FAQ updated for Animals Companions and magic items

Pathfinder Society

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Sovereign Court

Does there exist any kind of ruling on training animals for use in combat without them being a class ability in PFS? I don't know if this book covers it as I haven't gotten a chance to pick it up yet and I haven't seen anything with my search-fu.

Is that going to be something in the FAQ?

5/5 *

Morgen wrote:

Does there exist any kind of ruling on training animals for use in combat without them being a class ability in PFS? I don't know if this book covers it as I haven't gotten a chance to pick it up yet and I haven't seen anything with my search-fu.

Is that going to be something in the FAQ?

You can just buy a riding dog using the cost in UE and take him into combat, no problem. He is combat trained, so doing his attack trick is just a DC 10 animal handling as a free action. I wouldnt recommend doing so past level 2 though, as he never gets better stats so he would basically be a 13hp meat shield for 150gp a pop.

He also doesnt have attack anything, so he wouldn't attack undead, constructs, etc... without a push check.

Handling the dog should be a move action, as the free action handle is for animal companions only. Unless the dog has special rules.

Sovereign Court

Yeah but I'm thinking of other things. After all your allowed to have one combat pet. I'm just voicing an opinion that it would be nice to see the animal training rules discussed/mentioned someplace easier to find if they have been especially in terms of not animal companions.

5/5 *

Morgen wrote:
Yeah but I'm thinking of other things. After all your allowed to have one combat pet. I'm just voicing an opinion that it would be nice to see the animal training rules discussed/mentioned someplace easier to find if they have been especially in terms of not animal companions.

I know what you mean, but since other animals just follow the basic rules in the CRB for training/handling/using them then I doubt a FAQ or clarification is required.

The rule is just there so you don't spend 1,500gp for 10 riding dogs and expect your GM to let you use all of them in a fight.


Morgen wrote:

Does there exist any kind of ruling on training animals for use in combat without them being a class ability in PFS? I don't know if this book covers it as I haven't gotten a chance to pick it up yet and I haven't seen anything with my search-fu.

Is that going to be something in the FAQ?

shouldn't that be covered in handle animal? using that skill to train animals doesn't require it to be an animal companion.

you should be able to buy any legal animal from UE and train it with whichever tricks you want, and if you want it to attack undead just teach it the attack trick twice.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

If you want a trained pet, buy the combat trained versions of them if they exist.

Otherwise, pets don't get anymore tricks than their intelligence allows, so basically you don't get to train them for anything other than what you buy them as.


Morgen wrote:
Yeah but I'm thinking of other things. After all your allowed to have one combat pet. I'm just voicing an opinion that it would be nice to see the animal training rules discussed/mentioned someplace easier to find if they have been especially in terms of not animal companions.

There's a FAQ entry on that.

FAQ wrote:

Once per scenario, you may attempt to train the animal companion a number of times equal to the number of ranks you have in the Handle Animal skill. Each success allows you to teach the animal a single trick; a failed attempt counts against the total number of training attempts allowed per scenario, and you may not attempt to teach the same trick until the next scenario. Alternatively, you may train one animal for a single purpose as long as you have enough ranks in Handle Animal to train the animal in each trick learned as part of that purpose.

I don't see why this wouldn't work for a non-AC animal: 1 trick per rank per scenario. I thought there was a special benefit in the Handle Animal skill description for "combat trained," in that you didn't have to make a check to control the animal at the start of every round or it would become scared. But now that I look at it, I think that's just for horses and other animals with the "docile" special quality, not part of the skill.

So if you want to buy a legal pet from UE and teach it attack, attack, down, that should work. But you will probably get table variation depending on how familiar your GM is with Handle Animal. If you keep in mind how limited those tricks are, and only use it for that, things will be more consistent for you.

Sovereign Court

Yeah that's what the problem is. All the rulings are in terms of animal companions but I can just buy a horse or a lot of other creatures given what books we have access too. Not Elephants but Axebeaks, Hippogryphs, Stirges, snakes, monkeys and the like. So just changing it to, "You may attempt to train one animal or animal companion..." would be nice.

