GM KoKyu's Jade Regent

Game Master KoKyu

A journey of a thousand miles begins with killing a few Trolls.
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Sorceress (lvl 8) -- PERC +11 / INIT +2 / AC 23 / HP 80 / FORT +14 / REF +13 / WILL +13 Pathbuilder Link

As the dust settles and the three gentlemen head out, Anara finds herself with Shar, Fenra and an awkward silence. She makes eye contact with Fenra. We shouldn't take too long before heading out, Rennyn isn't likely leaving without dealing with whatever is behind that heavy door back there and Shar and I have pledged ourselves to the party's cause. She smiles at the Oracle before carrying on That pledge is easier kept if we all stay together.

Speaking to both women she asks Now, before we get going, what do you two suggest we do with the wolf? I have very little patience left for that one and I don't value his word enough to take it in trade. However, I agree. He cannot be left to wither and die in there.

~Human Evoker (lvl 5)~ Perc +10 Init +1 AC 11 HP 32 Fort +2 Ref +2 Will +5 CMB +3 CMD 14

Jeryn passes his raven statuette to Ulf. You need to hold this in your hand so that the statues don't animate and attack you.

Statues look fine as is except for the one in the corner of the hallway should be just inside Kitmandatsu's double doors. All statues left on "guard".

~Elf Champion (Paladin) 8~ Perc +11 (+2 to init) AC 28 HP 110 Fort +14 Ref +12 Will +13 PATHBUILDER Link

Spotting the barred door Rennyn asks, Draeven, do you have the keys you took from Kitmandatsu?

Draeven's reply that Anara has them causes Rennyn to sigh. The trap has not been dealt with either. Do we wait for the others to catch up?

~Half-orc Fighter 8~ Perc +16 (+2 init) AC 26 HP 132 Fort +16 Ref +13 Will +14 (bravery) PATHBUILDER Link

Draeven shrugs but removes his throwing axes and offers them to Ulf. Isn't much but better than nothing for now. We can get you more equipment upstairs. Maybe not as nice as your own, but again, better than nothing.

~Human Evoker (lvl 5)~ Perc +10 Init +1 AC 11 HP 32 Fort +2 Ref +2 Will +5 CMB +3 CMD 14

I could try lighting the door on fire, Jeryn offers helpfully.

~Half-orc Fighter 8~ Perc +16 (+2 init) AC 26 HP 132 Fort +16 Ref +13 Will +14 (bravery) PATHBUILDER Link

I have oil.

~Elf Champion (Paladin) 8~ Perc +11 (+2 to init) AC 28 HP 110 Fort +14 Ref +12 Will +13 PATHBUILDER Link

And I have alchemist's fire, if you want to save your spell for the creature behind the door Jeryn.

~Human Evoker (lvl 5)~ Perc +10 Init +1 AC 11 HP 32 Fort +2 Ref +2 Will +5 CMB +3 CMD 14

Works for me. Let me re-arrange the statues before you light it.

Jeryn arranges the six statues in a solid line between the left most two. Row 0. Confirms they are on "guard" as well.

~Elf Champion (Paladin) 8~ Perc +11 (+2 to init) AC 28 HP 110 Fort +14 Ref +12 Will +13 PATHBUILDER Link

After Draeven douses the door with his oil, and Jeryn has finished moving the statues, Rennyn tosses his alchemist's fire at the door.

Everyone stays in the hallway, where they are on the map currently, perhaps swapping Rennyn and Draeven for the toss, well behind the defensive line of statues to hopefully watch the door burn through.

Childish Quasit...Rabble-Rousing +28| Fluff +25 ....| RAW -29 | Poor form +33 Watch order: Draeven, Rennyn, Anara, Fenra, Sharadei

Ongoing Objectives: Safeguard Ameiko and the Amatatsu Seal | Get to Minkai
Immediate Objectives: Find and hire a guide | Raid Ravenscraeg

Varisia | Land of the Linnorm Kings | Kalsgard | Ravenscraeg | The Dungeon


Ulf hefts the axe in his hand feeling the weight keeping the jade statue firmly in the other then nods his thanks. You'll not think little of me if I keep to the rear.
Arranging the stone guards into a line (Think I got the arrangement correct) , Jeryn steps back and watches the elf and the big guy set to work burning the door down. Soon alchemical reagents combine with oil and for the first quarter minute, turns the door into a roaring fire. A cloud of thick black smoke quickly accumulates around the door concealing it from view. As the alchemical exhausts itself, oil and wood fuel the fire. (3 rounds pass. I'll let you check the map to make sure I haven't misplaced anyone then continue.)

