Finally Done!


Silver Crusade

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Weeks and weeks of reading guides, asking questions on this forum, and reading way to many advice posts on closely related topics, I think I am finally done with the overall design! Yay!

Esmeralda’s Guide to being just like Esmeralda Lokrien!
Note: This is a non-guide for me for my PFS character. It does not, at any point, contemplate advancement past level 12. It is not an optimization.


Str: 5, Dex: 14, Con: 14, Int: 12, Wis: 8, Cha: 20

Gnomish Racial Traits:

Esmeralda’s Racial Abilities:
+2 Con (Included above)
+2 Cha (Included above)
-2 Str (Included above)

Adademician: (+2 Racial bonus to one Knowledge Skill);
Obsessive (+2 Racial bonus to one Craft of Profession Skill.)

Darkvision: (see in the dark, 60’, black and white only.)
Low-Light Vision (see twice as far in low light)
Keen Senses (+2 Racial bonus to Perception)

Gift of Tongues: (+1 Racial Bonus to Bluff and Diplomacy. +1 Language per rank of Linguistics)
Hatred (+1 Racial bonus to attacks against reptilianoids and goblinoids.
Defensive Training (+4 Dodge bonus to AC against Giant subtype)

Gnomish Weapon Familiarity (Treat any weapon with Gnomish in the name as a martial weapon.)
Gnome Magic (+1 to DC of all Illusion spells you cast)

Illusion Resistance (+2 racial save v. Illusion)

1/day Spell Like Abilities:
Dancing Lights
Ghost Sound


Primary Class: Sorcerer (All levels except second)
Archetype: Wild Blooded
Bloodline: Sylvan
Animal Companion: Roc

Secondary Class: Oracle (Second level only)
Archetype: None
Mystery: Heavens
Revelation: Awesome Display
Curse: Blackened

Feats and Stat Advancement:

AC indicates Animal Companion.

1 — Mounted Combat: Dead puppies aren’t much fun. Neither are dead Rocs. Taking this feat keeps my mount alive. I am taking this at level one, and never looking back.

AC 1- Toughness. My Animal Companion is my source of physical damage, my personal meat shield, and my mount. I want it to live!

3 — Boon Companion: Wildblooded Sorcerer (Sylvan) has -3 to effective druid level for determining the advancement of my Animal Companion. One level of Oracle puts me to -4 effective levels. Boon Companion remedies all four of these negative levels with one feat. It also gets my Animal Companion a Feat!

AC 3- Combat Reflexes. The Roc has crazy Dex. Now he has crazy AoOs. Makes it a little harder for those melee types to get to me, which is always a good thing.

4 — +1 Charisma

AC 4- +1 Dex. At this point Dex is the Roc's primary physical stat. 1 point bumps Dex to 20 Provides +1 AC, and one more AoO.

5 — Heighten Spell:

AC 5- Power Attack: The Roc's to hit numbers are pretty good at this point, and the trade off for damage is now more than worth it. Also, the Roc will be large size soon, and this trait will really shine from 7HD on.

7 — Spell Focus (Conjuration) Color Spray has been fun, and will continue to be very potent throughout, thanks to the dip in Oracle. However, I can't keep Colorspray rocking all the way to level 12. It is time to branch out and become more than a one trick pony. Also, I am small on a large mount. My mount (when I am mounted) will always be in the cone of my color spray. Sad day.

AC 7- Rog gains large size, +8 Str, -2 Dex, and +4 Con along with +3 Natural Armor. Now that the Roc is Large Size, it is time to invest a feat in Armor Proficiency, Light. The Roc won't grow again, and until now between the 20 Dex and the +5 Natural Armor, the feat wasn't so necessary. Now it is very important.

7b - Improved Initiative: My bonus feat is going to be Improved Initiative. Soon, Summoning and Conjuration will become the focus of this build, and Control needs Initiative!

8 — +1 Charisma
AC 8- +1 Con. An Animal Companion will never hit 12 HD in organized play, so I am putting a point in the other odd physical stat, Con.

9 — Augment Summoning: Since I am branching into Conjuration, this feat becomes essential. The summons coupled with my flying mount also inspires me to have more range spells.

11 — Superior Summoning: Just makes summoning lower level than the spell can summon creatures more efficient. Since I have limited spells, I am all about efficiency!

12 — +1 Strength: What? Strength? Yes. It is my only odd stat.


Savanah Child: +1 Ride, Ride is a class skill. Falling of a flying mount is a bad idea!
Animal Friend: +1 Will as long as you are within 30’ of an animal who likes you, Handle Animal is a class skill. I have an animal companion I want to be training tricks to. Gotta take this.

