For The Glory of Icathia Discussion

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Female Human (Anizari) Female Human (Anizari) Magus (Bladebound) 14 : Mythic tier 4th (Champion ); HP: 160/160; AC:34 FF:30, T:15; Init:+5, Fort: +12, Ref: +6, Will: +10; Perception:+4(+6)

That would definitely not go well.

Female Aasimar Warpriest 12; Mythic tier 3rd (Marshal); HP: 102/102; AC: 25(28), FF: 19, T: 14; Init: +5, Fort: +12, Ref: +7, Will: +15; Perception: +9

hehe...hehe. Sorry...I'm in a weird place right now.

Female Aasimar Warpriest 12; Mythic tier 3rd (Marshal); HP: 102/102; AC: 25(28), FF: 19, T: 14; Init: +5, Fort: +12, Ref: +7, Will: +15; Perception: +9

Sleepy time for me too now. Night night

Female Human (Anizari) Female Human (Anizari) Magus (Bladebound) 14 : Mythic tier 4th (Champion ); HP: 160/160; AC:34 FF:30, T:15; Init:+5, Fort: +12, Ref: +6, Will: +10; Perception:+4(+6)

Good night. Sleep well.

Female Aasimar Warpriest 12; Mythic tier 3rd (Marshal); HP: 102/102; AC: 25(28), FF: 19, T: 14; Init: +5, Fort: +12, Ref: +7, Will: +15; Perception: +9

Ok...I try again. Old past stuff brought up by other stuff...made for an emotional day on top of weird sleep patterns due to medication and dentist trauma. Really trying to sleep sleep now. Had to get brain super sleepy. Hopefully I don't sleep all day tomorrow.

Female Aasimar Warpriest 12; Mythic tier 3rd (Marshal); HP: 102/102; AC: 25(28), FF: 19, T: 14; Init: +5, Fort: +12, Ref: +7, Will: +15; Perception: +9

Andrew....bubba? Haven't heard from ya in a while. Just wanted to make sure everything is okay. If things are going too slow or anything in game....or can tell us. Henry said if he needs to he can gloss over a couple of days to make things go by faster.

I know that Pandi wanted to go to the tower....and there might be people in the lowest room still....but....we can still gloss over the majority of a couple of days if things are slowing down too much for you.

Just let us know if there's anything we can do.

Female Aasimar Warpriest 12; Mythic tier 3rd (Marshal); HP: 102/102; AC: 25(28), FF: 19, T: 14; Init: +5, Fort: +12, Ref: +7, Will: +15; Perception: +9

My head hurts....

We might need to go out for a bit. Today I've had a couple of pop tarts, a glass of milk, and a handful of m&m' least there was a glass of milk in there right?

Sinuses are all jacked up again thanks to the crazy weather so my ears are stopped up and hurting too affecting my equilibrium, so I might have almost fallen off the bed a couple of times...but I don't think I hit my head....not that I can remember....

Anyways...I'm sure it's fine. It's not like another support beam fell on top of my head.

Female Aasimar Warpriest 12; Mythic tier 3rd (Marshal); HP: 102/102; AC: 25(28), FF: 19, T: 14; Init: +5, Fort: +12, Ref: +7, Will: +15; Perception: +9

Welllll...we never actually made it out of the house yet. I accidentally started cleaning one of the bookshelfs....but bright side, now we have a corner of the apartment that doesn't look like a total $hit yay us.

We'll be going out shortly. Still have some stuff to do.

Female Aasimar Warpriest 12; Mythic tier 3rd (Marshal); HP: 102/102; AC: 25(28), FF: 19, T: 14; Init: +5, Fort: +12, Ref: +7, Will: +15; Perception: +9

Store done, food now with a side of street passes for my 3DS. I don't care what we do or where we long as we're together.

Right Boobear?

*Smoochies!!* I heart U!!

