Day Job Question

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What items, tools, gear, traits, feats, etc can and can't be used during a day job roll? I can't find anything in organized play or field guide in regards to what can/can't be used. Thanks.

5/5 **** Venture-Captain, Massachusetts—Central & West

Relevant Guide text:

Guide to Organized Play, page 22 wrote:
Permanent bonuses from equipment, feats, racial bonuses, and traits effect your Day Job check as they would any check for the rolled skill, but temporary bonuses such as those granted by spell effects do not contribute, as the duration over which the Day Job check is made is undefined and represents a longer amount of time than a spell’s duration would permit the bonus to remain. You may take 10 on a Day Job check, but you may not take 20 nor can you aid another.

Was there a specific item that you had questions about? The basic rule is, if it's a permanent bonus and not a x/day bonus or sometimes bonus, then it most likely counts.

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Well as you put it, it looks like everything is a go except temp buffs.

Side question would a Nautical Chart (+4 to profession sailor when navigating)be usable in a day job check?

Also do you know of any Profession based items that would count?

I'm attempting to do the following:
1. Make a profession a class skill with traits
2. find an item that increases that profession for purposes of day job rolls
3. could care less what it is , just want the max possible day job roll and my int is 8, cha 7, and wis 14. so i assume profession is best way to go.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

Fortune Teller!

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

My barbarian is getting a Hunting Lodge. Uses Survival in place of Profession for Day Job checks.

5/5 **** Venture-Captain, Massachusetts—Central & West

A nautical chart would be useable as part of a Day Job roll.

Property, memberships, etc all seem to be "circumstance" bonus, which I assume means they wont stack with the "circumstance" bonus of tools, gear, etc.???

5/5 5/55/55/5

different circumstance bonuses stack as long as they're from different circumstances

15 sets of masterwork thieves tools: Not stacking

+2 from the tools
+2 from the one handed rogues description of the trap and how to disarm it - Stack.

The problem with a nautical chart applying to a dayjob roll is that a nautical chart only works for a specific kind of check: navigating. Your dayjob roll is a dayjob roll: not a check to avoid being lost.


I can see it working. Just say you are using your profession day job as a sailor to guide a ship from where you are to some other place. Profession sailor is the skill used to steer a ship so having good charts would probably help with that. A master work sextant might also be a good idea.

ok, this is what I got so far. I'm ranger so no class skills in perform or profession. My wisdom is highest for day job purposes. Im going to buy Hunting Lodge with 2PP, Get a compass (+2 Survival). Can I use the rangers Track also?

I assume I can use Compass and Track because the Hunting Lodge talks about finding and killing prey. Both would be needed to hunt and kill prey.

Hunting Lodge (2 PP): You are a master hunter and
have been recognized as such by being invited to join an
elite hunting lodge. As a member, you may take part in
special hunts for rare and exotic prey each year, both on
restricted hunting grounds and in the wild. You can use
Survival to make Day Job rolls.

Mahtobedis wrote:
I can see it working. Just say you are using your profession day job as a sailor to guide a ship from where you are to some other place. Profession sailor is the skill used to steer a ship so having good charts would probably help with that. A master work sextant might also be a good idea.

Yea that's what I was thinking the Venture-Lieutenant above stated I could use Nautical Maps, they are solely for navigating a boat.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

Wait, I thought bonuses had to apply to the entire skill, too. If that's no longer the case, my Aasimar has a character trait that gives +5 to Bluff, but only when telling a lie. Would that work with the caravan vanity that lets me use Bluff as a Day Job?

5/5 *

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So, I think this is another topic that comes up way too often. Maybe the Day job rules need another rules pass.

Basically, the thing with a Dayjob is that it is an abstraction of what your character does outside adventuring. It is NOT a skill check. You use your bonus in a craft, profession or perform skill AS your Day job roll, but it is not a craft, profession, or perform skill check.