Conditions & Resources used .... Anara: | Fenra: | Jeryn: | Sharadei: | Spivey: | Draeven: | Rennyn: | Lute: HP 13 AC 15, Hand axe 1d6 BAB -2

~Elf Champion (Paladin) 8~ Perc +11 (+2 to init) AC 28 HP 110 Fort +14 Ref +12 Will +13 PATHBUILDER Link

Other than the statue from the corner should be inside the double doors of Kitmandatsu's room, everything else looks correct.

Sorceress (lvl 8) -- PERC +11 / INIT +2 / AC 23 / HP 80 / FORT +14 / REF +13 / WILL +13 Pathbuilder Link

Waiting for their opinions, Anara questions her sister. You smell that? She pauses to give Shar a chance to respond. She doesn't right away so the sorceress continues Smells like the boys didnt want to wait for you to disarm the traps or give Draeven his keys back. Let's get moving.

Childish Quasit...Rabble-Rousing +28| Fluff +25 ....| RAW -29 | Poor form +33 Watch order: Draeven, Rennyn, Anara, Fenra, Sharadei

Ongoing Objectives: Safeguard Ameiko and the Amatatsu Seal | Get to Minkai
Immediate Objectives: Find and hire a guide | Raid Ravenscraeg

Varisia | Land of the Linnorm Kings | Kalsgard | Ravenscraeg | The Dungeon


The door continues to burn and the smoke continues to gather within the antechamber. (3 more rounds pass. Not sure where Anara is intending to move to.)

Conditions & Resources used .... Anara: | Fenra: | Jeryn: | Sharadei: | Spivey: | Draeven: | Rennyn: | Lute: HP 13 AC 15, Hand axe 1d6 BAB -2

Childish Quasit...Rabble-Rousing +28| Fluff +25 ....| RAW -29 | Poor form +33 Watch order: Draeven, Rennyn, Anara, Fenra, Sharadei

Ongoing Objectives: Safeguard Ameiko and the Amatatsu Seal | Get to Minkai
Immediate Objectives: Find and hire a guide | Raid Ravenscraeg

Varisia | Land of the Linnorm Kings | Kalsgard | Ravenscraeg | The Dungeon


The growing cloud of smoke reaches out, threatening to conceal the assembled line of stone guards. Within the haze, the sounds of a burning door pops and crackles in the heat of the fire. A bright spark shoots past one of the guards skipping across the stone floor where the ember cools to a rich black. Then a metal bands falls, colliding with a clang against the band beneath. In the next minute, two more bands fall from the door; their wooden support no longer keeping them in place. A loader clunk sounds as the locking mechanism adds itself to the pile of heated metal upon the floor. Less than a minute later the sounds of burning wood fade. Without warning, a loud shriek, like the call of some foul water creature, fills the corridor followed shortly by the strong smell of a dock, all rotting fish, salty air and pitch. Chains rattle violently and whatever guards this chamber stomps a challenge to those who dare knock at its door.
The smoke in the antechamber is providing concealment 20% to anything west of the line of stone guards.

Conditions & Resources used .... Anara: | Fenra: | Jeryn: | Sharadei: | Spivey: | Draeven: | Rennyn: | Lute: HP 13 AC 15, Hand axe 1d6 BAB -2 | Ulf: AC 12 BAB +8

Pathbuilder link Perception +13| AC 24| Fort +14| Ref +12 |Will +17

Based on our conversation Sunday, I am assuming the wolf is indeed evil regardless of its current intentions. Fenra would not have responded as she did knowing that was the case. She has no issue with using oathbreaker if that is what is proposed and decided. I would like to retcon her last post.


Using oathbreaker seems like a good option for the wolf and even the monk if you wish. Although I do agree, he is likely to just trigger the spell.

Speaking to Anara, Go ahead and negotiate terms if that is the consensus.

Is everyone well enough to start the day? No one needs anything extra?

Before resting Fenra uses all of her HD to recover.

5d8: 5d8 ⇒ (1, 5, 4, 7, 1) = 18

18 HP recovered + nights rest. HP @32/34

Pathbuilder link Perception +13| AC 24| Fort +14| Ref +12 |Will +17

During the night Fenra wakes, or at least thinks she wakes, to the sight of a starry sky overhead. One star in particular seems to shine brighter and brighter before falling from the sky and enveloping her in its light. Fenra feels the blessing of Desna upon her and when she wakes knows that she has gained new knowledge.

Fluff for new spells/levelling up.

Pathbuilder Perception +16| Init +2 (++1 favoured terrain)| AC 26| Fort +15| Ref +19 |Will +15

Before resting for the night Sharadei spends some time in quiet meditation of the day's events as her mentor taught her. When she rises the next day she feels better than she has in a while, especially since her and Anara had arrived at this god-forsaken place anyway.

5d10: 5d10 ⇒ (6, 5, 7, 1, 10) = 29

29+5 for nights rest. HP 38/49

Sorceress (lvl 8) -- PERC +11 / INIT +2 / AC 23 / HP 80 / FORT +14 / REF +13 / WILL +13 Pathbuilder Link

Anara, first, nods to Fenra Understood.

