GM Shared Prep

GM Discussion

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I believe some of the stuff is not being uploaded to the new site is because it should have never been shared in the first place. (i.e. IP infringement (maps, artwork, chronicles,etc.))

Dark Archive 4/5

As noted upthread season 4 is still being migrated as time allows.

As I understand it pretty much any art that hasn't been in the blog shouldn't be uploaded. So any scenario specific art/maps is out.

A lot of this was deleted from the old drive when it became clear it was a problem. However following the numerous accidental bulk deletes and subsequent reuploding from random folks archives it kept reappearing and hence was impossible to police.

4/5 ****

If anybody wants to upload season 4 stuff, you're more then welcome to. One of the strengths of the GM prep (whis is shared between the old and the new) is that anybody can upload stuff.

4/5 ****

As a note, 5-99 The Paths We Choose is a season 6 adventure even though it starts with 5-.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

just notices the shared prep sit moved. Does anyone out there have the maps for City of Golden Death? I did not find that on the new site and i would much rather print than draw out the Ruins. If it not out there so be it not a biggy.


neferphras wrote:
just notices the shared prep sit moved. Does anyone out there have the maps for City of Golden Death? I did not find that on the new site and i would much rather print than draw out the Ruins. If it not out there so be it not a biggy.

Part of the reason things like this are not on the new site is that they are not really kosher to share. They are copyrighted works, and not part of the CUP provisions.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

well if its a flip map, i totally agree, we should by the flip map. But i only have the hard copy of the module, bought at a store, so sharing the none flip map items i dont see an issue with per say. I do see your point though, i will draw it out. How would anyone know if they bought a hard copy or not.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, Michigan—Mt. Pleasant

Neferphras, ALL of the artwork in any of Paizo's products, unless they have been specifically added to the CUP downloads or blog posts are copyrighted, that includes custom maps from modules/scenarios. Now, people can make their own versions of those maps and share those, but they can't just copy/paste the maps from the pdfs, which is what a lot of people were doing when they shared them to the drive.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

well that what i loved about the shared prep, you had the map versions without the numbers on them and what not. I am not a good artist, and printing the maps for running saved me hours of drawing work. I wish the purchased PDFs had a print ready version of the module or scenerio maps (without the number on it) included so it could be easily printed out, that would be worth an extra dollar per pdf easy for me. It is what it is i guess

Shadow Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area North & East

I wish we were keeping the google drive instead of this website. The server at work blocks the site but allows google docs.

4/5 ****

thistledown wrote:
I wish we were keeping the google drive instead of this website. The server at work blocks the site but allows google docs.

Sorry :(

Google Drive was not set up in way to allow people to add without also being allowed to delete. After several mass deletions... is what we've got.


neferphras wrote:
well that what i loved about the shared prep, you had the map versions without the numbers on them and what not. I am not a good artist, and printing the maps for running saved me hours of drawing work. I wish the purchased PDFs had a print ready version of the module or scenerio maps (without the number on it) included so it could be easily printed out, that would be worth an extra dollar per pdf easy for me. It is what it is i guess

Nitro PDF has an "export images" feature which can get the images out of Paizo PDFs the best out of any program I have used. It retains transparency and usually gets the maps without numbers and secret doors.

I am pretty sure the free version of the program can do the same.

Silver Crusade 4/5

I can usually just highlight maps in Adobe Acrobat and copy then, and when I paste the image into any other program, it only has one layer of the image, without the numbers or secret doors. I generally use the freeware IrfanView for quicky image editing stuff, including resizing maps images taken this way, so that I can print them and use them at the table.

4/5 ****

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I don't say this nearly often enough, but thank you so much to everybody who contributes material.

You are what makes the Shared Prep awesome.

Silver Crusade 2/5

Saint Caleth wrote:

Nitro PDF has an "export images" feature which can get the images out of Paizo PDFs the best out of any program I have used. It retains transparency and usually gets the maps without numbers and secret doors.

I am pretty sure the free version of the program can do the same.

I can confirm that the free version of Nitro PDF reader does an excellent job extracting images from the PDFs. :-)

Unfortunately, last I checked it was Windows-only, and I haven't found a tool that does similarly good work for my Mac.