As the text David linked states, only permanent bonuses to skills count. Some stuff from above:
1. Aasimar character trait is not permanent (only when lying) so no for dayjob.
2. compass is permanent (as are mwk tools, the +1 competence ioun stones, etc...) so it counts.
3. Navigational charts are not permanent (only to avoid getting lost) so wouldnt count
4. spells like crafter's fortune would not count.
5. no guidance, even when you could cast it on yourself over and over.
6. no inspire competence, etc...
7. Permanent boons to a skill from a chronicle boon would apply.
8. Permanent boons to Day Job checks from a chronicle boon would apply (at least 2 of these exist)


Day Jobs are such a small part of a character's wealth that I keep being baffled to how much time we spend argueing about it :(

Shadow Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, Michigan—Mt. Pleasant

Mike has said that Crafter's Fortune is allowable for Day Jobs as it lasts 1 day/level. I'll see if I can find the link if he doesn't jump on here himself.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

That's what I thought. I'll bookmark this for later discussions.

5/5 *

Eric Clingenpeel wrote:
Mike has said that Crafter's Fortune is allowable for Day Jobs as it lasts 1 day/level. I'll see if I can find the link if he doesn't jump on here himself.

I'd love to see it too Eric. If you are referring to this post he mentioned it can indeed be used to craft between scenarios, but not for day jobs. I think the line from the guide David Montgomery stated above is pretty clear it encompasses all spells. It would be kinda odd I'd think to have an exception for just 1 spell..

Shadow Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, Michigan—Mt. Pleasant

That wasn't the post I was talking about. I'll see if I can get Mike to post it here...

Grand Lodge 4/5 Pathfinder Society Campaign Coordinator

12 people marked this as FAQ candidate. 17 people marked this as a favorite.

The spell ends after 1/day per level or when used. It can be used for Day Job rolls.


If the goal of some prestige options is to limit using pp to change directly into gp... It should be considered to limit the use of crafter's fortune to at least 2 castor levels to avoid wand usage on day jobs... 2 pp and all..

- My 2 cp

Shadow Lodge

Michael Brock wrote:
The spell ends after 1/day per level or when used. It can be used for Day Job rolls.

Me <3 you long time.

This is GREAT for my alchemist, seeing as he uses the money from his Day Job to pay for all the alchemical items he lobs around.

EDIT: Also, my masterwork Survival tool is the Junior Woodchuck's Guidebook.

Sovereign Court 1/5

What about the Mask of Stony Demeanor and using Bluff in conjunction with the Caravan vanity?
I cannot see why ithis would not work, but I thought I would ask just in case.

Lantern Lodge

On the same topic, do the following apply to dayjob rolls?

1) +10 competence bonus to skill check from Natural Divination

"Natural Divination (Ex): ... Alternatively, by observing and interpreting the flights of birds, you may apply a +10 competence bonus on any one skill check. ..."

2) +4 morale bonus from the Legalistic oracle curse

"once per day, you can make a vow to yourself that grants a +4 morale bonus on any one roll you make while trying to fulfill a promise made to another individual."

Thanks in advance!

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/5

Fancy seeing you here!

I'd say no to both, given that neither is a permanent bonus that lasts for at least a day. Also, I think the second fails as a day job wouldn't count as fulfilling a promise.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 *

I'd have to agree with Paz on both counts.

why do you want a day job? how does this come into play?

Grand Lodge

Related Query, can you take a day job roll untrained since these are not trained only?

Will McGrath wrote:

What about the Mask of Stony Demeanor and using Bluff in conjunction with the Caravan vanity?

I cannot see why ithis would not work, but I thought I would ask just in case.

No. Its not a permanent bonus.

Shadow Lodge

Nuku wrote:
Related Query, can you take a day job roll untrained since these are not trained only?
Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play wrote:
During these times, you can attempt a trained Craft, Perform, or Profession check to see how much extra money you earn—this is called a Day Job check.

Base rules for Day Job checks specifies that you've gotta be trained in the skill to be able to use it for your Day Job.

Sovereign Court 1/5

Off in the Shower wrote:
Will McGrath wrote:

What about the Mask of Stony Demeanor and using Bluff in conjunction with the Caravan vanity?

I cannot see why ithis would not work, but I thought I would ask just in case.
No. Its not a permanent bonus.

But it is a permanent bonus.

The benefit only applies when telling lies.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Wamulus wrote:
Off in the Shower wrote:
Will McGrath wrote:

What about the Mask of Stony Demeanor and using Bluff in conjunction with the Caravan vanity?

I cannot see why ithis would not work, but I thought I would ask just in case.
No. Its not a permanent bonus.

But it is a permanent bonus.

The benefit only applies when telling lies.