Then, turning to her sister, she realizes Shar couldn't care less about the wolf if she tried.

Addressing both women, she offers Ill go have this conversation, you two can go set up for the night if you want. Before retiring for the evening herself, the sorceress leaves the others, heading for the wolfs cell.

Childish Quasit...Rabble-Rousing +28| Fluff +25 ....| RAW -29 | Poor form +33 Watch order: Draeven, Rennyn, Anara, Fenra, Sharadei

There looks to be some confusion with HP recovery. We are not using HD to restore HP lost from any of the encounters prior to the pending encounter at the locked/trapped door. Yesterday's excitement ending with Kimandatsu and the frog guys, was all strain damage. All strain is healed heading to the new day simply by resting. Any damage/injury sustained from this point forward, starting in the morning, may be recovered by declaring and using any number of HD (1-5) when the party takes its next 30 minute rest. As of now, none of you should have any damage to heal and all of your HD remain available for use.

~Elf Champion (Paladin) 8~ Perc +11 (+2 to init) AC 28 HP 110 Fort +14 Ref +12 Will +13 PATHBUILDER Link

Are we waiting on Anara's interaction with the wolf? Are we fully retconning the discussion regarding the use of Oathbreaker? Rennyn and the others aren't charging into the smoke at the door. They plan on waiting for the smoke to disperse.

Childish Quasit...Rabble-Rousing +28| Fluff +25 ....| RAW -29 | Poor form +33 Watch order: Draeven, Rennyn, Anara, Fenra, Sharadei

Not sure what the hold up is with the wolf.
The Paladin's not charging in?? Sigh. Fine. I'll call the home restoration guys, set up some smoke fans and do some measurements for a new door. Wait. Don't you have a wizard to do stuff like that?

Ongoing Objectives: Safeguard Ameiko and the Amatatsu Seal | Get to Minkai
Immediate Objectives: Find and hire a guide | Raid Ravenscraeg

Varisia | Land of the Linnorm Kings | Kalsgard | Ravenscraeg | The Dungeon


With the virtue of patience as their ally, Rennyn, Draeven, Jeryn and Ulf wait for what they have wrought to settle. Eventually, the smoke clears, somewhere, and the remains of the door come into view. Charred pieces of wood and tangled metal bands clutter the doorway, (that 5ft square is difficult terrain) as the tormented sound of, something inhuman, echoes into the antechamber. The interior of the chamber is dark.

Conditions & Resources used .... Anara: | Fenra: | Jeryn: | Sharadei: | Spivey: | Draeven: | Rennyn: | Lute: HP 13 AC 15, Hand axe 1d6 BAB -2 | Ulf: AC 12 BAB +8

~Human Evoker (lvl 5)~ Perc +10 Init +1 AC 11 HP 32 Fort +2 Ref +2 Will +5 CMB +3 CMD 14

All damage suffered the day before was not just strain damage. Damage taken from failed saves (cone of cold) is injury damage and is not healed with short rests. Long rests heal your level (5) and the remainder needs magic or heal skill.

Seems like we might have a fish in a barrel. These statues are more pain than they are useful.

Jeryn deactivates all the statues so that people don't need to hold their statuettes, casts mage armor on himself and dancing lights into the darkened chamber. Let's see what we are dealing with, he adds before stepping forward to get a look through the ruined door and into the room. move to DJ,-2

~Elf Champion (Paladin) 8~ Perc +11 (+2 to init) AC 28 HP 110 Fort +14 Ref +12 Will +13 PATHBUILDER Link

Rennyn and Draeven move with Jeryn, placing themselves between the wizard and the doorway. Rennyn to DM,-2 and Draeven to DM,-1

Sorceress (lvl 8) -- PERC +11 / INIT +2 / AC 23 / HP 80 / FORT +14 / REF +13 / WILL +13 Pathbuilder Link

The discussion with the wolf was brief. Both sides,first, establishing trust and then all parties holding true to their word once the door was open.

Skygni, a little worse for wear, was anxious to be away from this place. The only thing keeping him from bolting for the door was Anaras warning that she had best explain the conversation to her group before the wolf came face to face with them.

Before heading to bring her traveling companions up to speed she asks one more thing of Skygni I'd ask one more thing of you while you wait for me to speak to the rest. Theres a fish pond in the next room with fresh water and a few koi, if youd be so kind as to feed and water yourself there before leaving. Those koi are destined to the same fate as you would have been if I had not opened your cell. Always trying to keep balance with her actions and thinking of the frog man she recently killed, the sorceress wonders my score may still be slightly uneven but it's all I can do for now

Wasting no further time, Anara follows the thick black smoke until she finds the room with the three men lining up at the failed door. Stepping up near Jeryn (MA to DJ-1) she speaks to all three To keep it short, I have released the wolf and we should not attack him on sight if our paths cross within this building, unless provoked. A trust was established and I dont fear any issues.

