Rolled three 18's, Dex, Int, Wis. What would you make?


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With those rolls you could probably play anything and do it well but I would consider a race that gives you a CON bonus.

Gnome, especially if you are thinking gunslinger or alchemist (or both) could be really nice. Boost your con to 12, CHA to 13 and just lower STR to 12. Sure no 20's but you will make a quite amazing alchemist (or gunslinger). The alternative gnomish favored class bonus for alchemists will add one bomb for every two levels you take it.

I'd suggest toughness as a 1st level feat however and probably HP for your favored class bonuses for the first couple of levels. But later on definitely consider taking the extra bombs.

An Aasimar or tiefling could also make for a great choice especially the variants that get a con boost.


what are your other stats? lol and honestly anything will work.

Or you can combine the cheese of both worlds and go monk/magus! 22 ac buck nekkid!

Grand Lodge

StabbittyDoom wrote:

What am I not understanding, exactly? If you're going to be captain "better than thou" at least explain your position. I explained mine, which can be summarized as follows: It seems cheesy because you're selecting an obscure god for no reason other than the weapon/domain combo happens to look cool, rather than anything have to do with what that god's real motivations, intentions, etc are. In fact, I can't even find a reference to what those might be.

I really am not putting forth some "holier than thou" thing.

At least, that's not my intention.

The god choice was to meet the favored aspects of the DM.

The Musket is a poor choice for anyone not focused on using it.

Something finessable or two handed would be better for this.

The lack of information on Cixyron's motivations, intentions and whatnot is actually a boon, as it leaves it mostly up to the player.

This is a fun build, allowing for fun aspects.

You came off as accusatory, and vicious.

I thought this was due to a misunderstanding.

Liberty's Edge

blackbloodtroll wrote:
StabbittyDoom wrote:

What am I not understanding, exactly? If you're going to be captain "better than thou" at least explain your position. I explained mine, which can be summarized as follows: It seems cheesy because you're selecting an obscure god for no reason other than the weapon/domain combo happens to look cool, rather than anything have to do with what that god's real motivations, intentions, etc are. In fact, I can't even find a reference to what those might be.

I really am not putting forth some "holier than thou" thing.

At least, that's not my intention.

The god choice was to meet the favored aspects of the DM.

The Musket is a poor choice for anyone not focused on using it.

Something finessable or two handed would be better for this.

The lack of information on Cixyron's motivations, intentions and whatnot is actually a boon, as it leaves it mostly up to the player.

This is a fun build, allowing for fun aspects.

You came off as accusatory, and vicious.

I thought this was due to a misunderstanding.

It still is due to misunderstanding. Our definitions of cheese are different, simple as that.

As far as the deity definition goes.. sure, I guess. That part varies wildly by DM so unless the player happened to open with a flavor suggestion for the god I might not (personally) react so favorably to selecting a god based on weapon/domain alone. I'm not saying I would outright ban-hammer it, but I would certainly demand more detail before allowing it to go forward. It's all about how you approach it, I suppose.

Aside from the weirdness with the deity, I agree that the concept is cool and deserves a place at the table.

Amuse thyself.

Tattoo sorc 1, greensting scorpion tattoo
Inquisitor 2
Kensei Magus for the rest

Just for the 3 stats to initiative. With the right race and improve init and reactionary trait, you'll be in the 20's for + init. Not super optimized, but damned amusing.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Only if the character's name is Miferst Yoorslo.


naw you name the guy Powerthirst Yolo

Scarab Sages

Mittensworth wrote:
I'd like to help round out the group and fill a role the group needs, but I'm not sure what class might benefit with very high Dex, Int, and Wis. What would you guys play as with this roll?

A dervish dancing bladebound kensai with a 2 level dip into MoMS.


Traits: threatening defender, magical lineage (shocking grasp)

lvl 1 kensai: weapon finesse, dodge, weapon focus(scimitar), weapon proficiency (scimitar)
level 2 MoMS: improved unarmed strike, crane style
level 3 MoMS: dervish dance, crane wing
level 4 kensai
level 5 kensai: arcane strike
level 6 kensai
level 7 kensai: kirin style, intensify spell
level 8 kensai
level 9 kensai: weapon specialization (scimitar)
level 10 kensai
level 11 kensai: kirin strike
level 12 kensai
level 13 kensai: crane riposte, kirin path

Dervish Magus seems to be to be the most powerful choice. But given those stats, I'd go monk with a 1 level dip in witch for prehensile hair hex and mage armor spell.

