Command Undead (Su) Question

Rules Questions

The Command undead ability says this:

"Intelligent undead receive a new saving throw each day to resist your command."

Does that mean they get a new save 1 day or 24 hours from when you commanded them?

Or, do all the intelligent undead receive a saving throw at say dawn or midnight every day, regardless of when they were commanded?

kmdietri wrote:

The Command undead ability says this:

"Intelligent undead receive a new saving throw each day to resist your command."

Does that mean it has a duration of 1 day?

I believe the Command Undead feat does not have a duration. Mindless undead are your slaves forever, intelligent undead are your friends until they make the save.

Whichever ability you're referring to might work differently, if it doesn't simply grant the feat.

Sorry, I clarified what I meant in my original post.


It's not defined. GM fiat.

Shadow Lodge

Just go with every 24 hours.

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