For The Glory of Icathia Discussion

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Female Aasimar Warpriest 5; Mythic tier 1st (Marshal); HP: 43/43; AC: 23(25), FF: 19, T: 14; Init: +1, Fort: +6, Ref: +2, Will: +7

Yeah, it sucked pretty bad. I started screaming and then the dog was all over me....yeesh. I'm surprised the neighbors didn't call the cops, but then again, I guess hearing people screaming around here isn't anything unusual.

Advanced Orcish Deity 6 | HP: 112/146 (0 temps) | AC: 24 (26) ; T: 17; FF: 23; CMD: 33* | Fort: +15; Ref: +10; Will: +10 | Int: +3; Perc: +9
Active Effects:
Aegis (+2 deflection), Enhanced Weapons (+3)
MartialFlexibility 6/6 | MythicPower 5/7 | Inspired 1/1 | SpellPool 14/14 | Tension 2/8

Silly dog.

Female Aasimar Warpriest 5; Mythic tier 1st (Marshal); HP: 43/43; AC: 23(25), FF: 19, T: 14; Init: +1, Fort: +6, Ref: +2, Will: +7

Yup, the silly spoiled princess dog. For the most part, the pain was just surprising. Don't get me wrong, it hurt like a son of a b!$~#, but dealing with pain is pretty much an every day kinda thing for, once henry got me the quinine, and the pain subsided a bit I just stood up and made it work. It's part of me any way you look at it, my body does my bidding. Not the other way around.

Female Human (Anizari) Female Human (Anizari) Magus (Bladebound) 14 : Mythic tier 4th (Champion ); HP: 160/160; AC:34 FF:30, T:15; Init:+5, Fort: +12, Ref: +6, Will: +10; Perception:+4(+6)

That's the spirit. Ever considered acupuncture ?

Female Aasimar Warpriest 5; Mythic tier 1st (Marshal); HP: 43/43; AC: 23(25), FF: 19, T: 14; Init: +1, Fort: +6, Ref: +2, Will: +7

Needles? Not....really my thing. That's why I go to the massage therapist a couple times a month or so. Didn't see her last month though because of being sick, and haven't been able to go this month due to trying to get out of the hole of debt I put us back into by being sick. *sigh*

But no worries, like I said, I'm used to pain and how to deal with it. It's like an old friend comes to visit for a little while, creates some drama, and then it's gone again. I have alot of problems with my feet and legs, but like I said, my mind knows that they are there and that they function, so whether I can feel them or not, they work...because they have to.

Sorry for the late start...sleep wouldn't let go of me, then I need food to get the old thinker going.

Male Elf Cleric 8 / Hierophant 1 /\/\ Init: +1 | HP: 53 / 53 | AC: 18 | FF: 17 | Tch: 11 | Fort: +6 | Ref: +3 | Will: +9 | Per: +10 | Special: +2 saves vs Enchant and emotions spells and effects |

Henry, I forget, where are the majority of refugee's coming from?

Icathia and Jin Zhao mostly. The Jinzhi are mostly immigrants, not really refugees.

Female Human (Anizari) Female Human (Anizari) Magus (Bladebound) 14 : Mythic tier 4th (Champion ); HP: 160/160; AC:34 FF:30, T:15; Init:+5, Fort: +12, Ref: +6, Will: +10; Perception:+4(+6)

Warning Game of Thrones S4 Ep2 spoiler. Don't know why but this scene totally makes me think of Skaar.

@Corda, apparently weddings have that effect on some people ;p

Advanced Orcish Deity 6 | HP: 112/146 (0 temps) | AC: 24 (26) ; T: 17; FF: 23; CMD: 33* | Fort: +15; Ref: +10; Will: +10 | Int: +3; Perc: +9
Active Effects:
Aegis (+2 deflection), Enhanced Weapons (+3)
MartialFlexibility 6/6 | MythicPower 5/7 | Inspired 1/1 | SpellPool 14/14 | Tension 2/8

Heading to bed. Good night guys.

Female Witch 7 /\/\ HP: 32/38 | AC: 13 | Tch: 13 | FF: 11 | Fort: +2 Ref: +4 Will: +6 | Perception: +7 |


Female Human (Anizari) Female Human (Anizari) Magus (Bladebound) 14 : Mythic tier 4th (Champion ); HP: 160/160; AC:34 FF:30, T:15; Init:+5, Fort: +12, Ref: +6, Will: +10; Perception:+4(+6)

Good night!

Female Human (Anizari) Female Human (Anizari) Magus (Bladebound) 14 : Mythic tier 4th (Champion ); HP: 160/160; AC:34 FF:30, T:15; Init:+5, Fort: +12, Ref: +6, Will: +10; Perception:+4(+6)

How expansive was Straud's territory and how much of it was destroyed? Do we have any idea if there's been any activity there in the months since?