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I'm going to swim against the tide here and recommend against mystic theurge. A couple points here:

The rolled stats don't make you Superman, and they particularly don't do much to cover MT's largest weaknesses (which are lower caster levels and lack of the highest level spells). The multiclassing will also hurt your base attack bonus, so it is not a great choice for making use of your Dex with archery. You'll have a base attack bonus equal to or lower than half of your level for most of your adventuring career.

Also, MT is kind of jumping in at the deep end as far as complicated characters to play in Pathfinder. In my own opinion it requires a fair amount of system mastery to recognize how best to employ your less powerful spellcasting ability. Maybe this is what you want, of course!

I would suggest a straight cleric, though, focusing on archery and spellcasting. As a prepared caster with access to its entire class list Cleric is pretty forgiving to someone learning the game, there's not much you can do to screw yourself that you can't undo the next morning. An archer-cleric is very well suited to your high (Dex and Wis) stats as well as your lower (Con) stats since it uses the former while keeping you out of melee where the latter might cost you. A cleric's good base Fortitude save also helps cover for your lower Con, and it has a 3/4 BAB as opposed to the under 1/2 BAB of the mystic theurge. The last high stat, Int, shores up a traditional cleric weakness in skill points and will let you do a number of things well outside of combat.

Your group has no full divine caster at the moment, which can be a fairly large hole depending on the style of the campaign.

I will echo the people saying Cleric. Your party can use a full divine caster, the wisdom is awesome, intelligence covers the main annoyance most clerics have, namely not enough skill points, and everyone wants dexterity.

For an evil/morally dubious campaign there are lots of domains that are very cool and powerful but usually don't fit a typical hero. I'm specifically thinking of Darkness, Madness, and the Demon subdomain. (These are also options for an inquisitor by the way, which would be a great choice as well.)

As for what to do in combat, you can either go for casting all the way, get into archery, or go weapon finesse. The last option might be uncommon for clerics, but you have the stats to make it work, and spending a feat (or a half-elf racial trait) to get the proficiency isn't as terrible as some people will make it out to be. If you go for an inquisitor, just focusing on casting probably won't work well, but the other two options are just as valid.

Silver Crusade

Ishpumalibu wrote:
A bow wielding inquisitor?

These stats just scream human archer inquisitor with the conversion inquisition.

You'll do great damage with a composite longbow (str +2), have a very nice AC from the Dex bonus, and be able to play as your party face because of the great Wis score.

Oh, and you'll be a skill monkey getting 11 skill ranks per level.

I would recommend taking the World Traveller trait to add Knowledge (local) as a class skill. This will give you 5 different knowledges as class skills. Your other trait should be Reactionary. At level 2 you will be getting +10 to your initiative rolls.

For feats, take Point-blank Shot and Precise Shot.

As far as deity, I chose Sarenrae for my deity and picked up a scimitar for the rare time I get into melee range.

If you do go cleric I would encourage you to find a race that would shore up your two weaknesses as a cleric.

1) a low con which is a weakness for any class but especially bad for the healer (who heals the healer if you go down quickly)

2) a low CHA which will make you less effective as a channeler which is a key part though not the only part of a pathfinder cleric.

Gnome might actually be good as a cleric. As would any alternative tiefling or Aasimar that gets a boost to either con or CHA (provided they don't have a penalty to WIS)

I also wouldn't worry as much as others here about dipping into another class. If you don't mind being lawful then a level of monk or even a few offers feats, across the board save boosts, your WIS to AC (if you don't wear armor) and a lot of other fun options. If you went an arcane class that wouldn't be wearing armor anyway it could be a fantastic dip given your stats. And if lawful is the issue explore the martial artist archetype which offers a unique take on the monk.

Clerics can use armor so the monk dip is less useful there.

Scarab Sages

Ranged Inquisitor. Great skills, good abilities, good attack.

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

How about a monk working towards the duelist prestige class? I love characters who can get high ACs without actually wearing armor.

Okay, the thread's been quiet for a day and Mittensworth probably got his advice and left.

But inquiring minds want to know: what did Mittensworth end up making?

Haha, actually I'm still debating it. Talking it over with the DM later tonight.

Originally I was thinking of making a gun toting alchemist, but the group needs utility spellcasting and has no divine caster-- plus a lot of the skillmonkey stuff like disable divice is taken care of by the ninja and bard in the group. I really don't want to step on anyone's toes by overshadowing them in their role. Plus I wouldn't be putting my high wisdom to use for anything besides a higher will save.

