Ware your words, for Truenames hold power - Reign of Winter OOC

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

Thanks! I will definitely be going back in a year or two, I just want to take a break from it and begin the next chapter of my life so to speak.

Female Half-fey (aasimar) Paladin 3 HP 31/31, AC 19/12/17, Saves 8/6/7, MW Long Sword +5 (1d8+3/19-20) Spiked Light Shield +4 (1d4+1/x2) Init +2, Perception 1
DM - Voice of the Voiceless wrote:
I'm kind of in the other camp though... I miss University... quite a lot at times. For my final year I had either a four or five day weekend...

My life has been a Hell I wouldn't wish on my worst enemies. If I wasn't in this to the tune of $250,000 I'd so walk away from being a doctor and go live my life again.

I'm proud to have made it, but damn...

Now I've got two years of clinical rotations and at least three years of residency to go. Thinking about it is just crippling.

Oh well! Finish what ya started and all that!

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Minor Crab-beast

Yeah - the path to doctorhood is a brutal one. At least you're moving out of the dark and into the relative light? As in, clinical rotations and residency is more doctory stuff and less book stuff?

The only reason I'd get to go back to Uni is for fun. Engineering is an all or nothing sort of degree. Either you do your four years tour of duty and then bugger off into the workforce (as I did)... or you settle in for the long haul and do seven or eight years and end up PHD'd - though then you're looking more towards research and academia.

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

I'll eventually get my Ph.d if for no other reason than someone told me as a child that I never would.

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Female Half-fey (aasimar) Paladin 3 HP 31/31, AC 19/12/17, Saves 8/6/7, MW Long Sword +5 (1d8+3/19-20) Spiked Light Shield +4 (1d4+1/x2) Init +2, Perception 1

That is probably one of the best reasons to do it Twilightrose.

My father has a Master's degree. He thinks it's the end-all-be-all of accomplishment. I was given an honorary master's degree for my coursework in England during the first year and you'd have thought I suddenly joined the family or something. It took all I could do to stop him from calling my brother and telling him he had to get one too.

My brother in an attorney. That means he has a Juris Doctorate degree. My father thinks that he should go get a Master's degree anyway. My father is nice, but well, he's kind of a...nevermind.

VOV: One of my study partners, Martin Hash, has a Phd in engineering, a JD in Law and was a big pioneer in CGI. He's the first true genius I've ever met. Sure, I've met a lot of people who are smart, but they think the same way I do, just....more.

Martin thinks completely differently. Where a + b = c to me, to him, a + b = OMG.

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

Thanks Hilde. I'm actually the first person in my immediate family to even attain an Associates degree, let alone my BA. I've always known that I wanted to go as far in life as I could. I'm determined to have better for my child than what I ever had growing up.

Minor Crab-beast

For some reason I'm reminded of when we did Myers-Briggs testing in second year University. By that time our initial group of 26-30 ish students in Petroleum Engineering had already been culled to 15-20 by first year dropouts / failouts.

Of those ~20 people in the room... 19 had an identical Myers-Briggs profile (ISTJ)... and the one guy that was different... failed out that year.

Male Human (Ulfen) Vigamaðr-Lochlannach (Fighter - Vikingr) 8 | HP: 83/83 | AC: 29 T 12 FF 27 | Saves: Fort +10, Ref +4, Will +5 | CMD: 26, CMB: +12 | Init: +3 | Perception +3| 20ft. Move | Rage 0/17

Black Hus:

Just a heads up that Skäne's suggestion of brutal torture and challenging Katherson's knowledge of war is not me being a d1ck... so hopefully no-one will see it as anything else than my vikingr being a nasty, cantankerous basterd.

He's not above being the group's butcher and more than happy to get red handed to save others the karma... See he has everyone's interests at heart (albeit a black one lol :)

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HP 35/39 | AC 16 CMD 17 | Fort +7 Reflex +1 Will +5 | Perception +7 Initiative +1

How very generous and thoughtful of Skäne. :D

Male Human (Ulfen) Vigamaðr-Lochlannach (Fighter - Vikingr) 8 | HP: 83/83 | AC: 29 T 12 FF 27 | Saves: Fort +10, Ref +4, Will +5 | CMD: 26, CMB: +12 | Init: +3 | Perception +3| 20ft. Move | Rage 0/17
Kló wrote:
How very generous and thoughtful of Skäne. :D

I'm all heart lol.