You really don't know the extent of Straub's territory, but it really wasn't much beyond Utopia, which was utterly destroyed. You can always ask the friendly wanderer, Gerard.

Female Human (Anizari) Female Human (Anizari) Magus (Bladebound) 14 : Mythic tier 4th (Champion ); HP: 160/160; AC:34 FF:30, T:15; Init:+5, Fort: +12, Ref: +6, Will: +10; Perception:+4(+6)

Figure better not to clear areas and just leave them for another of the bastards to take over so we have to do it again, although it's good to think he's roaming the neighborhood.

I doubt he's at the wedding though.

He really doesn't know you that well.

Female Human (Anizari) Female Human (Anizari) Magus (Bladebound) 14 : Mythic tier 4th (Champion ); HP: 160/160; AC:34 FF:30, T:15; Init:+5, Fort: +12, Ref: +6, Will: +10; Perception:+4(+6)


It's for the same reason I don't attend funerals of people I don't know. Seems improper.

Female Human (Anizari) Female Human (Anizari) Magus (Bladebound) 14 : Mythic tier 4th (Champion ); HP: 160/160; AC:34 FF:30, T:15; Init:+5, Fort: +12, Ref: +6, Will: +10; Perception:+4(+6)

Makes sense to me, I'm the same way unless it's to support someone else attending who can't handle it alone.


Female Aasimar Warpriest 5; Mythic tier 1st (Marshal); HP: 43/43; AC: 23(25), FF: 19, T: 14; Init: +1, Fort: +6, Ref: +2, Will: +7

Had to go to store after we got off work. At home now and looking over the threads to see what's going on and what I missed. :o(

Female Aasimar Warpriest 5; Mythic tier 1st (Marshal); HP: 43/43; AC: 23(25), FF: 19, T: 14; Init: +1, Fort: +6, Ref: +2, Will: +7

Okay, I am sick and tired of people coming to our door and waking us up. I told Henry that the next time someone rings our doorbell, I'm gonna answer it with the sword in my hand. When we go to the office to sign our new lease we are gonna talk to them about all these solicitors that aren't supposed to be coming around.


Henry was able to go back to sleep, but once I'm woken up, I'm up. And I had to sit with a patient last night and that took all of my energy, so I was pretty tired. Not to mention having to be around all the stupid people at the store this morning. Okay, there's my I feel, eh somewhat better.

Female Human (Anizari) Female Human (Anizari) Magus (Bladebound) 14 : Mythic tier 4th (Champion ); HP: 160/160; AC:34 FF:30, T:15; Init:+5, Fort: +12, Ref: +6, Will: +10; Perception:+4(+6)

I did that once. Came to the door with a katana, because my then landlady thought we weren't home and decided to show our apartment to prospective tenants so they could see a furnished one.

Wife and I had just finished..."quality time" and I heard a key in the living room door. Landlady and two little old people we greeted with a razor sharp katana wielded by a very angry person wearing very little.

I've to this day never seen such an expression of terror on anyone's face since. Very satisfying.

So glad I don't rent anymore.

Female Aasimar Warpriest 5; Mythic tier 1st (Marshal); HP: 43/43; AC: 23(25), FF: 19, T: 14; Init: +1, Fort: +6, Ref: +2, Will: +7

Yeah, we gotta get outta here before someone gets a sword through the chest...quite accidentally of course. Well, henry usually gets the door when it rings like that because I'm in a position to open the door. But next time I'm gonna be like, f!~& it...and grab my sword and answer that door as is. Lets see the a@#~+%~ latter day saints idiot response to that.

That's who it was this last time. We get everyone from people selling things to religious types who don't apparently understand or read english or they would see the "NO SOLICITING" sign in the front of our complex and the only way I know how to cure stupidity is...death.

Female Aasimar Warpriest 5; Mythic tier 1st (Marshal); HP: 43/43; AC: 23(25), FF: 19, T: 14; Init: +1, Fort: +6, Ref: +2, Will: +7

I told Henry I can't deal with this place anymore, but with trying to deal with so many changes already finding a place and moving would be just too much stress. So, we are saying one more year and then we are out of this shit hole.

Female Aasimar Warpriest 5; Mythic tier 1st (Marshal); HP: 43/43; AC: 23(25), FF: 19, T: 14; Init: +1, Fort: +6, Ref: +2, Will: +7

And when we DO finally get a house, I'm putting up f!+&ing electrified fencing and landmines in the damn yard to keep people the hell away from us. I will even post a sign, "Trespass at your own risk" to handle the legalities of it. Aarrgghghghghggh

Can we tell I'm a little upset today?

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Female Aasimar Warpriest 5; Mythic tier 1st (Marshal); HP: 43/43; AC: 23(25), FF: 19, T: 14; Init: +1, Fort: +6, Ref: +2, Will: +7

I think I'll nail a cross upside down on my door to discourage further infringement on my right to SLEEP during the DAMN DAY!

