Skill Points


Some of my party has like +22 to perception at level 7 or +33 bluff at level 9. I don't see how this is possible even with skill focus?

I simply can't figure out how to stack skills like they do.

(one is rogue and one is Druid btw)

Well lets see...those are very high number for those levels but +22 might be doable....

7 ranks
4 for 18 wisdom
5 magic item (eyes of the eagle, etc.)
3 trained
2 racial bonus
1 trait (pretty sure there is not one that gives +2)

that is 22 so yeah its possible for a 7th level rogue with wither a 12 wisdom and skill focus or 18 wisdom and no skill focus to pull that off.

now for a +33 in anything at 9th level without skill focus i would question and ask them to explain it and/or audit their character if i was their Gm or if another player maybe ask you GM to look into it.

Druids can get crazy perception.

wisdom +5
ranks +9
class skill +3
(many races) +2 racial
Feather Domain +4 racial
Eyes of the Eagle +5 competence
Skill Focus +3
Alertness +2

That's +33 Perception at level 9. At level 10, when Skill Focus jumps to +6 and Alertness to +4, now it's +40.

Bluff is pretty jackable, also:

charisma +3
ranks +9
class skill +3
human (silver-tongued) +2 racial
Skill Focus +3
Deceptive +2
Rakshasa bloodline (1st level sorcerer power) +5
Circlet of Persuasion +3 competence

That's +30 (including the sorcerer dip) or +25 (straight rogue). Rogue also has some great talents for bluffing - Honeyed Words lets you roll the bluff twice (by numbers equivalent to +5 but even more importantly greatly reduces the chance of a low roll, meaning your checks will always succeed.) There's also the Charlatan archetype which gives you effectively a +2 on all your bluff checks after the first one.

You have two racial bonuses in your perception example.

Racial bonuses stack.

Also, a character playing around with favored terrain can manage a out-right crazy perception bonus fairly quickly. (particularly rogues)

Sorry, the Halfling Druid is 7, and the human rogue is 9. Sorry for being unclear.

(I'm seeking to do something similar with intimidate as a human. Is it possible?)

Human Inquisitor 6

6 ranks
+3 class skill
+3 skill focus
+3 Stern Gaze Ability (add 1/2 level)
+4 WIS (with Heresy Inquisition you use WIS instead of CHA)
+1 Bully trait

Thats +20 at 6th level. At 8th it jumps up to +23 (2 more ranks, another +1 for Stern Gaze). At 10th it jumps up to +29(2 more ranks, +1 Stern Gaze, Focus becomes +6)

I think inquisitors get a lot of bonuses to intimidate.

Grand Lodge

Warhawx wrote:

Sorry, the Halfling Druid is 7, and the human rogue is 9. Sorry for being unclear.

(I'm seeking to do something similar with intimidate as a human. Is it possible?)

Intimidate has got to be one of the easiest. Go half-orc for the racial bonus, take the trait from the Taldor book for the +2, take the skill focus, buff your str and cha, and take intimidating prowess. Now make it a barbarian and add cornugon smash.

Some classes add a scaling bonus to skills.

Oh man, Intimidate gets ridiculous. Let's get really crazy:

Half-Orc Inquisitor (Conversion Inquisition)
strength 16, dexterity 12, constitution 12, intelligence 8, wisdom 18, charisma 7
traits: Steel Skin, Nonchalant Thuggery
feats: Skill Focus (intimidate), Intimidating Prowess, Persuasive, Weapon Focus, Dazzling Display

Conversion inquisition (wis) +4
ranks +1/level
class skill +3
racial +2
Stern Gaze +1/two levels
Steel Skin +2 trait
Skill Focus +3
Intimidating Prowess +3 (3rd level)
Persuasive +2 (5th level)

+12 at level 1 (+4 wis, +1 rank, +3 class skill, +1 Stern Gaze, +3 Skill Focus)
+15 at level 2 (+4 wis, +2 ranks, +3 class skill, +1 Stern Gaze, +3 Skill Focus, +2 Steel Skin)
+19 at level 3 (+4 wis, +3 ranks, +3 class skill, +1 Stern Gaze, +3 Skill Focus, +2 Steel Skin, +3 Intimidating Prowess)
+21 at level 4 (+4 wis, +4 ranks, +3 class skill, +2 Stern Gaze, +3 Skill Focus, +2 Steel Skin, +3 Intimidating Prowess)
+24 at level 5 (+4 wis, +5 ranks, +3 class skill, +2 Stern Gaze, +3 Skill Focus, +2 Steel Skin, +3 Intimidating Prowess, +2 Persuasive)

At 4th level you get Blistering Invective, which lets you intimidate to do fire damage to anyone within 30 feet. If you can get Enlarge Person that's another +5 (+1 str, +4 size), and Owl's Wisdom and Bull's Strength are each +2.

