Seeking suggestions for my shopping trip


Scarab Sages

Our group has reached the end of the first chapter of Legacy of Fire and the GM informs us we will have enough down time to hop a caravan to Katapesh, do a bit of shopping, and return to Kelmarane before the action resumes.

My sorcerer has about 4200 gp available to spend, and after looking over the available items I've pretty much concluded that my best bet is to grab a Handy Haversack and a bunch of utility scrolls and perhaps a few potions and call it a day. Are there any better options that I'm overlooking? If not, what spell scrolls would you consider "must haves" for this campaign and/or level of play? I already have some ideas on this but would appreciate input as there are no doubt some things I'm overlooking. Subject to GM review I can use pretty much any Paizo material.

A few details on the character and the items he currently has:

Male Sylph Sorcerer 5 (Djinni bloodline; GM's houserule gives Sylphs with this bloodline the same "virtual" +2 Cha for sorcerer spellcasting and bloodline abilities as they would get for the Elemental (air) bloodline)
CG Medium Outsider (native)

Sorcerer Spells Known (CL 5):
0 (at will) Acid Splash, Read Magic, Message, Detect Magic, Prestidigitation (DC 16), Breeze
1 (8/day) Shocking Grasp, Mage Armor, Burning Hands (DC 17), Enlarge Person (DC 17), Burning Disarm (DC 17)
2 (6/day) Invisibility, Veil of Ash (DC 18), Staggering Fall (DC 18)

Magic Items:
Cloak of Resistance +1
Headband of Alluring Charisma +2
Ring of Protection +1
Slippers of Spider Climbing
Chime of Opening (2 charges)
Wand of Bull's Strength (4 charges)
Wand of Open/Close (11 charges)
Scroll of Clairaudience/Clairvoyance
Scroll of Comprehend Languages
Scroll of See Invisibility
Potion of Cure Light Wounds
Potion of Lesser Restoration

Thanks in advance!

Scarab Sages

No suggestions?

Metamagic Rod, Extend Lesser.

Mage armor can be up all day, Enlarge can be up on the BDF, Invisibility lasts a long time.

Scarab Sages

Gallyck wrote:

Metamagic Rod, Extend Lesser.

Mage armor can be up all day, Enlarge can be up on the BDF, Invisibility lasts a long time.

Thanks for the reply. That's definitely worth considering and I do want to have a couple metamagic rods eventually, but I'm not sure if I'll go that route just yet.

In practice I've been finding 5 hours of Mage Armor adequate. It might be nice to have the extra security of an all-day AC buff, but I'm not sure how often it would actually be a game changer.

As for enlarge, I've never found it didn't last long enough, and in several encounters I've had to dismiss it early to let the BDF deal with terrain that was hampering him while embiggened. Invisibility also lasts long enough as-is in my experience (although for this campaign that experience is somewhat limited as I only got the spell upon attaining 5th level).

Wand of Grease: Lots of uses.

Wand of Shield helps out your AC when needed.

These can be either wands, scrolls, or potions. I'd probably go with scrolls for the cost and they're more situational.

Obscuring Mists can come in handy at times if pinned down by ranged people. They wont be able to see you.

Glitterdust is always nice for those that do not have See Invisibility.

Darkvision is also very handy at times.

Fly (This is more for the melee types)

Item - Pearl of Power (1st)

Think about using a few hundred coins on non-magical/alchemical gear. I know there are tons of stuff useful in the Ultimate Equipment book. I'm not that familiar with the adventure you are on but never know when you might need something like a silver/cold iron/admantine pellet grenade or something. Just a thought if you can spare a bit of money.

Scarab Sages

Matt2VK wrote:

Wand of Grease: Lots of uses.

Wand of Shield helps out your AC when needed.

These can be either wands, scrolls, or potions. I'd probably go with scrolls for the cost and they're more situational.

Obscuring Mists can come in handy at times if pinned down by ranged people. They wont be able to see you.

Glitterdust is always nice for those that do not have See Invisibility.

Darkvision is also very handy at times.

Fly (This is more for the melee types)

Item - Pearl of Power (1st)

Thanks, I see several good ideas there. I was already considering a wand of Shield; for Grease I think I'll go with scrolls however. The scroll suggestions are all good, except that as I already have darkvision I'd ask the other PCs to buy scrolls of it if they think they'll want it. I'll be happy to cast them for them if they do. I'll get Fly as a bonus spell at 7th level so I'd handle that the same way as Darkvision. I don't think Pearls of Power work for spontaneous casters. IIRC there's an equivalent item but it's pretty pricey; another thing I'll save for later.

Scarab Sages

phatbac wrote:
Think about using a few hundred coins on non-magical/alchemical gear. I know there are tons of stuff useful in the Ultimate Equipment book. I'm not that familiar with the adventure you are on but never know when you might need something like a silver/cold iron/admantine pellet grenade or something. Just a thought if you can spare a bit of money.

Some alchemical gear is certainly on the shopping list, how much depends on whether or not I decide to buy a Handy Haversack. With an 8 Str my carrying capacity is pretty limited. On our last foray into a dungeon we nearly came to regret that nobody had any alchemist's fire to deal with a swarm; I had to use my last two spell slots to kill it with electrified Burning Hands spells. If we'd met a second swarm we'd have had to retreat from the dungeon.

