Hairdar the Accursed / Hairdar Yunan

Barimen's page

33 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


CWheezy wrote:
Charge also gives you double movement by the way

With several restrictions on that movement.

Stome wrote:
Try to munchkin it all you like

I resent the implication.

Stome wrote:
the reality is its not legal.

And I repeat that it's an interpretation.

Darkwolf117 wrote:


Fast Healer

You benefit greatly from your healing, be it from spells or natural healing.

Fast Healing

Except where noted here, fast healing is just like natural healing.

And it further gives the idea that fast healing is basically like natural healing

Why is everyone focused on the "magical" part, while quoting and even acknowledging this?

Magical healing is also not the only concern.

Barimen wrote:
That's one interpretation

That's one interpretation, but I don't think it's that clear.

Azaelas Fayth wrote:

it would not effect the castee.

The spell description says as much.

"this has no long-term effect on the target’s alignment"

Pendagast wrote:

I was commenting specifically on the other posters point of view on how just making things more intellectual is the answer, and pointing out that it doesn't work, because then the players feel 'tricked' it taken advantage of.

That wasn't what I said, of course.

Whale_Cancer wrote:

Are you using d20pfsrd as your reference? They de-Golarionize everything.

They list the Inner Sea World Guide as source, and the description there is the same.

Douglas Muir 406 wrote:

it's associated with Asmodeus, you need devil blood as a spell component

Isn't this out-dated information, or is it setting-specific? Unholy water is an alternate component in the version I know, and Asmodeus is not mentioned.

Douglas Muir 406 wrote:

you'd be amazed how often there's a devil-blooded tiefling in the party

It's the Tiefling Witch (with an Infernal background) in our party who uses the spell, and only on himself. It seems reasonable enough to me.

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I don't recommend puzzles to the exclusion of combat. Just give them opportunities to think "maybe I should be more diversified from now on".

I don't run games, but I've always thought that one good answer to over-done combat builds might be more intellectual challenges.

Ludicrous skill bonuses may be more difficult.

It's out of the player's hands. You can only blame their Creative Muse.

So much prejudice in this thread.

As our DM says, "Shots do not hurt other players." We do also make situational exceptions, such as AoEs.

I don't think it's gotten to that point, but I do think that the question has been sufficiently answered.

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But the writing suits the attitude.

Non-proficiency. Throwing. Size discrepancy. Improvisation.

There are several examples of penalties for using a weapon "improperly".

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GM Elton wrote:
Healing magic won't work on him.

Why not? Are the entities who grant those spells any less real because he doesn't believe? At worst, they could choose to deny him help, but that's surely not going to be a universal rule.

Threeshades wrote:

No calling catfolk the japanese word for catgirls!

That would be nekomusume. Nekomimi is cat ears.

Barimen wrote:
I'm not taking the hex to do things like this, but it's interesting to consider.
Barimen wrote:
It's an intellectual exercise.

Vod Canockers wrote:
you could only appear as one persons nightmare

That would seem to be the case with the creature as well, if its appearance was tied to Telepathy, since it doesn't mention anything different about that version. I don't see any other ability that could explain everyone seeing it differently.

I agree, and the Corporeal Instability power may support that interpretation.

The most interesting case (that I've found) is the Animate Dream, unless you believe that its appearance is linked to Telepathy. But what if the character had a similar power?

Vod Canockers wrote:
All have the Amorphous Ability, but so do other creatures that don't change shape.

Of course the character would not be able to copy the Amorphous ability itself, so I limited my list to creatures with interesting descriptions of their natural appearances.

The point of actually doing it is not important. It's an intellectual exercise.

Perhaps. In any case, I accept that you wouldn't allow the Chaos Beast.

The point, however, was the idea of disguising oneself as something which is constantly changing.

And how does that equate to 3 feet?

It's listed as Medium, and there's nothing else in the picture to give perspective.

It's very clear that I know about being limited to Outsiders, and I never mentioned appearing as Human, only using Aasimar to get as close as possible.

Also, what is your source for the specific height range of the Chaos Beast?

Maybe you both should read the original post more carefully.

Hardly. But even if that is your opinion, is it a valid reason to derail my thread?

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Did I accidentally post in the Useless Response section?

I'm playing a Tiefling Witch and taking the Disguise hex. I already warned my DM that things could get a little strange at times, because of my character being an Outsider. But just how strange?

I'm not taking the hex to do things like this (mostly I'll pass for Human as an Aasimar), but it's interesting to consider. Here are some possibilities:

Invisible Stalker. Unfortunately their Natural Invisibility is an ability which I would not get, but still, a nebulous humanoid-shaped cloud? That's a little odd. There are some other wispy Outsiders as well.

Chaos Beast. A bizarre choice; a constantly shifting mass of tentacles and who knows what-all. Surely that could be useful in certain situations.

Animate Dream. I would expect to have the most trouble with this one, if any. They appear differently to everyone, as something from a personal nightmare.

Basically, I'm curious about what other people would do or have done, either as a character in similar circumstances, or as a DM dealing with it.