Ware your words, for Truenames hold power - Reign of Winter OOC

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HP: 9/23 - AC:14|13|11 - F:+3|R:+6|W:+4 - Per:+7/+9 Init:+3

:gently sticks the GM's hand in a bowl of warm water:

Hey, VoV, just a heads up that I'll be tossing a character for consideration into your Wrath recruitment thread. I'm just hip-deep in work so it's taking a bit of time to cobble the build together.

Female Half-fey (aasimar) Paladin 3 HP 31/31, AC 19/12/17, Saves 8/6/7, MW Long Sword +5 (1d8+3/19-20) Spiked Light Shield +4 (1d4+1/x2) Init +2, Perception 1
Elghund wrote:

Yes I have played Paladins in 'morally questionable' parties before, hence I am mindful of having to pick and choose my battles, and making sure I don't add new ones to a list we get given when we roll that beloved class :)

I haven't been picking and choosing my battles so much is giving in on all of them. She's let it go that half the party hates the other half and that the insults are personal, open and often nasty. She even let it go when we killed downed opponents in cold blood. She ignored the cold iron weapons as long as they were even marginally hidden. Ultimately, the gauntlets are what brought this to the fore for me.

I initially sent Voice an email asking what I should do. I listed options including ignore it out of game, ignore it in game, take care of the situation in game or have nothing to do with the characters in flagrant possession of the weapons in game. How Hilde feels about the Cold Iron is not decided by me, but by Voice. Hilde's Oath is to follow the laws of the fey kingdom. I think this is a reasonable part of her Oath. Voice is the one that decides what those laws are, not me.

I really don't want to cause any more role playing problems than there are currently. It is sometimes disheartening that half the party hates the other, but not so bad that I would leave the campaign or even reciprocate in kind. I am trying to play her as a different kind of paladin, one who faces nastiness with kindness rather than threats. Perhaps I should have chosen a more traditional campaign to try that out in however. 8)

I can roll with whatever Voice decides. I did not make a suggestion before because I don't really want to be responsible for however it pans out. Having gone this far however, I'll venture one now.

I think the rules should stand the way they are. Of the fey characters - Bastagar will use cold iron because he's shady. Caerb will use them because he sacrifices his own comfort for his duty. Hilde will not use them because sacrifices when walking the narrow road are what paladins are all about.

For the humans - I think Olaf should give up the gauntlets solely for the out of game reason of keeping the party from each other's throats. Hilde will overlook all of the other cold iron weapons. Why only the gauntlets? Because the odds seem very high that she or the gnomes will be touched by them - and do I really want to have to post "Did you touch me? Were you wearing your gauntlets?" every fourth post in the gameplay thread.

The fey - If I were both hugely offended by, and take extra damage from, a certain kind of weapon, I would absolutely target that person first. I'm not saying all fey should do this, simply that if it is done, those that openly carry cold iron made the choice to do so. Think of it as facing a group where one of them has a green dagger dripping with viscous fluid. Guess who goes down first.

Failing that, my next suggestion:

Voice decides that while the fey find cold iron to be an abomination, they have not outlawed it and Hilde doesn't have to make a "get rid of it or else" decision on the matter. The problem with this is that Hilde has yet more insult heaped upon her by the two humans and that is going to have to come to a head sooner or later.

Lastly, the whole situation could be avoided by Voice simply saying that celtic myth be damned, the fey of Golarion don't care about cold iron one way or the other.

I think I've made my admiration for the other players in our campaign clear, but I will repeat, as Olaf did, that I have no anger or anything regarding this issue. I am a little weary of the party conflict, but not so much that I want it to stop. Conflict is a big part of both The Halfhand and Bastagar's natures and I want them to play the characters they envisioned, not some gutted personality because there is a paladin in the group.

I hope I've been clear and reasonable. I've definitely tried to be, but trying is not the standard by which we are judged.

Minor Crab-beast

Hilde and all - apologies if my lack of a clear ruling on how fey view cold iron has muddied the waters somewhat... that wasn't my intent. To try and rectify that I've given a few guidelines as to how

How the Seelie view cold iron:
View those that carry cold iron with suspicion - considering it an open statement that they mean harm to fae.
However a weapon that is sheathed is a weapon that is not in a position to be used.
Would generally not carry cold iron themselves, despite it's effectiveness in combat.
Find cold iron painful to the touch, but not harmful (hp damage) unless the weapon is used to strike them.