Where are Fenra and Shar? They should have been here by now.

~Elf Champion (Paladin) 8~ Perc +11 (+2 to init) AC 28 HP 110 Fort +14 Ref +12 Will +13 PATHBUILDER Link

I'm... confused...

Sorceress (lvl 8) -- PERC +11 / INIT +2 / AC 23 / HP 80 / FORT +14 / REF +13 / WILL +13 Pathbuilder Link

general statement or something specific?

~Human Evoker (lvl 5)~ Perc +10 Init +1 AC 11 HP 32 Fort +2 Ref +2 Will +5 CMB +3 CMD 14

I could lob a few fireballs into the room to speed this up.

Childish Quasit...Rabble-Rousing +28| Fluff +25 ....| RAW -29 | Poor form +33 Watch order: Draeven, Rennyn, Anara, Fenra, Sharadei

I've been a little side tracked lately...I gave Anara some freedom regarding Skygni.

Ongoing Objectives: Safeguard Ameiko and the Amatatsu Seal | Get to Minkai
Immediate Objectives: Find and hire a guide | Raid Ravenscraeg

Varisia | Land of the Linnorm Kings | Kalsgard | Ravenscraeg | The Dungeon


Agreeing to trust, Skygni's door is at last opened and Anara sees the winter wolf sat upon his haunches. The dark cell is cold enough to freeze exposed flesh in a quarter of the time of an Ulfen blizzard and Anara's breath fogs where she stands in the corridor. Gnawed bones, animal waste, and tufts of white fur litter the floor inside. The wolf's blue eyes flicker to the severed head on the floor before returning to shoot daggers at the sorceress (figuratively). The bear-sized Skygni does not move. I accept yourrrr defeat of the b+tch Kimandatsu. As prrromised, I rrrremain herrre. Skygni eyes the head once more and a pale tongue licks his nose, Leave all doorrrs ajarr, I'll take my leave of this accurrreed place when yourrr pack has had its fill of looting. Skygni does not acknowledge Anara's offer of fresh fish, his stare is as though he is listening yet the woman before him weren't there. Upon departing, the sound of an animal's nails scratching upon stone catches Anara's attention! By the time Anara turns to prepare herself for treachery, all she sees is the empty hall, the severed head of Kimandatsu missing. The next sound to follow is from Skygni's chamber, that of a skull being cracked open.

The orbs of light hasten into the room revealing a veritable trove of valuables gathered into one place. Chests overflow with gold and silver ornaments. Gilded statues and other pieces of valuable art stand amid open crates holding trade bars of precious metals. Ornate, gilded drinking horns peek out of a burlap sack next to a box filled with scroll cases. A number of swords and spears stand planted near upturned coffers whose contents of gold and silver coins lay spilled upon the floor in quantities rarely seen in this part of the world. In the middle of this trove stands a warrior dripping with seaweed and putrid seawater, a wicked smile etched upon his decaying grey face. An eye patch covers his left eye, his dripping clothes, that of formal Ulfen fashion, look almost new - a gleaming chain shirt over top tailed attire. Around the warrior's ankle is a length of chain long enough to give him free reign of the room, but not past the door. Upon seeing the orbs and Jeryn's form appear in the antechamber, the warrior's head tilts back bellowing a pained moan as a huntsman's dog eager to be set loose.

COMBAT!... Round 1 Undead Warrior: 22 (RA triggered) | Anara: 22 | Rennyn: 19 | Jeryn: 14 | Draeven: 3

The undead warrior's baleful cry fills the treasury as it hefts a massive golden axe in the wizard's direction. Then, a misty vapor pours from its feet quickly filling the chamber and obscuring the room in cloud - much like the smoke from the burning door had moments earlier. (SA+MA) The sound of a chain dragging across the floor follows...

GM Notes:

Rennyn's Init: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19 | Warrior's Init: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21 | Draeven's Init: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3 | Anara Init: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22 Jeryn's Init: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 = 14
Readied Action: Snorri casts Obscuring mist then moves...

Conditions & Resources used .... Anara: | Fenra: | Jeryn: | Sharadei: | Spivey: | Draeven: | Rennyn: | Lute: HP 13 AC 15, Hand axe 1d6 BAB -2 | Ulf: AC 12 BAB +8

Sorceress (lvl 8) -- PERC +11 / INIT +2 / AC 23 / HP 80 / FORT +14 / REF +13 / WILL +13 Pathbuilder Link


Seeing Jeryn targeted and the vapor starting to obscure the battlefield, Anara bites her lip in thought If I get the angle just right...

