Skum Sentry

Will McGrath's page

6 posts. Alias of Wamulus.


Sovereign Court 1/5

What about the Mask of Stony Demeanor and using Bluff in conjunction with the Caravan vanity?
I cannot see why ithis would not work, but I thought I would ask just in case.

Sovereign Court

I think Alice Margatroid is correct.

There is a lot of chatter about this topic over in the Pathfinder Society forums...

This post might help.

It does not specifically say they are or are not sorcerers, but for the purposes of using magic items, I do believe they are considered to have '(spontaneous) spell caster levels'

and they do draw those spells from the sorcerer spell lists...

Sovereign Court 1/5

Happy birthday good sir!

You do a fantastic job!!

I hope the birthday is good one!

Sovereign Court 1/5

I am glad this discussion has already come up. I have been wondering about this!

I do think it would probably be helpful if this could be added somewhere in the "Special Rules" or "Game Masters" section of the Guide.

Sovereign Court 1/5

"Lighter" wallet? I think the golem just convinced me to trade the whole darn wallet.

Sovereign Court 1/5

Michael Kirk wrote:

Hello Esteemed Group,

Where do you find rules for running sanctioned modules, ie time slots exp points for players and GM's? I couldn't find any thread on this topic if any of you can direct me I would be thankful.

Rules for running sanctioned modules are in the Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play... check page 29.

Time = (probably 2 to 3 games @ 4hours)

Exp= 3
PP = 4