How the Unseelie view cold iron:
View those that carry cold iron with suspicion - considering it an open statement that they mean harm to fae.
May carry cold iron, as they understand it is a powerful weapon against their rivals and enemies both.
Find cold iron painful to the touch, but not harmful (hp damage) unless the weapon is used to strike them.

So within the kingdoms cold iron is not banned, but those fey / mortals that carry it would be viewed as a threat... similarly to how a hardened man with his hand on a sword hilt would be. Drawing cold iron on a fey would be considered a very serious threat though, more so than drawing normal steel.

And lastly, adventuring with a character that carries cold iron would not be in contravention of a fey paladin's code.

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

I'm feeling better today, guys, so I can handle posting again. Thanks.

VC - Sydney, Australia
Hilde Alfborne wrote:
I am trying to play her as a different kind of paladin, one who faces nastiness with kindness rather than threats. Perhaps I should have chosen a more traditional campaign to try that out in however. 8)

Thats always going to be a tough one, regardless of campaign, I think someone tried that out two thousand years ago and look how THAT ended! :p

n a side note, perhaps it isn't about looking for the big wins or the like, but rather the small victories. My 'Riddleport Paladin' cruising about with muderous Pirates has similar problems. Totally 'twelve steps program' kinda guy - must be starting each morning with the classic 'Serenity prayer'. Only way to keep your sanity and morality when faced with it all :)

Male Human(Ulfen) Bard(Savage Skald) 2

For the record, I bought cold iron gauntlets because it seemed in keeping with Olaf's general ethos; it did not occur to him that it would make Hilde, Caerb, and Bastagar uncomfortable, particularly if he had to touch them to, say, cast Cure Light Wounds.

I think that is perfectly reasonable, and since I am sure that someone would have mentioned it to him, I am perfectly happy to just make them 'normal' steel, instead :-)

Male Human(Ulfen) Bard(Savage Skald) 2

Furthermore, with time, and a bit of persuading, Olaf might be willing to give up some of his 'other' cold iron weapons, as a show of good faith, but his axe will only be taken away when it is pried from his cold, dead, hands, as it means a lot to him...

Female Half-fey (aasimar) Paladin 3 HP 31/31, AC 19/12/17, Saves 8/6/7, MW Long Sword +5 (1d8+3/19-20) Spiked Light Shield +4 (1d4+1/x2) Init +2, Perception 1
DM - Voice of the Voiceless wrote:

So within the kingdoms cold iron is not banned, but those fey / mortals that carry it would be viewed as a threat... similarly to how a hardened man with his hand on a sword hilt would be. Drawing cold iron on a fey would be considered a very serious threat though, more so than drawing normal steel.

And lastly, adventuring with a character that carries cold iron would not be in contravention of a fey paladin's code.

Thank you for the ruling. This is how I'll play it. It pretty much matches what I'd put as Suggestion 1. The humans have cold iron available. Bastagar and Caerb will have to decide if it's worth Hilde's disapproval or if they think they can use it without her noticing. After all, it's not like she can smell it or anything. Hilde will not be snooping or investigating anyone for cold iron.

I would still like the gauntlets to go, but will obviously not insist on it. If Olaf decides to keep them, I would appreciate it if he would specifically post if one of the three fey will be touched by them so I don't need to constantly ask. This is simply for my convenience as a player. If they go, I won't worry about it as the chances of us getting struck by one of his weapons is remote - compared to being touched by his hands.

I would also like to storyboard the in-game argument/discussion of the cold iron rather than argue it out through role playing. Hilde's argument will be:

1)Carrying unsheathed cold iron weapons is highly offensive to her. She finds their use dishonorable and she is unhappy that by adventuring with the party, it will appear that she condones this behavior. She will make it very clear that she does not.

2) Touching her or the gnomes with cold iron will be seen as an assault, inviting a violent defense in most circumstances. Mercy and forgiveness are important to her but she sees this as a threat which she is asking them not to continue.

I assume the end result will be that we continue adventuring together but that party dynamics become even more strained. Between postings, Hilde will clearly distance herself from Olaf as she currently does with The Halfhand.