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Female Human (Anizari) Female Human (Anizari) Magus (Bladebound) 14 : Mythic tier 4th (Champion ); HP: 160/160; AC:34 FF:30, T:15; Init:+5, Fort: +12, Ref: +6, Will: +10; Perception:+4(+6)


Female Aasimar Warpriest 12; Mythic tier 3rd (Marshal); HP: 102/102; AC: 25(28), FF: 19, T: 14; Init: +5, Fort: +12, Ref: +7, Will: +15; Perception: +9

I like making people laugh. Just ask Henry...we whooped it up today. I kinda fell off the bed a little bit....twice.


Female Human (Anizari) Female Human (Anizari) Magus (Bladebound) 14 : Mythic tier 4th (Champion ); HP: 160/160; AC:34 FF:30, T:15; Init:+5, Fort: +12, Ref: +6, Will: +10; Perception:+4(+6)

Sounds like you had a good day. That's always a welcome thing.

Female Aasimar Warpriest 12; Mythic tier 3rd (Marshal); HP: 102/102; AC: 25(28), FF: 19, T: 14; Init: +5, Fort: +12, Ref: +7, Will: +15; Perception: +9

Yeah....we had some fun. I'm pretty easy to please and don't require fancy things for entertainment. Sometimes I'm my own entertainment. LOL

Female Aasimar Warpriest 12; Mythic tier 3rd (Marshal); HP: 102/102; AC: 25(28), FF: 19, T: 14; Init: +5, Fort: +12, Ref: +7, Will: +15; Perception: +9

Henry went night night and I gotta go to. It's back to the kiddos tomorrow and whoever they put in there to help us which means I'll have to deal with Sandy complaining about everything because no one Ashley puts in there is good enough for her.

I don't care as long as the kids go home in the same condition they came in.

Female Aasimar Warpriest 12; Mythic tier 3rd (Marshal); HP: 102/102; AC: 25(28), FF: 19, T: 14; Init: +5, Fort: +12, Ref: +7, Will: +15; Perception: +9

Okay....has anyone had or know anyone that's had to have a root canal before that can explain to me what it is....cuz I think that's one of the things freaking me out and keeping my mind from just shutting down and resting.
Brett told me that one of my teeth might need a root canal and tried not to make it seem like a big deal....but it sounds bad. I can't shut the images of needles in my face outta my head and not knowing about what it really is is freaking me could someone please explain it using simple terms that I can understand.
Is it going to be horrible?

Female Human (Anizari) Female Human (Anizari) Magus (Bladebound) 14 : Mythic tier 4th (Champion ); HP: 160/160; AC:34 FF:30, T:15; Init:+5, Fort: +12, Ref: +6, Will: +10; Perception:+4(+6)

I can explain what it is.....I don't know if that'll make it better though. It's not a bunch of needles in your face though, just the one that has to anesthetize the nerve to do the work.

Female Aasimar Warpriest 12; Mythic tier 3rd (Marshal); HP: 102/102; AC: 25(28), FF: 19, T: 14; Init: +5, Fort: +12, Ref: +7, Will: +15; Perception: +9

When he did fillings before in the bottom it was two pretty bad needles and let me tell you....ONE needle in my mouth is one needle tooo many.

I HATE needles period. Being stuck with them on a consistent basis for over half my childhood....not to mention what dentists did to me....has already conditioned me to hate ALL needles anywhere on or in me. That's why I take all those meds beforehand and get the gas when needles are involved. Its more than just the needles though....but I'm not sure I could explain.

Female Aasimar Warpriest 12; Mythic tier 3rd (Marshal); HP: 102/102; AC: 25(28), FF: 19, T: 14; Init: +5, Fort: +12, Ref: +7, Will: +15; Perception: +9

Brett was saying something about the decay and if it got to the pulp of the tooth it was bad....but not having any idea what he was talking about he might as well have been speaking Latin to me.

Henry thinks it's bad....but I guess everyone's pain tolerance and experiences are different and it really depends on the dentist too I guess. He's not horribly rough and if I tell them to turn up the gas...they turn it up. But when it a hurting really bad I tend to stop breathing....and then the gas don't work and Brett has to remind me to breath doesn't really matter what any one else says about It....I guess? I'll just ha be to calm the hell down and wait and see.
Going to sleep would be lots easier if a certain puppy face wasn't crawling all over me and the bed.

