First DND Session tonight help with a character.


I finally found a DND Group, I plan on making a Sorcerer or Wizard for this group i've not played in awhile but wish some help my initial idea was

Elf Wizard

We start at level 4 and start with 15 points to spend on stats.

Dm Told me this

"Start at level 4

I almost forgot to send this to you:

15 pt attribute buy
Allow the Paizo material only
None of the "Uncommon" races, so "Core" and "Featured"
Pick some magic items based on level wealth, but I may need to tone it back based on the party wealth.

A couple things:
- No Raise Dead
I allow negative con plus level before death
I do not penalize a character XP when he starts play after a previous character's death

- No buying/selling magic items in game
I usually include downtime so you can make your own or commission a NPC that you know to do so. This means you can often trade items with NPCs. This makes magic items a little more special when you get them.

- Magic is rare
Most village folk will gasp in awe when they see obvious magic. Some are even fearful and may react poorly. Burn the witch!"

I don't have to build a caster but i thought maybe since i want a change from up front fighters

If you aren't familiar with spellcasters play a Sorcerer. Prepared spellcasters can get much more complicated with their vast array of spells to choose from and can frustrate your table if you don't remember to prepare new spells every morning. Not every new player has this issue, but has happened at my table more than once.

If magic is rare, then why don't you focus on illusion spells and charms, and just pick Magic Missile as your go-to attack spell? They can be just as helpful to the party and are much more subtle.

As for bloodline, totally a flavor choice but Abberant, Shadow, and Maestro are a few good bloodlines for that kind of caster.

Oh i used to love wizards or mages back in 2.0 but in 3rd edition everyone always asked me to play a front liner so trying to get back to my roots in a sense.

Grand Lodge

Reincarnated Druid

5th level, and you are basically immortal.

Human is best for this.

You will also have access to Lesser Restoration, and Cure spells, which will be a great boon to the low magic party.

Nab the Eagle Domain, for a smart scout, and awesome travel spells.

Also, having the familiar will give you the option to pick up the Adept Channel feat, if you choose.

Dark Archive

Complete Wizard Guide

Magic item availability may hurt wizards specifically early on as you can only get spells through levelling or finding them.

The magic item restriction means you will have to dedicate feat slots to magic crafting feats. Though craft wondrous is probably enough for you (cloak of resistance, headband, pearls of power, amulet of armor, handy haversack).

The other players may exert social pressure for you to take other craft feats.

Scaleclaw wrote:

I finally found a DND Group, I plan on making a Sorcerer or Wizard for this group i've not played in awhile but wish some help my initial idea was

Elf Wizard

We start at level 4 and start with 15 points to spend on stats.

Dm Told me this

"Start at level 4

I almost forgot to send this to you:

15 pt attribute buy
Allow the Paizo material only
None of the "Uncommon" races, so "Core" and "Featured"
Pick some magic items based on level wealth, but I may need to tone it back based on the party wealth.

Well the first thing to consider is what kind of wizard do you want to be? You say you played a wizard in 2E, things have changed a bit since then but there are certain basics that still apply. Do you want to blow things up with fireballs? Control the battlefield with area affect spells? Buff your allies? Debuff/disable your enemies? Wizard is all about spell selection, but the kind of spells you are going to select dictate appropriate things like specialization and feat selection, and even sometimes ratial selection.


A couple things:
- No Raise Dead
I allow negative con plus level before death
I do not penalize a character XP when he starts play after a previous character's death

- No buying/selling magic items in game
I usually include downtime so you can make your own or commission a NPC that you know to do so. This means you can often trade items with NPCs. This makes magic items a little more special when you get them.

Plan to take craft wonderous items at 5th level. Your party will love you for it based on the above statement.


- Magic is rare
Most village folk will gasp in awe when they see obvious magic. Some are even fearful and may react poorly. Burn the witch!"

I don't have to build a caster but i thought maybe since i want a change from up front fighters

Maybe get some holy symbols and the ability to bluff and credit the gods for your 'miracles'?

Dark Archive

Kolokotroni wrote:
Scaleclaw wrote:

- Magic is rare
Most village folk will gasp in awe when they see obvious magic. Some are even fearful and may react poorly. Burn the witch!"

I don't have to build a caster but i thought maybe since i want a change from up front fighters

Maybe get some holy symbols and the ability to bluff and credit the gods for your 'miracles'?

I once played in a S&W game where magic was not only feared and illegal, but illicited extremely hostile reactions. I played my magic-user as an archaeologist, as his spell selection was detection and reading magic spells.

OP: Perhaps you could play the Wizard class out-of-game, but pretend to be something else in-game. Such as archaeologist, adventurer, antique collector, treasure hunter, etc..?

