This is the discussion thread for two campaigns:

The Mead Hall (EverQuest RPG PBP)

Play-by-Post Discussion

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Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress
Revery wrote:
Sorry, but what's a proc check?

Some magic weapons can deliver a process effect, or a proc.

To determine if a weapon, capable of such an effect, does "proc" on a successful attack, the attacker must make a successful proc check, which is a dexterity check against the proc DC for the weapon.

This particular shiv "procs" darkness on a successful hit, if the dex check is successful vs. the weapon's proc DC.

Revery (Erudite Enchanter) in somnis veritas // Kspress (Iksar Monk) Your pain is the breaking of your shell.

We needs to get usses some o dem proc weaponzes!

Revery (Erudite Enchanter) in somnis veritas // Kspress (Iksar Monk) Your pain is the breaking of your shell.

Revery has no Dervish ring, having given his to Kwen back in Freeport.

Also, is there any hope, using each other and Revery's pet, to get into a position to avoid backstabs? They are killing us!

Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress
Revery wrote:

Revery has no Dervish ring, having given his to Kwen back in Freeport.

Also, is there any hope, using each other and Revery's pet, to get into a position to avoid backstabs? They are killing us!

Oh the ring was my next hint, in a series of hints, to not destroy this encounter by advertising that you've killed their brethren. Then Gwendalyn advertised that she's killed their brethren, so that diplomacy/intimidate roll better be f!**ing amazing. I am big on characters living long and adventurous lives, but when I warn people against a course...

Worry not about backstabs, my latest post opens you up for a different sort of fight :)

Barbarian Shaman (Luminary Gwendalyn Shaughnessy the Giant Slayer)

Re: the ring: at the rate we were taking damage, and on the losing side with Gulleg down, I couldn't picture us living much longer without radical action. Gwendalyn had already killed three of them right there, and I wanted to position her as powerful enough to negotiate with. Anyway, that was my reasoning. Hope it doesn't blow things up.

Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress
Gwendalyn wrote:
Re: the ring: at the rate we were taking damage, and on the losing side with Gulleg down, I couldn't picture us living much longer without radical action. Gwendalyn had already killed three of them right there, and I wanted to position her as powerful enough to negotiate with. Anyway, that was my reasoning. Hope it doesn't blow things up.

Take not my comment as an indictment of your choice, it is simply me pointing out that I had warned against making your murder known, so if PC blood must be spilled then my hands remain clean.

Without risk the reward is usually rather vanilla, so I don't mind putting your neck on the line, as long as you don't. I must admit that if you don't hit at least a DC 15 I will likely use your skull as an ashtray :)

Either way: diplomacy is a full-round action, so would you like me to take your words as your action last round, or this next one?

Barbarian Shaman (Luminary Gwendalyn Shaughnessy the Giant Slayer)

Hmmm. After careful consideration, my answer is neither. I'd like to keep last round's actions and treat the words as free-action speech, with the Diplomacy roll being for this next round's action. (And damn, I really need to stop gambling like that.)

My reasoning is this: I don't want to retcon a post that I very much like, and the words and actions were intertwined. If I have to give up a full-round action for Diplomacy, then I'd rather it be in the next round.

I accept having to pay the necessary cost for the action economy, but I don't want to roleplay that Gwendalyn said "Or more of us can die!" and then just stood there, instead of emphasizing it by killing a man. Or that she killed him silently, and then later says words that would no longer make sense with Gulleg back up. Or that the post stands as written, and then she stands there drooling for a round.

So, I think that one way to make it all work would be to treat those brief statements as a free action in mechanical terms (albeit part of the "diplomacy"), and allow Gwen to say a little more in the upcoming round, but just for roleplaying -- still just the one Diplomacy roll, and still a full-round action taken for it.

ETA: Damn, I just realized that her two-handed hammer attacks should've been at +15 to damage, not +10.

Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress
Xenh wrote:


If I can get everyone put crazy energy into the game, consisting of solid posts of roleplaying substance, from today until Sunday then you will all ding level 4 on Monday morning.

