what will you be?

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Grand Lodge Goblin Squad Member

Hi, my name is Jack, I hail from the land of Alltrades. I am nobodies master.

Seriously though, I don't know what I'll be for certain yet. I'll definatly be doing harvesting, but with my twin, I don't know for sure yet.

Goblin Squad Member

Greetings, I am called Brother Xennkari.

As a follower of Irori I seek the only perfection any of us can achieve, self-perfection. Through combat, knowledge, & disciplne.

I look forward to meeting many of you in the River Kingdoms. It will be a grand journey and I am looking forward to the trials & tribulations of that journey.

Well met fellows!

Goblin Squad Member

By spell or by blade, I plan on being an assassin/bounty hunter.

Goblin Squad Member

Kyras Ausks wrote:
how do we know that we have the twin option I keep checking but can not ever figure out what I earned i gave at the 100USD level

It depends on what you selected as your Pledge Reward. If you selected the $35 Adventurer reward, or any subsequent reward that included it, then you have Destiny's Twin.

Goblin Squad Member

Valandur wrote:
If you gave $100, then you do have destinys twin.


Goblin Squad Member

Kyras Ausks wrote:
Valandur wrote:
If you gave $100, then you do have destinys twin.

To be clear, it depends on what Reward you selected. You could spend $100 on the Print Pack and not get Destiny's Twin.

Goblin Squad Member

Was it the Pioneer level that nets you Destiny's Twin?

Goblin Squad Member

Kryzbyn wrote:
Was it the Pioneer level that nets you Destiny's Twin?

Nope, just need Adventurer or anything that includes it.

From Update #46:

Pledging at the $35 Adventurer level gets you a number of benefits that have been added since the project began, including the PDF of the Emerald Spire Superdungeon (at least 144 pages of Pathfinder tabletop RPG awesomeness from an All-Star team of designers), PDFs of the Pathfinder Core Rulebook itself and the Guide to the River Kingdoms, 2 months of game time, the game itself, an invitation to join Early Enrollment in the last month so that you'll have a jump on retail buyers on Release, and in-game benefits like reserving a character name, Destiny's Twin that lets two characters train skills at the same time, and the Adventurer's Pack of consumables and a bag of holding.

Liberty's Edge Goblin Squad Member

Neadenil Edam wrote:

Gloreindl wrote:
Nihimon wrote:

I'm completely thrilled with the Destiny's Twin option. But I honestly have no idea which will be my "main", or what additional Roles I might develop. I'm very likely to make at least one of them, and possibly both, an Aristocrat so that I can help with the defense of our Settlement(s).

I agree Nihimon. I am so glad I got the Twin Crowdfunding level. I'll also likely have at least one extra account to have a third character.

I'm planing on having an Elven Wizard; Elven Ranger or Ranger/Druid, and a Crafter of some type. The Wizard will be main, but not sure which of the other two will be my Twin.

I had the impression you can just add another alt to your existing account and buy training time for it.

IIRC, a few weeks back Ryan posted in a thread about the number of characters available to an account, and he said it was one, or two if you had the Destiny's Twin, but I can't locate that post. Nihimon, perhaps you and your encyclopedia-like mind can assist? ;-)

Goblin Squad Member

Gloreindl wrote:
IIRC, a few weeks back Ryan posted in a thread about the number of characters available to an account, and he said it was one, or two if you had the Destiny's Twin, but I can't locate that post. Nihimon, perhaps you and your encyclopedia-like mind can assist? ;-)

Actually, I don't think that's accurate. My understanding is that they will allow multiple alts on a single account.

I'm guessing you were thinking of this post.

From Kickstarter Community Thread: Subscriptions & Microtransactions:

Ryan Dancey wrote:
@Darsh - Crowdforgers will be involved in the decision about when to devote development resources to the question of having more than one character training on an account.

I take that to mean that we'll Crowdforge the priority of supporting multiple characters, but that it will happen at some point in Early Enrollment regardless. Since every single person in Early Enrollment will have the Destiny's Twin feature, I'm guessing it will be a fairly high priority thing :)

More Context:

This is from around the time of the big Kickstarter.

From Never punish a player for using a single account.:

Ryan Dancey wrote:

Destiny's Twin is a unique benefit for the Kickstarters and it's designed to incent people to get into the project by giving them a tangible benefit vs. more esoteric potential benefits. It's not supposed to indicate a long-term plan on how we'll handle multiple accounts, multiple characters per account, or how you'd play multiple characters.

