Dark Immortal |
How would you build him?
The build is inherently expensive, since you spend nine points on the heads and bites alone:
Head x2 = 4 Evo points.
Bite x5 = 5 Evo points (each head takes bite, twice-the first head comes with a bite).
There is also the question of going huge or staying large, and several others. Please, post your builds, feats included, but I have one rule only- let's make the summoner of the Cerberus anything BUT a half elf. So no bonus evolution points from race, although bonus evolution points from Extra Evolution are viable (at the expense of your summoner).
Darkwolf117 |
I'm not entirely sure that that's how the bite evo is supposed to work. I assumed it was meant to be added if the eidolon had a bite from its base form already, and only in that case (in other words, not stacking on top of itself).
Anyway, quickly thrown together, with pretty much a standard pounce build.
Quadruped Base (Of course)
Head x2 - 4
Bite x2 - 2
Pounce - 1
Large - 4
Claws x2 - 2
Breath Weapon(Fire) - 4 + 2(additional uses)
Immunity Fire - 2
Scent - 1
Improved Natural Armor - 3
Total is 25 evolution points, which could be added or subtracted on a few things easily enough. With the idea that the each of the bites can be upped to 1.5, the extra points can be grabbed from a few different things (claws, breath weapon, armor, even the large evolution).
I'd be inclined to say the summoner would find 2 feats on Extra Evolution worthwhile to get 6 points of evolutions for them through Greater Aspect.
I can crunch out all the specifics in a bit and see what modifications it could use. Off the top of my head, that's my first thought on evolutions at least.
Akalsaris |
Darkwolf seems to have a strong summary there.
Might be worth it to get +8 to Perception along with that scent to reflect that Cerberus is a watch-dog as well.
I think it would be cool to flavor the summoner as a neutral servant of the underworld, calling forth summoned monsters from the spirits of long-dead creatures.
Psion-Psycho |
Starting Statistics
Size Medium; Speed 40 ft.; AC +2 natural armor; Saves Fort (good), Ref (good), Will (bad); Attack bite (1d6); Ability Scores Str 14, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 11
Free Evolutions
bite, limbs (legs) (2).
-Evolutions (cost/number of/modifier/name)-
(4)(4)(8)Improved Natural Armor
(2)(Bite / Claws)Improved Damage
(2)(Fire)Energy Attacks
Power Attack
Improved Natural Attack (Bite)
Improved Natural Attack (Claw)
Eldritch Claws
Rending Claws
Rending Fury
Improved Rending Fury
Greater Rending Fury
Place all stat increases into Str for pet
Extra Evolutions Feat 4 times on Summoner
Booksy |
So, this only works if you’re a Goblin. And you use the
Add +1/4 evolution point to the eidolon's evolution pool. These bonus evolution points must be spent on evolutions that deal fire damage or protect the eidolon from fire (for example, resistance, energy attacks, immunity, breath weapon, and so on).
You only need to do this up to level 16, for 4 points. You also have to take Extra Evolution as every feat.
1 Power Attack
3 Improved Intiative
6 Improved Natural Attack: Bite
9 Elderitch Claws
11 INA: Claw
14 Rending Fury
17 INA: Rake
19 Hammer the Gap
Feats + Evolution Pool – Summoner Level: Evolutions
1+3-1: 2nd Head, Bite, Pounce
1+4-2: INA: Bite
2+5-3: 3rd Head
2+7-4: Bite, Energy Attack:Fire (1 Freebie)
3+8-5: Grab(Bite)
3+9-6: Claws
4+10-7 Rake
4+11-8 – **Reset** Large, 2nd Head, Bite, 3rd Head, Bite, Pounce, Grab(Bite), Energy Attack: Fire(2 Freebies)
5+13-9 - Rake
5+14-10 – INA:Bite
6+15-11 – Claws, INA: Claws
6+16-12 – INA: Rake, Resist: Fire(1 Freebie)
7+17-13 – **Reset** Huge, 2nd Head, Bite, 3rd Head, Bite, Grab(Bite), Pounce, Claws, Grab(Claws), INA: Bite, INA: Claws, Rend
7+19-14 – Rake
8+20-15 – Shadow Blend
8+21-16 – INA: Rake, Immunity: Fire(2 Freebies, lose Resist)
9+22-17 – Shadow Form
9+23-18 – Skilled (Perception)
10+25-19 – 4th Head, Bite
10+26-20 – Tail
So, at 20th level you have an Eidolon attacking 6 times after a charge
with +28 for 4xBite[(4d6+15)+1d6fire], 2xClaw[(3d6+15)+1d6fire]
and with each successful free grapple attempt (of which you get 6, with a CMB of +36) you trigger 2 free Rakes [(3d6+15)+1d6fire]
and with each successful claw a Rend [(3d6+22)+1d6fire] is triggered, limit once per opponent per round.
or vs a low AC opponent take a -4 to hit for +8 damage (via Power Attack) on each damaging strike. All of this is not includin cumulative damage from Hammer the Gap.