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Female Half-fey (aasimar) Paladin 3 HP 31/31, AC 19/12/17, Saves 8/6/7, MW Long Sword +5 (1d8+3/19-20) Spiked Light Shield +4 (1d4+1/x2) Init +2, Perception 1
Twilightrose wrote:
Thanks Hilde. I'm actually the first person in my immediate family to even attain an Associates degree, let alone my BA. I've always known that I wanted to go as far in life as I could. I'm determined to have better for my child than what I ever had growing up.

The essence of the American Dream is for each generation to advance beyond the previous. That it is attainable is what I love the most about my country.

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

Indeed. I've already gone father than anyone else, but I still have a ways that I would like to go. I feel extra pressure since my daughter was diagnosed with Autism. Chances are she's going to need my support the rest of her life, and I want to make sure she has more than enough.

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

Black House:
As a player I'm having difficulty grasping why we're even remotely worried about this one little town when what we want is the witches tower. I'm not saying I'm opposed to causing a ruckus here, I'm just missing on how it fits into our overall plan.

HP 35/39 | AC 16 CMD 17 | Fort +7 Reflex +1 Will +5 | Perception +7 Initiative +1

Black House:
Im hoping they'll have some information that'll make our assault on the Tower easier. And possibly using their guard clothes/gear could make it easier as well. If people think its a waste of time, we can skip it. It seemed like a fairly straight forward way of getting what we needed before heading in.

I'm open to other thoughts/plans, though.

HP 35/39 | AC 16 CMD 17 | Fort +7 Reflex +1 Will +5 | Perception +7 Initiative +1

Black House Part deux:
so here have been the suggested plans:

- hit the tower immediately (suggested by Rikka, re-suggested to Kló)
- "encourage" some help from the locals, possibly burn a building or two to try to draw out the witch's men, then hit the tower (suggested by Skäne the Black)
- head into town, more traditionally gather some intel and gear

If you have a strong opinion, let's just make it known, pick a direction, and move forward. :)

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

Black House:
My only real concern is if we create a ruckus, will we be alerting the witches (if they aren't already) to our presence?

Male Human (Ulfen) Vigamaðr-Lochlannach (Fighter - Vikingr) 8 | HP: 83/83 | AC: 29 T 12 FF 27 | Saves: Fort +10, Ref +4, Will +5 | CMD: 26, CMB: +12 | Init: +3 | Perception +3| 20ft. Move | Rage 0/17

Black Hus:

Skane is (bizarrely) extolling the virtue to plan our raid, but being a blod-thirsty son-of-a... he's more than happy to hit them hard and quick...

As a player I'm just concerned that attacking their seat of power as a 2nd level party whose depleted since the loss of Elghund - (one of our heavier hitters and a stealth butcher to boot) means we're opening ourselves up to a world of pain... however we could pull it off...

(pauses to channel his Scots bravado)

Feck it - let's hit the tower. What's the worst that happens lol...

However IF we have to hit and run then we're in a bad spot - the witches will know all about us AND we've nowhere to run to...

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Female Half-fey (aasimar) Paladin 3 HP 31/31, AC 19/12/17, Saves 8/6/7, MW Long Sword +5 (1d8+3/19-20) Spiked Light Shield +4 (1d4+1/x2) Init +2, Perception 1

I've definitely lost a post on the gameplay forum and it's a shame because I'd said something clever about "How do you plan to disguise the two gnomes?"

I've forgotten what I said however, so you'll just have to take my word that it was clever. Oh well.

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Minor Crab-beast

Assumed cleverness is the best kind of cleverness ;)

HP: 9/23 - AC:14|13|11 - F:+3|R:+6|W:+4 - Per:+7/+9 Init:+3

While it would be great to gear-up, I'm just not sure I think this town has the goods we need. Moreover, given VoV's analogy to this being Poland under the Nazis... I think we're likely to get ratted out the longer we hang out. The angry locals could be a good 'back-up' but I'm betting they aren't going to buck the witches until we show we can bring the damage. My only concern about attacking now is that I'm at less than half my spell potential - which means if things get really rough, I'm not going to be able to help out a great deal.

