a Mammoth Rider and a gm with a sense of humor.

So can anyone beat the beast riding beast build for sheer silliness.

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Wizards can turn people into spoons

How ? Which spell what level and could I do it as a witch ?

Polymorph any Object and for some reason it doesn't seem to be on the Witch list...

(Yeah, it's temporary, but 20 minutes or more than enough time if it matters. Besides, depending on DM interpretation, another casting of PaO could make it permanent because it would be going from like to like, despite the current form having been temporary.)

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kyrt-ryder wrote:
Wizards can turn people into spoons

Eagles can turn people into horses

Wind Chime wrote:
How ? Which spell what level and could I do it as a witch ?

You could if you were a Samsaran.

kyrt-ryder wrote:
Wizards can turn people into spoons

OMG that one simple sentence just made my day! You have someone going on about how awesome/broken a build idea is and you just shut it down with those 6 simple words.

I really wish I had noticed that race before starting play getting all those summoner spells early would of been an untold boon to my build (haste at 2, greater invisibility at 3, Greater Planar Binding at 6, Banishment at 5 etc). Mind you that can't really be balanced.

Wind Chime wrote:
I really wish I had noticed that race before starting play getting all those summoner spells early would of been an untold boon to my build (haste at 2, greater invisibility at 3, Greater Planar Binding at 6, Banishment at 5 etc). Mind you that can't really be balanced.

Summoner is arcane and druid is divine, you have to choose from a list that is the same type of casting as you. I.E. Divine to divine or arcane to arcane. So a Samsaran druid could not take spells from the summoner list.

Banecrow wrote:
Wind Chime wrote:
I really wish I had noticed that race before starting play getting all those summoner spells early would of been an untold boon to my build (haste at 2, greater invisibility at 3, Greater Planar Binding at 6, Banishment at 5 etc). Mind you that can't really be balanced.
Summoner is arcane and druid is divine, you have to choose from a list that is the same type of casting as you. I.E. Divine to divine or arcane to arcane. So a Samsaran druid could not take spells from the summoner list.

Sorry I was talking about my witch the druids an exercise in anime fan-dom, which involves a cohort cavalier riding on top of a rhino riding on top of a humongous tiger charging at an enemy. It's the Ging Freecs way of charging.

Sovereign Court

Gaekub wrote:
kyrt-ryder wrote:
Wizards can turn people into spoons
Eagles can turn people into horses

Pudding can turn people into Jello

kyrt-ryder wrote:
Polymorph any Object and for some reason it doesn't seem to be on the Witch list...

That's because Witches can only turn people into Newts.

Grand Lodge

Barbarian 6/Druid 5/Bard 3/Fighter 2/Ranger 4.

The Human Diversion wrote:
Pudding can turn people into Jello

Rihanna usually has that effect on me.

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