Barbarian Scarred Witch Doctor Build


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You can't cast spells in a Controlled Rag, so Urban Barb/Witch Doctor is not ideal.

Controlled Rage:
"When using a controlled rage, an urban barbarian gains no bonus on Will saves, takes no penalties to AC, and can still use Intelligence-, Dexterity-, and Charisma-based skills. This ability otherwise follows the normal rules for rage."

"While in rage, a barbarian cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except Acrobatics, Fly, Intimidate, and Ride) or any ability that requires patience or concentration."

But do Hexes require concentration really?

Grand Lodge

Supernatural abilities do not require concentration.

It is in the description of Supernatural abilities.

The reason to go Barbarian/Scarred Witch Doctor isn't because of the high Con or wanting to melee, though that is a nice icing. The reason is that your saves DC will skyrocket with Rage. it's because of the high con...

Cheapy wrote: it's because of the high con...

Heh. I meant that it's not because of a high con in relation to the hit points, since someone mentioned earlier that a witch shouldn't be tanking.

Ender730 wrote:
The reason to go Barbarian/Scarred Witch Doctor isn't because of the high Con or wanting to melee, though that is a nice icing. The reason is that your saves DC will skyrocket with Rage.

But raging is just a +2 to the DC, and each witch level gives +1/2 to hex DC's. You really only want one level of barbarian to capitalize on this, using Extra Rage to make up for the low number of rage rounds.

So maybe go barb for level 1 then witch the rest of the way?

It's +3 to DCs while raging with Raging Vitality.

Lab_Rat wrote:

Another piece of evidence pointing to the fact that racial heritage and the effects line of half-races are one and the same is that HeroLab lets you take scarred witch doctor as a half-orc. (Yes...Yes...I know what you are going to say)

As far as RAW goes. The effects line of half-races and racial heritage are exactly the same. We just get a little clarification as to what they mean by effects in the racial heritage feat. So I say half-orc SWD is a go. To bad it's not a legal choice in PFS.

Hate to necro/hijack this thread, but does anyone know HOW to get Scarred witch to show in Hero Lab. Mine only show "regular" witch?

Dark Archive

If you have the extra content from the advanced race guide, choose witch and at first level select archetype -> scarred witch doctor.

Tiems wrote:

If you have the extra content from the advanced race guide, choose witch and at first level select archetype -> scarred witch doctor.

Thank man, You are my favorite!

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