Male Human (Ulfen) Vigamaðr-Lochlannach (Fighter - Vikingr) 8 | HP: 83/83 | AC: 29 T 12 FF 27 | Saves: Fort +10, Ref +4, Will +5 | CMD: 26, CMB: +12 | Init: +3 | Perception +3| 20ft. Move | Rage 0/17

Black Hus:

Okay taking the WWII analogy further - we should probably operate akin to an Allied guerilla group (Like No 10 Commando) and hunker down, then strike hard.

We probably need a place to hunker down and hide out - Nadya's springs to mind if my diplocide hadn't occurred... Or we forcibly take over an outlining building and prep for the raid.

My 2 runes worth

Minor Crab-beast

Black Hus:
You now have enough clothing to obfuscate yourselves as travellers or similar.
It would be a reasonably achievable goal to secure a night at the inn with a non-descript cover story and, as long as tongues were relatively well kept, do so without attracting too much undue attention.

HP: 9/23 - AC:14|13|11 - F:+3|R:+6|W:+4 - Per:+7/+9 Init:+3

Hus: I'm good with VoV's and Skane's suggestion.

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

I'm going to be starting an Eberron campaign, if anyone is interested here is the recruitment thread.

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Male Pyg Skilled Bushwhacker/Scout

I love Eberron but I think I'm pretty much maxed on PbP right now, or I would apply in a hot second. :D

Female Half-fey (aasimar) Paladin 3 HP 31/31, AC 19/12/17, Saves 8/6/7, MW Long Sword +5 (1d8+3/19-20) Spiked Light Shield +4 (1d4+1/x2) Init +2, Perception 1

I am in the States but have Denge Fever. I can't write right now but ill in 3-4 days. sorry

Minor Crab-beast

Went to see the second Hobbit movie tonight as we had a rare opportunity to get a babysitter in... I immediately regret it and will update tomorrow to spare the bile from my opinion of the movie tainting the thread.

Oh, and Hilde - sucks about the Dengue... rest up!

Male Pyg Skilled Bushwhacker/Scout

The wife and I did the same on Saturday, I also found the movie to be...bad.

Male Hairy Highlander Halfbreed (ThirdSwede) Barbarian 9/King O' The North 5/Staffy Dad 7

HATED the first Hobbit... lasted til the worgs and trees and vowed then not to see one second more.

For the record I loved the LOTR... but this bloated Middle Earth lite is in the Scots venacular "utter pish".

M Human Commoner/1, Expert/1

We have to wait until boxing day down under. I'm also not a fan of the first. I'm interested to hear what you think once I get around to seeing it myself. (although I suppose I shouldn't worry about spoilers considering the amount of times I've read the book)

Male Pyg Skilled Bushwhacker/Scout

If you've read the book then you'll still need to watch out for spoilers, little of Tolkien remains in this abomination.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Conjurer (Teleportation)/3
HP 22 | Init +9 Per +1 (+9 familiar; Scent) | AC 15 (T: 13, FF: 12) | Fort +1 / Ref + 6 / Will +1 | CMB +0 CMD 13
Spells Prepared:
1st - Endure Elements, Enlarge Person, Colour Spray, Vanish, Grease | 2nd - Glitterdust, Flaming Sphere, Flaming Sphere

I've never seen a film so bad that I've actively taken a dislike to it, or gotten mad about it. Or rather... I guess I don't feel like movies (or any entertainment) are important enough to elicit that sort of visceral reaction. (Read: I am a filthy plebian who does not care if a film is blatantly pandering to the lowest common denominator, I'll still watch it anyway.)

Though nothing to write home about, An Unexpected Journey was fine. I haven't seen Desolation yet, but I'm sure I'll find it decent too.

But that's just like, my opinion, man.

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Minor Crab-beast

Don't get me wrong - the movie as a movie was a perfectly adequate popcorn fantasy action flick. Smaug himself was awesomely CG'd in and the vistas and environments are top notch once again.

But... it just wasn't The Hobbit to me. All the guile, humor, fun and charm of the book was filleted away to make room for unnecessary action scenes and an attempt to make it into LotR trilogy two.