Sovereign Court 5/5 RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Thanks for the quick update Mike.

Re: Cacodaemon with Barding. Why do I now picture it wearing an old style leather helmet, floating around cackling wildly?

5/5 *

Matthew Morris wrote:

Thanks for the quick update Mike.

Re: Cacodaemon with Barding. Why do I now picture it wearing an old style leather helmet, floating around cackling wildly?

Even better, make it a golden helmet and say it's a Cassisian Angel!


paint black spots on it and call it Wilson :)

3/5 RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I have a couple of follow-up questions:

1. Can only horses use horseshoes without the Extra Item Slot, or can other hooved quadrupeds use them too?

2. I'm assuming that I don't need to take the feat to gain access to the belt slot before I put a mundane saddle on my mount. Is that right? But I would need to take the feat before I could use a magic saddle, correct?

Grand Lodge 4/5 Pathfinder Society Campaign Coordinator

3 people marked this as a favorite.

1) Only horses, mules and donkeys. Pigs and any other animals with hooves can not use horseshoes.

2) That is correct. You do not need an extra feat to place a mundane saddle on a mount that uses the saddle in the normal course of business, such as a horse. An animal such as a tiger would have to take the feat to place a saddle upon it.

Silver Crusade

I am guessing that the MAD DOG(Barbarian Archtype is now legal for PFS.)

Grand Lodge 4/5 Pathfinder Society Campaign Coordinator

brent norton wrote:
I am guessing that the MAD DOG(Barbarian Archtype is now legal for PFS.)

When Additional Resources is updated, then yes.

Silver Crusade

Michael Brock wrote:
brent norton wrote:
I am guessing that the MAD DOG(Barbarian Archtype is now legal for PFS.)
When Additional Resources is updated, then yes.

Thank you.

Scarab Sages 4/5 5/5

I'm not sure if this was answered, but can animal companions have the use of ioun stones in wayfinders if they have the 3 INT and carry the wayfinders in saddlebags, sacks, bags, backpacks, or even belts?

Liberty's Edge 1/5 5/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Michael Brock wrote:
Morganwolf wrote:

On animal companions

animal companion may only use barding and neck-slot items

- Does this include that if an animal companion is a horse they cant use any of the horseshoes or horse related items in corebook & ultimate equipment?

I would hope that is not the case.

That is not the case. As is currently in place, any item specific to an animal, such as horseshoes, are still useable.

Today's my birthday and now that Animal Archives lists a bunch of possible equipment slots for companions, I'm curious as to what to get my companion. What body types and which slots exist for the four companions (three plants and a fungus) that the Treesinger can take:

(1) Carnivorous Flower
(2) Creeping Vine
(3) Puffball
(4) Sapling Treant

I would guess the creeping vine is treated like a snake, but what body type is a fungus? (I imagine a Puffball wearing a hat better than it wears a belt. :) )

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ***

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Shådid Evånjölyn wrote:
I would guess the creeping vine is treated like a snake, but what body type is a fungus? (I imagine a Puffball wearing a hat better than it wears a belt. :) )

Imagines a puffball wearing a top hat

Oh my god it sooooooooooooooo cute. Can I have one, please?

3/5 5/5

Should the Cassissian Angel (legal under page 251 of Ultimate Magic), which has the ability to freely change shape into a "small human-like angel", be added to the list of humanoid familiars, alongside the brownie, faerie dragon, imp, lyrakien azata, mephit, quasit, sprite familiars? If not, does he even get the neck slot considering he has a neck in his alternate forms but (arguably) not in his un-shapechanged form?

For reference:
change shape


3/5 5/5

IIRC, in PFS all equipment is sized for medium or small-sized characters. If that is right, would a tiny circlet of persuasion for the lyrakien familiar mentioned earlier in this thread count as a 'custom item' for the purpose of PFS play, and thus be illegal?