Just as before, I want to be really clear here. I am not trying to punish characters or players. I am not personally offended and nothing has changed in my mind regarding this game - I am having a good time and have nothing but respect and good will towards my fellow players. The conflict here is completely character oriented and not personal on my part. No, I don't really like the conflict, but I prefer it to forcing someone into playing their character in a manner other than they have chosen. One small negative - the conflict - is a pittance compared to how much I enjoy this game. This enjoyment is directly due to Voice's GMing and my fellow players great role playing.

Male Human(Ulfen) Bard(Savage Skald) 2

The gauntlets are gone :-)

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M Gnome with Redcap Tendencies Rog3 AC 18/T14/FF15; 30 HP; F+4/R+6/W+1; +5 Init.; +8 Perception; +0 Sense Motive

Dammit! I just critted an Aid Another cooking check

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M Human Commoner/1, Expert/1

Turns out the uni-bar is having a GISHWHES themed start of session party (with food and decoration to help people pad out their lists). Why am I only finding out about this now?

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4
Twigs wrote:
Turns out the uni-bar is having a GISHWHES themed start of session party (with food and decoration to help people pad out their lists). Why am I only finding out about this now?

:D Registration is still open for just a few more hours!

Female Half-fey (aasimar) Paladin 3 HP 31/31, AC 19/12/17, Saves 8/6/7, MW Long Sword +5 (1d8+3/19-20) Spiked Light Shield +4 (1d4+1/x2) Init +2, Perception 1

That really works for me Olaf. Thank you. I have become so used to people refusing to compromise in life that I am stunned at how easily problems are solved when we do.

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

Guys GISHWHES is in full swing until Sunday. I will do my very best to stay on top of things. I can't promise though, so if at any point you need my characters to act, someone please take over. Thanks!

HP 35/39 | AC 16 CMD 17 | Fort +7 Reflex +1 Will +5 | Perception +7 Initiative +1

Sorry, guys, stuff randomly came up today. The alcohol plan is great... not a fan of the fire... Kló would just like to keep things moving forward if possible.

Bot him as needed. I'll be back in the saddle tomorrow. :)

Minor Crab-beast

People are waiting on me at the moment. Busy day and fencing tonight wiped out my update time. Shall soldier on tomorrow at work :)

Female Half-fey (aasimar) Paladin 3 HP 31/31, AC 19/12/17, Saves 8/6/7, MW Long Sword +5 (1d8+3/19-20) Spiked Light Shield +4 (1d4+1/x2) Init +2, Perception 1

Have you ever had that feeling where random chance seemed more a conspiracy?

Minor Crab-beast

Hilde - some of characters... oh god yes!

In particular I've had a firebrand Inquisitor of Milani and Elven Cryptbreaker that subjectively seem to get a pretty bad run at things.

Female Half-fey (aasimar) Paladin 3 HP 31/31, AC 19/12/17, Saves 8/6/7, MW Long Sword +5 (1d8+3/19-20) Spiked Light Shield +4 (1d4+1/x2) Init +2, Perception 1

I have never liked it when people complain about die rolls. I am not superstitious and believe in random chance. Right now, I'm getting a little bit frustrated, but I know that my streak of single digits will end eventually.

And if there is such a thing as Karma, I've got something to look forward to. 8)

M Gnome with Redcap Tendencies Rog3 AC 18/T14/FF15; 30 HP; F+4/R+6/W+1; +5 Init.; +8 Perception; +0 Sense Motive

look at my last few rolls. The only thing I rolled well was "Direction". I think we as a party just have to come to the realization that Halfhand with his crossbow and spit is the main damage dealer. :-) (although a nice throw by Kelgar there.)

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

GISHWHES is driving me slowly insane. It ends Sunday afternoon. Monday classes start. Life should resume as normal.

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HP 35/39 | AC 16 CMD 17 | Fort +7 Reflex +1 Will +5 | Perception +7 Initiative +1

Heads up. I"ll be out of town this weekend and through next week. I may or may not have time and connectivity to post. Bot my character if needed.

But let's be honest, that will mostly just take a lot of scowling and lumbering around.

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

Apparently I have several large gallstones. They want to take out my gallbladder. Hurray! *grumble* *grumble*

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HP: 9/23 - AC:14|13|11 - F:+3|R:+6|W:+4 - Per:+7/+9 Init:+3

Oof! Sorry to hear that Twilight!