Somewhere in there I would love physical descriptions of characters, and some semblance of motivations and backstory. My hope is that this will help the group to gel together, and coalesce your character concept further in my minds, now that you've had a few months to look out of your PC's jellied orbs.

If you all go above and beyond your ding to level 5 will come shortly thereafter.

<leaves a trail of levelling breadcrumbs>


Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress
Evil JB wrote:
The magical circle allows a spell caster to teleport himself and anyone else to Freeport at the cost of hitpoints as it drains the health of the spell caster. While the draining isn't permanent, it will take 2% of a spell caster's mana pool away if they are unable to cast the spell/have access to it. That 10% of the mana pool is gone forever. The health draining is due to the spell caster if to power the circle with a liter of there own blood.

It is early, so I might just be vacant here. Forgive if the answer is obvious.

Is it 2% or 10% of the caster's mana permanently gone?

Revery (Erudite Enchanter) in somnis veritas // Kspress (Iksar Monk) Your pain is the breaking of your shell.

What is a Dismal Rage?

And, are we supposed to keep track of our own faction adjustments?

Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress
Revery wrote:
What is a Dismal Rage?

Church of the Dismal Rage are the clerics in Freeport that serve Innoruuk. Your characters know this not, since they haven't encountered this faction yet, but they are a very powerful faction for evil within Freeport, and they know a bit about you.

Revery wrote:
And, are we supposed to keep track of our own faction adjustments?

There is profound benefit to have this tracked and kept on the google document, since it provides bonuses to social rolls in the game. To make life easier I will only be providing group faction adjustments, rather than bonuses/negatives to specific members of your party.

Sorry, tough week at work. I'll post tonight.

Game master

It is supposed to read 2% of health away 10% mana drain if the spell caster cannot cast the spell yet/at all. I thought that I had fixed that typo but I must have missed it.

Cthulhu-Spawn DM/crazy person

Crap, I was working on the post for evils game at about the same time, so I didn't notice Mike's post, my bad.

So, just mod it in your head so that it makes sense when mentally building the scene everybody :)

Barbarian Shaman (Luminary Gwendalyn Shaughnessy the Giant Slayer)
Xenh wrote:
None save the party of the most trusted slaves could read the words, that much had to be sworn to for the quest to be given. Breaking that oath would eliminate any more assistance from the iksar master, and the quest would be lost to you.

Oops, didn't go back far enough to remember that part, and Sajeek didn't quote it fully later, though he referenced the slave part at first.

Cthulhu-Spawn DM/crazy person

Sorry Xenh and EJB about not posting yesterday, RL schedule was a bit jacked up, not a good excuse, but it's all I have. Will do my best to make up for it :)

Revery (Erudite Enchanter) in somnis veritas // Kspress (Iksar Monk) Your pain is the breaking of your shell.

Lessons learned (but not yet applied):
1. When joining a large battle, especially involving rogue types, position ourselves to avoid being flanked.
2. If a potential battle or encounter is at a known location, scout the location prior and make some kind of plan.

Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress
Tentacledone wrote:
Sorry Xenh and EJB about not posting yesterday, RL schedule was a bit jacked up, not a good excuse, but it's all I have. Will do my best to make up for it :)

I appreciate you both touching base and letting me know. It's appreciated.

Piter de Colmar (Human Shadow Knight) The hour has arrived to abandon theories and go directly to what is practical.

Can we just use Piter's earlier questions to the troll, who I assumed was awake, for him now? I would have thought he would have woken up by himself, having a 10% chance per minute, plus healing naturally and extra fast.

Oh, and the only Goblin Piter questioned was Sajeck...

Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress

This is one of those things that we will just call "magic" and anyone that thinks too hard about it will likely get a headache.

The two games are in the same universe, and have a lot of the same elements, but the moment the games split that's where you're needing to forget they were connected.

Read: my Chessboard Island had a very different makeup than Jeremy's, which matters when the group comes back to visit the undead iksar. His island being different than my island is awesome and supports his story, but it's not necessarily consistent with what I planned, and considering that neither one of us has behind the scenes knowledge of the other game, this works out just fine.

