I want to make a Rogue.


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Thanks for the responses everyone. Now I have lots to think on!

Thyrkill wrote:

Wow! Thanks for all the replies and ideas...lots to think on.

Lemmy is correct when he said that I was looking for a cunning/charming character to play, and that Rogue was what I saw to play since I didn't want to play the Bard. The Inquisitor intrigues me because I hadn't really thought that charming/cunning was part of it's skill set...I hadn't really looked at the class very closely. I would love to hear more about this option, if possible. Archaeologist looks really good as well, and, if I were to stick with Rogue, I think the Thug or Scout fits the bill nicely.

Again, really appreciate all the input on this. Thanks.

Yay! I was right! I always love being right... haha.

But seriously, give some thought to Inqusitors!

- 6 skill points per level. (Easily boosted to 8 if you're human)
- Great class skills (Intimidate, Bluff, Diplomacy, Sense Motive, etc)
- Bonus to two very useful skills (specialy for a party face)!
- Cool at-will social skills (Discern Lies and Detect Allignment)
- Great saves (which means you can spend your traits to get any class skill you want! But I suggest boosting your Initiative
- Great spells. And it's spontaneuous too, so not much book keeping.
- Self buffing and healing!

Oh, and the Conversion Inquisition (whihc lets you use Wis instead of Cha to most social skills) is available to all gods! So you can pick whatever deity you want and still be the Charming/Scary Guy!

So... Good at combat, social encounters and overall utility.
You can be Dr.Jerkyl, Mr.Hyde and... I don't know... Señor Charming? All at once!

Man, I love this class... lol

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