[Dreamscarred Press] Ultimate Psionics Update

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Scarab Sages

Evil Midnight Lurker wrote:
I should say that my real problem with Half-Construct is that no D&D/Pathfinder gamer I have ever met in my entire thirty-year gaming career would be willing to play an inherently non-resurrectable character. It's just not a thing that happens.

Weren't Warforged (Eberron) unrezable?

Publisher, Dreamscarred Press

No, the living construct type allowed to be raised...

That's going to be something we're going to need to address before we consider the race "finished".

I'm just loathe to boost the race above 10-11 RP for balance reasons.

Has the preorder been announced?

Publisher, Dreamscarred Press

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DungeonmasterCal wrote:
Has the preorder been announced?

Not yet. The preorder is likely going to go live once either Psionics Embodied is nearly finished in layout (we're still working on stat blocks for all the NPCs) or when the Ultimate Psionics cover is completed. Whichever comes first.

I'm hoping to make some real headway on Psionics Embodied this month - I believe three NPCs are 100% stated, with all 20 of the main NPCs having their initial stat blocks.

How am I just now hearing about this.

Publisher, Dreamscarred Press

Talonhawke wrote:
How am I just now hearing about this.

That's a good question - we did our best to blast out about it - but lots of folks missed out, unfortunately.

The good news is that we should begin taking preorders next month for those who missed out on the Kickstarter! :)

Jeremy Smith wrote:
Talonhawke wrote:
How am I just now hearing about this.

That's a good question - we did our best to blast out about it - but lots of folks missed out, unfortunately.

The good news is that we should begin taking preorders next month for those who missed out on the Kickstarter! :)

Very cool! Will be be able to order a printed hardcover? Do you know if it will be in color or B&W? Thanks!

The Exchange

Player Killer wrote:
Will be be able to order a printed hardcover?

I know what *I* want the answer to that to be.

Publisher, Dreamscarred Press

Player Killer wrote:
Jeremy Smith wrote:
Talonhawke wrote:
How am I just now hearing about this.

That's a good question - we did our best to blast out about it - but lots of folks missed out, unfortunately.

The good news is that we should begin taking preorders next month for those who missed out on the Kickstarter! :)

Very cool! Will be be able to order a printed hardcover? Do you know if it will be in color or B&W? Thanks!

Yes. And I believe the plan is for both to be available.

Thanks Jeremy! You just made my day. Will the pre-orders be made through Paizo's site or the Dreamscarred Press site?

Publisher, Dreamscarred Press

They will likely only be via the Dreamscarred Press site at least initially.

Liberty's Edge

Is the book availaible for pre-order yet?

Publisher, Dreamscarred Press

memorax wrote:
Is the book availaible for pre-order yet?

Not yet. Preorders will be opened up once the cover is ready.

Publisher, Dreamscarred Press

So today I sat down and finally finished updating the Myth: Psionics Is Overpowered thread from 2004 to be appropriate to Psionics Unleashed.

It was interesting to see how many of those myths no longer apply... and how many of them you just never hear argued anymore.

Liberty's Edge

Its funny you mention that. I was just involved in a discussion with someone who said psionics expanded was over powered. His examples of overpoweredness? A vitalist 1 / Cleric 1 using channel energy to heal his collective, and some 5th level blasting power that let a pc do d6+1 / level to 2 targets over time. I was flabbergasted.

If you have the update I'd love to be able to link to it.

Liberty's Edge

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Jeremy Smith wrote:

No, the living construct type allowed to be raised...

That's going to be something we're going to need to address before we consider the race "finished".

I'm just loathe to boost the race above 10-11 RP for balance reasons.

I know this was from a while back but I was just now thinking about it. In general aasimars and tieflings aren't over powered compared to standard races and IMO a part of that is because they don't bring anything to the table that really works with what their stats compliment. Just my 2 cents.

Publisher, Dreamscarred Press

True, and that might be what we end up doing.

The crux of the matter is that, for better or worse, Paizo can get away with things that, at least on paper, break the norm. Typically it's because the things they do, like the aasimar and tiefling, are relatively well-balanced, even though they don't conform to guidelines.

Unfortunately for third-party publishers, ESPECIALLY when dealing with psionics, that leniency evaporates pretty quickly, so any time we violate standards, we've got to be ready to back it up vigorously. Our fans are more forgiving, but the people who are still hesitant but might be won over... it's a much tougher sell, so we have to pick our battles carefully.