Spells (In order they will be taken):

Detect Magic, Prestidigitation, Acid Splash, Daze, Message, Dancing Lights, Read Magic, Open/Close, Mage Hand

Create Water, Guidance, Light, Mending

First Level Sorcerer Spells:
Color Spray, Silent Image, Mage Armor, Grease, Vanish.

First Level Oracle Spells:
Bless, Command
First Level Oracle Bonus Spells:
Cure Light Wounds, Burning Hands

Second Level Sorcerer Spells:
Glitterdust, Create Pit, Mirror Image, Invisibility, Levitate

Third Level Sorcerer Spells:
Stinking Cloud, Haste, Summon Monster III, , Mad Monkeys

Fourth Level Sorcerer Spells:
Summon Monster IV, Rainbow Pattern Black Tentacles.,

Fifth Level Sorcerer Spells:
Magic Jar, Summon Monster V

Skill Advancement:

All Preferred Class level bonuses to Skills. If any Skill should reach +20 prior to the indicated selections below due to stat items or what have you, I will accelerate the progress of the other skills.

Level 1 (Sorcerer):
Diplomacy (1 Rank)
Spellcraft (1 Rank)
Perception (1 Rank)

Ride (1 Rank)
Level 2 (Oracle):
Diplomacy (2 Ranks)
Spellcraft (2 Rank)
Ride (2 Rank)
Handle Animal (1 Rank)
Perception (2 Rank)

Level 3 (Sorcerer):
Diplomacy (3 Ranks)
Spellcraft (3 Ranks)
Ride (3 Ranks)
Linguistics (Ignan, Terran)

Level 4 (Sorcerer):
Diplomacy (4 Ranks)
Spellcraft (4 Ranks)
Ride (4 Ranks)
Linguistics (2 Ranks) (Celestial, Infernal)

Level 5 (Sorcerer):
Diplomacy (5 Ranks)
Spellcraft (5 Ranks)
Handle Animal (2 Ranks)
Linguistics (3 Ranks) (Abysal, Aquan)

Level 6 (Sorcerer):
Diplomacy (6 Ranks)
Spellcraft (6 Ranks)
Knowledge (Planes) (1 Rank)
Linguistics (4 Ranks) (Auran, Pick One)

Level 7 (Sorcerer):
Diplomacy (7 Ranks)
Spellcraft (7 Ranks)
Perception (3 Ranks)
Knowledge (Religion) (1 Rank)

Level 8 (Sorcerer):
Diplomacy (8 Ranks)
Spellcraft (8 Ranks)
Perception (4 Ranks)
Knowledge(Nature) (1 Rank)

Level 9 (Sorcerer):
Diplomacy (9 Ranks)
Spellcraft (9 Ranks)
Perception (6 Ranks)

Level 10 (Sorcerer):
Diplomacy (10 Ranks)
Spellcraft (10 Ranks)
Perception (8 Ranks)

Level 11 (Sorcerer):
Knowledge (Pick One) (1 Ranks)
Spellcraft (11 Ranks)
Perception (10 Ranks)

Level 12 (Sorcerer):
Knowledge (Pick One) (1 Ranks)
Spellcraft (12 Ranks)
Perception (12 Ranks)

5 strength... You don't need 20 Cha starting out.

Silver Crusade

36g for exotic riding kit, and I have saddle bags on my mount. My mount is carrying all the gear I need. The odds of me ever engaging in physical combat is 0. Str became irrelevant. Don't need it for encumbrance, don't need it for combat = don't need it. As for 20 cha, it gets you to maximum capacity four levels earlier than your companions starting with a 19. Savings throw DCs are one step higher for every level, except 12th.

Cheapy wrote:
5 strength... You don't need 20 Cha starting out.

When you're a Heavens oracle, the extra +2 Cha can be the difference between your Color Spray stunning someone for 1 round or 1d4+1 rounds (along with the +1 DC on the Will save.) It doesn't hurt to get the extra level 1 spell in both classes, too.


Very cool. Never noticed that Awesome Display mystery; awesome synergy. I'm surprised you didn't squeeze Effortless Trickery in there.

Cheapy wrote:
5 strength... You don't need 20 Cha starting out.

Yes. Yes you do. You need all of teh charisma.

But seriously, what do you need more than 5 strength for anyway?

The Exchange

Dazaras wrote:
Cheapy wrote:
5 strength... You don't need 20 Cha starting out.

Yes. Yes you do. You need all of teh charisma.

But seriously, what do you need more than 5 strength for anyway?

So you don't die when the Shadow touches you once?

Silver Crusade

Jubal Breakbottle wrote:
Very cool. Never noticed that Awesome Display mystery; awesome synergy. I'm surprised you didn't squeeze Effortless Trickery in there.