If magic could bring out the lynch mobs, you need a cover. I might take a level of lore warden and pretend to be someone else's squire. Or you could just put some skill points into things like perception, disable device, stealth, etc... and pretend to be a really bad scout/rogue.

I would not pick a bloodline or wizard school that is too obvious in appearance or action. Take a bonded item rather than a familiar. Or at least a common (cat or raven) not an improved familiar (like an imp or pseudo dragon) that is obvious.

Evokers, necromancers, summoners, transmuters, verdant, abherant, draconic, etc... tend to be kind of obvious.

Consider the diviner (the subschool with the bonus to initiative is great) and the destined bloodline helps you stay alive.

Take a few item creation feats, but don't let the party make you into the factory store. Remember even the paladin or ranger can make potions or wands with others supplying the spells.
If wizard, you have scribe scroll I would probably add craft wand and maybe craft wonderous item.
If sorc I would probably take magic arms and armor. You don't have many spells so probably won't have the specific one for the 'watchmacalit of wuz' but you can always add more plusses to items.

For starting gear at this level I would actually spend fairly little. maybe a mount if the rest of the group has them. A cloak of resistance. Potion of cure moderate. Vials of holy water, acid, alchemist fire.
Wizard, mostly more spells in book.
Sorcerer, scrolls of the odd but sometimes useful spells. (Detect secret doors, vanish, comprehend languages, abundant amunition, detect undead, etc...)

I was thinking of being a well versed in knowledge wizard with more about blowing up stuff.. I'm a bit worried about the xp penalty you get from filmilars in 3rd editions but i love the concept of them.

Things like a Hawk/Owl to scout or a Scopian to deal touch attacks or even something like a donkey to carry my things

I know Wizards don't really get teeth until level 5 and not deadly till much later. but that the cost of it.

I was thinking Elf wizard to blast things up and was looking at some traits, i always feel powerful sitting on a tower firing off fire alls and when the mage runs out of blasting spells, self buff yourself and cast tenser transformation and jump in like a front combat character if it comes to that.

Help pleasse

could go with an evoker, or blast conjurer...
also: elvish archtype that may work for you


if he lets you, and tiny things provoke when touching.

Don't hesitate to stock up on scrolls and wands.

So ummm Feats to take at 1,3 and 5 would be.

Ok, I can't tell. What game system are you playing. PF, 3.0, 3.5, other?

If PF, you seem to have decided on Elf wizard evoker. Is that correct?

Grand Lodge

XP penalty?!

What game are you guys playing?

Dark Archive

Yeah, that doesn't sound like the paizo material he mentioned...

I'm moving from 3.0 to Pathfinder, so first Pathfinder game.

In 3.0 if the wizard filmilar dies the wizards lose alot of XP is that the same in pathfinder?

Also good wizard feats to take?

Grand Lodge

First off:

Expect nothing to be like 3.0 at all.

Next: XP is used for leveling only. Nothing else uses XP.

Ok, did not realized you hadn't played PF yet. So we shouldn't get too wild with the build. There are some changes from 3.0 to PF. There are some threads and I believe a pdf that list many of the changes.

There is no XP loss for casting some spells, making magic items, losing a familiar / animal companion, etc... I actually liked those rules, but they are gone.

There are a few spells that can be cast as an immediate action (feather fall) or are a full round action (summon monster I-IX). Watch for those. You may not want to use them until you get more adept at the rules.

Concentration checks are much more difficult than they used to be since there is no longer a skill you can dump points in and the DC's are higher.

It sounds like you want to be an evoker. That is a little harder in PF than it was in 3.0, but it is lots of fun to blow stuff up. =)

Most village folk will gasp in awe when they see obvious magic. Some are even fearful and may react poorly. Burn the witch!

I would ask the GM how serious this situation is. An evoker with an elemental familiar is pretty obvious. If you have to hide what you are, an evoker may not be the best choice.

But if you decide to go with that anyway.
Opposed schools, I would probably take abjuration and necromancy.
1 spell focus: evocation
3 greater spell focus: evocation OR combat casting
5 craft wand and improved familiar: small air elemental

Also ask the GM if he is using traits and/or hero points from the APG.

Dark Archive

Ah damn, the forum ate my post.

Anyway; yeah what Kydeem said.
I'd personally take enhancement as an opposed school instead of abjuration though.

As for the familiar;

srd wrote:
If a familiar is dismissed, lost, or dies, it can be replaced 1 week later through a specialized ritual that costs 200 gp per wizard level. The ritual takes 8 hours to complete.

it only costs you some gold :)

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