Realm Works Kickstarter Launches – Transform Campaign Management!

Product Discussion

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Here's the answer we posted in our FAQ:


Realm Works will not have export capability in its initial release. As with most products, our focus in the initial launch is to have Realm Works do its own tasks exceptionally well, and to efficiently get material into the product. We wholly expect there will be demand for export to other products and formats, and we'll shift our focus to include those capabilities once we get the core product off the ground.

If there are specific export formats in which you are interested, we encourage you to let us know in the Comments section or on our product support forums.That will allow us to better anticipate future needs and capabilities while implementing the current feature set.

We've added a bunch of commonly requested information to our FAQ now, so I recommend everyone give it a quick look if they have questions. :)

Scarab Sages

Thanks for the answer! I was fully expecting it to just be "no", so even an "eventually" is great to hear. 8^)

I will pledge at some point in the near future - likely the $100 level for the lifetime access. I've been very satisfied with Hero Lab and wish to support the company.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

To be clear, this software won't serve as a VTT, right?

Curmudgeonly wrote:
To be clear, this software won't serve as a VTT, right?

No, Realm Works isn't a VTT. However, as entry 36 in the kickstarter FAQ indicates, Lone Wolf are looking into the possibility of integrating with VTTs (such as d20Pro).

Kickstarter FAQ wrote:

We've been in discussions with the d20Pro team and we anticipate providing smooth integration between our two products. That being said, we aren't prepared to say what level of integration will exist in the first release of Realm Works. We do believe Realm Works and VTTs will work well together even without full integration since Realm Works is more broadly focused on the campaign itself.

Additionally, any integration with VTTs is going to entail work by us and the VTT development team, and we haven’t agreed upon any specifics with d20Pro or anyone else as of yet. The integration will be further complicated by the fact that using VTTs for play is game-specific, while Realm Works is completely game system neutral. So, good integration with VTTs is planned, but we don’t have an estimate as to when that will be achieved.

New rewards have been incorporated into our Realm Works Kickstarter.

We'll be integrating some of the great materials the authors from Gnome Stew have released through Engine Publishing directly into Realm Works.

Certain levels of Backers will receive the content for free. Complete details can be found here in our 10th Kickstarter update.

Three new videos to demonstrate specific functionality within Realm Works have been published. Each one expands upon particular aspects of the software described in the Kickstarter video. Here’s a summary of what’s featured in each:

1. Basic Content via Topics. Topics encompass the people, places, things, and events of your world. This video shows how easy it is to establish a Topic and flesh out its details. We build an NPC as an example, and demonstrate how information about the NPC can be established in multiple ways. The video highlights the ability to incorporate external elements, like images or Hero Lab portfolios, into the Topics you’re creating. The functionality around establishing tags for your content and Realm Works’ sophistication at automatically creating links are also on display. Finally, we show how you can disclose individual elements of your topics to your players.

2. Story-Driven Content. Realm Works offers unique capabilities to weave your story and content together as you evolve your world. Your ability to manage plots and storylines in a visual manner to accomplish this is highlighted in the video. We demonstrate the ease with which you can create a plot and establish its content. We also highlight how links are created and the use of plots while you’re playing the game to quickly move to relevant content.

3. Leveraging Maps. Maps in Realm Works provide powerful functionality for navigating through your world and can be revealed incrementally to your players as they journey across it. This video focuses on how you can use maps as a navigation tool and instantly access needed content. We show how easy it is to place pins on maps to represent places of interest, like a location or an encounter, and associate them with the relevant content. Finally, we show the power of our Fog of World™ technology and incrementally revealing content to your players using maps as an example.

We hope you enjoy the videos!

Excellent stuff. The videos answered a few questions I had about the application.

One minor request in case you're considering making more videos that showcase Realm Works. One thing I'd like to see is how things look on the player side. When a player views the content, what does he see and how is it presented to him. That sort of stuff.

Heine Stick wrote:

Excellent stuff. The videos answered a few questions I had about the application.

One minor request in case you're considering making more videos that showcase Realm Works. One thing I'd like to see is how things look on the player side. When a player views the content, what does he see and how is it presented to him. That sort of stuff.

Thanks! Glad they were helpful. The Kickstarter video has some examples of this, starting around the 5:25 mark. We've also posted some images illustrating the Player View on our web site.

I don't know if we'll be able to post additional videos prior to the end of the Kickstarter, but if we can, we'll look to provide additional examples.

Going into the last 5 days and Realm Works needs your (Yes, you! Over there behind the keyboard... no slinking away...) help to make the final push for funding. Lots of information updates and some helpful usage videos to look at. If you're at all a fan of Hero Labs or any other character generation software, then you know how useful planning software of that kind can be to keep your game running smoothly. Realm Works is the logical next step when it comes to DM planning!