Dark Immortal |
I TOTALLY forgot about Hammer the Gap. Oh that is a very nice feat on this puppy.
@Darkwolf, the hydra Eidolon example build near the bottom of the eidolon page shows that bite can be taken multiple times. Obviously, for bite to get 1.5x damage suggests that it can be taken twice per head (once to give a head bite and once again to increase the damage of the bite). The other interpretations could be you only get to power up a single bite or you take the additional bite 1.5x str mod bite evolution once and it applies to all bites. I'm thinking you just have to take bite 2x per head to get 1.5x str mod on each bite.
Darkwolf117 |
@ Akalsaris: Nice catch :P I kinda skimmed over Skilled without thinking.
@ Dark Immortal: I know it can be taken more than once for extra bite attacks, I was talking more about getting the 1.5 strength option for each of them. That's a fair interpretation though, so certainly possible. I didn't include it in here, though I think it'd be pretty easy to fit in.
Alright, though! Here we go. Level 20 build, obviously can be scaled down to appropriate levels easily.
Being 5 HD back, Cerberus doesn't have the best health, but he's got a pretty damn high AC (50), so that's a plus. He does have an abysmal touch AC though, hence why he's wearing a Ring of Protection. He could really use it.
His Fort and Reflex saves are nice, but Will is trailing very far behind, so he's got Iron Will and Improved Iron Will, as well as wearing a cloak of resistance (don't worry, the summoner's got a Robe of the Archmagi, so he's not far behind).
He's got an Amulet of Mighty Fists +5 to hit better, harder, and poke his way through DR. Since he's also sporting a lot of the same types of attacks, he's got Weapon Focus (Bite) and (Claws). The end result is 7 attacks with +34 to hit, doing 1d8 and 1d6 +19 on damage. If power attacking, this instead goes to +30 to hit, and +27 on damage. And this is all unbuffed :P
Finally, as a watchdog, he's got Scent, Skilled (Perception), and the Blindsense evolution, along with the whole Blind-Fight chain of feats, so hidden opponents are not going to be getting much of a drop on him.
He also can breathe fire 3 times a day, and is immune to that.
The total evolution points spent is 26, meaning this can actually be done without any extra evolutions. I gave the summoner the feat three times though, so he can benefit from Greater Aspect. Incidentally, Cerb doesn't have the Improved Natural Armor evolution at all, so if you wanted to boost his AC even higher, it would be rather easy.
LE Outsider (Eidolon)
Init: +8
Senses: Perception +26, Scent, Blindsense 30 ft., Darkvision 60 ft.
AC: 50, Touch: 22, Flat-Footed: 42 (Armor +8, Dex +8, Natural +20, Deflection +5, Size -1)
HP: 210(15d10+120)
Fort: +21 Ref: +22 Will: +12
Defensive Abilities: Improved Evasion, Devotion
Immunities: Fire
SPD: 40 ft.
Melee: 3 Bites +34 (1d8+19), 4 Claws +34 (1d6+19)
Space: 10 ft.; Reach: 5ft.
