Tempest_Knight |
PaizoCon 2013 Player Boon #5; Missing Mentor
- +1 bonus on Will saves against Fear spells and effects, and the DC to Intimidate you is increased by 3.
- +2 bonus on checks to stabilize when dying.
- +2 bonus to CMD against bull rush, drag, and reposition maneuvers.
Mask of Goblin Seeming
Season 5 Player Boon #10; Mounted Tradition
Catfolk: big cat (must be level 7)
Dhampir: wolf (must be level 7)
Goblin: goblin dog (must be level 4; Bestiary)
Tengu: axe beak (must be level 4; Bestiary 3)
Grippli: giant frog (must be level 4; Bestiary)
Kitsune: wolf (must be level 7)
Kobold: giant gecko (must be level 4; Bestiary 3)
Nagaji: giant chameleon (must be level 4; Bestiary 3)
Vishkanya: megalania (must be level 7; Bestiary 3)
Season 5 Player Boon #13; Personal Physician <Looking to keep for a character concept based off of Sherlock Holmes>
You may spend 4 Prestige Points to improve this follower. At the conclusion of each scenario, the physician can cast one of the following spells on your character with a caster level equal to your character level at no additional cost of gold or Prestige Points: remove blindness/deafness, remove curse, remove disease, or remove paralysis. If you have at least 25 Fame, the physician also reduces the Prestige Point cost of the following spellcasting services by 1 once per scenario: break enchantment, neutralize poison, or restoration.
The personal physician otherwise follows all of the rules for follower vanities.
Season 5 Player Boon #15; Seen it Once
List: Basalisk, Dark Naga, Demon-Babau, Demon-Succubus, Demon-Vrock, Derro, Devil-Bearded, Devil-Bone, Devil-Imp, Doppelganger, Elemental-Air, Elemental-Earth, Elemental-Fire, Elemental-Water, Ghost, Ghoul, Golem-Flesh, Golem-Stone, Grey Ooze, Harpy, Hill Giant, Mummy, Otyugh, Rakshasa, Rust Monster, Shadow, Skeleton, Sphinx, Vampire, Zombie.
GM Boon (Winter 2013); Elemental Ancestry (Water)/Paragon of the Society
(Paragon) A three time use luck bonus usable before (+4) or after (+2) a d20 roll, but before the result is known.
Triple Race Boon-Naga/Shade/Vulpine-Blooded
Season 6 Boon #4; Expanded Narrative
Season 6 Boon #5; Expedition Manager
In addition, as a free action, you gain a bonus on a Knowledge(arcana, history, planes, or religion) check equal to the number of PP that you spent. When you use the skill bonus, cross this boon off your Chronicle sheet.
Season 6 Boon #13; Personal Fixer
If you have 9 or more Fame, you may spend 1 PP to increase the starting sum to 50gp. If you have 18 or more Fame, you may spend 3 PP to increase thr sum to 100gp. If you have 27 or more Fame, you may spend 6 PP to increase thr sum to 150gp. If you have 27 or more Fame, you may spend 10 PP to increase thr sum to 250gp.
The factor otherwise follows all of the rules for follower vanities on pages 60-61 of the Pathfinder Society Field Guide.
Season 6 Boon #15; Technophobe
Any time you would glitch with an advanced technological armor, weapon, or other item, roll 1d6 and subtract it from the d% roll (minimum 1) to determine the glitch's results.
Season 6 Boon #17; Xenophile
Aasimar: Diplomacy
Android, Dhampir, Nagaji or Tengu: Perception
Catfolk: Survival
Changeling: Knowledge (arcana)
Fetchling or Oread: Knowledge (arcana)
Goblin or Wayang: Stealth
Grippli or Vanara: Climb
Ifrit: Perform (any one)
Kitsune: Acrobatics
Ratfolk: Use Magic Device
Samsaran: Knowledge (history or religion)
Skinwalker: Handle Animal
Suli: Sense Motive
Sylph: Fly
Tiefling: Bluff
Undine: Swin
Vishkanya: Escape Artist
Ratfolk boon
Vishkanya boon
skyshark Regional Venture-Coordinator, Northwest |
Ascalaphus Venture-Lieutenant, Netherlands—Leiden |
Tempest_Knight |
PaizoCon 2013 Player Boon #5; Missing Mentor
- +1 bonus on Will saves against Fear spells and effects, and the DC to Intimidate you is increased by 3.
- +2 bonus on checks to stabilize when dying.
- +2 bonus to CMD against bull rush, drag, and reposition maneuvers.