Of all the saddening things for me though... is that I would happily read the Hobbit to my five year old son - but there is no way I could actually take him to see the movie.

Oh - and I suck... with the no updates and whatnot... but Merry Christmas all the same and I hope that you all eat yourselves into tryptophanic oblivion.

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HP 35/39 | AC 16 CMD 17 | Fort +7 Reflex +1 Will +5 | Perception +7 Initiative +1

So sorry for the sudden drop-off in posting. Holidays came harder/faster than I expected.

Happy Holidays, everyone!

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

Happy Holidays!

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Female Half-fey (aasimar) Paladin 3 HP 31/31, AC 19/12/17, Saves 8/6/7, MW Long Sword +5 (1d8+3/19-20) Spiked Light Shield +4 (1d4+1/x2) Init +2, Perception 1

Hello everyone. I'm out of the hospital and ready to start studying for my board exams. If you're in any of the other games I'm a part of, you've heard me say that I'm very behind and so have quit all of my online games except this one.

I'm going to catch up to where we are and post something tomorrow.

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Male Human (Ulfen) Vigamaðr-Lochlannach (Fighter - Vikingr) 8 | HP: 83/83 | AC: 29 T 12 FF 27 | Saves: Fort +10, Ref +4, Will +5 | CMD: 26, CMB: +12 | Init: +3 | Perception +3| 20ft. Move | Rage 0/17

Hogmanay, Trollolay
give us of your white bread and none of your grey

Happy Hogmanay to all my brothers and sisters in the Black Hus, Flock o' Fey and of course our esteemed Alföðr DMVoV.

May all your doors be graced by dark haired first-footers bearing gifts :)

Alas I am on call for our Offshore Ops so won't be imbibing... but shall raise a spiritual dram for my fellow paizoians.

See you in the New Year


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Minor Crab-beast

Indeed - Happy New Year to all! I've family in town at present as well, which is impacting on ability for nighttime posting, so hope noone minds the relative go slow.

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Male Human (Chelaxian) Conjurer (Teleportation)/3
HP 22 | Init +9 Per +1 (+9 familiar; Scent) | AC 15 (T: 13, FF: 12) | Fort +1 / Ref + 6 / Will +1 | CMB +0 CMD 13
Spells Prepared:
1st - Endure Elements, Enlarge Person, Colour Spray, Vanish, Grease | 2nd - Glitterdust, Flaming Sphere, Flaming Sphere

No worries, I'm sure many of us have something keeping us occupied around this time of year as well.

Happy New Year from Australia.

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HP 35/39 | AC 16 CMD 17 | Fort +7 Reflex +1 Will +5 | Perception +7 Initiative +1

Sorry all for dropping off the radar without a word.

Two last-minute projects ate into the holiday. Additional (un-planned-for) family came for holiday. Then, when my little family came home after the holidays, we brought a stomach bug home with us. I got back on my feet yesterday... enough time to try to get the house in order and get a good night's rest before work today.

I should be back to posting today.

Again, my apologies for going AWOL.

Male Human (Ulfen) Vigamaðr-Lochlannach (Fighter - Vikingr) 8 | HP: 83/83 | AC: 29 T 12 FF 27 | Saves: Fort +10, Ref +4, Will +5 | CMD: 26, CMB: +12 | Init: +3 | Perception +3| 20ft. Move | Rage 0/17

Glad your back chief. Least I don't need to shoulder the diplomatic duties along now ;)

Black Hus:

Skäne plans to his Chief, the Sna-walker and Rikka do the tunga wagging. All he's done is order drinks and stare down the locals... nei harm in that eh? ;)

When the guard arrive tho...

Female Half-fey (aasimar) Paladin 3 HP 31/31, AC 19/12/17, Saves 8/6/7, MW Long Sword +5 (1d8+3/19-20) Spiked Light Shield +4 (1d4+1/x2) Init +2, Perception 1

I'm sorry that it's taken me so long to post. It was harder than I'd remembered and I spent about an hour on a mere greeting. It would only have taken half that time three weeks ago. 8(

I will try to move the conversation along with longer posts since we've had a delay. If others would like to interject a point, including the NPC, assume Hilde finishes speaking after they have.

