Ron Lundeen Contributor |
Some magic items will give feats (like the ioun stone that grants alertness), but those aren't generally in the price range a 5th-level character can afford.
Your friends with 4 feats likely have bonus feats (such as from being a human or half-elf), or from classes. Or perhaps they're just in error.

bookrat |

If you want to maximize the number of feats you have, play a human fighter. Every character gets a bonus feat every odd level. A human gets a bonus feat at 1st level. A fighter gets a bonus combat feat at first level, and then every even level.
Up to 20th level, a human fighter will receive a total of 22 feats. No other class/race combination will grant you as many feats.

bookrat |

Drop either toughness (you can pick it up later for the extra HP) or the exotic weapon proficiency. The taiaha can be used as a martial weapon for a while.
The Stone Age taiaha is a long, heavy stick, club-shaped at one end and tipped with a wooden or metal spear point at the other. You wield it with a combination of solid strikes with the club and fending motions with the spear. A taiaha can be wielded as a martial weapon that deals 1d8 points of bludgeoning damage (1d6 if Small) and has a ×2 critical.

mplindustries |

Yeah, this character is pretty bad.
Dragonrider shouldn't even be a class, but that said, taking 1 level of it is pointless. The dragon's stats scale with your Dragonrider level, so it'll effectively be stuck at 1st level forever. Don't bother.
Barbarian and Magus don't really work together well at all, because you can't cast spells while Raging. Since the entire point of Magus is casting during combat and delivering the spells through your weapon, and the entire point of Barbarian is Raging, you really should not combine them.
Your weapon choice is awful, too. First, you have a double weapon, but don't have the Two-Weapon Fighting feat. Plus, you need to use two hands to wield it as a double weapon, and that stops you from using Spell Combat.
Furthermore, the main benefit of the Magus is delivering touch spells through your weapon and using that weapon's critical threat range (not the multiplier, though) for those spells. That means, unless you're a Hexcrafter or making some other kind of weird build, all Magi should be using weapons with as wide a crit range as possible (i.e. you really should be using an 18-20/x2 crit weapon, like a Scimitar, Rapier, Urumi, Katana, etc.).
You're vastly better off as either a level 5 Dragonrider, a level 5 Barbarian, or a level 5 Magus than you are being a little bit of each.

darkorbit |

Yeah, this character is pretty bad.
Dragonrider shouldn't even be a class, but that said, taking 1 level of it is pointless. The dragon's stats scale with your Dragonrider level, so it'll effectively be stuck at 1st level forever. Don't bother.
Barbarian and Magus don't really work together well at all, because you can't cast spells while Raging. Since the entire point of Magus is casting during combat and delivering the spells through your weapon, and the entire point of Barbarian is Raging, you really should not combine them.
Your weapon choice is awful, too. First, you have a double weapon, but don't have the Two-Weapon Fighting feat. Plus, you need to use two hands to wield it as a double weapon, and that stops you from using Spell Combat.
Furthermore, the main benefit of the Magus is delivering touch spells through your weapon and using that weapon's critical threat range (not the multiplier, though) for those spells. That means, unless you're a Hexcrafter or making some other kind of weird build, all Magi should be using weapons with as wide a crit range as possible (i.e. you really should be using an 18-20/x2 crit weapon, like a Scimitar, Rapier, Urumi, Katana, etc.).
You're vastly better off as either a level 5 Dragonrider, a level 5 Barbarian, or a level 5 Magus than you are being a little bit of each.
actually, I need barb to buff up, then magus for spells, and dragon rider for steed

bookrat |

If you are using a steed, there's no need for fast movement. If you aren't going to rage, then barbarian is completely useless to you. You're better off taking another level of dragon rider. You get another 1d10 HP (instead of 1d12, but whatever), you get better saves, and you get two useful abilities: low light vision (which humans don't have) and shared spells (so spells you could use on yourself as a magus can now be used on your dragon).
The barbarian level is completely useless for this character.
Also, drop that weapon. Yes, you can use it one handed for the magus, but in order to use any double weapon, you need both hands, which means you can't use it as a magus. And because you don't have two weapon fighting, you get a -4/-8 to your attacks. Pick up a lance for the charges and a sword for close up. And then spend that exotic weapon proficiency feat on something useful.

Loup Blanc |

If you want to maximize the number of feats you have, play a human fighter. Every character gets a bonus feat every odd level. A human gets a bonus feat at 1st level. A fighter gets a bonus combat feat at first level, and then every even level.
Actually, take the Dragoon archetype for fighter, get 2 bonus feats at 1st level instead of 1! Also, multiclass into monk for 1 level, get all of those feats as well. It's a feat party!
But as for darkorbit, yes, you'll have 3 feats. By any chance is this character one of those cave-dwelling, flower-blessed lizard-orc-giants we helped you with a ways back?

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If you want to be, primarily, a Magus, then you 100% do not want Arcane Spell Failure. You're already likely to lose spells to failed Concentration Checks at low levels, adding an extra 20-30% chance to fail ON TOP of that is akin to saying "I want to do nothing but attack every round, but I want to be awful at doing that, too!"