Silver Crusade

I increased to the $100 level. This software will start really good and get better and better as it is tweaked and the community adds value.

Cannot wait until May to try it!

Scarab Sages Contributor; Developer, Super Genius Games

If you're still on the fence, we did a nice interview with Colen McAlister on the most recent Demiplane of Gaming.

It might give you the information you need to make a decision!

Grand Lodge

Chronicles LIVE! #002 w/ Colen McAlister & Louis Porter Jr. discussing their Kickstarter projects!
Recorded 02/17/2013



Lone Wolf Development

We're right on the cusp of reaching our funding goal, and we just announced our first two stretch goals! We've got free Pathfinder content from Open Design and Savage Worlds content from Pinnacle lined up, and we're just getting started!

Check it out! ampaign-tools

Silver Crusade

That is all it took to push it over the top! Woohoo!

Thanks to everyone for your support of the Realm Works Kickstarter! We've reached our goal thanks to you and we truly appreciate your support!

We can't wait to start giving away the content under the stretch goals we announced earlier.

Thanks again!

Lone Wolf Development

That was quick! In a matter of hours, we've already blown past the first stretch goal! :)

Keep it going! There's more awesome content waiting in the wings, including a lot of Pathfinder goodness...

Lone Wolf Development

And a few hours later, we've blown through the second stretch goal! The third stretch goal is big one, and it's of significant interest to fans of Richard Pett and Frog God Games.

If we reach the third stretch goal, we'll be including the entirety of The Blight, an upcoming Adventure Path for Pathfinder from Frog God Games. Richard Pett’s Twisted City - The Blight, is planned to be 12 districts of a city with 12 adventures, providing an Adventure Path with 12 meaty installments.

Between is a temptation too great for some; a land of plenty (and danger) on the doorstep, rich in possible wealth and with the draw of Between Vessels—curious objects that retain memories, feelings and even souls—the reasons for venturing into the land are numerous, and have drawn many. The Illuminati, using the funds of the royal family, have struck again and again into this new empire, and those very incursions threaten to undo the Blight. Constant incursions into Between from the Blight have weakened the fabric of the wall that separates the two places. There are those who wish the levee to break, who would revel in the chaos and madness of life and souls that would happen should a fracture burst and a tidal wave of Between pour into the city. There are also those who have a conscience, who oppose the Illuminati and the royal family as much as they safely can in the face of such power. They know nothing about the levee, but they have their suspicions. And into this world come the PCs…

If you want to get your hands on this epic AP, you'll need to check out the Realm Works Kickstarter.

Lone Wolf Development

As we head into the final 48 hours of the Kickstarter, we doing something completely unplanned. We're adding a new stretch goal that is totally independent of traditional dollar-based objectives and instead tied to the total number of backers we achieve. If we hit 2,000 backers or more, regardless of the dollars raised, every backer at the Timber Wolf ($65) level and higher will receive a free Hero Lab gift license! This is a license you can give to someone else in your gaming group, or you're welcome to be greedy and use it for yourself. :)

Why are we doing this? We've received numerous requests to offer Hero Lab licenses in conjunction with the Kickstarter. We didn't want to do that originally because Realm Works is game system neutral, while Hero Lab only supports specific games. But we're now in stretch goal territory and we want everyone to know we've been listening! So we're going out on a limb and offering something big if we can hit an admittedly big target. The Hero Lab license itself is a $30 value, and combined with all the other great stuff at the Timber Wolf level, this will be a steal for everyone who backs at that level or higher.

Yes, this is an aggressive target, but the reward is equally big. In a few hours, we'll complete stretch goal #3, so backers at this level will receive all three Engine Publishing books, Grand Temple of Jing, Halls of the Mountain King, Blood Drive Trilogy, and The Blight. Throw in a Hero Lab license ($30 value) and the additional content-based stretch goals we're on track to reach, and the value of the Timber Wolf pledge level will be well over $300!

This Kickstarter closes Sunday at 6pm Pacific. Check it out before it's too late! ampaign-tools

Lone Wolf Development

The Blight has been unlocked! Now it's time to bring back a timeless classic. If we hit this new goal, we'll include the entirety of the Pirate's Guide to Freeport from Green Ronin Publishing!

Freeport is Green Ronin's signature city setting and has been home to thousands of RPG campaigns since its launch in 2000. Classic fantasy elements, cruel-hearted pirates, and Lovecraftian horror come together in the rum-fueled metropolis known as the City of Adventure. Now a new era is beginning. The Pirate's Guide to Freeport is the definitive new sourcebook for the City of Adventure, set 5 years after the events of the original Freeport Trilogy. This is a pure setting book, focusing entirely on the people, places, politics, and perils of Freeport and containing no game statistics of any kind. The Pirate's Guide to Freeport can thus be used with any fantasy RPG.

