Scenario hunting

GM Discussion

Sovereign Court 5/5 RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Ok, looking for a scenario to run this Saturday.

  • Low tier
  • kid friendly
  • monsters, but surviable (i.e. season for not recommended :P)

    Any thoughts? I'll have at least 1 2nd level character, so first steps is right out.

  • 3/5 Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010

    I know you said not Season 4 but, [plug]Rise of the Goblin Guild[/plug] is fun and fairly straightforward. And with two level 2s should be reasonably survivable.

    Shadow Lodge 4/5

    I'd recommend any of the following

    #2-11: The Penumbral Accords (Lvl 1-5)
    #3-01: The Frostfur Captives (Lvl 1-5)
    #3–23: The Goblinblood Dead (Lvl 1-5)

    With the edge going to Frostfur.

    The Exchange 5/5 RPG Superstar 2010 Top 16

    07 - Among the Living. Good problem solving (how will you bring in your weapons) and some scary undead monsters.

    I second rise of the goblin. the first half is fun with nice RP elements, with the rest being fights that are straight forward and easy(for our group, most fights didn't last longer then a round or 2)

    Silver Crusade 2/5

    Voice in the Void also works, especially with kids. Its very easy to get that creepy vibe going with that scenario.

    The Shades of Ice trilogy is fairly easy and quite fun as well. Frozen Fingers of Midnight was also good, to my recollection.

    Liberty's Edge 2/5

    2 people marked this as a favorite.

    I can't think of the what season it is but Mists of Mwangi is a really fun one. Easily in my top five favorite scenarios. Maybe even top three.

    Grand Lodge 4/5

    1 person marked this as a favorite.

    Mists of Mwangi is Season 0, #5, and is the only one translated into PFRPG. But, yes, if someone else hadn't mentioned it, I was going to. A visit to the "Museum You Love to Hate?" Always fun.

    Black Waters, season 0, can be spooky & fun.

    Silver Crusade 4/5

    Some good choices suggested above. I will definitely second the recommendation for Frostfur Captives. Lots of wacky goblin antics.

    From season 1, Assault on the Kingdom of the Impossible is a fun adventure, but it's mostly human(oid) opponents, not monsters. I'd be really curious as to how kids would approach the first act. The first part of the mission is to allow themselves to be ambushed and intentionally lose the fight. (I don't consider that a spoiler, since it's in the initial mission briefing.)

    Grand Lodge 5/5

    Yes, def. #0-5 Mists of Mwangi for levels 1-5.

    Grand Lodge 5/5

    Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

    Why not We Be Goblins?

    Sovereign Court 5/5 RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

    Just to update, I ran RotGG, and everyone seemed to have fun. Ekkie kind of ran riot. At one point I made some metagame comment in my Ekkie voice, and someone commented.

    I replied, "Ekkie like to break fourth wall. Ekkie big fan of Deadpool Comics." and we got back on track. Thank you everyone for your suggestions!

    I just wish I'd not forgotten my goblin plushie. I'd liked to have held it up when Ekkie was talking.

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