It was a tossup for the level 11 feat. In the end I figured +1 bonus to my number of creatures I get for my summons would be more valuable. Besides, the main two illusion spells are:

Color Spray (Instantaneous), so Effortless Trickery is of no use; and
Hypnotic Pattern (Concentration +2 Rouns) so unless the need for the pattern goes beyond 3 rounds (round cast +2), again Effortless Trickery would be of no use.

I can not think of many situations where that extra Lantern Archon is of no use.

Belafon wrote:
So you don't die when the Shadow touches you once?

I have a 66% chance of living . . . Seriously though, that is a good point.

Lantern Lodge

Hey look its a cave were the enemy is camped at and the loot is stashed. Awww pets to big to fit in the cave. Hey look we have to swim in water in the cave to advance further better roll that str based swim check. Look we have to scale the chasm to get to the other side better roll the str based climb check.

Silver Crusade

Psion-Psycho wrote:
Hey look its a cave were the enemy is camped at and the loot is stashed. Awww pets to big to fit in the cave. Hey look we have to swim in water in the cave to advance further better roll that str based swim check. Look we have to scale the chasm to get to the other side better roll the str based climb check.

As for the size issue:

Wand of reduce person (750g or 2 PP)

Animal Companion (Ex): At 1st level, you gain an animal companion. Your effective druid level for this ability is equal to your sorcerer level – 3 (minimum 1st).

grants the animal companion abilities, such as:

Animal Companion: Core P. 53

Special: This includes a number of abilities gained by animal companions as they increase in power. Each of these bonuses is described below.

Link (Ex): A druid can handle her animal companion as a free action, or push it as a move action, even if she doesn’t have any ranks in the Handle Animal skill. The druid gains a +4 circumstance bonus on all wild empathy checks and Handle Animal checks made regarding an animal companion.

Share Spells (Ex): The druid may cast a spell with a target of “You” on her animal companion (as a spell with a range of touch) instead of on herself. A druid may cast spells on her animal companion even if the spells normally do not affect creatures of the companion’s type (animal). Spells cast in this way must come from a class that grants an animal companion. This ability does not allow the animal to share abilities that are not spells, even if they function like spells. . . . (Evasion (Ex):, Devotion (Ex): and Improved Evasion (Ex): follow . . . )
[emphasis added]

Reduce Person: Level 1 Spell: This spell causes instant diminution of a humanoid creature, halving its height, length, and width and dividing its weight by 8. This decrease changes the creature's size category to the next smaller one. The target gains a +2 size bonus to Dexterity, a –2 size penalty to Strength (to a minimum of 1), and a +1 bonus on attack rolls and AC due to its reduced size.
[emphasis added]
Reduces my companion again to medium size, aleviating the problem you noted above.

If my party members can fit, so can my animal companion.

On the getting across a lake, up a cliff, etc. That is why I have a mount. I fly up the cliff, fly over the lake, across the sea . . .

Dazaras wrote:
Cheapy wrote:
5 strength... You don't need 20 Cha starting out.

Yes. Yes you do. You need all of teh charisma.

But seriously, what do you need more than 5 strength for anyway?

To carry more than your lunch.

Lantern Lodge

I was using a cave for the example were the water and the chasm is located within. Chasm sure u can cross with the mount but the water u would be forced to swim through. Also good luck when u need to go up or down a ladder to get to the next level of the area because the animal is to big to fit through the whole. DM of mine did that at the very end of a dungeon i was in and the druid had to wait a day before getting up the ladder to rest since he went through all his spells in order to reduce the size of his wolf. Also both examples were also used in the instance. He go through the chasm by reducing the monster and tying it to his back like a make-shift baby pack. The water he tossed the wolf in2 a portable whole since it has a limited amount of air supply.

Liberty's Edge

o.0 That is so cool. What book is it in that you can take a Roc as an animal companion?

ForgottenRider wrote:
o.0 That is so cool. What book is it in that you can take a Roc as an animal companion?

Bestiary I.

Liberty's Edge

Sorry found it. Its in the bestiary

Edit:Thank MacGurcules

Mh, on one hand you're right, its not really optimized, on the other hand I like the idea.

Your Roc does not need light armor prof. though.

Silver Crusade

Psion-Psycho wrote:
I was using a cave for the example were the water and the chasm is located within. Chasm sure u can cross with the mount but the water u would be forced to swim through. Also good luck when u need to go up or down a ladder to get to the next level of the area because the animal is to big to fit through the whole. DM of mine did that at the very end of a dungeon i was in and the druid had to wait a day before getting up the ladder to rest since he went through all his spells in order to reduce the size of his wolf. Also both examples were also used in the instance. He go through the chasm by reducing the monster and tying it to his back like a make-shift baby pack. The water he tossed the wolf in2 a portable whole since it has a limited amount of air supply.