Special Abilities: Pounce, Breath Weapon (15d6 Fire, DC 24 Reflex, 3/day)
STR: 38 (+14), DEX: 26 (+8), CON: 24 (+7), INT: 7 (-2), WIS: 10 (+0), CHA: 11 (+0)
BAB: +15 CMB: +30 CMD: 38
Feats: Power Attack, Iron Will, Improved Iron Will, Blind-Fight, Improved Blind-Fight, Greater Blind-Fight, Weapon Focus (Bite), Weapon Focus (Claw)
Skills: Acrobatics +16, Escape Artist +16, Intimidate +13, Perception +26, Sense Motive +18, Survival +13
Languages: Common, Infernal, Abyssal
SQ: Scent
Gear: Belt of Physical Perfection +6, Amulet of Mighty Fists +5, Bracers of Armor +8, Cloak of Resistance +5, Ring of Protection +5
Ability Scores
Str: 38 = 14 Start + 8 Class Bonus + 2 Level + 8 Large + 6 Enhancement
Dex: 26 = 14 Start + 8 Class Bonus – 2 Large + 6 Enhancement
Con: 24 = 13 Start + 1 Level + 4 Large + 6 Enhancement
Int: 7 = 7 Start
Wis: 10 = 10 Start
Cha: 11 = 11 Start
Vital Stats
HP: 90(Hit Dice) + 120(Constitution) = 210
AC: 50 = 10 + 8(Armor) + 8(Dex) + 20(Natural) + 5(Deflection) - 1(Size)
Touch: 22 = 10 + 8(Dex) + 5(Deflection) - 1(Size)
FF: 42 = 10 + 8(Armor) + 20(Natural) + 5(Deflection) - 1(Size)
Fort: 21 = 9(E) + 7(Con) + 5(Resist)
Ref: 22 = 9(E) + 8(Dex) + 5(Resist)
Will: 12 = 5(E) + 0(Wis) + 2(Iron Will) + 5(Resist)
1: Power Attack
3: Iron Will
5: Improved Iron Will
7: Blind-Fight
9: Weapon Focus (Bite)
11: Improved Blind-Fight
13: Weapon Focus (Claw)
15: Greater Blind-Fight
Head x2 – 4
Bite x2 – 2
Pounce – 1
Claws x2 – 2
Scent – 1
Skilled (Perception) – 1
Immunity (Fire) – 2
Large – 4
Breath Weapon – 6
Blindsense – 3
(26/29 Total, 3 Diverted to Summoner for Whatever) Edit: I suppose these could easily be thrown to up the bites to 1.5 Strength.
Belt of Physical Perfection +6
Amulet of Mighty Fists +5
Bracers or Armor +8
Cloak of Resistance +5
Ring of Protection +5
Total Spent outfitting Cerb: 383000
3 Bites at +34 to hit, dealing 1d8+19
4 Claws at +34 to hit, dealing 1d6+19
Keep in mind that he can also power attack, to switch these numbers to +30 to hit and +27 on damage.
Breath Weapon at 15d6 (Hit Dice), with a DC of 24 (10 + 1/2 Hit Dice + Con Mod). Useable 3 times per day.
So there's the watchdog. Now, for his master:
A lot of this is less set in stone, so no statblock on this guy. However, I can tell you some of the general stuff.
Used Human, 'cuz hey, Human. Favored Class bonuses went to Health. Went with 15 point buy, he could have much nicer Dex and Con with more leeway, or by lowering Cha, but figured I'd keep it simple.
It only seemed fitting that he take Eldritch Heritage (Infernal). Skipped Hellfire for the resistances, but it also nets him wings. Not really a big deal, but like I said, seems fitting.
At level 15, I gave him Eschew Materials, in preparation for Merge Forms/Twin Eidolon, in case he ever wants to use that.
Gave him Extra Evolution 3 times, with a possible 4th at 19, or Expanded Arcana if he could use some more spells known.
A lot of his stuff is focused on keeping him out of trouble. He's got a relatively high Charisma with the intent of battlefield control/protection. If I had to list out spells for him, it would probably be a fair few pits and walls in addition to the standard support. And invisibility. Obviously.
Besides that, he's got a ring of freedom of movement, so that he won't end up paralyzed, restrained, or what have you. Not good for him if that happens.
Robe of the Archmagi grants him a nice resistance bonus and armor bonus, although I'd personally be inclined to give him actual armor too, possibly enchanted with Fortification, Deathless, and/or Determination, in addition to the usual enhancement (if you check the gear, you can see I haven't specified that much).
He's got a headband for all mental stats, which I might say would be keyed to stealth or acrobatics. Some moderately useful skills.
Opposite Cerb, his Fort and Ref is pretty bad, though his Will is nice.