Female Aasimar Warpriest 12; Mythic tier 3rd (Marshal); HP: 102/102; AC: 25(28), FF: 19, T: 14; Init: +5, Fort: +12, Ref: +7, Will: +15; Perception: +9

I'm just a freak and my body and I guess my mind, doesn't respond to things the way you would think for whatever reasons. My experiences are not others experiences, and my reality is not their reality....things that aren't usually a big deal or shouldn't be a big deal according to other people.....are a VERY big deal to me.....but that's just me and I have little yo no control over that.

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Tiefling Spirit Ranger 14, Trickster Tier 4
Init: +11* | HP: 170/170 | AC: 21 | FF: 16 | Fort: +13 | Ref: +15 | Will: +11 | Perception: +20* | Surge 11/11 | Spirit Bond 3/3

It's all good.

Female Aasimar Warpriest 12; Mythic tier 3rd (Marshal); HP: 102/102; AC: 25(28), FF: 19, T: 14; Init: +5, Fort: +12, Ref: +7, Will: +15; Perception: +9

YAY!! You're okay! I know stuff gets crazy sometimes and I don't mean to be a pain in the ass, but I just worry about people when we don't hear from them in a while and I know you walk most everywhere and with crazy people being crazy my mind goes to not nice places and I worry that something bad happens....and I'm okay...sorry. I'm just glad ur okay...I'll be quiet now.

*Zips lips*

Female Aasimar Warpriest 12; Mythic tier 3rd (Marshal); HP: 102/102; AC: 25(28), FF: 19, T: 14; Init: +5, Fort: +12, Ref: +7, Will: +15; Perception: +9

I'm tryin' to remember..did Sadhana or I ever mention what Pandi was asking about going back to the tower of order.

Female Aasimar Warpriest 12; Mythic tier 3rd (Marshal); HP: 102/102; AC: 25(28), FF: 19, T: 14; Init: +5, Fort: +12, Ref: +7, Will: +15; Perception: +9

I'm so freakin' tired and my right foot/ankle is killing me. I gots to needs a shower...maybe it'll help my muscles.

Female Human (Anizari) Female Human (Anizari) Magus (Bladebound) 14 : Mythic tier 4th (Champion ); HP: 160/160; AC:34 FF:30, T:15; Init:+5, Fort: +12, Ref: +6, Will: +10; Perception:+4(+6)

Putting X to bed.

Female Aasimar Warpriest 12; Mythic tier 3rd (Marshal); HP: 102/102; AC: 25(28), FF: 19, T: 14; Init: +5, Fort: +12, Ref: +7, Will: +15; Perception: +9

Okay, have a good night. I'm super tired so I probably go sleep sleep soon.

Tiefling Spirit Ranger 14, Trickster Tier 4
Init: +11* | HP: 170/170 | AC: 21 | FF: 16 | Fort: +13 | Ref: +15 | Will: +11 | Perception: +20* | Surge 11/11 | Spirit Bond 3/3

Work computers are down will try from my phone later if they don't come back up.

Female Aasimar Warpriest 12; Mythic tier 3rd (Marshal); HP: 102/102; AC: 25(28), FF: 19, T: 14; Init: +5, Fort: +12, Ref: +7, Will: +15; Perception: +9

Okay bubba. Hope your night goes by quickly and that it doesn't suck....or sucks less.

Female Human (Anizari) Female Human (Anizari) Magus (Bladebound) 14 : Mythic tier 4th (Champion ); HP: 160/160; AC:34 FF:30, T:15; Init:+5, Fort: +12, Ref: +6, Will: +10; Perception:+4(+6)

That sucks, sorry Andrew.

Female Aasimar Warpriest 12; Mythic tier 3rd (Marshal); HP: 102/102; AC: 25(28), FF: 19, T: 14; Init: +5, Fort: +12, Ref: +7, Will: +15; Perception: +9

I need ouce cream and sleep. I also need to get my foot propped up cuz it's killing me just sitting at the desk.

