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blackbloodtroll wrote:I won't play in any game with Kender, or bearded Dwarven women.ditto
This is kind of the whole point that got lost in the accusations of wrongbadfun.
I sit down at a table with a GM who is fine with it, well...I got a choice to make, and that choice ain't telling the GM what is or is not in the setting.
If you want to control the setting, run a game.
If you want to explore the setting, play.

Bwang |

Kender and bearded Dwarf women are two of several warning signs that the game is not worth my time. this is not a list made in haste, and I really indulge far too many fools for far too long. Call me an eternal optimist at best, simpleton fool at worst. The first always turns out to be a munchkin dm that wants to play his favorite character from FR, and can not find a GM foolish enough to let him. The latter have usually turned out to be perverts or wannabes that think Gary never said a thing wrong from day one.
I have...or 37 years now.
I have yet to find a game involving either to be worth playing, Wall paper settings and cardboard personalities overlit by a 'GM' who wants to wow the players with how clever he is. Oddly, I've never run into a female GM that was into either of these 'gems'.
I run a game with nearly 30 racial choices, including 3 feline races. Custom classes. A 157 page campaign 'bible'. No monks or half-orcs.
And no illusions that I 'control' the world.

Snowtiger |

if my dm was like no you cant have them because i dont like them id troll him female warlock with cateyes(like the description says they can have) fur bikini with a collar and bell with fake cat ears and a tail she wears because she feels like it and give her the personalaty of capcom's felicia and do everything in my power to be anoying. or some class or race that can have eyes like that.
now if the dm told me well i dont want you to play one because they dont make sense in my story. then id be like ok ill be something else. but if you tell me i dont want you to play that because i flat out dont like it i find a way to make you pay lol dont matter what the thing in question is if your reason is bad ill troll you hard

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if my dm was like no you cant have them because i dont like them id troll him female warlock with cateyes(like the description says they can have) fur bikini with a collar and bell with fake cat ears and a tail she wears because she feels like it and give her the personalaty of capcom's felicia and do everything in my power to be anoying. or some class or race that can have eyes like that.
now if the dm told me well i dont want you to play one because they dont make sense in my story. then id be like ok ill be something else. but if you tell me i dont want you to play that because i flat out dont like it i find a way to make you pay lol dont matter what the thing in question is if your reason is bad ill troll you hard
Could you type that again, and in plain English?

R_Chance |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

if my dm was like no you cant have them because i dont like them id troll him female warlock with cateyes(like the description says they can have) fur bikini with a collar and bell with fake cat ears and a tail she wears because she feels like it and give her the personalaty of capcom's felicia and do everything in my power to be anoying. or some class or race that can have eyes like that.now if the dm told me well i dont want you to play one because they dont make sense in my story. then id be like ok ill be something else. but if you tell me i dont want you to play that because i flat out dont like it i find a way to make you pay lol dont matter what the thing in question is if your reason is bad ill troll you hard
So, you don't play a lot?

Snowtiger |

Snowtiger wrote:So, you don't play a lot?
if my dm was like no you cant have them because i dont like them id troll him female warlock with cateyes(like the description says they can have) fur bikini with a collar and bell with fake cat ears and a tail she wears because she feels like it and give her the personalaty of capcom's felicia and do everything in my power to be anoying. or some class or race that can have eyes like that.now if the dm told me well i dont want you to play one because they dont make sense in my story. then id be like ok ill be something else. but if you tell me i dont want you to play that because i flat out dont like it i find a way to make you pay lol dont matter what the thing in question is if your reason is bad ill troll you hard
play like once a week my dm likes me. ive only ever played humans and elfs but my dm pretty much will accept anything if he or the player can find a way for whatever they are to be in his world. only thing he dosent allow is gunpowder and all the stuff that goes with it. which im fine with being a midevil times setting.
that was only an example off the top of my head of something anoying i could do to bug someone. im pretty passive but if someone is like i dont like that its stupid then well its time for me to have some fun. my pet peeve is when a person says i want a character like X and then names them X and just randomly quots the character all game badly.
and yes i just said id do that but that wan an example of if my dm wanted to be a dick and i decided to be one back and im not saying the op is being one its his game if it dont fit in then all you need to do is politely talk about why you dont have them and not say well because i dont like them cuz if that player dose like them or thinks there cool it may anoy them or hurt there feelings whatever the case.
just have a reason that makes sense unless your that dm that walks a party down a tiny hallway to a big open room with a huge dragon in it with no other way in or out and the dragon hasent starved or tunneled out....
sorry if i have bad spelling but if you can understand my point thats all that really matters i dont care if i forgot to cap an i or put a comma im here to talk about a topic not get a grade. nowifitypedeverythinglikethistheniwouldunderstanditbeinganoying.