Now, all that being said, we're polishing up some new archetypes, and one of them is now available for playtesting, the dromite tactician.

Publisher, Dreamscarred Press

And some more playtesting stuff:

Ardent Legion Power

Annihilator Archetype


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Jeremy Smith wrote:

True, and that might be what we end up doing.

The crux of the matter is that, for better or worse, Paizo can get away with things that, at least on paper, break the norm. Typically it's because the things they do, like the aasimar and tiefling, are relatively well-balanced, even though they don't conform to guidelines.

Unfortunately for third-party publishers, ESPECIALLY when dealing with psionics, that leniency evaporates pretty quickly, so any time we violate standards, we've got to be ready to back it up vigorously. Our fans are more forgiving, but the people who are still hesitant but might be won over... it's a much tougher sell, so we have to pick our battles carefully.

Now, all that being said, we're polishing up some new archetypes, and one of them is now available for playtesting, the dromite tactician.

As an author myself, sometimes you gotta let the haters hate. People who are going to get in arms over your slightly higher RP race are probably going to shy away from buying your book in the first place.

I have personally found that the pieces of crunch that my fans like the best are the ones that really push what you can do in the game by writing mechanics that define the system rather than letting it blend in with Paizo's work.

Publisher, Dreamscarred Press

Alright, more stuff for playtesting!

Noral Telepath

Forgeborn Tactician

Blue Alchemist

Maenad Wilder

And a race-neutral Cryptic archetype

More coming soon!

MMCJawa wrote:

That is good to hear; I wanted to contribute to the Kickstarter but I took a temporary paycut for that entire period, and couldn't swing it. I will definitely be preordering

I searched for a place to preorder (since I missed the kickstarter campaign too .. sad me) and I couldn't find any. I didn't see the option on paizo or dreamscarred web site. Where can we preorder the book ?

Thank you

Publisher, Dreamscarred Press

We're not yet taking preorders. We're tentatively scheduling to open up preorders once the cover is done. We're actually very conservative when it comes to preorders - we like to have firm timelines so you know what to expect when putting any money down.

Publisher, Dreamscarred Press

3 people marked this as a favorite.

And as a separate update, after giving Kickstarter backers time to check it out, I've posted the updated Myth: Psionics Is Overpowered essay, now titled: Psionics Is Overpowered! (Except When It Isn't)

You can also download it as a PDF.

It was actually fun going through and pointing out which ones are no longer even applicable in Pathfinder. :)

Jeremy Smith wrote:
A detailed and complete project status update for Ultimate Psionics has been posted.


The revised release estimate was late May and since we are pretty there is there a revised revised release date yet?

I recognize that some people need to know dates for purposes of changing shipping addresses. There are probably other very valid non-curiosity reasons to need or want a date.

That said, I'd like to go on record that I personally don't much care. I just want Dreamscarred to know that quality and completeness and polish matter to ME far more than eagerness does. If it takes another six months to have a complete and well-edited product, I'll accept that. Others may not, but I felt it worthwhile to bring my personal viewpoint out. This thing grew significantly due to stretch goals, so timetables are mutable. Shrug.

Publisher, Dreamscarred Press

James0235 wrote:
Jeremy Smith wrote:
A detailed and complete project status update for Ultimate Psionics has been posted.


The revised release estimate was late May and since we are pretty there is there a revised revised release date yet?

Not yet.

We are still waiting on quite a bit of artwork, including the cover, and should be releasing a large amount of items into play testing this week.

Thanks for the response!

Get it right. That is all that matters, period. My address is changing though, lol.

Publisher, Dreamscarred Press

jwood314 wrote:
Get it right. That is all that matters, period. My address is changing though, lol.

That's the case for quite a few people. I'll be sending out an updated survey closer to shipment time to let folks update their address.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Just wanted to chime in on the RP-discussion:

My 2 cents are: Make a balanced race, screw the RP. RP have shown that they are NOT a balance indicator and the ARG is imho broken. Do your races work within the rule-set? Good, add RP-info. If not - then ignore it. The end-result imho is what counts. (That btw. applies to all rules - adhering to standards when possible is great and required - but realizing when the standard doesn't work properly and circumventing it with balanced, reasonable, evocative results is the sign of truly good design.)

Looking forward to UP, even though I couldn't chime in for the KS! PE is one of the most used books at my table!

Agree entirely with EZG. Souls for the soulless!