Good dips include 1 level of Rogue (Thug) to get your demoralize to cause the frightened condition instead of shaken, and 2 levels of Cavalier (Order of the Cockatrice) to get Dazzling Display as a bonus feat, and the ability to use it as a standard action and without a weapon.

(The character I'm playing now is a Paladin/Thug with the Enforcer feat and the Blade of Mercy trait. Every greatsword hit is a free action intimidate check, and if I beat 10 + HD + wis then I have the choice of making them shaken for 2d6+5 rounds or frightened for 1 round.)

I'm going with fighter with Skill Focus and Intimidating Prowess with 20str. Anything I can do? My traits are Eyes and Ears of the city and Defender of The Society. I'm not sure if +2 intimidate trumps perception in a fear build.

The thing about Intimidate also is that the DCs are really easy. At level 1 you'll already have +12 (or +14 if you go Half-Orc). Considering the target DC for intimidate is your level + 15, you're almost guaranteed to make the checks.

If you're a human fighter, I would take my feats like:
1: Skill Focus (intimidate), Intimidating Prowess, Power Attack
2: Weapon Focus (greatsword)
3: Dazzling Display
4: Weapon Specialization (greatsword)
5: Gory Finish
6: Cornugon Smash
7: [Rogue (Thug)] Shatter Defenses

By 3rd level you can easily demoralize everyone within 30 feet as a full-round action. 5th level you can do it as a swift action when you KO someone. At 6th level you get a free action intimidate with every Power Attack, and at 7th level anytime you beat an intimidate DC by 10 you can make people frightened instead of shaken. Additionally, any shaken or frightened person you hit is now flat-footed, so you get +1d6 of sneak damage on all hits after the first.

If you're impatient you could front-load this build by dipping Rogue first then going Fighter:
1: [Rogue (Thug)] Bludgeoner, Enforcer
2: Intimidating Prowess
3: Skill Focus (intimidate), Weapon Focus (earth breaker)
5: Power Attack, Dazzling Display
7: Weapon Specialization (earth breaker), Shatter Defenses

RumpinRufus wrote:
Racial bonuses stack.

Thats interesting. Can you provide a reference?

Ciaran Barnes wrote:
RumpinRufus wrote:
Racial bonuses stack.
Thats interesting. Can you provide a reference?
PRD wrote:
Bonus: Bonuses are numerical values that are added to checks and statistical scores. Most bonuses have a type, and as a general rule, bonuses of the same type are not cumulative (do not “stack”)—only the greater bonus granted applies.
PRD wrote:
Bonus Types: Usually, a bonus has a type that indicates how the spell grants the bonus. The important aspect of bonus types is that two bonuses of the same type don't generally stack. With the exception of dodge bonuses, most circumstance bonuses, and racial bonuses, only the better bonus of a given type works (see Combining Magical Effects). The same principle applies to penalties—a character taking two or more penalties of the same type applies only the worst one, although most penalties have no type and thus always stack. Bonuses without a type always stack, unless they are from the same source.

I looked at that page earlier today and didn't see the racial part. I guess I had my 3.5 blinders on.

Thought DC in intimidate was 10+their HD+their Wisdom

Could be wrong in the details on that, but if the DC is 15+your level, then it gets harder as you get more levels, which doesn't make sense.

Shadow Lodge

Intimidate DC is 10 + HD + Wis Mod.

HERE is my version of the intimidate heavy inquisitor. It's got intimidate +26 at level 8, but actually uses that intimidate in combat. He also dips rogue (thug) and Cavalier (Gendarme order of the Cockatrice) for fun little bonuses.

Ciaran Barnes wrote:
I looked at that page earlier today and didn't see the racial part. I guess I had my 3.5 blinders on.

That's OK I read it three times before I actually figured out what it said.

rangerjeff wrote:

Thought DC in intimidate was 10+their HD+their Wisdom

Could be wrong in the details on that, but if the DC is 15+your level, then it gets harder as you get more levels, which doesn't make sense.

"15 + level" was meant to be a heuristic, the actual number is 10 + HD + Wis, but since you don't know their HD and don't know their Wis, I said you should aim for 15 + your level.

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