Mask of Goblin Seeming
Season 5 Player Boon #10; Mounted Tradition
Catfolk: big cat (must be level 7)
Dhampir: wolf (must be level 7)
Goblin: goblin dog (must be level 4; Bestiary)
Tengu: axe beak (must be level 4; Bestiary 3)
Grippli: giant frog (must be level 4; Bestiary)
Kitsune: wolf (must be level 7)
Kobold: giant gecko (must be level 4; Bestiary 3)
Nagaji: giant chameleon (must be level 4; Bestiary 3)
Vishkanya: megalania (must be level 7; Bestiary 3)
Season 5 Player Boon #13; Personal Physician
You may spend 4 Prestige Points to improve this follower. At the conclusion of each scenario, the physician can cast one of the following spells on your character with a caster level equal to your character level at no additional cost of gold or Prestige Points: remove blindness/deafness, remove curse, remove disease, or remove paralysis. If you have at least 25 Fame, the physician also reduces the Prestige Point cost of the following spellcasting services by 1 once per scenario: break enchantment, neutralize poison, or restoration.
The personal physician otherwise follows all of the rules for follower vanities.
<Looking to keep for a character concept based off of Sherlock Holmes>
Season 5 Player Boon #15; Seen it Once
List: Basalisk, Dark Naga, Demon-Babau, Demon-Succubus, Demon-Vrock, Derro, Devil-Bearded, Devil-Bone, Devil-Imp, Doppelganger, Elemental-Air, Elemental-Earth, Elemental-Fire, Elemental-Water, Ghost, Ghoul, Golem-Flesh, Golem-Stone, Grey Ooze, Harpy, Hill Giant, Mummy, Otyugh, Rakshasa, Rust Monster, Shadow, Skeleton, Sphinx, Vampire, Zombie.
GM Boon (Winter 2013); Elemental Ancestry (Water)/Paragon of the Society
(Paragon) A three time use luck bonus usable before (+4) or after (+2) a d20 roll, but before the result is known.
Triple Race Boon-Naga/Shade/Vulpine-Blooded
Season 6 Boon #4; Expanded Narrative
Season 6 Boon #5; Expedition Manager
In addition, as a free action, you gain a bonus on a Knowledge(arcana, history, planes, or religion) check equal to the number of PP that you spent. When you use the skill bonus, cross this boon off your Chronicle sheet.
Season 6 Boon #13; Personal Fixer
If you have 9 or more Fame, you may spend 1 PP to increase the starting sum to 50gp. If you have 18 or more Fame, you may spend 3 PP to increase thr sum to 100gp. If you have 27 or more Fame, you may spend 6 PP to increase thr sum to 150gp. If you have 27 or more Fame, you may spend 10 PP to increase thr sum to 250gp.
The factor otherwise follows all of the rules for follower vanities on pages 60-61 of the Pathfinder Society Field Guide.
Season 6 Boon #15; Technophobe
Any time you would glitch with an advanced technological armor, weapon, or other item, roll 1d6 and subtract it from the d% roll (minimum 1) to determine the glitch's results.
Season 6 Boon #17; Xenophile
Aasimar: Diplomacy
Android, Dhampir, Nagaji or Tengu: Perception
Catfolk: Survival
Changeling: Knowledge (arcana)
Fetchling or Oread: Knowledge (arcana)
Goblin or Wayang: Stealth
Grippli or Vanara: Climb
Ifrit: Perform (any one)
Kitsune: Acrobatics
Ratfolk: Use Magic Device
Samsaran: Knowledge (history or religion)
Skinwalker: Handle Animal
Suli: Sense Motive
Sylph: Fly
Tiefling: Bluff
Undine: Swin
Vishkanya: Escape Artist
[u]Want;[/u] (willing to make other trades...)
Ratfolk boon
Vishkanya boon
Skinwalker, Catfolk, and Android would be great... but I think those are all Auction boons...
CanisDirus Contributor |
I know they are probably very few and far between, but I'm trying to track down a dhampir boon for a local player who has been helping a lot of others out lately (and giving up boons he's earned for nothing in return). I have a bunch of things to possibly trade in return (from myself as well as 1-2 other local players who are helping me in this effort). Thanks!
XPathfinder Venture-Captain, South Carolina—Greenville |
A few pages back, there was a link to this spreadsheet, which as some info, but is clearly not complete.
While I'm here:
I'd like to trade my Oread for an Ifrit.
I'd like to trade my Mendevian Weapon Training for On the Job Training.I'd like to figure out any sort of deal possible for a Retraining Boon (minis, scenarios, etc. I've only got the two boons above and they're not enough.)
PM sent
GreySector RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8 |
A few pages back, there was a link to this spreadsheet, which as some info, but is clearly not complete.
I've updated the spreadsheet with the best information I have at the moment.
FiddlersGreen |
This might be a long-shot, but...