From the perspective of looking at Jeryn head on it would seem the wizard took several confisent steps forward, entering the room, making the gestures to bring forth one of his fireballs. From the side, however, it would look as though Jeryn stepped out of his own body as a perfect duplicate.

(SA to cast Silent Image)

Silent Image - will save DC 16 (if interacted with)

Spell details posted to what's App JR thread

~Elf Champion (Paladin) 8~ Perc +11 (+2 to init) AC 28 HP 110 Fort +14 Ref +12 Will +13 PATHBUILDER Link

So you are just going to ignore Fenra and Shar?

Round 1 Init 19

Rennyn approaches the door and steps over the burnt remains, sword held ready to attack at the first sight of the foul undead. (MA to DQ,-2)

readied attack: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (12) + 10 = 22
miss chance: 1d100 ⇒ 58
damage: 1d8 + 12 ⇒ (6) + 12 = 18

Status and Effects:
AC 19 HP 39
lay on hands (0 of 5 used)
smite evil (0 of 2 used)

~Human Evoker (lvl 5)~ Perc +10 Init +1 AC 11 HP 32 Fort +2 Ref +2 Will +5 CMB +3 CMD 14

Real subtle adding those obvious scrolls to discourage Jeryn from just fireballing this guy to death.

Round 1 Init 14

The "real" Jeryn follows Rennyn towards the door but stops just at the threshold. (MA DN,-2) He then readies a spell should he see the foe, hoping to make him drop his ax. (SA cast grease on the ax, DC 16 Reflex save)

Status and Effects
AC: 15 HP: 32
mage armor

~Half-orc Fighter 8~ Perc +16 (+2 init) AC 26 HP 132 Fort +16 Ref +13 Will +14 (bravery) PATHBUILDER Link

Round 1 Init 3

Draeven steps into the room (MA to DP,-2) sword ready to strike.

SA readied attack: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15
20% miss chance: 1d100 ⇒ 31
damage: 2d6 + 13 ⇒ (1, 5) + 13 = 19

Status and Effects:
AC: 17 HP: 55
rage (0 of 20 used)

Pathbuilder Perception +16| Init +2 (++1 favoured terrain)| AC 26| Fort +15| Ref +19 |Will +15

Shar has stayed with her sister throughout. Standing quietly and observing her negotiations with the wolf and then following to meet up with the others.

Upon arriving at the scene of smoke and readied warriors, she quickly draws her bow but not seeing an obvious target waits patiently for one to appear.

Readied action to fire at an obvious enemy.

attack: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (5) + 11 = 16
miss chance: 1d100 ⇒ 46
damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (7) + 3 = 10

Pathbuilder link Perception +13| AC 24| Fort +14| Ref +12 |Will +17

Fenra, interested in how Anara negotiates with the creature behind the door stays to listen an offer assistance if needed, confident that the boys can take care of themselves for the time being. When the smell of smoke reaches her nostrils she hesitates, but when a strange howl reaches her ears she follows the direction the others had headed.

Arriving to see smoke and... fog? mist? she remembers Rennyn's strong reaction to whatever was on the other side of the door and casts protection from evil and touches all she can reach.

Childish Quasit...Rabble-Rousing +28| Fluff +25 ....| RAW -29 | Poor form +33 Watch order: Draeven, Rennyn, Anara, Fenra, Sharadei

Ongoing Objectives: Safeguard Ameiko and the Amatatsu Seal | Get to Minkai
Immediate Objectives: Find and hire a guide | Raid Ravenscraeg

Varisia | Land of the Linnorm Kings | Kalsgard | Ravenscraeg | The Dungeon


COMBAT! ... Round 2 ... Sharadei: 26 (delays) | Rennyn: 23 (RA triggered) | Jeryn: 23 (RA triggered) | Draeven: 23 (24 Damage + DC 15 Fort save) | Undead Warrior: 22 (37 Dmg) | Anara: 22 | Fenra: 7

Ok, at the very least I NEED coordinates ladies. Saying you are there doesn't make you appear where you want to be. Since you both reference arriving at the scene of/seeing smoke in your posts and everyone was behind the line of stone guards to watch the fire and smoke, that is where you will be placed.

