Tesserex |
9 people marked this as FAQ candidate. Staff response: no reply required. 4 people marked this as a favorite. |
This might not be the right place, but I was looking at the price of a mithril shield while building a character with my friend - I said 1,500 GP and he said 1,000. We realized we were looking at different tables, both on the PRD. Ultimate Equipment says 1,500, while Core Rulebook says 1,000. Which one is right?

Starbuck_II |

This might not be the right place, but I was looking at the price of a mithril shield while building a character with my friend - I said 1,500 GP and he said 1,000. We realized we were looking at different tables, both on the PRD. Ultimate Equipment says 1,500, while Core Rulebook says 1,000. Which one is right?
Core book says Mithral adds 1000 gp to light armor or shields.
The magic armor chart shows nonmagic mithral shirt costs: 1100 gp.
http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/magic-armor/specific-magic-armor/mithra l-shirt
You also didnt mention what type of shield, is it a 500 gp shield (if they exist)?

Grick |

Ultimate Equipment says 1,500, while Core Rulebook says 1,000. Which one is right?
Holy cow.
CRB Mithral: "Shield +1,000 gp"
UE mithral: "Shield +1,500 gp"
I guess UE is the most recent, so that's the one to go with, until/unless someone says otherwise. FAQing your post so that (hopefully) someone does.
-edit- someone mentioned it in the UE Errata thread here.

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1 person marked this as FAQ candidate. |
Noticed this while working on a shield-bash build...
Interestingly enough, they didn't update the price of the mithral heavy shield listed under the specific magic armor & shields section, page 132 of UE, suggesting that either they forgot to update that entry, or the change in price was unintentional.
Either way, until this gets a clarification, I'm not sure how much a mithral light shield should cost in PFS...

Lifat |
1 person marked this as FAQ candidate. |
I just checked if there was a FAQ answer on this and there isn't.
I also checked for an errata, but couldn't find any.
I guess the mithral shield costs +1500gp because the CRB is the older book.
EDIT: I do think that it is a bit confusing that the CRB on the prd still lists mithral shields as +1000gp if it was supposed to have changed with UE.

Lifat |
I I agree with RumpinRufus, that Ultimate Equipment trumpz
I don't think anyone can question that it is RAW that the price from Ultimate Equipment stands, but it would be nice for our understanding of RAI that they either changed the CRB price on the PRD and/or made a note of it in either a FAQ or errata for either book. But they haven't done either of these things.
Personally speaking I'd go with the Ultimate Equipment price untill they correct it, but if any player of mine made a good case for why it should be the lower price, I might decide to houserule it... As a player I might ask the GM to make the decision on this if I was interested, presenting the case honestly as I see it.
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DinosaursOnIce wrote:I I agree with RumpinRufus, that Ultimate Equipment trumpzI don't think anyone can question that it is RAW that the price from Ultimate Equipment stands, but it would be nice for our understanding of RAI that they either changed the CRB price on the PRD and/or made a note of it in either a FAQ or errata for either book. But they haven't done either of these things.
Personally speaking I'd go with the Ultimate Equipment price untill they correct it, but if any player of mine made a good case for why it should be the lower price, I might decide to houserule it... As a player I might ask the GM to make the decision on this if I was interested, presenting the case honestly as I see it.
Oh sure, I agree, I would really like to see better clarification on it too.
I didn't actually see your post about the CRB posting on the PRD... that is sort of stupid. I guess the PRD is all about representing the books as they are? I would assume that newer editions of the CRB does not reflect the price difference in Ultimate Equipment.
It's probably something that just slipped by. -shrugs-
Honestly, 1000 vs 1500 is such a small difference either way. It be nice to know for PFS (even if I don't really play PFS) and for general synergy.

Lifat |
In PFS, go with the +1000gp price.
If someone objects, just say you don't own Ultimate Equipment.
Besides, the CRB has been reprinted, what, 6 times?
If it wasn't supposed to be +1000gp, it would have been fixed by now.
I LOLed when you wrote "But I don't own Ultimate Equipment" :D
But I do agree with you on the "it is weird"... But there is no denying that by RAW it is +1500gp for a mithral shield