Count Haserton Lowis IV

Radical Edgar's page

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The first experience with DND that i ever had was a half-orc barbarian named Goldar, and he had (for background reasons) a pet guard dog. The first game i played with him was a bizarre 1 session game of capture the flag, with a map drawn out of a series of interconnected caves. The first time i got to roll the D20 was against an elven fighter using a rapier. Goldar himself only landed a glancing blow against her, but my dog, Woofwoof, landed a critical hit and tore her throat out. I was hooked.

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I know most people have done the old "party meets in tavern" thing, but what are some of the more unique ways you guys have had campaigns start?

My personal fav was when the party started out as guards for a small caravan, but orc raiders ambushed said caravan and spooked the horses, causes them to bolt and resulting in a high speed chase between the party and the orc raiders with their dire wolf mounts.

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Tiel De'ar (TL;DR)

Tieflings have a variant racial trait called "Soul Seer" that lets them cast deathwatch at will, although it doesn't specifically say that you can see regular living people with it but its mighty close.