Anara's sorcery enters the misty filled chamber followed by Rennyn and Draeven. As Sharadei watches the scene unfold along the fletching of her arrow, Fenra touches Ulf upon his shoulder granting him what protection the oracle has to offer. The rugged ulfen regards Fenra with a pensive look and raises a mischievous eyebrow uttering, Ummm, thanks fair lady!
The two warriors do not get far into the chamber when the creature within strikes! Howling with pleasure at the arrival of something to play with, Rennyn now sees the one eyed undead warrior for what it really is, a draugr! Its foul stench now fills the air around the paladin who knows not to pierce this abomination, but cut away its rotting flesh... or bash it really hard in the head (DR?/Slashing Bludgeoning). Rennyn also recalls hearing how the very touch of these creatures can have debilitating affects from nausea to draining one's very life essence! As the draugr advances expectations are met; Rennyn's katana flashes cutting deep across the creature's chest while Draeven's sword crosses the first cut at the breastbone! The two blades sound like a rain of coins spilled into a pile as they meet the draugr's chained armor. At the same time, the real Jeryn utters the last word of his spell generating a film of grease to appear upon the creature's great axe. However this draugr is both strong and stubborn. Ignoring both the wizards and the elf's fancy blade for the closer, tantalizingly bigger, target of Draeven, the undead warrior grips his axe tightly in both hands (Reflex successful) bringing the golden edge down upon Draeven's form! The axe catches the big man inflicting a grievous wound which very nearly severs his arm were it not for the big man's quick reactions and sturdy chain shirt! (26 points less 2 + DC 15 Fort)

GM Notes:

Will Save DC16: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18 | Knowledge DC 15: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24
Reflex Save DC 15: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16 | Great Axe Att vs Rennyn: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (16) + 11 = 27 | Damage: 1d12 + 17 ⇒ (9) + 17 = 26
Sharadei Init: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (17) + 9 = 26 | Fenra Initt: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7

Conditions & Resources used .... Anara: (Silent Image) | Fenra: (Protection from Evil) | Jeryn: (Grease) | Sharadei: | Spivey: | Draeven: | Rennyn: | Lute: HP 13 AC 15, Hand axe 1d6 BAB -2 | Ulf: AC 12 BAB +8

~Half-orc Fighter 8~ Perc +16 (+2 init) AC 26 HP 132 Fort +16 Ref +13 Will +14 (bravery) PATHBUILDER Link

Fort save: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21

Childish Quasit...Rabble-Rousing +28| Fluff +25 ....| RAW -29 | Poor form +33 Watch order: Draeven, Rennyn, Anara, Fenra, Sharadei

The draugr's strike feels heavier than a lead blanket upon Draeven's shoulders, yet he shrugs off the effect.

~Half-orc Fighter 8~ Perc +16 (+2 init) AC 26 HP 132 Fort +16 Ref +13 Will +14 (bravery) PATHBUILDER Link

Not going to roll his miss chance?

Sorceress (lvl 8) -- PERC +11 / INIT +2 / AC 23 / HP 80 / FORT +14 / REF +13 / WILL +13 Pathbuilder Link


Trying g for a better view of the obscured room, Anara moves up near Jeryn (MA to DM-1) and readies a spell should a target present itself.

Status Effects/Changes
Spells Used: lvl 1 - 1

Childish Quasit...Rabble-Rousing +28| Fluff +25 ....| RAW -29 | Poor form +33 Watch order: Draeven, Rennyn, Anara, Fenra, Sharadei

20%: 1d100 ⇒ 73

~Half-orc Fighter 8~ Perc +16 (+2 init) AC 26 HP 132 Fort +16 Ref +13 Will +14 (bravery) PATHBUILDER Link
DM wrote:
The axe catches the big man inflicting a grievous wound which very nearly severs his arm were it not for the big man's quick reactions and sturdy chain shirt!

This seems a little over the top no?

How about "The axe catches the big man in the shoulder solidly, threatening to break his clavicle, and which could have severed his arm, were it not for the big man's quick reactions and sturdy chain shirt!"

~Elf Champion (Paladin) 8~ Perc +11 (+2 to init) AC 28 HP 110 Fort +14 Ref +12 Will +13 PATHBUILDER Link

I am going to assume that neither Fenra nor Shar are going to do anything to prevent me from attacking the thing. So...

Round 3 Init 23

Rennyn maneuvers around to get the undead thing between himself and Draeven (MA to DP,0) before calling upon his divine connection to bolster his attack and defenses...
acrobatics vs AoO: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21
acrobatics vs AoO: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (15) + 9 = 24

SA attack w/flank: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (13) + 15 = 28
20% miss chance: 1d100 ⇒ 93
damage: 1d8 + 22 ⇒ (7) + 22 = 29
...running his blade through the thing's back before twisting the blade horizontal and yanking it out through the side of the torso.

Status and Effects:
AC 21 (smite evil) HP 39
lay on hands (0 of 5 used)
smite evil (1 of 2 used)

~Human Evoker (lvl 5)~ Perc +10 Init +1 AC 11 HP 32 Fort +2 Ref +2 Will +5 CMB +3 CMD 14

Round 3 Init 23

Unable to see, and therefore target the foe, Jeryn steps alongside Draeven (MA to DO,-2) and carefully unleashes bolts of force point blank at the monstrous undead...
cast defensively: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (16) + 9 = 25
magic missile damage: 3d4 + 3 ⇒ (2, 4, 1) + 3 = 10
...blasting bits of rotten flesh clean off and sending them flying.