Snowtiger |

Snowtiger wrote:Could you type that again, and in plain English?if my dm was like no you cant have them because i dont like them id troll him female warlock with cateyes(like the description says they can have) fur bikini with a collar and bell with fake cat ears and a tail she wears because she feels like it and give her the personalaty of capcom's felicia and do everything in my power to be anoying. or some class or race that can have eyes like that.
now if the dm told me well i dont want you to play one because they dont make sense in my story. then id be like ok ill be something else. but if you tell me i dont want you to play that because i flat out dont like it i find a way to make you pay lol dont matter what the thing in question is if your reason is bad ill troll you hard
well that was merican. im assuming plain English would be British English or did you want the Australian or maybe the Canadian. Im not sure really but im bad at all 3 sorry

DrDeth |

GM Elton wrote:Snowtiger wrote:Could you type that again, and in plain English?if my dm was like no you cant have them because i dont like them id troll him female warlock with cateyes(like the description says they can have) fur bikini with a collar and bell with fake cat ears and a tail she wears because she feels like it and give her the personalaty of capcom's felicia and do everything in my power to be anoying. or some class or race that can have eyes like that.
now if the dm told me well i dont want you to play one because they dont make sense in my story. then id be like ok ill be something else. but if you tell me i dont want you to play that because i flat out dont like it i find a way to make you pay lol dont matter what the thing in question is if your reason is bad ill troll you hard
well that was merican. i
Im not sure really but im bad at all 3 sorry
Open a Word doc. Type it in, accept the corrections in red, then cut & paste.

Spanky the Leprechaun |
3 people marked this as a favorite. |

Snowtiger wrote:Could you type that again, and in plain English?if my dm was like no you cant have them because i dont like them id troll him female warlock with cateyes(like the description says they can have) fur bikini with a collar and bell with fake cat ears and a tail she wears because she feels like it and give her the personalaty of capcom's felicia and do everything in my power to be anoying. or some class or race that can have eyes like that.
now if the dm told me well i dont want you to play one because they dont make sense in my story. then id be like ok ill be something else. but if you tell me i dont want you to play that because i flat out dont like it i find a way to make you pay lol dont matter what the thing in question is if your reason is bad ill troll you hard
"If my dungeonmaster was like you, i.e. "I don't like cat people, so you can't be one," I'd troll him by being a female warlock with cats eyes (which the description says they can have,) a fur bikini, collar with a bell, fake cat ears and a tail. She would act like Capcom's Felicia and I would passive aggressively attempt to irritate you.
However, if my dungeonmaster said "this cat person doesn't make sense to my story," I would be something else.However, if you said "I just don't LIKE cat people," I would seek revenge."

Snowtiger |

GM Elton wrote:Snowtiger wrote:Could you type that again, and in plain English?if my dm was like no you cant have them because i dont like them id troll him female warlock with cateyes(like the description says they can have) fur bikini with a collar and bell with fake cat ears and a tail she wears because she feels like it and give her the personalaty of capcom's felicia and do everything in my power to be anoying. or some class or race that can have eyes like that.
now if the dm told me well i dont want you to play one because they dont make sense in my story. then id be like ok ill be something else. but if you tell me i dont want you to play that because i flat out dont like it i find a way to make you pay lol dont matter what the thing in question is if your reason is bad ill troll you hard
"If my dungeonmaster was like you, i.e. "I don't like cat people, so you can't be one," I'd troll him by being a female warlock with cats eyes (which the description says they can have,) a fur bikini, collar with a bell, fake cat ears and a tail. She would act like Capcom's Felicia and I would passive aggressively attempt to irritate you.
However, if my dungeonmaster said "this cat person doesn't make sense to my story," I would be something else.
However, if you said "I just don't LIKE cat people," I would seek revenge."
I like you...
Yes more or lessIt would be funny and hard for me to do cuz girly is something I’m bad at and Felicia is a girly airhead where i like playing smart and sneaky characters.
I have no grudge against this DM I’m just saying pick how you say something as a DM that should be an easy concept in my opinion since every DM I’ve played with just looooves.... when a character says the wrong thing in the wrong place or the wrong way and it ends bad. And we have a member of the group that loves to just blurt out there intentions. If we are here to arrest you (or recover the item you stole) in a bar full of his henchmen when the party had a way to get him alone and capture or arrest him/her planned lol.
Pick Your Words Carefully... <- that is what I’ve bin trying to say this whole time.
I don't like Elves they are stupid and look like girls = a%%&*$% DM
Bob I’d rather you play a different race because Elves don’t exist in this world and would be hard for me to explain and may bring unwanted attention to the party. = Nice DM
Bob ok ill play a half elf instead = a$#!$$$ or retard....

