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![]() My group takes role-playing seriously, with all six of us players having really well thought out background stories, all that tie into plots and character arcs. For most groups, they tend to be more casual. Nothing wrong with that though. But as a DM, if your game is much more based around role playing, I don't see anything wrong with expecting players to have at least a minimal backstory. For stories, you could use traits, which are half feats essentially, chosen at character creation. You can also use hero points as incintive as well. Me personally, I would reward in-game roleplaying. A player can have an amazing backstory, but they might not role play at all at the table. ![]()
![]() BigNorseWolf wrote: But hey, who is the federal government to tell states that abstinence only education is wrong? Exactly. Considering states that favor abstinence only education tend to have higher teen pregnancy rates, STD rates, divorce rates, and single mother poverty rates, I think it can be safe to say that abstinence only education really doesn't accomplish what it's supposed to... ![]()
![]() Hey, I not to long ago got a great campaign idea started with some friends of mine, and am going to do a conversion for the homebrewed Weeper class from 3.5 Go to Weeper. My question is what is the best way to convert a class, keep it properly balanced, and keep it's original role intact. I've done some great monster, feat, and item conversions to date, but never have I done a class. Any advice or tips would be appreciated :) And secondly, if anyone is curious on the campaign idea, it is centered around the horsemen of the apocalypse (non-paizo interpretations), and the players play as their "steeds" or avatars. I'll be play as the steed of war (deciding on a class for the concept), and my buddy would be playing as the steed of death (this weeper class) ![]()
![]() Statistically, access to elective abortion in the first or second trimester reduces almost all need for elective abortion in the third trimester. After 20 weeks or so, abortion is almost exclusive to the cases of genetic problems, severe deformities, or danger to the womans health. It isn't until about 25-30 weeks that a fetus is even capable of pain and consciousness according to data. And finally, no human has a right to another persons body without consent, aka the concept of bodily autonomy. An zygote, embryo, and fetus have no rights, especially to override the rights of a person (born, biologically dependent, autonomous human) Just my thoughts. BigNorseWolf wrote: "Why would a 2 months premature baby in an incubator be different from an 8 month along fetus?" Largely, it isn't using a persons body for biological survival. BigNorseWolf wrote: But if two conjoined twins share a liver, twin A cannot say "I want to control my own liver, get off..." and have to it with the hacksaw Depends, considering that I can probably assume this example is two independent and thinking people, capable of emotion, pain, and forming an identity. I would place the twins scenario more with a parasitic twin, that isn't capable of being considered a person, to be more comparable to a pregnancy. For me though, largely society does respect bodily autonomy. No person is forced to give up organs or blood, even if it will save a life. Even the dead are granted autonomy in the form of consenting to be an organ donor. Loving the debate though, let's keep this going and keep it respectful people. ![]()
![]() I recently had a wonderful character concept for an upcoming campaign, regarding a skinwalker (likely ragebred or coldborn heritages) psychic warrior on the feral warrior path.I already have a backstory worked out, and I'm just starting to build it. Those two heritages in particular scream feral psychic warrior. I do think I understand how the mechanics of the skinwalkers works, but as for the build itself, I would love some thoughts and advice. The campaign is starting at level three, and we are rolling for our stats (4d6s and remove the lowest). Thanks all! ![]()
![]() Playing a schizophrenic character is a goldmine for character development and role-playing. I remember playing such a character in a role-playing orientated game, with a really rich background. Character had lost his lover, blamed himself, and much later in the campaign goes insane. Made a perfect way to confront the past of my PC. You're PCs situation sounds like a jack pot. Play on guilt, loss, and the past. You could take it the direction of horror, drama, or a combination. |