Status and Effects
AC: 15 HP: 32
mage armor

~Half-orc Fighter 8~ Perc +16 (+2 init) AC 26 HP 132 Fort +16 Ref +13 Will +14 (bravery) PATHBUILDER Link

Round 3 Init 23

Draeven is incensed by the wicked blow and retaliates in anger...
SA attack w/flank: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (11) + 14 = 25
20% miss chance: 1d100 ⇒ 75
damage: 2d6 + 16 ⇒ (6, 4) + 16 = 26
...carving down into the shoulder of the draugr warrior in kind.

Status and Effects:
AC: 15 (raging) HP: 55 + 15 rage -24 damage= 46
rage (1 of 20 used)

Childish Quasit...Rabble-Rousing +28| Fluff +25 ....| RAW -29 | Poor form +33 Watch order: Draeven, Rennyn, Anara, Fenra, Sharadei

Ongoing Objectives: Safeguard Ameiko and the Amatatsu Seal | Get to Minkai
Immediate Objectives: Find and hire a guide | Raid Ravenscraeg

Varisia | Land of the Linnorm Kings | Kalsgard | Ravenscraeg | The Dungeon

End COMBAT! ...

Rennyn ducks, then weaves maneuvering around the draugr to flank. Mid weave the great axe swings down upon the paladin, but to no avail. By the time the soulless warrior had tracked the elf's movement, the singular katana had already exited through the creature's torso leaving the attacking blade of the axe to clang harmlessly against the stone floor.
By the time Jeryn's arcane missiles and Draeven's passionate follow through are done, the draugr falls in three separate pieces!
The mists clear to restore the grandeur of Kimandatsu's hoard. Gold! Silver! Valuable gems and art by the dozens! (I don't want to seem Over the top so will provide a more accurate listing below.) The only obstacle, how to transport all this wealth?


Three chests, each weighing 50 pounds, holding gold and silver brooches and arm-rings worth a total of 2,100 gp.

Five crates holding copper trade bars stamped with the rune of the Rimerunners Guild. There are 20 trade bars in each crate, and each trade bar is worth 5 gp and weighs 10 pounds.

A sixth crate holds 20 silver trade bars, similarly stamped. These trade bars also weigh 10 pounds, but are worth 50 gp each.

23 gilded drinking horns of various beasts, each worth 15 gp, and one made from an aurochs horn and set with citrines worth 135 gp.

The coffers hold a total of 1920 gp in various gems, 5850 gp, 1,975 sp, and 3,000 cp.

A gold plated Spadone.
A gold plated Greataxe.
A chain shirt.
A staff of exotic wood topped with a silver cap containing a simple gemstone.
A beautiful Ulfen helmet with gold inlays and backswept golden wings mounted to its sides. This piece is part of a parade set and of no defensive value. The gold artwork puts its value at 650gp.
A nacreous gray sphere ioun stone pried from the draugr's head.
A set of studded leather armor.
A silver ring etched with woven strips embracing depictions of fur, feathers, bone, and ivory.
Four Scroll cases: Three of these are deeds to properties around Kalsgard. One of which is the fortress of Ravenscraeg. One is Thorborg Silverskoor's estate. The third is to a warehouse in the Ivory Quarter. (I will not assign a value to these properties. The deeds provide the party with ownership and the right to put them to use as they see fit. As Jeryn and possibly others may be staying here, these deeds ensure there is a place to stay.)
The last scroll is not written in Skald or Taldon.

Detect Magic:

Please post your rolls!
The following items carry magical auras:
Gold plated Spadone (Spellcraft DC 21)
Gold plated Greataxe (Spellcraft DC 18)
Chain shirt (Spellcraft DC 18)
Scroll (Spellcraft DC 24)
Staff (Spellcraft DC 23)
Golden Helm (Spellcraft DC 23)
Grey Ioun stone
Studded Leather (Spellcraft DC 23)
Silver Ring (Spellcraft DC 20)

GM Notes:

AoO: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (1) + 10 = 11 | Dmg: 1d12 + 17 ⇒ (1) + 17 = 18 | Confirm: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27
Hmmm, no soiled pants this time... cana
Helm g-charisma/
+3 Leather Stabs

Congratulations! At this time the 2nd chapter of the Jade Regent AP is concluded! Given the treasures and vanquished enemies all continuing characters should level up to 7th prior to setting off across the ice!

