Wind Chime |
So not including prestige classes which classes fluff and mechanics do you find to be most flavorful and interesting.
For me it has to be the witch, most of the hexes are just cool some more so than other for example child-scent and cook people are both pretty flavorful (wink) and evocative.
I also really like the idea of an alchemists tumor familiar as well as the Hulk Mutagen options. Also lets not forget the reanimator class who create uncontrolled un-dead for science. So what do people think?

TheRedArmy |

Paladin. All day, every day. RP built-in to the class. Specific codes based on Deity. Oaths that add further codes. Abilities based on beliefs. And a million and one different ways to play it, all of them LG.
Imagine further, an established character (say Ranger with decent charisma) suddenly, at 6th level or so, reaching out to the party Paladin to receive his kind of training. He responds "This isn't something you can really teach...but if you wish to learn, I will do what I can. It is up to Erastil (or whatever) to decide if you are worthy of the boons he/she/heaven has granted me." Now there's all kinds of PC-to-PC role-playing going on, and the Paladin is helping the Ranger with Faith, giving yourself to a higher power - so awesome.

Darth Grall |

I personally concur that all of the non-core base classes feel especially flavorful(they all fit into some sorta flavory gimmick). Before them though:
-Monks, because mechanical issues aside everyone's wanted to kung fu a dragon at one point or another.
-Paladins because they are the literal epitome of LG(even if it causes people hours worth of back and forth on the subject)

Darkwolf117 |

Sorcerer - Bloodlines are cool in so many ways. 'Nuff said.
Rangers - Not too bad. I do like the whole hunter from the wild (or somewhere else) thing, they're pretty flavorful in that regard.
Alchemist - With the crazy discoveries they can get, like growing tentacles, wings, and extra arms? Yeah.
Oracle - I'm not a fan of the Cleric, because it's so fully tied to their deity that it doesn't strike me as all that unique on its own. Drop the deity, throw in a curse, and get access to a bunch of themes in the form of mysteries, and Oracle has awesome flavor.
Summoner - With the abundance of outsiders and planes to draw inspiration from, and the fact that you can make your eidolon pretty much whatever the hell you want, definitely like the flavor for them.
Witch - ...Not much to say on this. Between the hexes, the familiar, the patron and so on? Very good flavor.
Magus - One of the only classes that really strike me as a good 'Battlemage' type of character (in the 'blasty' sense, not like those divine guys and summoner who focus on support). I really like them just for that reason.
Gunslinger - All kinds of tricky and daring maneuvers, while tossing a hail of bullets down on the enemies? Awesome.
So... that wasn't exactly a single 'most' flavorful class, but there's my thoughts on 'em.

Azten |

For me it's paladin. My first character? A paladin. The first character whose backstory wasn't thought up on the spot and actually written? A paladin.
Something about being a knight with the ability to strike down evil appeals to me. Pity I don't play them as often as I do other classes. :/
Hehe, just realized the alias I use to post outside of pbp's is a paladin too! XD