Third Mind |

Ok, so I read some of this until it got to the back and forth then I got bored. You've already got plenty of advice so I'm sorry to add another opinion to the table.
I did see that you said you made a compromise by giving him a quest for a star-gate and doing travel. As long as you give him a fighting chance to actually do it and aren't going to string him and shut him down, then I'd say you already have your solution.
Not only that, you have gotten a bit of XP yourself and know to be more blunt when you don't want something in your game in the future.
Anyways, to both you and your player, good luck.

dungeonmaster heathy |

crugar, from Skyrealms of Jorune
Also, I'd make my catpeople look like this, instead of......a cheerleader in a catgirl costume.
Some Crazy Cat Lady Dr. Moreau type got overly ambitious with alchemy and her hord of cats, and the "cohort" is her one and only perfect success. The daughter she always wanted.
The rest have matted fur and/or goiter, oozing schputz around their eyes, scars, fleas, a proclivity to randomly shrieking, a proclivity to randomly attacking passersby, and a bizarre need to reclaim their perfect sister. Some have twelve lizard heads growing out of each of their armpits.
Okay; the cohort is the "cheerleader in the catgirl costume," but.....there's definitely strings attached.
Her brothers and sisters want her back and they're all b*&*!*& nuts.

dungeonmaster heathy |

Oooh: I got this!
exhibit A: Grinner from the comic Melting Pot
I had a history of playing with a guy who loved "Grinner" from Melting Pot, and if you had a (hypothetical) game in Le Miserable era France, f*~@ it; he'd want to be some sort of evolved deinonychus ninja person.
Suffice it to say, I got a history of trying to challenge myself into fitting a deinonychus ninja man of some sort into the milieu somehow.
This is one of the reasons I liked Rifts so much; deinonychus ninja people weren't really that diffucult to justify in Rifts.
And, at this point as a disclaimer,.....I got no judgment of anybody and how they play their game, or create their milieu, but......
here goes. Here's my possible solution.
There's a wizard or whatever in the Psionic City that has it in for the party for some damn reason. Researching them dilligently, he discovers this one dude's overwhelming desire to date a castmember from Cats.
So what's he do? Through use of polymorph or whatever magic, he creates a "cheerleader with cat ears and a cute tail" to use as bait, to lure this shmuck into danger. He can bop around town, saying she's his pet and talking mean to her. Then this guy has just GOT to go to his Wizard's Tower and try to enact some sort of rescue. So you just need a tower with some freaky minions and you'r set.
She'd be the perfect Mary Jane and McGuffin, all rolled into one, and now, you've actually got a perfect impetus or excuse to lure the party into an adventure. And at the end of it all, he gets his Isis to his Gary Seven, and it actually fits seamlessly into the scenario; she's a one of a kind fluke whose existence doesn't infer the existence of a race of catpeople who you have to cram into your milieu.
Take it or leave it; that's the best I got.

Spanky the Leprechaun |

here's a link that works.crugar, from Skyrealms of Jorune
Also, I'd make my catpeople look like this, instead of......a cheerleader in a catgirl costume.
Some Crazy Cat Lady Dr. Moreau type got overly ambitious with alchemy and her hord of cats, and the "cohort" is her one and only perfect success. The daughter she always wanted.The rest have matted fur and/or goiter, oozing schputz around their eyes, scars, fleas, a proclivity to randomly shrieking, a proclivity to randomly attacking passersby, and a bizarre need to reclaim their perfect sister. Some have twelve lizard heads growing out of each of their armpits.
Okay; the cohort is the "cheerleader in the catgirl costume," but.....there's definitely strings attached.
Her brothers and sisters want her back and they're all b##@#@+ nuts.
No "cheerleader in cat ears."