Male Human (Ulfen) Vigamaðr-Lochlannach (Fighter - Vikingr) 8 | HP: 83/83 | AC: 29 T 12 FF 27 | Saves: Fort +10, Ref +4, Will +5 | CMD: 26, CMB: +12 | Init: +3 | Perception +3| 20ft. Move | Rage 0/17

Not quite what I had in mind for the Black Hus (sigh)...

Damn Tea Drykkyumaðr

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Male Pyg Skilled Bushwhacker/Scout

It's not that I want tea, it's that I don't want the "house special".

He had the special.

Minor Crab-beast

FYI - Just riding out a busy time at work and with visitors at home - so I'll get a post in when I can.

HP: 9/23 - AC:14|13|11 - F:+3|R:+6|W:+4 - Per:+7/+9 Init:+3

Hey guys. Sorry for the unexplained absence. I've been out sick and slammed with work which left me with no energy and little time to post. I'll jump in as I can.

Minor Crab-beast

Finally emerging from the haze of busyness that's suffused me over the last week. Have had parents visiting (they fly out tomorrow) and work hit a conflux of activity (culminating in a four hour meeting on Friday afternoon that resulted in a forty page program for me to write over the weekend - and am currently 85% through).

Should return to normal service this week with my apologies and thanks for your relative patience. So I shall have the next in game post up within 24 hours.

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HP 35/39 | AC 16 CMD 17 | Fort +7 Reflex +1 Will +5 | Perception +7 Initiative +1

Sorry for all the craziness, and thanks for the update.

Sounds like you have enough on your plate; we're not going anywhere. :)

Hello friends. I hope all are well and have had a good holiday season.

I wish to apologize for my absence and the obvious hole it left in this game. I suffered a major shock in my life around Thanksgiving that has affected my network of family and friends, my emotional health, my career, and long term financial wellbeing.

My job increased in duties to overcome a vital loss in our small ranks just to make it to the new year. While we struggled to meet that milestone, my job may yet still evaporate in the coming months if the board moves to dissolve. Exhaustion and depression had settled over me, to a sense that I knew something was wrong but was unable to stop it.

I have been around long enough on these boards to see people up and disappear, and I always wondered what happened. Well, I am here to report that sometimes life can kick you in the teeth, and take something from you. I loved visiting these boards and not just for the online PbP. Several times a day. Usually first thing in the morning after checking email and last thing at night, looking for that last possible update. Well, a switch had been thrown in me. Something I loved just fell away.

Over Christmas, I did some travel to spend time in desolate places to clear my head. I love the desert and its effect on me. Seeing life growing, however limited, in the harshest of environments is a good inspiration for one looking to renew one's life or get over life's hurdles.

My job still may evaporate and I don't look forward to finding a similar job in this economy, BUT I have turned a corner and have begun to look at this proactively as something to prepare for instead of dread. Maybe even doing some fiction writing, something I always wanted, but a full-time career held me back...we will see.

Through this, my local friends and family have been supportive. In that vein I seek to get back with my wider net of friends I have made over the internet. Chatting with people all over the world in different locales and different (or the same) places in their life has always been an education and comfort. So while not completely over my depression (I have been battling depression to a smaller degree for a number of years now) I am in a better place, so I return to my old haunts. I want to thank those that reached out and others that expressed concern.

This is my first visit to the boards in quite some time, and I image there is a lot that has happened in my absence to go back and read. I suspect I have been dropped or replaced in some cases, and I totally understand and respect that. And again I apologize for the disruption I brought to this game. If the group does still have a place for me, I can begin to resume my postings here as I try to get back up to speed.

In either case I have enjoyed my time here and will read future developments as it has been a fine game.

Minor Crab-beast

Meowzebub - as expressed over the electronic mail sending device and what will be a plethora of other threads on here by the time I am done... condolences for the shock over the holidays and if I saw you in person I would offer platonic man-hugs of a comforting nature.

For mine you're always welcome in any of the many many games that we share on here. The fae group is stronger and more rounded for your presence, and I'm sure that Bastagar will enjoy getting his bash brother gnome companion back.

Cliff notes version is that you've dealt with the mantis, and slogged through the snow to the refuge of a shared tent with some sledders from the nearby town. A strange fae approached from out of the storm, and is currently exchanging honeyed words with Hilde.

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