The Freeport Companion for FATE and Pathfinder will also be included, detailing cultists, pirates, serpent people, and much more.

You are making this harder and harder to pass up..Ack!

Question... At the 65$level cloud service is included. Can we choose when this starts. I would rather have it when I have an active campaign than between campaigns..

Mir wrote:

You are making this harder and harder to pass up..Ack!

Question... At the 65$level cloud service is included. Can we choose when this starts. I would rather have it when I have an active campaign than between campaigns..

Yes, you can choose when the cloud service starts.

Silver Crusade

You have to go over and back it now :-)

I popped my kickstarter cherry.

lonewolf-rob wrote:
The long-term vision is where we expect Realm Works to really transform most games. We expect many publishers to begin releasing their adventures through Realm Works. When that occurs, you would be able to purchase the adventure pre-built into Realm Works. Then you could...


This is really what I am looking for. I am very busy, and also expect to be running games with kids, so want to reduce the 'down-time' in running pre-made adventures. Sounds like Realm Works (long-term, as noted) plus Hero Lab/Tactical Console fit the bill. Glad I found this note before the KS funds!

I also just helped fund Grande Temple of Jing, so this is all synergistic goodness. This also makes me glad all over again that I picked PFRPG as the target for my daughter's baptism into RPG play.

Lone Wolf Development

Mead Gregorisson wrote:
I popped my kickstarter cherry.

That's quite an image you just conjured up for me. It may take me days to recover from that....

However, we definitely appreciate that you allowed us to be your first. :)

Lone Wolf Development

It's official! The Pirate's Guide to Freeport has been unlocked for Realm Works.

Next up as a stretch goal, we've got a lot more swashbuckling with Razor Coast, an upcoming campaign for Pathfinder from Frog God Games. Razor Coast is the long anticipated Caribe-Polynesian flavored, Age of Sail swashbuckling RPG campaign envisioned and designed by Nicolas Logue. It has been praised for its ambitious and original design, its epic flavor and its lurid, full-color art – including a cover by the award winning Wayne Reynolds. Logue tapped a team of veteran designers to help develop and write Razor Coast, including Lou Agresta, Adam Daigle, Tim Hitchcock, and John Ling. Razor Coast isn’t just an adventure, it’s part setting, part adventure path, and part toolkit to build your own unique campaign. It’s non-linear and will never play the same way twice.

For more details about Razor Coast, you can check out the successful Kickstarter campaign that completed just weeks ago.

The Exchange

Once $165,000 is raised, all backers at the Timber Wolf pledge level and higher will receive fully integrated access to the Razor Coast, an upcoming campaign for Pathfinder from Frog God Games.

I predict that the Kickstarter servers may get a little melty before this is over.

Lone Wolf Development

Quick note! We're down to just under 12 hours left for the Realm Works Kickstarter. If you've been thinking about it but haven't taken the plunge yet, time is running out!

Just to help the decision process a little bit, here's a quick run-down of all the extra rewards that have been added at various pledge levels. This is all content that will be fully integrated into Realm Works and ready for use. You can find complete details on the Kickstarter page.

* Never Unprepared: The Complete Game Master's Guide to Preparation (Engine Publishing)
* Masks: 1,000 Memorable NPCs for Any Roleplaying Game (Engine Publishing)
* Halls of the Mountain King (Pathfinder, Open Design)
* Blood Drive Trilogy (Savage Worlds/Deadlands, Pinnacle Entertainment)
* Pirate's Guide to Freeport (Pathfinder & FATE, Green Ronin Publishing)
* Eureka: 501 Adventure Plots to Inspire Game Masters (Engine Publishing)
* The Blight (Pathfinder, Frog God Games)
* Grande Temple of Jing (Pathfinder, Hammerdog Games)

And Razor Coast from Frog God Games is the current stretch goal!

Silver Crusade

The value here is ridiculous! If you are on the fence it's time to jump off on the right side and back this amazing project.

I only wish I could swing enough of a pledge to get March access!

lonewolf-rob wrote:
Mead Gregorisson wrote:
I popped my kickstarter cherry.

That's quite an image you just conjured up for me. It may take me days to recover from that....

However, we definitely appreciate that you allowed us to be your first. :)

I could probably find a picture to make the mental image more accurate. But that would even make *me* cringe. ;)

I've always liked Hero Lab, so I appreciate you creating a product that could be my first.

Lone Wolf Development

Less than four hours left! And the Razor Coast is in sight!