Ability Scores
Str: 8 = 8 Start
Dex: 12 = 12 Start
Con: 12 = 12 Start
Int: 16 = 10 Start + 6 Enhancement
Wis: 16 = 10 Start + 6 Enhancement
Cha: 30 = 17 Start + 2 Racial + 5 Level + 6 Enhancement
Vital Stats
HP: 163 = 8 (First Hit Die) + 95 (Other Hit Dice) + 40 (Constition and Toughness) + 20 (Favored Class)
Fort: 11 = 6(S) + 1(Con) + 4(Resist)
Ref: 11 = 6(S) + 1(Dex) + 4(Resist)
Will: 19 = 12(S) + 3(Wis) + 4(Resist)
1: Toughness
Human Bonus: Skill Focus (Diplomacy)
3: Eldritch Heritage (Infernal)
5: Extra Evolution
7: Improved Initiative
9: Improved Eldritch Heritage
11: Extra Evolution
13: Extra Evolution
15: Eschew Materials
17: Greater Eldritch Heritage
19: Expanded Arcana/Extra Evolution
Headband of Mental Superiority +6
Something Armor of Something +5
Ring of Freedom of Movement
Robe of the Archmagi
Total Spent outfitting Summoner: 359000
So, there's a relatively quick stab at this. I'm sure there's more that can be done.
Edit: Fixed something, and, of course, if I made an error in the build somewhere, let me know. Like I said, this was done pretty hastily, so there's good odds I mixed something up somewhere.
Edit 2: Fixed another thing. Had to switch around his feats for those to work correctly.
Edit 3: Off on his flat-footed.
AndIMustMask |
What feat is that which you're referring to? I'll post my idea soon but if there is a feat that seems cool which I missed, I'd love to know.
many apologies, i was mistaking the dragon disciple dragon bite ability with the noxious bite feat. if'n youre willing to swap the breath weapon to acid it'd still work though.
Dark Immortal |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Ok, sorry it took me a while. Here is what I came up with:
Sulvractis is a giant three headed dog that is a cross between a hellhound, dire wolf and- maybe a pit bull. He has jet black fur that does little to reflex light, save for when it is revealing his rippling muscles. He has bright green eyes that glow with an unearthly light. When agitated or frightened Sulvractis' fur bristles outward, making him appear larger and more menacing and also revealing rich, vibrant green cracks of light about his body, similar in color to the noxious substance that drips from one of his mouths. Sulvractis like to play- he just plays a little too rough and therefor is not allowed around children, commoners, aristocrats, guards, or anyone who is not wielding a weapon against him and his master. For this reason he is frequently bound in chains so that he may stay tethered to his master to avoid causing trouble.
Name: Sulvractis. 27 point build (using one Extra Evolution via the Summoner) Sulvractis can be any level.
- Head x2: 4Evo
- Bite x5: 5Evo
- Claw x2: 2Evo
- Rend: 2Evo
- Pounce: 1Evo
- Trip: 2Evo
- Poison: 2Evo
- Improved Damage: 1Evo
- Large: 4Evo
- Breath Weapon(Acid): 4Evo.
Total Cost: 27 Evolution Points.
Honorable Mention: Shadow Blend, Scent, Resistance(Acid and Fire), Skilled (Perception, Survival, Stealth). There simply were not enough evolution points to flesh him out with all the things he should have had but wanted.
- Power Attack
- Combat Reflexes
- Improved Natural Attack
- Cornugon Smash
- Intimidating Prowess
- Noxious Bite
- Snatch
- Lunge
At level 10 without gear Sulvractis will have a 26 Str, 16 Dex, 17 Con and a naked Armor Class of 24. He'll have two available stat points (unused but we can assume one went into con and the other into whatever stat fits the flavor you want- I'm thinking Intelligence, or Dexterity, personally).
Spare points go into:
Sense Motive
Knowledge Planes
Acrobatics or Climb
Any one other Knowledge skill
This all dependent on if/when int increases beyond 7 or 8.
Key point: Sulvractis will be wearing Juggernaut Pauldrons (or a tattoo of the things!) to allow for him to take the Snatch feat as it will then be a reliable and consistent way to qualify for Huge.
Off the top of my head (keep in mind 0 modifiers or gear)
We have bite (3)3d6+15, claw(4)2d6+10, Grab (via Snatch) that works with any bite or claw but requires huge(in which case -2 ac and +1 str dmg). Poison(bite) 1d4 str DC17, Noxious Bite(+1dmg Acid, DC17 save or nauseated) 82 hp (127 with 17Con), Trip(Bite). Grappled targets (in mouth) get no save vs Breath Weapon. Breath weapon deals 15d6 Acid. Grappled targets can be flung 1d6x10 feet. Thematic and superior to Awesome Blow.
I wanted to go the angle of a shadowy beast of Eatyourface but lacked the evolution points. The wolf from Never Ending Story when first encountered comes to mind. The Demon Senses Wondrous item would look good on this eidolon or the summoner (or both?) Demon Talon is mechanically good opening new skill options etc. Not sure it would look right, though. Could make umd a class skill if I take the claw, though.