We're KISSing this. Keeping It Simple, Stupid (we're "stupid" in this acronym). Destiny's Twin doesn't have much downside risk, it's easy to manage, and it doesn't affect the business model so it's a safe perk to offer at this stage.

Everything that happens later will be more complex, have to be carefully balanced and priced, and needs more thought and development than we could give it in the time allowed.

This next one is from over a year before, but I believe it is still applicable.

From What excites you about PFO so far? How to make that happen?:
Ryan Dancey wrote:
Mogloth wrote:

So does this little nugget of info mean that 1 sub = 1 character per server? Or are these ideas separate?

Not really.

First, we're going to try and have one server. That's our preferred solution.

Second, you could have many characters on one account. They just won't all train skills simultaneously. There's no reason you couldn't have many characters and allocate your monthly skill training between them as you saw fit. You'd advance more slowly than someone who chose to focus all training on one character but you'd have flexibility that the focused character lacks. Many people will make that tradeoff.


Liberty's Edge Goblin Squad Member

Nihimon wrote:
Gloreindl wrote:
IIRC, a few weeks back Ryan posted in a thread about the number of characters available to an account, and he said it was one, or two if you had the Destiny's Twin, but I can't locate that post. Nihimon, perhaps you and your encyclopedia-like mind can assist? ;-)

Actually, I don't think that's accurate. My understanding is that they will allow multiple alts on a single account.

I'm guessing you were thinking of this post.

From Kickstarter Community Thread: Subscriptions & Microtransactions:

Ryan Dancey wrote:
@Darsh - Crowdforgers will be involved in the decision about when to devote development resources to the question of having more than one character training on an account.

I take that to mean that we'll Crowdforge the priority of supporting multiple characters, but that it will happen at some point in Early Enrollment regardless. Since every single person in Early Enrollment will have the Destiny's Twin feature, I'm guessing it will be a fairly high priority thing :)

** spoiler omitted **


Thanks Nihimon. This old fart has been busy with other stuff, and my memory went to hell I guess LOL. Glad we have you around to set things right :) You sort of remind me of Bob from the Dresden Files novels ;)

Goblin Squad Member

If they do a good job with wildshape then I'd go druid.

Depending on stealth mechanics rogue would be my second choice.

If they come to their senses and include Torag early enough then cleric is a possibility.

Just too many unknowns right now.

My twin will be an alchemist ( the crafting type)

Rafkin wrote:

Depending on stealth mechanics rogue would be my second choice.

So far stealth seems pretty normal, like its done in other games. I'm real interested in how other rogue skills will play, but I always roll a rogue when I start a new game.

Goblin Squad Member

I'll be a LE multiclass monk/sorcerer or monk/cleric aligned with the Hellknights. Or both. When someday they add the summoner class I'll drop everything and do that. Guess I'm going to find out if you really can compete with established characters.

Hard to decide. So many options. First i want to learn how to move silently and fast in the land. Gain knowledge about monsters and players. Use this knowledge to smuggle valuable wares ''under the radar'' for other players. Then i want to gain some fighting power, probably using leather armor and a spear. Also want to specialize into a gathering profession, be it herbalism, skinning or something else that benefits from my knowledge of the wilds. Lastly i want to be able to make good deals as a trader, since i already will be smuggling other wares around the world. Probably some sort of Ranger.

Goblin Squad Member

I'll probably end up with two gatherer-type characters. One to gather off the land, the other to gather off those who gather off the land (and those who try to protect those who gather off the land).

An elven arcanist, either Wizard or possibly Witch.

If Wizard, then high enough UMD to perform some magical healing. Won't even bother making a Witch unless their spell list, Hexes and Patrons are revised / rebalanced from the PnP mess. Too long have I raged over the horrible design job the Witch got stuck with (in before flames).

Possibly an Oracle of some sort (likely Time), but depends a great deal on cosmetics and race details.

DarkOne the Drow wrote:
Seems like GW don't have mechanisms to handle the non-settlement nature of druids in their design, and very little information forth coming to how these issues for druids will be resolved.

Why can't a hallowed grove be considered one type of "settlement" for the game's mechanics?

Valandur wrote:
I'm pretty sure that Ryan mentioned Druid animal companions would be included as a different thing from the "pets" in the crowdforger poll thread. I recall it because I thought it was cool that he included the animal companion to support the Druid role, and it made me think that Druids in PFO might be real Druids instead of what most MMOs toss out there as Druids.