Then I was thinking this would be one of the few rolls I could actually do a successful Mystic Theurge with. This is my first pathfinder game, and I've only ever played 3.5 once-- so I'd really like to play a full caster and get the full experience of having a huge spellbook and being tactical about it. Then I realized I would have to get to level 7 before I could start progressing as a Mystic Theurge, and I'd be 3 spellcaster levels behind in both books... and quickly dismissed the idea when I looked at the number of spells I'd get even as a Magus or comparable hybrid.

Then I started looking very seriously at a dexterity focused scimitar wielding magus. Could get really high AC by taking two monk levels. And it would be a really fun character for the evil party. And it would probably be pretty powerful.

But I still really would like to play a full caster, and someone pointed out that I could potentially enter Mystic Theurge at level 5 instead of level 7 by going...
Wizard 1- Precocious apprentice feat (to gain a second level arcane spell)
Cleric for levels 2-4
Then Mystic Theurge, only effectively losing one level of divine spells cast per day.

So now I'm looking at those two options and talking it over with the DM tonight.

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Okay, so I started to tell the DM my two character ideas. Here's how the conversation went.

Me: I have two ideas for characters. One is an evil elf Magus, going BlackBlade and Kensai archtypes, getting Dexterity and Intelligence to AC, and possibly taking two levels of monk and getting Wisdom to AC as well. Then going around stabbing people while using touch spells to people's faces. It could be really powerful.


Me: My other idea is--

DM: --Nope! Touch Wizard! Do it!

I think I'm going to play the Magus.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Mittensworth wrote:
Daelen wrote:
Kensai Magus/Master of Many Styles Monk. Only two levels of Monk really needed, then the rest Magus. Go for a race like Elf with a bonus to Dex and Int, to really make your damage and spell DC's shine, as well as your AC with each level of Magus. Add in Dervish Dance and you're golden.
I like this. A lot. I'm going to go look it up.

Here's an idea of what a Monk/Magus might look like.

I m curious as the choice of what classes you took at each levels.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I started with the monk levels. That gave me a strong defense early on which allowed me to more easily survive to the higher levels.

I'd recommend to max sense motive. Feinting opponents are real killers against that build if they have sneak attack. That 18 in wisdom will come handy.

Invisible sneak attackers are also a big problem.

Scarab Sages

Invisible sneak attackers are always a problem.

I have glitterdust on my magus, but it won't stop an invisible rouge's first attack.

Yeah, but I mean that you loses EVERYTHING with a feint or invisible sneak. All AC bonus from Dex, kensai and monk with this build.

I have a Dex kensai who has dumped wisdom in my table. I put some low level rogues as adds in one encounter. They feinted and attacked. The usually high ACed kensai saw himself with AC 10 and receiving 1d4+1+2d6 from each attack from low leveled poorly armed opponents.


d20pfsrd wrote:
These bonuses to AC apply even against touch attacks or when the monk is flat-footed. He loses these bonuses when he is immobilized or helpless, when he wears any armor, when he carries a shield, or when he carries a medium or heavy load.

You should reconsider: play that fighter so the dm can concentrate 100% on the game.

Dwarf cleric. That would give you a Strength 14, Constitution 12, Dexterity 18, Intelligence 18, Wisdom 20, and Charisma 9.

Your +4 Dex modifier is good enough for breastplate, so with a light shield you will start with an AC of 21 (14 touch, 15 flat-footed). (And having a +4 Init mod is always good!) That 14 Str will let you be effective in melee (with a battleaxe or warhammer!) and your lower Con doesn't matter as much since you've got healing spells (and channeling). Plus, if you really want, take Toughness as a feat.

That Wisdom 20 gives you GREAT bonuses to your save DCs and extra spells. You aren't slowed by your medium armor (although you are slower than normal) and your racial features are all good.

Don't try and trick yourself into some weird class combo; just go with what feels right. And man, this feels right.


What version monk are you doing. I thought the alignment requirements of the monk would put a damper on ur character.

Monk(Martial Artist)

Also doesn't a Breastplate have AC +6? So wouldn't Flat-Footed be 17?

Azaelas Fayth wrote:

Monk(Martial Artist)

Also doesn't a Breastplate have AC +6? So wouldn't Flat-Footed be 17?

Oops. Sorry.


Happens to the best of us.

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