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

Thanks Rikka. I'm meeting with the surgeon in the morning to discuss my options.

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VC - Sydney, Australia

Yank that sucker :)

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

I was really hoping to avoid that, Shifty, but after hearing you guys talk about it in the Campfire thread, I'm thinking that wouldn't be so wise.

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Female Half-fey (aasimar) Paladin 3 HP 31/31, AC 19/12/17, Saves 8/6/7, MW Long Sword +5 (1d8+3/19-20) Spiked Light Shield +4 (1d4+1/x2) Init +2, Perception 1

I don't have a gallbladder and rarely miss it. Cholecystectomies are the new tonsilectomies, since we don't take tonsils out anymore, and doctors due them constantly to earn their keep. You don't technically need a gallbladder, but concentrating bile can be convenient for when you eat huge steak dinners or an entire bucket of KFC.

I was misdiagnosed when mine had to come out and so had emergency surgery right before it burst. A burst gallbladder is incredibly bad and if an ambulance isn't nearby, you have a pretty good shot at dying, so I don't really recommend it.

Assuming your gallbladder is removed laproscopically, it's not that big of a deal and you will be completely back to normal in about a week. You will have 3 tiny scars that you will be able to feel with your fingers but probably can't see with your eyes.

I've observed about twenty laproscopic cholecystectomies and they are really routine. I predict that you will be fine, although you still have my sympathies for having to spend 3-4 days in the hospital. 8)

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

Thanks Hilde, that actually helps a lot to hear a break down of it from someone who has been through it. Some of the guys were telling me their horror stories too, but for them the recovery time was not swift. Is it an inpatient procedure? Someone else was saying they thought it was outpatient. It doesn't make too much of a difference either way, though, my kid will have to stay with her dad until I'm back on my feet. Which is it's own kind of hell for me. As for the scaring though, every little thing scars on me so I actually probably will be able to see the scars just fine, but I don't mind scars. Especially on the abdomen, with the stretch marks mother hood gave me, bikini's are far out of the question (even when I get back down to bikini size!)

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VC - Sydney, Australia

Totally inpatient.

Oh and a side note, don't call them motherhood stretch marks, they are TIGER STRIPES baby! You earn those :)

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

I suppose I can attest to that :)

Female Half-fey (aasimar) Paladin 3 HP 31/31, AC 19/12/17, Saves 8/6/7, MW Long Sword +5 (1d8+3/19-20) Spiked Light Shield +4 (1d4+1/x2) Init +2, Perception 1

I was in the hospital for five or six days but was in pretty bad shape when brought in. It really depends on the surgeon as to how long you are in there. The first day they dehydrated me, but you may not have to do that. Then they did the surgery, which takes about an hour that you won't notice. You will feel manhandled after that but they keep you doped up for the first two days. After that, it's a question of how long it takes you to bounce back, but it really shouldn't be long. The surgery is really routine and the tiny holes heal quickly.

You get 3 holes about a quarter-half inch long. One is in your bellybutton and hidden, another on your right side about halfway up and the third on the left-front. Pretty simple stuff.

I'm sorry that your daughter will have to go stay with her dad. Some dads suck unfortunately. 8(

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

Scheduled the surgery for Tuesday morning. He said that if all goes well I should go home the same day.

Yeah, he tries to do good by her I think... he's just got a really twisted way of seeing the world and so what he thinks is best sometimes sounds really insane. Unfortunately, I have no legal option!

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

Looks like my kid will be staying at my place through the ordeal after all.

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Minor Crab-beast

Good luck with it Twilight!

Apologies for no update... but was wiped out by a combination of a 4 AM wakeup followed by an all day event marshaling our kids while my wife manned a stall. Success achieved though as they broke a Malaysian Record :)

Tomorrow night fo shore.

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

Thanks Mark. Congrats to your wife and the record breaking.

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Male Human (Ulfen) Vigamaðr-Lochlannach (Fighter - Vikingr) 8 | HP: 83/83 | AC: 29 T 12 FF 27 | Saves: Fort +10, Ref +4, Will +5 | CMD: 26, CMB: +12 | Init: +3 | Perception +3| 20ft. Move | Rage 0/17

Good luck with it Twilight - thoughts and support o' the Black Hus is with you :)

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

:) Thanks Skane.