Sulvractis' Master currently plans on taking the Summoning feat tree, Craft Wondrous, Inscribe Magical Tattoo, Expanded Arcana and Extra Evolution. He still has 3 more feats. His master uses battlefield control and Planar Binding so spells known are important and Sulvractis may not see further evolution points, especially if his master decides that Golem Crafting is his next area of research. The Summoner chose to reserve the 'energy attacks', Immunity and Trample evolutions for the spell Lesser Evolution Surge but really wishes Sulvractis had the ability to sniff things out like other dogs with fewer heads (and noses) or could at least resist the very kind of energy he's spitting from his mouth. Still, if he really wanted to give him those powers permanently, he could.
Dark Immortal |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Jeven, I seriously considered that. I worked, reworked, re-reworked, started from scratch, did it again, reworked that, and on and on. There just are never enough feats or evolution points.
I had an overrun build on my personal summoners eidolon using the entire overrun chain, improved, greater, charge through. The thematics were awesome but required three feats to do a single tactic. The evolutions on my summoners eidolon were incredibly vanilla since it was just a pouncing build and fairly optimized, too. I was disappointed.
After posting on here about the Cerberus idea, I got some feedback and it inspired me with my own eidolon (who'll probably copy what I posted here).
Some things I learned were: Overlap is bad. Variety is great. Minimal Focus is all that's needed. Synergy is a Summoner/Eidolons best friend.
With that in mind I posted the above, with the intent of cramming as much crap as possible onto just the eidolon. Cerberus having 3 heads and at least a bite for each makes him expensive and slow to build so I had to follow some rules when making him (no overlap, etc).
I wanted thematic, very visual moves that would be useful. Breath Weapon, Swallow Whole and Trample fit the bill there. I also was in love with Awesome Blow and Snatch.
Each evolution had a cost: either optimization (goodbye energy attacks) or certain ideas (goodbye overrun feat chain).
No matter what I did, there would be no way to make the eidolon useful and have all three evolutions on it. So from the start, I was only taking two of these. Getting the feats I wanted was a complete unknown.
Breath weapon: Acid, fire and lightning were my picks. I went with Acid (my least favorite) once I discovered Noxious Bite. Not having any spare feats meant I'd be losing part of the overrun tree to make this work. - Trample: I debated heavily between this and the overrun tree. Eventually, it was cheaper to lose 2 evolution points and save 3 feats. Trample essentially did what I wanted anyway- to attack someone as I moved by them. One evolution or three feats?
- Grab/Swallow Whole: These are great. But our DM is new and I can already destroy anything by charging it. This isn't changing as levels advance, either. While it gives the ability to essentially remove someone from a fight without charging, I felt I could forego pushing the power gaming up to that notch considering the other things I was gaining. But damn did I want to swallow some folks...Also, Swallow Whole requires Grab. This meant that if I took Snatch, I'd have overlap. So it was between Snatch and these two evolutions.
- Awesome Blow: Full round action to send a single dude flying 10 feet through the air? AWESOME! Except it is terrifically inefficient, if not very, very cool.
- Snatch: When Huge or bigger I can grab dudes with any bite OR claw? I can also throw them 1d6x10 feet as a standard action? So..it's an enhanced grab evolution and an enhanced, more efficient Awesome Blow? Two visually thematic things I want really bad in one feat? Done.
- Noxious Bite: IF I have an acid breath weapon specifically, I deal +1 damage with the bite from that head and the sucker has to save or be useless for a minimum of 1+ con mod in rounds? No random roll, just raw rounds. God I want this. But this means bye bye overrun feats.
After all was said and done, Trample replaced the overrun feats opening 3 more slots. Noxious Bite and Snatch easily fit, which automatically removed grab and swallow whole (no overlapping, remember?) and forced me to choose acid breath weapon. I still had a feat remaining to select and already had Cornugon Smash on my feat list (an appropriate feat I felt). So finally being able to make it useful via Intimidating Prowess was perfect. I was still short on evolution points and did some hard thinking when I realized that I didn't ALWAYS need to have Trample. It's 2 points and I could lesser evolution surge it. This opened up more evolution points and made me think about what other abilities were better off surging on. I felt a lot better about the removal of several evolutions afterwords. If I ever really want to just swallow something, I can greater evolution surge it. Until then, I feel I crammed plenty on, though if I 3-5 more evolution points I could do *so* much more.