There are no house rules in PFS. If a medium sized creature fits, a medium sized creature fits. I do not need to worry about the strange "I am going to whack you with a stick because your character concept grates me" house rulings.

Wasum wrote:
Your Roc does not need light armor prof. though.

Hrm. Good ponts. Backpeddleing.

4 HD: +1 Int

  • Int is 3+ can now choose almost any feat.

    7 HD feat:

  • Godless Healing (Heal 1d8 + HD HP 1/Day as move action.) [Huzzah 3 int!]

    8 HD: +1 Int, 4 Int now. Bonus Language time!* (I think, researching) Roc can now speak common. Bonus skills gained from int bump go into swim. Now my roc is also a duc.

    *or 1 rank linguistics, whichever.

  • Belafon wrote:
    Dazaras wrote:
    Cheapy wrote:
    5 strength... You don't need 20 Cha starting out.

    Yes. Yes you do. You need all of teh charisma.

    But seriously, what do you need more than 5 strength for anyway?

    So you don't die when the Shadow touches you once?

    Not only do you have a decent chance to survive a hit from a shadow, but it needs to hit you first. Given the stats shown, you'll have at least 17 AC, all of which applies against incorporeal touch attacks, so the shadow has to roll a 13+. So given a 33% chance to kill you on a hit, that's a 13% chance per attack, assuming it attacks you, and it won't get a second attack because you're going to vanish and leave the fight to the players who can actually fight the thing (you don't have any useful spells against it, this might be more of a problem than the strength thing). Not too bad considering this is basically your achilles heel monster.

    Silver Crusade

    Dazaras wrote:
    Not only do you have a decent chance to survive a hit from a shadow . . . Not too bad considering this is basically your achilles heel monster.

    Being aware of my 'Achilles' Heel' monster, I also plan to get a scroll or two of Death Ward. Should generally be a cleric, druid, or paladin in a group... especially when dealing with undead. Otherwise we are probably screwed anyhow.

    Silver Crusade

    A +2 belt of Str is not too hard to come across in PFS.

    Clerics share their spell list with Oracle, therefore I can get wands of Death Ward and the 2 PP wand of lesser restoration to help with the Achilles' Heel. So will a Death Ward wand later on ...

    Might consider getting a wand of grease early, and moving mage armor up in priority for survivability.. Grease loses nothing from being wand cast.

    Arizhel wrote:
    Grease loses nothing from being wand cast.

    Not really true, 2 out of 4 of the uses of Grease allow reflex saves (which from a wand will only be DC 11.)

    Scarab Sages

    Esmerelda Lokrien wrote:

    A +2 belt of Str is not too hard to come across in PFS.

    Clerics share their spell list with Oracle, therefore I can get wands of Death Ward and the 2 PP wand of lesser restoration to help with the Achilles' Heel. So will a Death Ward wand later on ...

    Lesser Restoration is a second level spell. Perhaps you meant a scroll with 5 uses?

    Silver Crusade

    Raisse wrote:
    Lesser Restoration is a second level spell. Perhaps you meant a scroll with 5 uses?

    Paladins get Lesser Restoration as first level spell, reducing the wand to 750 gp or 2 PP.

    Same as Summoners reducing Haste to a 2nd level spell.

    Hurray for the reduced level spell classes! Making wands that much cheaper for the rest of us.

    PRD Link

    Esmerelda Lokrien wrote:
    Raisse wrote:
    Lesser Restoration is a second level spell. Perhaps you meant a scroll with 5 uses?

    Paladins get Lesser Restoration as first level spell, reducing the wand to 750 gp or 2 PP.

    Same as Summoners reducing Haste to a 2nd level spell.

    Hurray for the reduced level spell classes! Making wands that much cheaper for the rest of us.

    PRD Link

    In PFS you have to buy scrolls/potions/wands from Wizards, Clerics, or Druids when available. Since Lesser Restoration is on the Cleric spell list as a 2nd level spell, you have to buy it as a 2nd-level wand.

    You can go crazy on the 1st-level wands of Honeyed Tongue, though (since it's not on the Wizard, Cleric, or Druid list then you can buy it from a Paladin.)

    Silver Crusade

    i love honeyed tongue on a face. Just sooooo incredible..
    roll twice and take the better with +5 ... wow.

    On a side not:

    Faction input anyone?

    I am leaning towards Silver Crusade, Shadow Lodge, or Andoran . . Thoughts?

    Andoran! Liberty for All!

    Silver Crusade

    Being true neutral and Green Faith, strong alliances might not be in keeping with the build. Andoran seems to be pretty faithful to that end.

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