Pirate Rob wrote:

I don't say this nearly often enough, but thank you so much to everybody who contributes material.

You are what makes the Shared Prep awesome.

Woo! Yeah, the Prep site is awesome. Saves me a bunch of time.

I just uploaded my first contribution, actually, the material for Academy of Secrets! So the praise is well-timed. *Fans self.* :-P

Hope those hours and hours of work can be useful to others. :-)

Grand Lodge 4/5

It would be a tremendous service to customers, if purchasers could access images of custom maps contained in the scenarios (or other Pathfinder products) in a digital format already scaled for printing at home--much like the scenarios themselves. I know fans have posted numerous workarounds with assorted third-party software products, some of which are even free. But I'm not tech-savvy and the hassle is discouraging.
There might even be a business opportunity for Paizo, if such a service entailed a fee sufficient to cover overhead, make a profit, and keep paying customers happy.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ***

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

The problem is that they don't order their maps to that scale - for some of the larger ones it would be prohibitively expensive.


James McTeague wrote:
The problem is that they don't order their maps to that scale - for some of the larger ones it would be prohibitively expensive.

This. They don't do it for pretty much ANY of their products due to the costs.

The Emerald Spire, Thornkeep and Crypt of the Everflame are the only notable exceptions that I know of off the top of my head. They were all very special circumstances. The first two were for online game kickstarters to rally in donations for the MMORPG they're getting going, and the other was the initial module created to introduce players to Pathfinder when it first came out.

If the cartographers make the maps the size you're asking, then Paizo has to pay for that extra detail work.

Grand Lodge 2/5

Is it just me or is the link in the first post empty?

Never mind, I found the link to the new one.

Dark Archive 3/5

So this is fantastic. I found out about this at GenCon 2014 and I can't say thanks enough to the pfs GMs who have started and contributed to this. I wish I had seen the thread before GenCon. Thanks again y'all.

Dark Archive 4/5 5/5 ****

As an FYI - I've added stat blocks for #3-12: Wonders of the Weave Part I: The Dog Pharoah's Tomb.

I stole/borrowed/copied Carlos Robledo's wonderful format (hopefully he'll take this as a compliment). If anyone wanted to proof the stat blocks, I think that'd be great.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/5

Silbeg wrote:

As an FYI - I've added stat blocks for #3-12: Wonders of the Weave Part I: The Dog Pharoah's Tomb.

I stole/borrowed/copied Carlos Robledo's wonderful format (hopefully he'll take this as a compliment). If anyone wanted to proof the stat blocks, I think that'd be great.

I can't see him being upset as it is a pretty much perfect format.

Dark Archive 4/5 5/5 ****

Totenpfuhl wrote:
Silbeg wrote:

As an FYI - I've added stat blocks for #3-12: Wonders of the Weave Part I: The Dog Pharoah's Tomb.

I stole/borrowed/copied Carlos Robledo's wonderful format (hopefully he'll take this as a compliment). If anyone wanted to proof the stat blocks, I think that'd be great.

I can't see him being upset as it is a pretty much perfect format.

Agreed... actually, a while back, he even sent me a doc in his format, so that I could use it (never did until now).

There is a reason that I had to buy him a Dogslicer ale, and then was so happy that he agreed to GM us for Stonelords. Carlos rocks!

5/5 *

1 person marked this as a favorite.

<thumbs up>

I have started to upload my blocks in both MS Word and PDF for that purpose, so we can all use them as needed. Use away! Nothing makes me happier than hearing these are useful to people.

Silbeg, I never even expect gratitude from my blocks, but I am happy to report my "free beers" count is now up to 4 between GenCon and now DragonCon. You are a trendsetter, man!


I have some new ideas I will be incorporating into my stat blocks for the upcoming Season 6 scenarios. Keep an eye out for more (hopefully) good stuff coming!

Dark Archive 4/5 5/5 ****

You deserve it... If you are ever going to be up in Minneapolis, drop me a PM. We'll make sure to find a game or two and a beer or two! Looking forward to your new ideas!

5/5 *

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Well... You can now see a preview at the PFS prep page for The Silver Mount Collection! ;)

Dark Archive 4/5 5/5 ****

No!!! Not a a scenario I haven't played! ;)

Good thing I can role-play patience.

