Ikalios's page

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I know this is homebrew but I'll use the magics components to reduce crafting time in place of price. 100 days to forge a sword is a little bit too much for a downtime. But if I reduce the creation process, let's say 1 day for 5 magic, those magic shops becomes useful for the players, each of them working for "parts" of the sword.

MMCJawa wrote:

That is good to hear; I wanted to contribute to the Kickstarter but I took a temporary paycut for that entire period, and couldn't swing it. I will definitely be preordering

I searched for a place to preorder (since I missed the kickstarter campaign too .. sad me) and I couldn't find any. I didn't see the option on paizo or dreamscarred web site. Where can we preorder the book ?

Thank you