Offering: Sylph race boon, Expedition manager, Lingering Resonance (All 3)
Want: Someone to GM the PFS-sanctioned portions of "Mother, Maiden, Crone" between Friday 17 October 10 am GMT and Saturday 18 October 8pm GMT on Roll20/Google hangouts. Any time slot within that time period is fine. Players will need to be mustered (sorry for short notice, wish I'd thought of doing this sooner).
sanwah68 Venture-Captain, Australia—NSW—Greater West |
Arutema Venture-Agent, Texas—Houston |
cartmanbeck RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16 |
cartmanbeck RPG Superstar 2014 Top 16 |
Morgoon |
A few of my friends and I started up our own PFS at school, and we decided to all make characters based off of our majors, and I'm an aspiring geologist! I thought it would be terribly fun to play an elemental earth oread sorcerer. I bought the Advanced Race Guide but only now found out that I need the boon to play one in PFS. As I only just got into PFS and haven't been to any conventions I don't have any boons to offer you in exchange.
In exchange for an oread boon, I would be more than happy to make a $20 charitable donation to a charity of your choosing in your or one of your character's name.
Mike Bramnik |
A few of my friends and I started up our own PFS at school, and we decided to all make characters based off of our majors, and I'm an aspiring geologist! I thought it would be terribly fun to play an elemental earth oread sorcerer. I bought the Advanced Race Guide but only now found out that I need the boon to play one in PFS. As I only just got into PFS and haven't been to any conventions I don't have any boons to offer you in exchange.
In exchange for an oread boon, I would be more than happy to make a $20 charitable donation to a charity of your choosing in your or one of your character's name.
As a fellow geologist/geophysicist, I know *exactly* how you feel. I don't have any on me currently (minus the one I'm playing already), but if I come across one, young rockling, I'll be sure to let you know :)
Kyrand Venture-Captain, North Carolina—Central Region |
Jiggy RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |
skyshark Regional Venture-Coordinator, Northwest |
Gen Con 2013 GM Boon Tier 1 (Rebuild or Grippli, Vishkanya, Suli, Ifrit, Oread, Sylph, Or Undine) which I traded forWant:
Gen Con 2014 GM Boon Tier 1 (So I can make a Samsaran Psychic)
I have a 2014 Tier 1 Boon not currently in use, however, i'm looking for both a Grippli and a Ratfolk boon in trade.
skyshark Regional Venture-Coordinator, Northwest |
Something to thing about for all those people out there asking for character rebuilds aka Tier 1 GENCON boon...to get a Tier 1 boon, a GM must run a MINIMUM of 8 games at GENCON. There are a total of 10 slots to run over the course of GENCON. That leaves only those two four hour blocks of time that said GM can actually enjoy then Con, the rest of the entire Con they are running games. Although there may be a GM or two that may have no need for the Tier 1 boon, remember that they put in significants amount of time to earn it. Therefore your expectations should not be very high when looking for a Tier 1 boon if you are not offering up something to make it worth the time that GM spent getting the boon and the time sacrificed to not enjoy the rest of the Con.
....it only takes one game at a local con to get an elemental race boon
..edited to correct # of slots from 11 to 10
Sniggevert |
Something to thing about for all those people out there asking for character rebuilds aka Tier 1 GENCON boon...to get a Tier 1 boon, a GM must run a MINIMUM of 8 games at GENCON. There are a total of 11 slots to run over the course of GENCON. That leaves only those three four hour blocks of time that said GM can actually enjoy then Con, the rest of the entire Con they are running games. Although there may be a GM or two that may have no need for the Tier 1 boon, remember that they put in significants amount of time to earn it. Therefore your expectations should not be very high when looking for a Tier 1 boon if you are not offering up something to make it worth the time that GM spent getting the boon and the time sacrificed to not enjoy the rest of the Con.
....it only takes one game at a local con to get an elemental race boon
Actually, there's only 10 slots of PFS for GenCon. So it's 80% of the time at GenCon is GM'ing.
skyshark Regional Venture-Coordinator, Northwest |
skyshark wrote:Actually, there's only 10 slots of PFS for GenCon. So it's 80% of the time at GenCon is GM'ing.Something to thing about for all those people out there asking for character rebuilds aka Tier 1 GENCON boon...to get a Tier 1 boon, a GM must run a MINIMUM of 8 games at GENCON. There are a total of 11 slots to run over the course of GENCON. That leaves only those three four hour blocks of time that said GM can actually enjoy then Con, the rest of the entire Con they are running games. Although there may be a GM or two that may have no need for the Tier 1 boon, remember that they put in significants amount of time to earn it. Therefore your expectations should not be very high when looking for a Tier 1 boon if you are not offering up something to make it worth the time that GM spent getting the boon and the time sacrificed to not enjoy the rest of the Con.
....it only takes one game at a local con to get an elemental race boon
Ah yes, I was thinking there were two slots on Sunday