Female Aasimar Warpriest 5; Mythic tier 1st (Marshal); HP: 43/43; AC: 23(25), FF: 19, T: 14; Init: +1, Fort: +6, Ref: +2, Will: +7

Okay okay, really I'm okay.

Advanced Orcish Deity 6 | HP: 112/146 (0 temps) | AC: 24 (26) ; T: 17; FF: 23; CMD: 33* | Fort: +15; Ref: +10; Will: +10 | Int: +3; Perc: +9
Active Effects:
Aegis (+2 deflection), Enhanced Weapons (+3)
MartialFlexibility 6/6 | MythicPower 5/7 | Inspired 1/1 | SpellPool 14/14 | Tension 2/8


Female Aasimar Warpriest 5; Mythic tier 1st (Marshal); HP: 43/43; AC: 23(25), FF: 19, T: 14; Init: +1, Fort: +6, Ref: +2, Will: +7

Just one more thing....I went and saw my boss this morning. Had to go over my yearly evaluation and crap like that. While I was there I told her that I planned on leaving by around September. I thought she was gonna have a cow. She was all like, "But leave to go where? Are you just going to stop working for us?" And I was trying to explain things about my health and how I'm tired of being tired and hurting all the time and I have to go back to school full time and I can't do that while working there. And her response to that? "But if you leave us you won't have your benefits anymore or get your tuition discount."

You know what my response was?

"I was a person with dreams and goals, who went to school way before I EVER worked at UAMS. We have gotten by before and we will do it again, I just won't do it here I need a job where I'm not being forced to kill myself so others can be lazy. I need a job that gives me purpose and fulfillment, without trying to cripple me. I've been here five years, and I haven't even gotten a raise and nothing has changed. If I don't do something to change never will."

All she could say at that point was, "Well, okay....but for this year I'd like for you to get involved in more 'work' groups with the other PCT's."

It was like she didn't even hear anything I said. That's when I realized, they truly DO NOT care about anything that happens to us as long as they feel they can keep us under their thumb, that's exactly what they'll do. They would run me straight into the grave if I let them, well...NO MORE. I am only agreeing to be an indentured servant to them until September so I can pay off the rest of my medical bills and give Henry time to write his book. That's IT!

Okay, now I'm okay. I think I got it all out of my system, so I shouldn't feel the need to kill anyone at work tonight. *sighs*

Female Human (Anizari) Female Human (Anizari) Magus (Bladebound) 14 : Mythic tier 4th (Champion ); HP: 160/160; AC:34 FF:30, T:15; Init:+5, Fort: +12, Ref: +6, Will: +10; Perception:+4(+6)
Arista wrote:

And when we DO finally get a house, I'm putting up f##&ing electrified fencing and landmines in the damn yard to keep people the hell away from us. I will even post a sign, "Trespass at your own risk" to handle the legalities of it. Aarrgghghghghggh

Can we tell I'm a little upset today?

Just a little.

Venting is good.

Female Aasimar Warpriest 5; Mythic tier 1st (Marshal); HP: 43/43; AC: 23(25), FF: 19, T: 14; Init: +1, Fort: +6, Ref: +2, Will: +7

Sorry, sorry....I'm trying not to be....but it would seem the harder I try not to be upset, the worse it gets. That's pretty much how we ended with the monsoon this last I guess it was Sunday. I was really upset about something and the more I tried to control it, the worse it got.

It's like I almost have NO control and that really bugs me. Sorry again for the badness.

Tiefling Spirit Ranger 14, Trickster Tier 4
Init: +11* | HP: 170/170 | AC: 21 | FF: 16 | Fort: +13 | Ref: +15 | Will: +11 | Perception: +20* | Surge 11/11 | Spirit Bond 3/3

I'm a very light sleeper, my alarm is my phone on vibrate next to me and that's more than enough to get me up.

My roommates get up hours before I do and the doors and the laughing and the Xbox were too much so I went to the drug store and got a huge bag of disposable earpugs. Never slept better. :)

Female Aasimar Warpriest 5; Mythic tier 1st (Marshal); HP: 43/43; AC: 23(25), FF: 19, T: 14; Init: +1, Fort: +6, Ref: +2, Will: +7

It's more than just the hearing thing though....I can sense when stuff is going on or people are doing....whatever it is they do. I've tried putting stuff in my ears before, but all that does is irritate my ears. LOL

Female Aasimar Warpriest 5; Mythic tier 1st (Marshal); HP: 43/43; AC: 23(25), FF: 19, T: 14; Init: +1, Fort: +6, Ref: +2, Will: +7

Ugh, I just called work to get my assignment for tonight and I have to sit with another patient on a different floor. Good grief.