Liberty's Edge

You tempt me so dearly with the potential for a free HeroLab license and Razor Coast... is it possible to get 250 more backers and $3,200 in 2 hours?

Lone Wolf Development

Razor Coast is only $2100 away with a full two hours left, so all indications are that we'll make it. Hitting 2,000 backers is going to be a much bigger stretch, but it's doable.

Grand Lodge

Only 195 people to go... 45 minutes :)

Lone Wolf Development

Razor Coast has been unlocked!

Liberty's Edge

Alright! I give up! You got me in for $200. Dire Wolf + Hero Lab licence add on. Damn you!

It's amazing how much has been raised in just the last 24 hours...

Congrats to all!

Happy to be a part of this one...

Liberty's Edge

$170,000! Not bad, everyone!

Now get to work, programmers! *whip crack* ;)

Dark Archive

I waited to long and slept through the close and missed out 8(

Lone Wolf Development

It's official! Thank you to everyone who helped make this project a success!

Now excuse me while I slink back to the coding pits in fear of Alice's whip....


Scarab Sages

lonewolf-rob wrote:
Razor Coast has been unlocked!

Awesome! Best pirate year ever! Congrats. Well done everybody.

Glad to see it fund and with Razor Coast!

I just watched the maps video and one thing I would like to see is being able to determine the graphic representation and size for the pin. This would let me tell possibly at a glance what the pin was for. This would be great for two reasons. If I did a play my mail I could indicate a room and encounter set up. I would not be moving the pins to play through the encounter just as a visual reference for basic setup. Also I tend to hate mouse over text. I have my mouse set to auto click when I stop over something. This saves my wrists a ton. Having a pin associated with a graphic takes away a bit of the need for the mouseover text.

Ah Razor Coast.... I assume what will be included is the main book and not the extras (Heart of the Razor etc)? Be neat if those of us who did the Razor Coast kickstarter and got those extras could get them in Realm Works as well.

Lone Wolf Development

Mir wrote:
I just watched the maps video and one thing I would like to see is being able to determine the graphic representation and size for the pin.

One of the things on our todo list is to let users setup custom symbol icons for pins with special meanings. So I think this will give you what you want. I'm not sure if this will make it into the V1.0 release, but it's definitely planned.

Mir wrote:
Also I tend to hate mouse over text. I have my mouse set to auto click when I stop over something. This saves my wrists a ton. Having a pin associated with a graphic takes away a bit of the need for the mouseover text.

Lots of users will want the mouseover text as a convenient way to get more information about a location. However, providing more customized flexibility to how everything behaves is definitely something we can add after the initial release. User requests will be major driving force in determining our priorities for new features after the initial release.

Mir wrote:
Ah Razor Coast.... I assume what will be included is the main book and not the extras (Heart of the Razor etc)? Be neat if those of us who did the Razor Coast kickstarter and got those extras could get them in Realm Works as well.

None of the "Kickstarter Exclusive" material will be included with the free Realm Works content. It's possible that something could be worked out with Frog God for backers of both projects, but that's not something we've discussed at this point.

Hope this helps!


Only one piece of the Razor Coast kickstarter was exclusive and I wasn't expecting that to be part of what was included. I was more hoping for parts of the player's supplement (not the crunch for making characters but any setting fluff provided for the players). I also mentioned Heart of the Razor, that also was not exclusive so I thought it might be a possibility. I'm really just happy the base setting got in any more will just be gravy but I was curious :).

Great to hear there will be custom pins at some point!!!!!! As for mouseover I do understand why others really like it and I will certainly be able to deal with it. Having more options is always nice though!

At some point I thought I saw some mention of android being worked on for Herolab. Now going back I can't find it. Only thing I can find on the web site is work was going forward for the ipad but I think that post was for July. Is there more current news? I'm hoping Realm Works and Herolab both make it to Android. I have an iphone but I hate itunes so I'm planing to get an Android tablet.

@Mir - you can use SplashTop or other remoting software to access HeroLab on desktop from a remote tablet (iOS or Android)

I was aware of that but my internet connection at home is somewhat unstable there is no way to guarantee it remains up. :( I also would just rather have things on the tablet itself rather than have to use remote software to do something.

Lone Wolf Development

@Mir: Unfortunately, I don't know enough of the niggly details regarding what will and won't be included for Razor Coast to give you a definitive answer at this point in time. My assumption is that material like the Player's Guide will be included, but I don't know that for certain.

Our first tablet focus is on the iPad, which is nearly finished. After that, we'll be looking at what's next for Hero Lab, and one of those options is definitely the Android. But nothing has been officially decided yet for what's next. Stay tuned to our monthly newsletter for updates on that.

Thanks, for the update. I'll make a point to subscribe to your monthly letter. :)

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