Half-Dragon PFS Legal?

Pathfinder Society

Silver Crusade

I'm playing around in Hero Lab to come up with some new level one characters and toyed with the Half-Dragon. Its showing me that it is a legal build but given the bonuses I can't see how this would be acceptable for organized play. Is Half-Dragon legal for PFS?


This piece of information, and many others like it, are available in the Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play: http://paizo.com/products/btpy84k4

Grand Lodge 2/5 RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

L8knight wrote:
I'm playing around in Hero Lab to come up with some new level one characters and toyed with the Half-Dragon. Its showing me that it is a legal build but given the bonuses I can't see how this would be acceptable for organized play. Is Half-Dragon legal for PFS?

For anything outside the PFS Core Assumption (as defined in the FREE Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play), you can reference the Additional Resources page for all your legality questions.

And to answer your question directly, no, you can't be a half-dragon.

Paizo Employee 5/5 * Developer

Just because Hero Lab lets you do something does not indicate one way or another if something is PFS legal. Good call asking here before bringing it to a game, though. As others have said (and linked) check the additional resources for what's in and out.

The Exchange 5/5 RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

Now, that would be a great convention boon.

Todd, if you could arrange for next year's Gamicon to offer a half-dragon race boon, I suspect we'd get an influx of PFS.

I would not like to be half a dragon. Which half? Just being the rear half would make a lot of things difficult.


Paizo Employee Developer

I removed a few posts that presented possibly misleading information. While I think it's clear to frequent readers of these messageboards that the information they contained was in jest, I'd rather avoid any confusion.

The simple answer is no. You may not use the half-dragon template in Pathfinder Society Organized Play.

1/5 Venture-Captain, Germany–Hannover

You probably have the wrong herolab settings chosen.
When creating a character, at the configure your hero selection, in that box choose "Pathfinder society organized play character". That will give you the right options. If you choose the one below you will get all options including those illegal for play.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Hayato Ken wrote:

You probably have the wrong herolab settings chosen.

When creating a character, at the configure your hero selection, in that box choose "Pathfinder society organized play character". That will give you the right options. If you choose the one below you will get all options including those illegal for play.

You might also just want to make sure that the Use Templates box, much farther down the choices list, is unchecked. I don't know of any templates for PCs that are PFS-legal.

There are a few templates available for specific situations (celestial & fiendish, IIRC, for summoned monsters, for instance)

1/5 Venture-Captain, Germany–Hannover

Ah see, probably that is why i could not create a celestial viper familiar! So many people always complain about herolab, truth is, most often one just doesn´t know how to handle it.

5/5 5/55/55/5

You can take the dragon disciple prestige class if you want the flavor of a half dragon (and you'll get there eventually...)


1 person marked this as a favorite.

buy enough dragonhide armor and you can count as having half a dragon!

Shadow Lodge 5/5

Hayato Ken wrote:
Ah see, probably that is why i could not create a celestial viper familiar! So many people always complain about herolab, truth is, most often one just doesn´t know how to handle it.


Grand Lodge 4/5

Herolab is fantastic , you just have to know how to work with it ( and some limitations it has , and that the developers are working on). It´s not their fault people can´t handle it. But truth be told , most people can´t even handle the PFS rules, so the problem is not all with the program....

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