Female Human (Anizari) Female Human (Anizari) Magus (Bladebound) 14 : Mythic tier 4th (Champion ); HP: 160/160; AC:34 FF:30, T:15; Init:+5, Fort: +12, Ref: +6, Will: +10; Perception:+4(+6)

Try shielding your energy before you go to work.

Female Aasimar Warpriest 5; Mythic tier 1st (Marshal); HP: 43/43; AC: 23(25), FF: 19, T: 14; Init: +1, Fort: +6, Ref: +2, Will: +7

I sorta a way....*looks away sheepishly. Anyways, it depends on the patient. Sometimes they are okay and I can 'deal' with them, but if they are truly messed up or have a brain injury, there's almost nothing that I can do for them. It's why I get so tired after sitting with someone all night.

Female Human (Anizari) Female Human (Anizari) Magus (Bladebound) 14 : Mythic tier 4th (Champion ); HP: 160/160; AC:34 FF:30, T:15; Init:+5, Fort: +12, Ref: +6, Will: +10; Perception:+4(+6)

Thing is people with serious issues tend to siphon of anyone with sensitivity or any kind of energetic talent without even trying. Doing what you do, shielding's really important.

That and getting rid of the negative as soon as you get home.

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Female Aasimar Warpriest 5; Mythic tier 1st (Marshal); HP: 43/43; AC: 23(25), FF: 19, T: 14; Init: +1, Fort: +6, Ref: +2, Will: +7

That's why I wash my hands with sea salt as soon as I get home. :o)

I let them take what they need from me, if that's what helps them. Sometimes....they don't even see me, they see either a friend, family member, or someone else that they care about or respect. That makes my night easier, believe me. IF all else fails, I just make them sleep. My abilities make my job easier, not just for me...but for my patients too. The hospital talks about compassion, I give it.

Female Human (Anizari) Female Human (Anizari) Magus (Bladebound) 14 : Mythic tier 4th (Champion ); HP: 160/160; AC:34 FF:30, T:15; Init:+5, Fort: +12, Ref: +6, Will: +10; Perception:+4(+6)

Nice, just make sure you can "throw the shut-off valve" when you need to. People in that much need can take a lot more, a lot faster and leave you more drained than you realize.

The sleep is a good trick though, very nice. I can see why they don't want you to leave and might tend to put you with the difficult patients. You're better equipped to deal with them than most.

Female Aasimar Warpriest 5; Mythic tier 1st (Marshal); HP: 43/43; AC: 23(25), FF: 19, T: 14; Init: +1, Fort: +6, Ref: +2, Will: +7

Yeah, I guess so. But I just can't keep doing it. I give all of myself, and if I keep doing that...well, after a while there won't be anything left. Gettin ready to head in now. I'll check in in the morning.

Night all.

Female Human (Anizari) Female Human (Anizari) Magus (Bladebound) 14 : Mythic tier 4th (Champion ); HP: 160/160; AC:34 FF:30, T:15; Init:+5, Fort: +12, Ref: +6, Will: +10; Perception:+4(+6)

Have a good night, and yeah try not to give too much.

Female Human (Anizari) Female Human (Anizari) Magus (Bladebound) 14 : Mythic tier 4th (Champion ); HP: 160/160; AC:34 FF:30, T:15; Init:+5, Fort: +12, Ref: +6, Will: +10; Perception:+4(+6)

Off to a meeting for the next hour.

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Alright. I'll hold down the fort :P

Tiefling Spirit Ranger 14, Trickster Tier 4
Init: +11* | HP: 170/170 | AC: 21 | FF: 16 | Fort: +13 | Ref: +15 | Will: +11 | Perception: +20* | Surge 11/11 | Spirit Bond 3/3

Overnight training; will be on and off till 7-ish

Female Human (Anizari) Female Human (Anizari) Magus (Bladebound) 14 : Mythic tier 4th (Champion ); HP: 160/160; AC:34 FF:30, T:15; Init:+5, Fort: +12, Ref: +6, Will: +10; Perception:+4(+6)

And I'm back.

Female Human (Anizari) Female Human (Anizari) Magus (Bladebound) 14 : Mythic tier 4th (Champion ); HP: 160/160; AC:34 FF:30, T:15; Init:+5, Fort: +12, Ref: +6, Will: +10; Perception:+4(+6)

Leaving work now.

Couldn't come up with a more rousing song, so...I'll leave it to your imagination.

Advanced Orcish Deity 6 | HP: 112/146 (0 temps) | AC: 24 (26) ; T: 17; FF: 23; CMD: 33* | Fort: +15; Ref: +10; Will: +10 | Int: +3; Perc: +9
Active Effects:
Aegis (+2 deflection), Enhanced Weapons (+3)
MartialFlexibility 6/6 | MythicPower 5/7 | Inspired 1/1 | SpellPool 14/14 | Tension 2/8

I'm crashing. Good night.

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