Conditions & Resources used .... Anara: (Silent Image) | Fenra: (Protection from Evil) | Jeryn: (Grease) | Sharadei: | Spivey: | Draeven: | Rennyn: | Lute: HP 13 AC 15, Hand axe 1d6 BAB -2 | Ulf: AC 12 BAB +8

~Human Evoker (lvl 5)~ Perc +10 Init +1 AC 11 HP 32 Fort +2 Ref +2 Will +5 CMB +3 CMD 14

spellcraft Spadone (Spellcraft DC 21) : 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (5) + 12 = 17
spellcraft Greataxe (Spellcraft DC 18) : 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (14) + 12 = 26
spellcraft Chain shirt (Spellcraft DC 18)
1d20 + 12 ⇒ (14) + 12 = 26
spellcraft Scroll (Spellcraft DC 24): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (17) + 12 = 29
spellcraft Staff (Spellcraft DC 23): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (18) + 12 = 30
spellcraft Golden Helm (Spellcraft DC 23): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (16) + 12 = 28
spellcraft Grey Ioun stone
1d20 + 12 ⇒ (3) + 12 = 15
spellcraft Studded Leather (Spellcraft DC 23): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (12) + 12 = 24
spellcraft Silver Ring (Spellcraft DC 20): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (6) + 12 = 18

Childish Quasit...Rabble-Rousing +28| Fluff +25 ....| RAW -29 | Poor form +33 Watch order: Draeven, Rennyn, Anara, Fenra, Sharadei

Ongoing Objectives: Safeguard Ameiko and the Amatatsu Seal | Get to Minkai
Immediate Objectives: Find and hire a guide | Raid Ravenscraeg

Varisia | Land of the Linnorm Kings | Kalsgard | Ravenscraeg | The Dungeon


Concentrating on the items, Jeryn first handles the Spadone. Crafted of gold alloys, from pure white gold to rich 24k threads, and inlaid with Ulfen weaves in pure gold around the hilt, the edges of this great sword's blade are polished white razer sharp gold. Down the center of the blade are etched runes which translate as...something which Jeryn is not entirely familiar with. He will need help with these runes to completely identify it.
Taking up the greataxe, Jeryn notes similar metallurgic craftsmanship as the sword. The body of the axe head has been etched in Ulfen weave knots to strengthen the blade, setting in the wizard's mind its properties. (+1 Gold Greataxe)
The draugr's chain shirt is familiar enough to the wizard, having seen a few of these pieces of armor before. (+1 Chain shirt)
Unfurling the scroll, Jeryn quietly reads the arcane words. The writing is in thick black looping calligraphy and the chief clue in its identification as Jeryn is able to see that the ink is from an octopus, a key material component of the spell. (Scroll of Black Tentacles)
Examining the staff, Jeryn identifies the 4 foot pole; a rich-honey colored and dark streaked wood, as made of camphor laurel. Although an excellent medium for woodworking, the silver cap and embedded jewel combine with the camphor fibers to store arcane energies. This particular staff is capable of storing two spells, Shield and Magic Missile. (Staff of Minor Arcana, Full 10 charges.)
The Golden Helm is indeed a stylish piece fashioned with care so as to enhance the wearer's inherent appeal. The metal of the helm is too delicate to be of any protection. The secret of this item is engraved upon the rim, an enchantment intended to boost the wearer's allure. (Headband of Alluring Charisma +2 but as a golden helm instead of cloth. No AC value)
Picking up the grey stone and cleaning it, as no doubt the draugr's eye socket is not the healthiest place, Jeryn is stumped as to what sort of properties this item conceals. As stones go, the wizard knows this to be some sort of Ioun stone but his attempts to have it orbit his head, and thereby learn of its powers, fail. More research is called for.
The studded leather is of such fine quality that each stud is not only perfectly placed but minutely engraved with a protection rune. Seeing this, Jery easily identifies the armor. (+3 Studded Leather)
Artfully crafted, the ring depicts wrapping leather strips with bits of fur, feathers, bone, and ivory woven into miniscule gaps. The silversmith was highly skilled to have been able to work these items into the metal. The ring feels like its secrets should be in hand, yet the symbolization behind the bone, fur and feathers are not immediately understood.

~Human Evoker (lvl 5)~ Perc +10 Init +1 AC 11 HP 32 Fort +2 Ref +2 Will +5 CMB +3 CMD 14

OK Stacy and Darren, the spadone, ioun stone and ring left to identify.

Pathbuilder link Perception +13| AC 24| Fort +14| Ref +12 |Will +17

Fenra takes a moment to take in the panoply of riches. Her eyes are slightly glazed with a type of lust not usually seen in them. After a moment she hears Jeryn's request to examine some of the magical items and begins to examine the items in earnest.

spell craft check: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11
spell craft check: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13
spell craft check: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9

Childish Quasit...Rabble-Rousing +28| Fluff +25 ....| RAW -29 | Poor form +33 Watch order: Draeven, Rennyn, Anara, Fenra, Sharadei

Alas, the fair oracle is too enamored by all the material wealth to concern herself with the profound.


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