Also, what happens when, say, a monkey familiar with 7 int is polymorphed into, say, a human via the alter-self spell, and picks up a +1 tower shield? Non-proficiency aside, does he get the +4AC from the shield (and all the penalties) but not the +1 enhancement bonus to AC?

Finally, do the hand slots each require a feat? Do you need one 'extra item slot' feat for the familiar's left and another for the right, or does taking one feat for the hands allow your hypothetical monkey familiar to wield, say, a rod in his left hand and a wand in his right?

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/5

FiddlersGreen wrote:
IIRC, in PFS all equipment is sized for medium or small-sized characters. If that is right, would a tiny circlet of persuasion for the lyrakien familiar mentioned earlier in this thread count as a 'custom item' for the purpose of PFS play, and thus be illegal?

Wondrous items don't have sizes:

PRD wrote:

Size and Magic Items

When an article of magic clothing or jewelry is discovered, most of the time size shouldn't be an issue. Many magic garments are made to be easily adjustable, or they adjust themselves magically to the wearer. Size should not keep characters of various kinds from using magic items.

Armour and weapons are the exception to this.

5/5 5/55/55/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Also, what happens when, say, a monkey familiar with 7 int is polymorphed into, say, a human via the alter-self spell, and picks up a +1 tower shield?

He uses your ranks in knowledge: engineering to make the largest poo flinger ever.

3/5 5/5

Paz wrote:
FiddlersGreen wrote:
IIRC, in PFS all equipment is sized for medium or small-sized characters. If that is right, would a tiny circlet of persuasion for the lyrakien familiar mentioned earlier in this thread count as a 'custom item' for the purpose of PFS play, and thus be illegal?

Wondrous items don't have sizes:

PRD wrote:

Size and Magic Items

When an article of magic clothing or jewelry is discovered, most of the time size shouldn't be an issue. Many magic garments are made to be easily adjustable, or they adjust themselves magically to the wearer. Size should not keep characters of various kinds from using magic items.
Armour and weapons are the exception to this.

Does that paragraph assume only medium and small characters though? Since it comes from the CRB, the context may indicate that the items only resize between medium and small. It strains credibiity that a pixie could wear the gauntlets taken off the hands of a half-orc barbarian.

3/5 5/5

Incidentally, I may have found the answer to one of my own questions at least: the hands slot is a single slot that pertains to gloves and gauntlets. It seems that held items do not require a slot to use.

Questions still remaining for Mr Brock (aka Lord Gold-helm):

1. Does the Cassisian angel also gain all item slots when it takes the "small human-like angel" form?

2. If not, does it still gain the neck and armor slots when in the "small human-like angel" form, considering the base form does not have the anatomy for either armor or neck slots.

3. Is it possible (or necessary, c.f. Paz's post) to buy tiny rings/headbands/belts etc for familiars in PFS?

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/5

FiddlersGreen wrote:
It strains credibiity that a pixie could wear the gauntlets taken off the hands of a half-orc barbarian.

'It's magic' is credibility enough for me...

PRD wrote:
they adjust themselves magically to the wearer. Size should not keep characters of various kinds from using magic items.

I'm not sure how it can be written any plainer.


FiddlersGreen wrote:

Incidentally, I may have found the answer to one of my own questions at least: the hands slot is a single slot that pertains to gloves and gauntlets. It seems that held items do not require a slot to use.

Questions still remaining for Mr Brock (aka Lord Gold-helm):

1. Does the Cassisian angel also gain all item slots when it takes the "small human-like angel" form?

2. If not, does it still gain the neck and armor slots when in the "small human-like angel" form, considering the base form does not have the anatomy for either armor or neck slots.

3. Is it possible (or necessary, c.f. Paz's post) to buy tiny rings/headbands/belts etc for familiars in PFS?

Previously answered @ LINK

Relevant Text:
1) Original post:
Kristen Gipson wrote:

I have been informed that at higher levels the improved familiar feat can be taken and you can have your new and improved familiar wield magical items; such as a wand. What I would like to know is:

1. Per the FAQ, imps and quasits can wield a wand. So does that mean as long as the familiar is intelligent and can speak a language can others wield magical items as well. If that is not the case what are the requirements?