Female Human (Anizari) Female Human (Anizari) Magus (Bladebound) 14 : Mythic tier 4th (Champion ); HP: 160/160; AC:34 FF:30, T:15; Init:+5, Fort: +12, Ref: +6, Will: +10; Perception:+4(+6)

Sorry kiddo. Hope you feel better.

Xrays came back. Mine are all fine, though I'm still having muscle spasms across my upper back.

Sivan probably needs PT. There's a slight straightening of the curve of the neck so muscle strain and probably nerve pinch due to inflammation.

Total damage to the care is a bit over 5K, and will take 18 days to fix.

At least our insurance will pay out up to 88% of what she would make for the days she's been off work.

Female Aasimar Warpriest 12; Mythic tier 3rd (Marshal); HP: 102/102; AC: 25(28), FF: 19, T: 14; Init: +5, Fort: +12, Ref: +7, Will: +15; Perception: +9

Oh no....I'm so sorry.

I hope she feels better soon and everything recovers well. That sucks about the car. Are the insurance companies at least taking care of the repairs?

Female Human (Anizari) Female Human (Anizari) Magus (Bladebound) 14 : Mythic tier 4th (Champion ); HP: 160/160; AC:34 FF:30, T:15; Init:+5, Fort: +12, Ref: +6, Will: +10; Perception:+4(+6)

Yeah we have to pay a $100 deductible and the rest is covered. Though the rental is only partially covers but our insurance will go after theirs to recover the difference after the fact.

Female Aasimar Warpriest 12; Mythic tier 3rd (Marshal); HP: 102/102; AC: 25(28), FF: 19, T: 14; Init: +5, Fort: +12, Ref: +7, Will: +15; Perception: +9

Well that's good at least I guess. I was falling asleep on the couch, so I going to my beddy bed now.

Female Human (Anizari) Female Human (Anizari) Magus (Bladebound) 14 : Mythic tier 4th (Champion ); HP: 160/160; AC:34 FF:30, T:15; Init:+5, Fort: +12, Ref: +6, Will: +10; Perception:+4(+6)


Tiefling Spirit Ranger 14, Trickster Tier 4
Init: +11* | HP: 170/170 | AC: 21 | FF: 16 | Fort: +13 | Ref: +15 | Will: +11 | Perception: +20* | Surge 11/11 | Spirit Bond 3/3

Computers have been down for almost 15 hours and last I heard they still don't know the cause.

Female Aasimar Warpriest 12; Mythic tier 3rd (Marshal); HP: 102/102; AC: 25(28), FF: 19, T: 14; Init: +5, Fort: +12, Ref: +7, Will: +15; Perception: +9


Female Aasimar Warpriest 12; Mythic tier 3rd (Marshal); HP: 102/102; AC: 25(28), FF: 19, T: 14; Init: +5, Fort: +12, Ref: +7, Will: +15; Perception: +9

Well, I hope they get it figured out and fixed before you have to go back and deal with it again.

Female Aasimar Warpriest 12; Mythic tier 3rd (Marshal); HP: 102/102; AC: 25(28), FF: 19, T: 14; Init: +5, Fort: +12, Ref: +7, Will: +15; Perception: +9

Took two extra strength Tylenol and a Sudafed, let's see if that helps. I just pray that this day goes quickly and the kids are a little more calm.

Our main instigator isn't going to be here today, so maybe it'll be a little better.

Tiefling Spirit Ranger 14, Trickster Tier 4
Init: +11* | HP: 170/170 | AC: 21 | FF: 16 | Fort: +13 | Ref: +15 | Will: +11 | Perception: +20* | Surge 11/11 | Spirit Bond 3/3

I spent the night watching Hulu on my phone. Went through almost all my data for the month doing it.

Female Aasimar Warpriest 12; Mythic tier 3rd (Marshal); HP: 102/102; AC: 25(28), FF: 19, T: 14; Init: +5, Fort: +12, Ref: +7, Will: +15; Perception: +9

Awwwww....bubba. I'm sorry. I hope tonight is better for you. That totally sucks.