Grand Lodge 5/5 *

Carlos Robledo wrote:
Well... You can now see a preview at the PFS prep page for The Silver Mount Collection! ;)

I think I am in love <3


Carlos Robledo wrote:
Well... You can now see a preview at the PFS prep page for The Silver Mount Collection! ;)

Wow, that's beautifully done.

4/5 *

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Carlos Robledo wrote:
Well... You can now see a preview at the PFS prep page for The Silver Mount Collection! ;)

I know I've said this before, but: Carlos, you effing rock, man. :-)

Dark Archive 4/5 5/5 ****

DAMNIT! You made me look. But, yeah, they look AWESOME!

Always raising the bar, Carlos is!

5/5 *

Silbeg wrote:

DAMNIT! You made me look. But, yeah, they look AWESOME!

Always raising the bar, Carlos is!

Someone rolled a "1" on their patience check. ;)

Also, credit where credit is due. The idea of the minis prep checklist and highlighting "active" combat abilities was from something similar I saw on Belafon's prep notes from DragonCon.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

I just want to say, it is sooo awesome to see how this idea has grown and grown and grown :)

Thanks to everyone for contributing


Purple Fluffy CatBunnyGnome wrote:

I just want to say, it is sooo awesome to see how this idea has grown and grown and grown :)

Thanks to everyone for contributing

Thanks for starting the fire!

Dark Archive 4/5 5/5 ****

So, a suggestion, if you are not already doing it. If a critter or NPC has Power Attack (or Deadly Aim, etc), add a row for that in the combat section. I have found it helps me out a lot to remember to use the ability... And speeds up the calculations for it.

At least this helps me... Maybe not anyone else ;)

5/5 *

Silbeg wrote:

So, a suggestion, if you are not already doing it. If a critter or NPC has Power Attack (or Deadly Aim, etc), add a row for that in the combat section. I have found it helps me out a lot to remember to use the ability... And speeds up the calculations for it.

At least this helps me... Maybe not anyone else ;)

If "you" means me, already done!

If "you" means anyone making these, then yes! Helps me too.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ***

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
Silbeg wrote:

So, a suggestion, if you are not already doing it. If a critter or NPC has Power Attack (or Deadly Aim, etc), add a row for that in the combat section. I have found it helps me out a lot to remember to use the ability... And speeds up the calculations for it.

At least this helps me... Maybe not anyone else ;)

Yup, I've been doing this too.

I'm hoping at some point to go back to the old stuff I did when I was just starting out with prep to fix them up to the standards I hold myself to today. And you know, actually putting the CUP on my stuff.

Sovereign Court 4/5

I have to ask. What the heck kind of a file format is .por?

The Exchange 5/5

Deussu wrote:
I have to ask. What the heck kind of a file format is .por?

It's the file extension that herolab uses

Sovereign Court 4/5

Thea Peters wrote:
Deussu wrote:
I have to ask. What the heck kind of a file format is .por?
It's the file extension that herolab uses

Nice. Some scenarios only have .por files available. It would be nice to provide the same in more common formats.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 Venture-Captain, California—San Francisco Bay Area South & West

It would be nice to have a lot of things.

I'm just grateful that some of the other GMs have chosen to make stuff available as a .por file, because it generally saves me work. Perhaps if there are enough GMs using data in whichever format you'd like to see it, one of them will choose to upload that as well.

Dark Archive 5/5 ** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Gulf

a .por can be read for free with the herolab iPad app, or imported into a few different combat managers.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Deussu wrote:
Thea Peters wrote:
Deussu wrote:
I have to ask. What the heck kind of a file format is .por?
It's the file extension that herolab uses
Nice. Some scenarios only have .por files available. It would be nice to provide the same in more common formats.

So, what do you consider a "more common format"?

After all, a lot of PFS players and GMs have HeroLab, just see all the threads about "Does owning expansion X in HeroLab bypass the need to town the actual book/PDF from Paizo?"

If you include the format preferred, and the scenario(s) needed, I'll see if I can export that material in your preferred format. If I have an ID setup to upload to the site. And given the caveats that it won't be until sometime after I get home from work, after 2:15 am PDT, and that I have to remember to do it...

Sometimes, I think Roj Blake had a better memory than I do, even if his ability to count sucks...