But it doesn't apply to all rolls. The Day Job Roll is not a skill check, it's its own special roll. You are not telling a lie, you're abstracting how your character spends their time between going on missions for the Society.

The key there is that it's an abstraction. Anything that's conditional (like 1/day, or only when telling lies) doesn't apply.

Sovereign Court 1/5

That does make sense, and is why I was curious about it in the first place.

The 1/day condition seems to be different I think ( check the above post by Mike Brock)

The mask really seems to cut the line (at least for me).

Grand Lodge 4/5

I think Mike had a typo. I don't know of any effects that are 1 per day per level.

1/day = once per day = temporary bonus and not available for Day job rolls.

1 day/level = one day per level = effectively permanent bonus and available for Day Job rolls.

Sovereign Court 1/5

Typos happen....

The effect in question however was a level one spell that lasts 1 day per level until used (providing a +5 luck bonus to craft checks).. So probably not a typo... But also not 100% relevant to the problem of accepting the Mask

Sovereign Court 1/5

I should also say thanks for the quick reply Jonathan.

I guess it boils down to whether or not specific purposed items can be used for day job checks.


Bonuses from items need to apply to the skill universally, without conditions, to apply to day jobs.

Example:some cracked ioun stones grant +1 to an int or wis based skill. This works for days jobs.

Using survival via vanity does not allow a wayfinder's bonus to not get lost, nor ranger levels for tracking to be used on day jobs.(even if it makes sense for the vanity's fluff)

Sovereign Court 1/5

Makes sense for simplicity. Thanks guys.

5/5 5/55/55/5

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Ranger Rick : Hey where's my tip!?!?

Adventure party: You missed the survival roll!

Ranger Rick: What the hell? I had a compass to avoid getting lost, a footprint book to id the critters, and a tent to help survive harsh conditions, and and a walking stick to find the quicksand!

Advemture party: Perhaps we should discuss those leaves you had us use for toilet paper...

Grand Lodge 1/5

Ok, got a lvl. 6 Cleric, got a Temple Membership.

My current Heal skill is:
6 for levels
3 for WIS
3 for trained class skill

Here is the question on Heal as a Day Job roll. Are any of the following legal for Day Job Rolls?

+2 for healer's kit (or surgeon's vest)?
+1 surgeon's tools (not for adventure, but rather for actual surgery at the Temple)?
+5 for Healers Gloves?

5/5 **** Venture-Captain, Massachusetts—Central & West

Hi Eric,

Healer's Gloves are a permanent bonus, and can be used for Day Jobs.

The criterion is, probably oversimplified, if the item provides a permanent bonus to a skill without conditional circumstances, it can be used for Day Job checks. Surgeon's tools only provide their bonus if you are using them for the "Treat Deadly Wounds" or "Treat Wounds" uses of the Heal skill. Since the type of healing you're doing at the temple is not necessarily treating wounds, Surgeon's tools don't apply.

Grand Lodge 1/5

So how about Healer's kit? Its a +2 to heal to all heal checks right?

Also, since I have an anti-venom kit, that covers 2 of 3 possible ailments that I might treat.

Is there a CDC kit of some sort, don't know if there is an anti-disease kit? Because then I'd have 3/3 covered.

5/5 *

Eric Saxon wrote:

So how about Healer's kit? Its a +2 to heal to all heal checks right?

Also, since I have an anti-venom kit, that covers 2 of 3 possible ailments that I might treat.

Is there a CDC kit of some sort, don't know if there is an anti-disease kit? Because then I'd have 3/3 covered.

As someone said above, day jobs are not skill checks. They are a separate check that uses your bonus in a skill as a proxy for your "dayjob skill". Healer's kit (as a consumable) would not work.

I think that so far, only the spell crafter's fortune has been the exception to the rule.

Grand Lodge 1/5

Well the Surgeon's Vest is not a consumable either. Well, it is but it isn't. If you read the description it provides constant consumables, so it never actually runs out of them.

Shadow Lodge 3/5

Does an alchemist's lab provide a +2 bonus for craft (alchemy) on day jobs?

I've got one of these on my alchemist specifically for this, I was told it does count and I think there was an FAQ about it, but I've had a look now and can't find it.

Scarab Sages

Avatar-1 wrote:

Does an alchemist's lab provide a +2 bonus for craft (alchemy) on day jobs?