Female Aasimar Warpriest 12; Mythic tier 3rd (Marshal); HP: 102/102; AC: 25(28), FF: 19, T: 14; Init: +5, Fort: +12, Ref: +7, Will: +15; Perception: +9

I couldn't get steam to work on my stupid ass computer last night, so now me and Henry have to play FOUR games of 100% Orange Juice so we don't lose our Challenges or whatever.

That's on top of having to color some decorations for our class board for Ms. Sandy and doing my nails because they look awful and the girls in our class want them pink and purple....*le sigh* Whatever shall I do when our used to be babies move up?

Carter still wants a hug every time he sees me. I miss my little spider monkey.

I guess my phone is deciding to die.

Female Aasimar Warpriest 12; Mythic tier 3rd (Marshal); HP: 102/102; AC: 25(28), FF: 19, T: 14; Init: +5, Fort: +12, Ref: +7, Will: +15; Perception: +9

The stupid ass piece of crap won't even charge until we can afford another one...he's gonna be without a phone, or use his in emergency only..keeping it off unless he needs to use it to conserve what little battery it has left.

Female Aasimar Warpriest 12; Mythic tier 3rd (Marshal); HP: 102/102; AC: 25(28), FF: 19, T: 14; Init: +5, Fort: +12, Ref: +7, Will: +15; Perception: +9

Now his phone won't even turn on..... *sigh* :o(

Female Aasimar Warpriest 12; Mythic tier 3rd (Marshal); HP: 102/102; AC: 25(28), FF: 19, T: 14; Init: +5, Fort: +12, Ref: +7, Will: +15; Perception: +9

I've got to color stuff now.

Female Aasimar Warpriest 12; Mythic tier 3rd (Marshal); HP: 102/102; AC: 25(28), FF: 19, T: 14; Init: +5, Fort: +12, Ref: +7, Will: +15; Perception: +9

Just got the checkered flags left to color. Sandy is decorating our room in a kind of Cars 3 our board has a race track on it and she needed me to color some stuff to decorate it with.

She's really good at drawing stuff....but doesn't have the patience to color it.

Mark...I hope Sivan is starting to feel a little better and that the PT really helps. We're just really glad it wasn't any worse than what it was.

Bubba....I hope your night doesn't totally suck.

I don't know what we're gonna do now that Henry doesn't have a working phone. It'll be next Thursday before we can look into getting him another one. I'll have to write down my work number for him and put it in his lunch bag in case he needs to get a hold of me at work. I'm just gonna feel so disconnected from my boobear.

Female Aasimar Warpriest 12; Mythic tier 3rd (Marshal); HP: 102/102; AC: 25(28), FF: 19, T: 14; Init: +5, Fort: +12, Ref: +7, Will: +15; Perception: +9

Okay, that's finally done. I gotta get some sleep now. Have a good night everyone.

Female Aasimar Warpriest 12; Mythic tier 3rd (Marshal); HP: 102/102; AC: 25(28), FF: 19, T: 14; Init: +5, Fort: +12, Ref: +7, Will: +15; Perception: +9

And on top of my stomach feeling like crap, today is water day which a lot of us teachers didn't remember until today since they're pushing us to get our rooms ready for the new year. We have "training" next Thursday and Friday. Basically the kids Will be here till 2 on Thursday and then we're supposed to be here till matter when we came in, cleaning everything and getting stuff organized for the new kids we'll be getting on the 14th. Cleaning all the chairs, shelves, toys.....etc etc etc.

I'm hoping we don't have to go out cuz that's gonna make my tummy even worse. Just need for today to go by quickly.

Female Aasimar Warpriest 12; Mythic tier 3rd (Marshal); HP: 102/102; AC: 25(28), FF: 19, T: 14; Init: +5, Fort: +12, Ref: +7, Will: +15; Perception: +9

Sorry....I know there are people with worse problems and I don't mean to be so whiny....but I'm just really not feeling good.

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