Azelyan |

So we are starting a new campaign soon and I was considering the Vishkanya archtype for Deadly Courtesan.
What are peoples thoughts on this class? I wanted something that resembled a Bard/Rogue type class and this looks surprisingly close to it. Could think of a cool story about a gypsy woman. One thing she doesn't seem to have that I wanted was Inspire Courage, so that makes me sort of sad. I don't really know how I would play her. Maybe some sort of Crane style assassin? Maybe I will see if there can be a house rule that the Kukri can be used with the dervish dance feats.
I've never built a rogue type, so and this kind of character seems appealing to me. Any thoughts on the archtype?

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I'm actually playing Callistrian 'prostitute' in a RotRL game I'm in. The character is a 1/2 elf CN Witch that was brought up in Riddleport, where she learnt the tricks of the trade, as well as independence, and a keen interest in everything Thassilonian.
I've taken the Calistrian Prostitute campaign trait (from the APG) and the 1/2 elven skill focus in Diplomacy, with my familiar being the Thrush (no laughing!) giving +3 Diplomacy, as well as me taking the Charm Hex at 1st level, there isn't anyone I can't make 'friendly' if I need to. This has made some of the information-gathering aspects of the game very easy, and is also a lot of fun to play.
Personality wise my Witch is a hedonist that uses people for sport whilst she follows her own agenda. Her value is not in combat (she's only 3rd level), but the roleplaying has been rich and interesting so far (she's certainly getting on VERY well with the NPCs in Sandpoint!) and isn't above befriending goblins for as long as she needs them (which isn't very long, but it's certainly helped us along the way).
Not sure if that's the sort of thing you're looking for, but it's working for me. I've not played a Witch before, and enjoying the class a lot - a lot of the spells and some of the hexes really lend themselves to the Courtesan role IMO. Of course there's no reason why you could through in some levels of rogue as well, or perhaps bard would be even better!

Azelyan |

I was actually looking for thoughts on the actual Deadly Courtesan archetype, since it is going to be my first Rogue-like class. A witch was another one of my options until a friend wanted to play a spell caster.
My thoughts for the Witch was an Elven Slumber-ho. Cackle + Evil Eye + Slumber coup de grace combo. Maybe some Crafting feats/possibly some sort of Augmented Summoning depending on what I had for feats. Hadn't thought much more then that on it.

Hayato Ken |

Consider taking stuff that enhances or gives you more rounds of bardic performance, the traits and lingering performance etc, just like for a bard.
Invest in craft alchemy, perhaps some feats for it and make use of the poison stuff. Perhaps a ranged character could be good with that, using a bow or blowgun.
Then, flagbearer feat and a longspear. Combat expertise and gang-up help with doing damage. Invest in STR to hit, stay out of trouble^^. Adding a magical flag later can enhance your bardic abilities and support.
You could also double-wield and finesse kukris, since you are proficient.
Too bad the ninja trick flurry of starts requires a ki pool, which is based of WIS for rogues, so its difficult to make good use of shuriken.
Also get iron will! Let Wis be at last 10 and put some points into CON, your poison ability is based on that and you want some hitpoints i guess.

mplindustries |

I have to say, I don't really understand the point of Deadly Courtesan. You get the worst two bardic performances (Fascinate and Inspire Competence). Why would you want those?
I don't know, it seems like the only good part of it is the 8th level ability to trade performance rounds for an attack bonus. Is it worth spending your second level talent to get a pool of attack bonus points six levels later? I don't really think so.
If I were you, I'd just play the Rogue straight (well no, I'd never really recommend a Rogue--I'd actually suggest a Vivisectionist or Bard or something that does everything a Rogue does but better), instead of taking this lame archetype.

Azelyan |

I dont know why I wanted to the play this kind of character but I wanted a Bard/Rogue pathfinder. I can't seem to find another archtype that works parts of both in effectively. The build looks interesting, and I understand its not the most optimized, build possible, but its one I am thinking of playing.
Question: When it says The following rogue talents complement the deadly courtesan archetype: finesse rogue, stand up; charmer, coax information, fast fingers, honeyed words; convincing lie, deft palm. Does it mean I have to pick from these, for Ranger Talents? Or are they just suggestions.

mplindustries |

I dont know why I wanted to the play this kind of character but I wanted a Bard/Rogue pathfinder. I can't seem to find another archtype that works parts of both in effectively. The build looks interesting, and I understand its not the most optimized, build possible, but its one I am thinking of playing.
Question: When it says The following rogue talents complement the deadly courtesan archetype: finesse rogue, stand up; charmer, coax information, fast fingers, honeyed words; convincing lie, deft palm. Does it mean I have to pick from these, for Ranger Talents? Or are they just suggestions.
It's just a suggestion, not a requirement. And please don't take any of those except maybe Finesse Rogue, because they're lame.
As for Roguelike Bard archetypes:
Sandman gets Sneak Attack
Detective and Archaeologist get trap finding
And while Bards are awesome (and my favorite class), Evangelist Clerics and Sensei Monks also Bardic Performances.
Plus, there's always just refluffing--no reason your Fighter can't be a (lowercase) rogue or whatever. I never really know what people mean when they say stuff like they want to be a "Bard/Rogue." If it means the class features, then other class archetypes can get them. If it means the flavor, then any class can do that.

Azelyan |

1 - Two Weapon Fighting
2 - Nothing (Rogue Talent Becomes Bardic Performance)
3 - Lingering Performance (I get Bardic Performance at Level 2)
4 - Rogue Talent - Finesse Rogue
5 - Weapon Focus (Kukri)?
6 - Rogue Talent - Slow Reactions
7 - (Feat)
8 - Rogue Talent - Combat Feat - Improved Two Weapon Fighting
9 - (Feat)
10 - Advanced Rogue Talent - Entanglement of Blades
11 - Discordant Voice (Because she qualifies and it works with each hit of her two weapon fighting)
12 - (Rogue Talent)
13 - (Feat)
14 - (Rogue Talent)
15 - Greater Two Weapon Fighting
16 - (Rogue Talent)
17 - (Feat)
18 - (Rogue Talent)
19 - (Feat)
20 - (Rogue Talent)
Traits: Maestro of Society = +3 rounds of Bardic Performance (wouldn't come into play until level 2)
Reactionary = +2 Initiative
The only other character I have had is an Archer Ranger, so I have no had experience in putting together abilities for the rogue. This is what I have for my preliminary based on what I thought would work for her. Anyone else have suggestions on what other feats to take for the Deadly Courtesan?
Anyways stat wise she would probably be acting as the Face and as a Sneak attack Damage dealer, meaning the Two Stats I would moreso be focusing on is Dex and Cha. With the way we due stats, we get 18 of one skill and go down by one until theres 13 in our last skill. So mine would probably go.
Str - 17
Dex - 20 (18 + 2)
Con - 15
Int - 13
Wis - 12 (14 - 2)
Cha - 18 (16 + 2)
Additionally what are your thoughts on the Vishkanyas favored class for bonus compared to the extra skill/hp? Rogue: Add +1 to the rogue's CMD when resisting a grapple or reposition attempt.