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Male Gnome Rogue/Sorcerer
Init +3 Per +5 | AC 16/14/14 | HP 25/25 | F +4/R + 5/ W +0| +2 vs illusion | CMB +0 CMD 13 | spells | 1st (4/4) | Spell Failure: 10%

"Some faerie-luck to take along, keep fortune fair and spirit strong..."

Hope it all goes well. I've been lucky enough to stay out of hospital since I was a young feller, but I wish you as much icecream and jelly and video games as they gave to me in the childrens ward. When you're hale and hearty again I want to hear about your GISHWHES experience.

No objections here to a slow day of posting. It's 12pm on a Sunday and so far I've done nothing but check into all of my games. Conceivably this is a sign I need to cut back, but bah! Bah, I say!

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

It's crazy, as a kid and young adult I was fine, no serious injuries (never worn a cast) or illnesses. Then when I was 22 my back went out (herniated discs) and it's just been downhill from there.

GISHWHES was awesome, though it seems like it was a bit more fun last year. I'll post some of the pics later! I can't wait for them to announce the winner, although the likelihood that my team won is pretty slim, still not knowing is maddening.

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Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

A few of my favorite GISHWHES photos:

8. IMAGE: Dress your grandfather (or a man over 75) like a teenage girl from Jersey Shore.

10. IMAGE: Jennifer Kristiansen. While showing some sign of the dragon-attack on your clothing or body, panhandle on a sidewalk (NOT ON A MEDIAN IN TRAFFIC!) with a sign that reads: "A DRAGON BURNED MY CASTLE DOWN." Donate any money given to you to your local food bank. Bad karma if you don't.

45. IMAGE: Strike up a conversation with a homeless person, talk to them until you know their first name, where they are from, and what their favorite food is. Bring them that food and, if they give you permission, take your picture with them and their meal.

60. IMAGE: Safari time! Construct an animal you would see in the African savanna entirely from feminine hygiene products. (Mine)

61. IMAGE: Sidney Scott. CS Lewis once said, "Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: 'What! You too? I thought I was the only one!'" Take a picture capturing this exact moment. The two must have something very visually unique about them. The photo must be taken in a crowd of other people who do not share this unique quality. For example, both could be dressed as cavemen at a crowded train station.

69. IMAGE: Toast for underwear. Butter and jam are optional

132. IMAGE: Create a stained glass window depicting a character or characters from a CW TV show. (Mine)

138. IMAGE: Design the graphic cover of a romance novel: Misha and the Queen of England in a torrid embrace or otherwise adventurous situation. Give it a creative title.

143. IMAGE: Create a grammatically correct anagram sentence using the first names of each of the members of your team. The image must show both the first names of your team members and the sentence.

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Male Human (Ulfen) Vigamaðr-Lochlannach (Fighter - Vikingr) 8 | HP: 83/83 | AC: 29 T 12 FF 27 | Saves: Fort +10, Ref +4, Will +5 | CMD: 26, CMB: +12 | Init: +3 | Perception +3| 20ft. Move | Rage 0/17

Note tae self - lifting the armoured kilt wi' tricksy fae around may be something I regret...

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

I hurt like hell, but I'm still alive!

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Yea for you. Get better soon.

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VC - Sydney, Australia

Yay for the Gall-less!

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Male Hairy Highlander Halfbreed (ThirdSwede) Barbarian 9/King O' The North 5/Staffy Dad 7
Twilightrose wrote:
I hurt like hell, but I'm still alive!

Think Skane is muttering the same thing (in a much higher octave) ;)

Glad your good and on the road to recovery :)

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Female Half-fey (aasimar) Paladin 3 HP 31/31, AC 19/12/17, Saves 8/6/7, MW Long Sword +5 (1d8+3/19-20) Spiked Light Shield +4 (1d4+1/x2) Init +2, Perception 1

Welcome back! I'm sure you'll be better in no time. 8)

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

Thanks guys :) I am feeling a bit better today. Moving isn't so excruciating and it's a bit easier to eat. Plus, I was allowed to take a shower, and that always helps.

Minor Crab-beast

Sick bub tonight...

Fluid Inter-dimensional physically detached consciousness Roguish Healer/4

:( Hope he gets better soon.

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