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Endzeitgeist wrote:
Looking forward to UP,

It's a little late to do this, but a telepathic dog, a psionic scout of small size and a crotchety old psychokinetic with a flying house would be an AMAZING addition to the book!

Publisher, Dreamscarred Press

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What's this? Cover art? From Wayne Reynolds?

Why yes, it is in! And yes, it is awesome!

And with the cover art in and us nearly finished with designing all the new material, we've opened up preorders for Ultimate Psionics. Full details on preorders of Ultimate Psionics are here

Or just check out the awesome cover art on the Dreamscarred Press Facebook page.


Do you have an ETA on actual shipping?

I have never really considered buying a Psionics book for Pathfinder, buy that Wayne Reynolds art kinda has me wanting to add it to my shelf. Will this book be available by Gen Con? If it is, I'll likely pick it up there.

Jeremy Smith wrote:
What's this? Cover art? From Wayne Reynolds?


Publisher, Dreamscarred Press

We unfortunately don't have an ETA yet. :(

Simply put, we're still in playtesting on a lot of the content - the archetypes primarily.

The vast majority of the book is completed, but we are working for as balanced as possible the first time around to avoid errata and reprints, given that hardcover carries a high cost.

We'd love to be able to say it'll be available at GenCon - but I can't make any guarantees there. As mentioned above, our primary concern is getting it right. :)

Evil Midnight Lurker wrote:


Do you have an ETA on actual shipping?

Well, we can realistically guess around two months. The miniatures KS campaign has nearly a month to go. Yes, they might have an idea how many extras to order printed within a couple weeks but they're not done artwork and content yet from the last update. Even if they finish in the next few weeks, Jeremy has said he'll release the PDF first so we can proof-read it. That's got to tack a week or more onto the process. Then the master gets sent to printing. No idea what that'll impose but I'd guess a couple/few weeks.

This is coming together quite gorgeously but it's not going to be in our hands right away.

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crap better start setting money aside.

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2013 Top 16

Any update on Herolab supporting DSP's psionics products? Personally that is the trigger for me to throw all my money at you.

Charlie Bell wrote:
Any update on Herolab supporting DSP's psionics products? Personally that is the trigger for me to throw all my money at you.

I'd like to see HeroLab and DSP support as well!

Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 4

Lilith wrote:
Charlie Bell wrote:
Any update on Herolab supporting DSP's psionics products? Personally that is the trigger for me to throw all my money at you.
I'd like to see HeroLab and DSP support as well!

Since I use HeroLab with every game session, I would be be invested in pre-ordering a book if I knew such support was available.

Publisher, Dreamscarred Press

We will have the rules available in Hero Lab.

Whether or not they use an actual PSIONIC implementation or not is based upon Lone Wolf's ability to implement it. It's unfortunately not something Dreamscarred can tackle for them, much as we are willing to take that responsibility on.

Hopefully, they will be - and my discussions with them have been promising, but I can't speak for them.

And just FYI, the rules for Psionics Unleashed WERE put into the community Hero Lab files, so those are already out there!

Publisher, Dreamscarred Press

Another update for those who have been asking - Preorders are now available!

You can also preorder from d20pfsrd!

Preorders are available for just the PDF, the B&W hardcover + PDF, or the full color hardcover + PDF.

So I missed his Kickstarter I dont see how I did but I did
Im trying to figure out is this a combination and redo of the first two books?

Joey Virtue wrote:

So I missed his Kickstarter I dont see how I did but I did

Im trying to figure out is this a combination and redo of the first two books?

Exactly. Unleashed and Expanded, fully merged, and with new material on top of that.

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Jesus that Wayne Reynolds artwork for the cover is simply beautiful...

Hardcover. Colour. Contents of PU and PE interleaved properly (classes all together, powers all together etc). Significantly more content. Basically... awesome.

Take a look at the psionic miniatures kickstarter too... you can still get this book at the right pledge levels.

Publisher, Dreamscarred Press

As mentioned, it's a combination and redo of the first two books, but there's probably 50 pages of new material added in - two new races, a bunch of new archetypes, including psionic archetypes for all the core classes, racial archetypes, a bunch of new feats, some new powers, a whole slew of new items, a new prestige class... and completely overhauled layout and artwork - all full-color.

In addition - a ton of new items are in playtesting! Rather than linking them all, here's our playtesting forum with all of their threads.

We've got new psicrystal staff options, new weapon special abilities, new wondrous items... just tons of new psionic items. :)

Silver Crusade

PDF price I can live with. Looks good! Will order it soon.

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