One other thing I forgot to mention that can be useful -

Spring loaded wrist sheath. It's a swift action to pop something dagger sized into your hand. Can also be a scroll or a wand.

There are Runestones of Power for Spontaneous Casters though they are more expensive

Scarab Sages

Matt2VK wrote:

One other thing I forgot to mention that can be useful -

Spring loaded wrist sheath. It's a swift action to pop something dagger sized into your hand. Can also be a scroll or a wand.

Now that is something I'm going to have to look into. I can think of a lot of ways that could be extremely useful. Thanks!

Haversack = best item ever. Get one. Now you have 2200 gp. Metamagic Rod of Extend 3k. Doh! You need to finder 800gp!

Honestly, anything that saves spell slots is your best friend. Metamagic Extend does that.

Utility Scrolls:

These are not for 'you' they are for the 'party'. For example: Why does your sorcerer need +4 Str (Scroll of Bull's Strength)? Answer: He doesn't. The tank does, or vicariously the group does. These kinds of items should come out of the party fund, not your personal stash. (IMHO)

Scarab Sages

Arizhel wrote:

Utility Scrolls:
These are not for 'you' they are for the 'party'. For example: Why does your sorcerer need +4 Str (Scroll of Bull's Strength)? Answer: He doesn't. The tank does, or vicariously the group does. These kinds of items should come out of the party fund, not your personal stash. (IMHO)

Oh, I agree completely, and the groups I play with usually handle things that way. The Bull's Strength wand I carry currently was given to the party by an NPC; if it had had to be purchased the entire party would have pitched in or I wouldn't have it. There are however some scrolls that it is likely I will use on/for myself, and I'll buy those out of my own gold.

MiniGM wrote:
There are Runestones of Power for Spontaneous Casters though they are more expensive

Is the runestone of power same as pearl of power? If so why would it cost more?

P.S. I would look it up but @ work on phone!

Runestones cost more than pearls because you can cast any spell you know with it, whereas a pearl only allows you to recall a specific spell that you already used. So the pearl doesn't let you get around your whole preparation of spells issue, which is a problem sorcerers don't have.

Handy Haversack and Ring of Sustenance? It will take all of your gold, so you won't get as much stuff, but they're both pretty good items. Although, you do have to wear the ring for a full week before it kicks in.

Cracked dusty rose prism ioun stone - 500 gp, +1 initiative

Various alchemical items to use as power components - See here.

I tend to like to fill out my defensive items before going into more situational stuff.

That said, I recommend an Amulet of Natural Armor +1.

Scarab Sages

Third Mind wrote:
Handy Haversack and Ring of Sustenance? It will take all of your gold, so you won't get as much stuff, but they're both pretty good items. Although, you do have to wear the ring for a full week before it kicks in.

At this point I'm virtually certain I'll pick up a Haversack, as long as the dice don't decree that there aren't any available.

While I've always liked the Ring of Sustenance, I think I'll hold off on that for the present. There are other things I think would be even more beneficial and besides, this character is a hedonist; he likes his food and drink (I realize that the ring doesn't prevent him from eating and drinking, but it's always seemed more appropriate for more ascetic characters).

Scarab Sages

Tangaroa wrote:

Cracked dusty rose prism ioun stone - 500 gp, +1 initiative

Various alchemical items to use as power components - See here.

The ioun stone is a possibility. I'll have to have a closer look at the power components, but at first glance it seems that the only ones that might benefit me are acid and alchemist's fire. Would they still work if I'm applying my bloodline arcana to change the spell's energy type to electricity? I almost always do that, sometimes just for flavor but more often to take advantage of the increased save DC provided by my Elemental Focus and Greater Elemental Focus feats.

Scarab Sages

Lord Pendragon wrote:

I tend to like to fill out my defensive items before going into more situational stuff.

That said, I recommend an Amulet of Natural Armor +1.

Tempting, although that's the sort of item I might expect to find as treasure so I might avoid buying one for the time being. The fighters, magus and cleric tend to draw more attacks than I do anyway. A scroll or two of Barkskin might suffice for those times when I want to feel a bit less squishy, provided of course that I can make the UMD roll. Maybe potions would be better for that. . .

While I don't have much experience with them and all, what about a Page of Spell Knowledge level 1. Plenty of good level 1 spells to choose from, it's fairly cheap (1,000) and expands your magic a bit, albeit with you having to use the page to do it.

Heck, you could always get 2 different level 1 pages of spell knowledge if you felt like it.

Scarab Sages

Third Mind wrote:

While I don't have much experience with them and all, what about a Page of Spell Knowledge level 1. Plenty of good level 1 spells to choose from, it's fairly cheap (1,000) and expands your magic a bit, albeit with you having to use the page to do it.

Heck, you could always get 2 different level 1 pages of spell knowledge if you felt like it.

That's worth considering. OTOH I could get 40 1st level spell scrolls for the same price so if I were to buy a Page of Spell Knowledge it would have to be a spell I'd use virtually every day.

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