Blakes 7 reference
"Dark" BBC SF series from the 1970s

Yes, Han shot first. You'd have to be a suicidal idiot not to, if given the chance...

Sovereign Court 4/5

kinevon wrote:
Deussu wrote:
Thea Peters wrote:
Deussu wrote:
I have to ask. What the heck kind of a file format is .por?
It's the file extension that herolab uses
Nice. Some scenarios only have .por files available. It would be nice to provide the same in more common formats.

So, what do you consider a "more common format"?

After all, a lot of PFS players and GMs have HeroLab, just see all the threads about "Does owning expansion X in HeroLab bypass the need to town the actual book/PDF from Paizo?"

If you include the format preferred, and the scenario(s) needed, I'll see if I can export that material in your preferred format. If I have an ID setup to upload to the site. And given the caveats that it won't be until sometime after I get home from work, after 2:15 am PDT, and that I have to remember to do it...

** spoiler omitted **

Uuh, .doc .pdf .rtf .odt ring a bell? Or heck, even .txt would suffice.

And if .por can be opened freely only with a specific application available only on iPad, that too doesn't really count.

Regardless, since I couldn't get the monster stats from shared prep I created them myself. I'll post an .rtf containing the monster stats there to the appropriate scenario.

I checked the approved list of formats. Why .xml and what's .cmpt?

4/5 ****

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hey guys, lets tone it down a little bit and remember that the only reason the site is any good is due to hundres of volunteers uploading files they think are helpful.

HL files are great for some, but usleless to me, that means there are plenty of other people they are useless to as well. That's okay. People can upload what they want to upload, some people will find individual docs helpful, others won't.

Cmpt is combat manager iirc. Another electronic tool that some people use.

I think xml was one of the default allowed types, and I saw no reason to turn it off.

.txt files are disabled due to an exploit that under certain circumstances allow them to execute malicious code.

Silver Crusade 4/5

Yeah, I think it's safe to say that .pdf and .doc are more common formats than something that some of us have never heard of before the last few posts of this thread. I can't believe someone actually asked what you consider a more common format.

4/5 ****

On a more different note, here are some stats:

There are 544 registered members of the site, 170 of them are banned for being spam bots, leaving 374 real people.

In August there were 2452 unique visitors.
They visited 4,761 times and looked at 30,042 pages. Using 3.06 GB of bandwidth.

So far in September:

By far Tuesday has the most page hits. (Although I just realized this is due to having more Tuesdays that other days so far this month.)

Windows users make up 77.6% of the visits, with Mac at 15.1%, and Linux at 5.3%.

During September the 10 most popular links to (in order) are:

A Small Gift for the PFS Community

Page 10 of this thread.

6-01 Trial by Machine

"Last" page of this thread.

Emerald Spire and PFS (page 2)

Pathfinder Society Reddit group: First time DM for Society

Facebook lsr.php

Emerald Spire and PFS

Page 9 of this thread.

Thornkeep Mini Path Note that this is for the Adventure Card Game, and a different URL but is on the same hosting.

Sovereign Court 4/5

Okay well I read that you can export .por as pdf too. Just for us non-herolab users it would be really swell if the only document would be something other than one application specific file.

I assume you can understand my point of view. I even prefer .rtf because it can easily be opened in OSX as well.

5/5 *

Deussu wrote:
Okay well I read that you can export .por as pdf too. Just for us non-herolab users it would be really swell if the only document would be something other than one application specific file.

You can, but the output is not exactly pretty. And there can be both POR and other files for the same scenario.

Like Pirate Rob said above, not everything in the folder is for everyone. You realize, and don't take this the wrong way, that you are complaining about content that volunteers are putting up for free, in their spare time?

I do understand what you are trying to say, but if you look at more recent season you will see that the great majority is in PDF and DOC. Before this iteration of the shared drive, a lot of files were lost. It is possible those scenarios that only have a POR file now used to have PDF in there too, and was lost.

Deussu wrote:
Regardless, since I couldn't get the monster stats from shared prep I created them myself. I'll post an .rtf containing the monster stats there to the appropriate scenario.

Thanks! That's the best way to approach it when you find something you wish was there, but it's missing. This resource would be a huge strain if it wasn't collaborative.

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