I've got one of these on my alchemist specifically for this, I was told it does count and I think there was an FAQ about it, but I've had a look now and can't find it.

Let me be the first to say: It does stack.

3/5 RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Avatar-1 wrote:

Does an alchemist's lab provide a +2 bonus for craft (alchemy) on day jobs?

I've got one of these on my alchemist specifically for this, I was told it does count and I think there was an FAQ about it, but I've had a look now and can't find it.

And does he get to include the competence bonus he gets equal to his level? It says in the description it only applies to actual crafting, but if crafter's fortune works, then I'd imagine that class bonus would as well.

Shadow Lodge 3/5

RainyDayNinja wrote:
Avatar-1 wrote:

Does an alchemist's lab provide a +2 bonus for craft (alchemy) on day jobs? ...

And does he get to include the competence bonus he gets equal to his level? It says in the description it only applies to actual crafting, but if crafter's fortune works, then I'd imagine that class bonus would as well.

The idea with using craft for day jobs is that you're doing actual crafting, so it should apply.


CRobledo wrote:
Eric Saxon wrote:

So how about Healer's kit? Its a +2 to heal to all heal checks right?

Also, since I have an anti-venom kit, that covers 2 of 3 possible ailments that I might treat.

Is there a CDC kit of some sort, don't know if there is an anti-disease kit? Because then I'd have 3/3 covered.

As someone said above, day jobs are not skill checks. They are a separate check that uses your bonus in a skill as a proxy for your "dayjob skill". Healer's kit (as a consumable) would not work.

I think that so far, only the spell crafter's fortune has been the exception to the rule.

since when do masterwork tools not help your day job check?

Shadow Lodge 3/5

asthyril wrote:
CRobledo wrote:
Eric Saxon wrote:

So how about Healer's kit? Its a +2 to heal to all heal checks right?

Also, since I have an anti-venom kit, that covers 2 of 3 possible ailments that I might treat.

Is there a CDC kit of some sort, don't know if there is an anti-disease kit? Because then I'd have 3/3 covered.

As someone said above, day jobs are not skill checks. They are a separate check that uses your bonus in a skill as a proxy for your "dayjob skill". Healer's kit (as a consumable) would not work.

I think that so far, only the spell crafter's fortune has been the exception to the rule.

since when do masterwork tools not help your day job check?

The healer's kit isn't really a "masterwork tool" - it's a consumable. I doubt there's some question of whether you can use a healer's kit 10 times over 10 scenarios for day jobs - it would either be allowed or not, and I would assume it's not to keep it simple, since it's not "reusable".

The one exception I can think of was the synthesist wasn't allowed to be in synthesist form to apply Skilled to day jobs, but I assume that had more to do with balance issues.


Avatar-1 wrote:
asthyril wrote:
CRobledo wrote:
Eric Saxon wrote:

So how about Healer's kit? Its a +2 to heal to all heal checks right?

Also, since I have an anti-venom kit, that covers 2 of 3 possible ailments that I might treat.

Is there a CDC kit of some sort, don't know if there is an anti-disease kit? Because then I'd have 3/3 covered.

As someone said above, day jobs are not skill checks. They are a separate check that uses your bonus in a skill as a proxy for your "dayjob skill". Healer's kit (as a consumable) would not work.

I think that so far, only the spell crafter's fortune has been the exception to the rule.

since when do masterwork tools not help your day job check?

The healer's kit isn't really a "masterwork tool" - it's a consumable. I doubt there's some question of whether you can use a healer's kit 10 times over 10 scenarios for day jobs - it would either be allowed or not, and I would assume it's not to keep it simple, since it's not "reusable".

The one exception I can think of was the synthesist wasn't allowed to be in synthesist form to apply Skilled to day jobs, but I assume that had more to do with balance issues.

prd wrote:
Several common items already count as masterwork tools for particular skills. These are the alchemist's lab, climber's kit, disguise kit, healer's kit, masterwork musical instrument, and masterwork thieves' tools. Therefore, there is no masterwork climber's kit, masterwork healer's kit, and so on—those items are already the best available for general checks with the relevant skill.

it is, in fact, a masterwork tool for healing.

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I still think the best "day job" I ever heard of, happened in the Living Force campaign: A noble character had "Whine to Daddy".

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