... So what about Familiars?

Goblin Squad Member

Hycoo wrote:
Hard to decide. So many options. First i want to learn how to move silently and fast in the land. Gain knowledge about monsters and players. Use this knowledge to smuggle valuable wares ''under the radar'' for other players. Then i want to gain some fighting power, probably using leather armor and a spear. Also want to specialize into a gathering profession, be it herbalism, skinning or something else that benefits from my knowledge of the wilds. Lastly i want to be able to make good deals as a trader, since i already will be smuggling other wares around the world. Probably some sort of Ranger.

So you want to be Rhett Butler. He was a Civil War blockade runner/smuggler....and very successful too!

Aunt Tony wrote:

... So what about Familiars?

Haven't heard anything about them yet. Actually I don't know how PFRPG defines familiars. If they are like older D&D defines them then I think familiars would be included along with Ranger/Druid companions. They certainly aren't "dumb" creatures, they interact with the world at the behest of their master, at least that's how AD&D described them.

Scarab Sages Goblin Squad Member

Aunt Tony wrote:

Valandur wrote:
I'm pretty sure that Ryan mentioned Druid animal companions would be included as a different thing from the "pets" in the crowdforger poll thread. I recall it because I thought it was cool that he included the animal companion to support the Druid role, and it made me think that Druids in PFO might be real Druids instead of what most MMOs toss out there as Druids.
... So what about Familiars?

To begin with in early enrollment, they will likely only provide the skill/hp/save bonus. Once the pet system is in place they should be able to interact with the game world with the abilities of the PnP game.

Some sort of unarmed martial artist, if they have this available. Pretty typical monk, actually, though I hope they'll make the Qinggong monk type setup available. I'd like to have more of the mystic side in place. Would love to set up a dojo/dojang/kwoon/martial arts school as part of a lawful settlement, though I could also see myself making a drunken style type martial artist in a Chaotic settlement, as well, if this kind of thing is available.

A lot of it comes down to what options are available. I have several variations of this type of character I'd love to play. In game abilities will determine the direction I go with things.

My initial thoughts is simply a roguelike elf who calls noone master and is noones master. But I kind of just want to explore and see what people make in this sandbox world.

Goblin Squad Member

I'll more than likely have a wizard of some sort as my main/crafter persona. I'll have an outdoorsy type as my crafter/prospector. Probably a Ranger, but I may go druid. I am an exploration addict, and those two classes are the best bet for just walking off into the wilderness relatively safely. Barbarian comes a close 3rd, but I don't really favor melee types.

In any case, Severeth Oakstar will be there on Day 1, ready for action!

Goblin Squad Member

The great part about the skill plans they have is that you can specialize or do it all.

My plan is toward the leader/cleric type for my main. My second will be Rogue/Wizard Archer type.

Either way, if we get destinies twin option later on or not I will have two accounts.

If we get a destinies twin option with the second character training for free in a future offer, I will still have a second account... Since we cannot log in destinies twin with the main on the same account, the destinies twin will just gain xp and wait till Im ready to work it up to useful.

Goblin Squad Member

A munchkin. Whatever works best for guerrilla style, hit and run, absolutely unfair PvP.

Goblin Squad Member

Blaeringr wrote:
A munchkin. Whatever works best for guerrilla style, hit and run, absolutely unfair PvP.

LOL, there will always be a counter. But I think a good ranged character with the Hideout style structure will do this job well. Cant wait to try that out myself.

Goblin Squad Member

Hobs the Short wrote:
I will be playing Hobs - which first means I have to find the right race to represent his "condition". Hobs is supposed to be a Human suffering from dwarfism.

No offense, but the first thing that popped into my mind was a Destiny Twin of Calvin. :) A nod to one of the greatest comic strips of all time.

Blaeringr wrote:
A munchkin. Whatever works best for guerrilla style, hit and run, absolutely unfair PvP.

I suspect there will be a great many Dark Elves just like that...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Blaeringr wrote:
A munchkin. Whatever works best for guerrilla style, hit and run, absolutely unfair PvP.

Hm. You know, it's posts like these that make me question the total legitimacy of Tony's Totally Legitimate Breadmaking Business...

Goblin Squad Member


None taken. Those two are great cartoon characters.

I picked the name Hobs originally for my Rift character - a harvested supply company owner - since I wanted something short and easy for customers to remember.

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