2. Does the familiar have to make a UMD check each time it goes to activate the item?

Several posts down (right above the link posted above)

Varthanna wrote:
Why not Cassisians? They can be small angelic humanoids at will.

Mike Brock response:

Michael Brock wrote:
Because they find it strange and rarely stay in the form of small angelic humanoids for more than a few minutes? Who am I to force them into a form that will make them uneasy? ;-)

Liberty's Edge

Shådid Evånjölyn wrote:

Today's my birthday and now that Animal Archives lists a bunch of possible equipment slots for companions, I'm curious as to what to get my companion. What body types and which slots exist for the four companions (three plants and a fungus) that the Treesinger can take:

(1) Carnivorous Flower
(2) Creeping Vine
(3) Puffball
(4) Sapling Treant

I would guess the creeping vine is treated like a snake, but what body type is a fungus? (I imagine a Puffball wearing a hat better than it wears a belt. :) )

Michael, or someone of high up-ness, Can we get an official stance on the 4 Treesinger ACs? There are two threads that point to the treant being treated like a humanoid, but neither are confirmed by a titled PFSer, and nothing is confirmed for the other 3 Treesinger ACs

IMO, I would think the vine lands close to serpentine, but vines don't have eyes, so the eye slot gets iffy, and, if the treant is a humanoid, I would think the Carn Flower would be, too. The Puffball.... One of the threads points to the epicness of a puffball wearing a hat...?

Liberty's Edge 1/5 5/5

XainMexi wrote:
Shådid Evånjölyn wrote:

Today's my birthday and now that Animal Archives lists a bunch of possible equipment slots for companions, I'm curious as to what to get my companion. What body types and which slots exist for the four companions (three plants and a fungus) that the Treesinger can take:

(1) Carnivorous Flower
(2) Creeping Vine
(3) Puffball
(4) Sapling Treant

I would guess the creeping vine is treated like a snake, but what body type is a fungus? (I imagine a Puffball wearing a hat better than it wears a belt. :) )

Michael, or someone of high up-ness, Can we get an official stance on the 4 Treesinger ACs? There are two threads that point to the treant being treated like a humanoid, but neither are confirmed by a titled PFSer, and nothing is confirmed for the other 3 Treesinger ACs

IMO, I would think the vine lands close to serpentine, but vines don't have eyes, so the eye slot gets iffy, and, if the treant is a humanoid, I would think the Carn Flower would be, too. The Puffball.... One of the threads points to the epicness of a puffball wearing a hat...?

Yeah, I've been waiting two years+ to get official rulings for all plant kind. :(

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.
Shådid Evånjölyn wrote:
XainMexi wrote:
Shådid Evånjölyn wrote:

Today's my birthday and now that Animal Archives lists a bunch of possible equipment slots for companions, I'm curious as to what to get my companion. What body types and which slots exist for the four companions (three plants and a fungus) that the Treesinger can take:

(1) Carnivorous Flower
(2) Creeping Vine
(3) Puffball
(4) Sapling Treant

I would guess the creeping vine is treated like a snake, but what body type is a fungus? (I imagine a Puffball wearing a hat better than it wears a belt. :) )

Michael, or someone of high up-ness, Can we get an official stance on the 4 Treesinger ACs? There are two threads that point to the treant being treated like a humanoid, but neither are confirmed by a titled PFSer, and nothing is confirmed for the other 3 Treesinger ACs

IMO, I would think the vine lands close to serpentine, but vines don't have eyes, so the eye slot gets iffy, and, if the treant is a humanoid, I would think the Carn Flower would be, too. The Puffball.... One of the threads points to the epicness of a puffball wearing a hat...?
Yeah, I've been waiting two years+ to get official rulings for all plant kind. :(


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