
Thyrkill's page

Organized Play Member. 24 posts. No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists.


Could an 8 Int simply mean that you were uneducated or didn't learn much as you grew up? Not just a measure of your intellect but also of your background and learning. A wide-eyed farm boy Fighter springs to mind.

I am moving to Aberdeen at the end of July...Is there PFS in the city?


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One major thing I like about the Fighter class is its role-playing potential. Rangers, Paladins, Inquisitors, and Barbarians all have a limit to their backgrounds: Holy Warrior, Noble Savage, Woodsman, etc. but the Fighter does not. His background can be pretty much anything you want as long as he fights. I like that. I can be a grizzled vet, a scholar, a thug, or an ex-con. I am not limited by the basic background idea of the class. Sure, it's just a role-playing aspect of the class but it offer additional flavor to the Fighter character.

I would like to see a build like that.

A Drunken Master who studies the Way of the Sacred Mountain sounds pretty "flavorful" to me. The stone and mead talk to him :)

Thanks for the responses everyone. Now I have lots to think on!

Wow! Thanks for all the replies and ideas...lots to think on.

Lemmy is correct when he said that I was looking for a cunning/charming character to play, and that Rogue was what I saw to play since I didn't want to play the Bard. The Inquisitor intrigues me because I hadn't really thought that charming/cunning was part of it's skill set...I hadn't really looked at the class very closely. I would love to hear more about this option, if possible. Archaeologist looks really good as well, and, if I were to stick with Rogue, I think the Thug or Scout fits the bill nicely.

Again, really appreciate all the input on this. Thanks.

Lamontius wrote:

Well, essentially you can combine any archetypes that do not alter or replace the same ability. Look on d20pfsrd.com at the rogue and you'll see a list of archetypes. If you can find two that don't have X's in the same ability categories, they stack.

So, Knife Master and Scout stack because they replace/alter different abilities, but there are plenty of other archetypes that DON'T stack.

Also, remember you can only take your archetype(s) (barring GM permission) when you take your first level in that particular class.

Cool, thanks Lamontius...that clears it up for me. Now to convince my DM that Archetypes are a good thing :)

Nicos wrote:
Thyrkill wrote:

...or a Charming Brutish Thug.

ok then a thug is a great choise. For example a 20 point buy

Human thug/scout

Str 16, dex 12, con 14, int 10, wis 12, cha 14

1. Weapon Focus, weapon focus (glaive or wathever)
2. Intimidating prowess via rogue talent
3. Power attack
4. Slow reaction, +1 to str
5. furious focus
6. Cornugon smash via combat trick
7. Iron will
8. Offensive defense, +1 str
9. Lunge

Thanks Nicos, I like that build. Do you think a Half-Orc would work, or is the Human extra feat too good to pass up?

Lemmy wrote:
4 full casters... Man, you gonna have to work hard...

Thanks for all your thoughts Lemmy...is Rogue worth it here then, or would something else be better?

Kolokotroni wrote:
If you want to be a charismatic, sneaky character with good face skills that is very much like a rogue, what about the ninja? Its an alternate class isntead of an achetype, but ti does everything you want, does it well, AND has lots of cool toys. There are few things I can think of more useful to a rogue then the vanish ninja trick.

My DM isn't allowing the new classes. Thanks for the idea though.

Yeah, I looked at Archaeologist too and I'm sorry it pains you :) It is a cool and flavorful class though.

Knife Master and Scout look strong for combat. How do you combine Archetypes though?

Thanks for the replies Lemmy and Nicos.

My party consists of a ranged Fighter, a Barbarian Sorcerer, a Wizard, a Battle Cleric, and a Druid. We don't have a face for the group and though a Bard seems to fit well, I'm not that enthuisatic about playing on (can't get past the music part).

I like the idea of playing a Cunning Bastard or a Charming Brutish Thug.


Ok, I'll be more specific:
Which Archetypes are worth looking at?
Is TWF a feat chain worth going down or is the combat prowess of the Rogue enough?
Is Feint worth using in combat (and taking Improved Feint)?
Is dipping into Fighter, or even multi-classing into it, worth losing Rogue levels?

Those are the main questions I have.

My party needs a face and they need some stealth, and that's where my Rogue hopefully comes in. It's a 20 point buy and I will be starting at 3rd level. I know that many in the community feel that Rogues are over-shadowed by other classes but I still like the flavor/idea of the charismatic sneaky man with a dark side (I like a bit of mystery for my characters).

With that all said, I don't really know where to start mechanically. I DM most of the time so I haven't made many PC's for Pathfinder and I was hoping to get a little help from you guys. Any help or thoughts (and I am open to other options) are greatly appreciated.


Thanks for the answer...not quite what I would like to play after looking at it.

Gerald wrote:
Ranged inquisitor could be very good in this spot.

I'm intrigued by the ranged inquisitor. Can anyone tell me more?

Not that it's a problem, but my group don't really play completely to the "script," and are not optimized build-wise. The barbarian is new to melee (she always plays a sorceress) and the Druid uses his tiger for fights and casts a few spells (he does plan to go wild shape though). I'm not even sure if the Cleric has put any points into Perception :)

I had thought about Bard, as well as Ranger (maybe with one level in Rogue).

I am currently playing in a 3rd level campaign and need to create a new character for my group, and I am trying to figure out what could fit well into the party.

The good aligned party consists of:
Level 3 Battle Cleric of Gorum
Level 3 Fighter (weapon finesse and archery)
Level 3 Druid
Level 1/2 Sorceress/Barbarian
Level 3 Wizard

What character class do you think would fit well into this party? Any thoughts are greatly appreciated.



Is it a good idea to use a reach weapon with a melee-style bard? Similar to the Reach Cleric build, use Combat Reflexes to deal out AoO damage whilst casting spells to support the group. I am currently making a 3rd level Bard and thought the idea had some merit.


Wow, that is amazing. I currently live on the Big Island in Hawaii, where there is no PFS. Great news for me, if it all pans out.

I might be moving to Ankara this year. Has the Pathfinder Society made it out there yet?

Great. Thanks very much for the response.



I just renewed my subscription to the Adventure Paths and wanted to make an order for other books. When I put those books into the cart I notice that they are not being discounted for the Pathfinder Advantage, even when I continue on to the purchasing step. I wanted to know if the system has to wait until my first issue is sent out, or if this is an oversight. Please let me know at as soon as you can, as I am eager to pick up a few books.

Matt Sutherland