Advice needed for a blind character


I am envisioning trying to make a blind character who will wear a cloth or something over his eyes. I don't want to make him completely inept. I would like to give him some sort of ability to see through a pet or possible something like Neo in the matrix where he could still see somewhat even through the bandages over his eyes.

I was leaning toward a casting class to help make up for the fact that I cannot see the world like a normal person, and therefore I don't think I would want to move around in combat as much, however that is not a deal breaker.

So I am really looking for classes and feat/trait combos to help make something like this work. So far I have started with a black-blooded Oracle with the Mystery of bones which is what got me thinking about the whole blind thing. Kinda like a tormented soul being punished for something he did while alive and now he is being punished for it by not being able to completely travel to the after-world and being stuck trying to fix/pay for the wrong he did while he was alive.

Also, please note this is for a Path Finder Society, so please keep it to the legal items available in the PFS.

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What about the Clouded Vision curse, for the Oracle?
Is that not blindy enough?

Bladebound Magus with blindfighting maybe? Your sword has normal sight and hearing, and a telepathic link to you so you'll at least know which squares enemies are in.

Or an Oracle of Life, you'll eventually get the Lifesight ability.

I guess I am kinda stuck on the black-blooded Oracle part. I was hoping there might be some racial or other ability that could effect my eye sight in some way, but somehow make up for it though some other explanation so I am not a hindrance in a group.

These goggles make you mostly blind.

A custom item of this spell might be helpful.

I am currently finishing up playing a blind character. He uses blindsight (gained via magic item) and various scrying spells (targeted on himself) to navigate his surrounding. The scrying spells don't require the ability to actually see, but instead give you a sixth sense that functions like sight (or sound or both) over a designated area. It's been useful for me.

I did, however, wait until 5th level to strike him blind.

Tieflings have a variant racial trait called "Soul Seer" that lets them cast deathwatch at will, although it doesn't specifically say that you can see regular living people with it but its mighty close.

Grand Lodge

Oracle, or Oracle dip is the way to go.

The UE has 2 different items you are looking for. one is a blindfold that grants improved blind fight, and the other grants blind sense. then you can eventually upgrade to dragon sense with a third item.

im sorry i dont have the names of these items but they are in there.

i know a person who went with a Whirlwind fighter nd was very successful in his game. in pfs the gm will just need to hand wave the potential hitting of a teammate.

you could also go with a caster, but you would be useless beyond using buff spells, as you cant shoot AOE, because of the risk of hitting a friendly, or targeted spells without being able to see.

i will tell you that i played a blind swordsmen in 3.5, and while it was fun it was a hard character to play at times. my one piece of advice is stack your perception to 1000 if you can.

Third panel.

There's a 3.5 item called the Blindfold of True Darkness that grants blindsight out to 30 feet if that stuff is allowed, to add onto Jupp's post. 9,000 gold, so it's not TOO steep a price.

Lamontius wrote:

What about the Clouded Vision curse, for the Oracle?
Is that not blindy enough?

I say it could stand to be a little more blind, and a little more blind-sense and Blind sight.

At least if we're talking expectations here.

Measuring out the distances for the Oracle's Sights in reality, the 60 feet "Normal" vision is actually quite a fair distance. And if you're spending a lot of time indoors, you're never going to end up being disadvantaged by your "Normal sight", as most rooms I've seen in reality aren't 60 foot long. As for blind Sight, you'd have to have them right next to you before it mattered or did any good.

So yeah, I'd probably reverse the figures. making normal sight 15 feet, Blind sight 30 feet, Blind sense 60 feet.

But that's just my expectations. Practically in a campaign, the longer blind-sight is more useful than regular vision, save for when you need to read something.

Not that I don't think that such a boost in effectiveness isn't good, or that it's unbalanced. Just that it's not for everyone.

I'd use adjusted figures... But I'm sure few others will.

But I digress. I've gone a bit off topic, and this is just a tiny bit necromantic. So, oh well.

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