Cornielius |

Wild Speech
You speak with the tongue of men and beasts.
Prerequisites: Druid level 6th, wild shape class feature.
Benefit: When using wild shape to take the form in which you cannot speak (such as an animal), you are able to speak normally in any language you know. This allows you to cast spells with verbal components, speak command words, and activate spell completion and spell trigger items. However, it does not give you the ability to cast spells requiring somatic components unless you also have the Natural Spell feat, or cast spells with material components merged into your form.
When using wild shape to take the form of an animal, you may use speak with animals to communicate with animals of your assumed form. This is a spell-like ability with a caster level equal to your druid level, and you may use it for a number of minutes per day equal to your druid level. These minutes do not have to be consecutive, but must be used in one-minute increments.
You can't get it until 6th, but it can be fun to pantomime your communications after scouting for the party.
After 6th, it helps conserve wild shape uses by letting you stay in form and still give answers to the party questions.

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Couple of things you can do other than Wild Speech:
Some forms can speak. Elementals, some plants, so you don't need anything special.
Spells - some spells can provide a means of communication, one thing I suggest is grabbing the ghost sound or prestidigitation cantrip from Two World Magic trait. Then get natural spell at 5th. Want to talk, cast the spell and either make a ghostly voice or letters appear in the air.
Note wild speech is still nice because you can use all the voice required magic items.

Atarlost |
Point out the compsognathus familiar's +4 initiative to the wizard or witch or arcane bloodline sorcerer. Shape into a dinosaur: there's a dinosaur for nearly everything. Play telephone. (Requires a level 7 wizard, witch, or arcane bloodline sorcerer; but that's the earliest you can take natural speech anyways because you don't have a feat at level 6.)

Marphod |
Go simian, take a rank in linguistics, and pick up a signed language (and get someone else in the party to learn the language as well). Or any bipedal species, really; short-armed creatures aren't going to be great at it, but you can at least do some of the language.
Helm of telepathy.
An Intelligent magic item with telepathy.
A wizard/witch/whatever with an improved familiar with telepathy or truespeech.

StreamOfTheSky |

Aside from what has already been said, there is also telepathy, if you or someone else in the party can get it. An Improved Familiar is an easy source for it, my Faerie Dragon familiar has it, for example.
The least expensive, earliest level option would simply be casting ghost sound, which as an infinite-cast 0-level spell is basically free. Some may argue if you can create normal speech with the sounds (I think you can), but something akin to Dr. Stephen Hawking's voice emulation device should at the very least be possible. Unfortunately, Ghost Sound is not a druid spell. Fortunately, it's easy to make it one. The Two World Magic trait will add it to your spell list, and can be gained post-character creation by the Additional Traits feat. Samsaran's Mystic Past Life racial feature would also let you snag it possibly, if any divine caster has it on their list.

All_That_Chaz |

Aside from what has already been said, there is also telepathy, if you or someone else in the party can get it. An Improved Familiar is an easy source for it, my Faerie Dragon familiar has it, for example.
The least expensive, earliest level option would simply be casting ghost sound, which as an infinite-cast 0-level spell is basically free. Some may argue if you can create normal speech with the sounds (I think you can), but something akin to Dr. Stephen Hawking's voice emulation device should at the very least be possible. Unfortunately, Ghost Sound is not a druid spell. Fortunately, it's easy to make it one. The Two World Magic trait will add it to your spell list, and can be gained post-character creation by the Additional Traits feat. Samsaran's Mystic Past Life racial feature would also let you snag it possibly, if any divine caster has it on their list.
Two World Magic with Ghost Sound definitely works.
Ghost sound allows you to create a volume of sound that rises, recedes, approaches, or remains at a fixed place. You choose what type of sound ghost sound creates when casting it and cannot thereafter change the sound's basic character.
The volume of sound created depends on your level. You can produce as much noise as four normal humans per caster level (maximum 40 humans). Thus, talking, singing, shouting, walking, marching, or running sounds can be created. The noise a ghost sound spell produces can be virtually any type of sound within the volume limit. A horde of rats running and squeaking is about the same volume as eight humans running and shouting. A roaring lion is equal to the noise from 16 humans, while a roaring dragon is equal to the noise from 32 humans. Anyone who hears a ghost sound receives a Will save to disbelieve.
Ghost sound can enhance the effectiveness of a silent image spell.
Ghost sound can be made permanent with a permanency spell.
The only drawback is that until you can get it permanency'd, you won't be able to chat in combat without using a standard action. The only thing I don't like about Two World Magic is that you can't have two magic traits and Beast of the Society (double duration of wild shape if you polymorph into a small or medium creature) is incredible.