So just MIB Mind Flash Thingy yourself and it's all good.

Revery (Erudite Enchanter) in somnis veritas // Kspress (Iksar Monk) Your pain is the breaking of your shell.

Or, it's a different island..


Have you ever been in a situation where an emotionally-abusive supervisor was keeping poor workers, because you were always short-handed? Because anyone with potential immediately quit? And so you were doing half of the hardest work (since you were the only other one who could), while constantly training new people -- since the supervisor was a horrible trainer -- and being paid the same as the ones that were only given easy tasks? I'm so tired all the time, it's reached the point that even my own dad thinks that I should stop caring about my job, in order to save my energy for looking for a better one. :|

Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress
Revery wrote:
Or, it's a different island..

That's a hard one to justify since Nogglegrop connects the two.

The group landed on an island, and then met Nogglegrop after he escaped from the evils on the very same island.

Fredrik wrote:
Have you ever been in a situation where an emotionally-abusive supervisor was keeping poor workers, because you were always short-handed?

Sorry to hear that things are turning out that way, that sucks.

I recommend posting frequently and solidly to make you feel better ~

Revery (Erudite Enchanter) in somnis veritas // Kspress (Iksar Monk) Your pain is the breaking of your shell.

Noggy is a great swimmer!

When work sucks, life is not happy. I can't know your situation, but it sounds to me like it's time to look for another job. I agree with your dad, I think. Good luck..

Cthulhu-Spawn DM/crazy person

I suggest: blackmail! get everything he does documented and take it to H.R. Bwahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!

Course, I'm batshit crazy, so not sure how good my RL advice is. My advice is a middle finger to RL (;,,;)

Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress
Xenh wrote:

Somewhere in there I would love physical descriptions of characters, and some semblance of motivations and backstory. My hope is that this will help the group to gel together, and coalesce your character concept further in my minds, now that you've had a few months to look out of your PC's jellied orbs.

If you all go above and beyond your ding to level 5 will come shortly thereafter.

<leaves a trail of levelling breadcrumbs>

Roleplaying opportunity here: I will be taking a backseat for the next week, primarily just playing Nogglegrop, and open everyone up to stretch their writing muscles. Feel free to take liberties with the NPCs (within reason) to make your writing especially interesting as you clean, learn the tongue, and meet the occupants of the Flesh Palace.

I toss the above in as a reminder of the things I am looking for the group to start exploring each other, and their own character concepts.

You have a week to get your next plan of action, or actions together.

Good luck.

Game master

Ahh this is the same island, the evil group just happened to land on the opposite side of the island. Also, challenge accepted for the good game.

Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress
Evil JB wrote:
Ahh this is the same island, the evil group just happened to land on the opposite side of the island.

Gotcha, never mind my last then.

Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress

Great start to the week!

I can see this evolving from background, to explore background, to lock in character concept, to explain motivation, to what you want in the future, to planning what the group is going to do and why, then DING level 5!

Barbarian Shaman (Luminary Gwendalyn Shaughnessy the Giant Slayer)

Gwendalyn's account shouldn't be taken as gospel truth because it's been awhile, and memories get fuzzy.

Cthulhu-Spawn DM/crazy person

Woke up from a surprise nap a little on the late side of things, working on posts now :)

Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress

Just got home from a day of travel...working on posts now!

Cthulhu-Spawn DM/crazy person

hahahaaha!!!! posted before the DM!!!!!

Game master

The Demilich is throwing out treat's for the evil game, have we all been slightly eeeeeevvvvillll? Hmmmm, remember I'm watching you! Also super-villainitcs means that you suffer from delusions of grandeur, megalomania, and monologging. Suffers of SV, are fatal, in 9 out of 10 cases that is :) (joking)
Yup throwing out a reward or some nice little perks for the next couple of days of posting. This will also help me move the game along a little bit faster, after all the evil party has a whole year (game time) to bump into the good group.

Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress

The Torture Chamber is moving ahead tomorrow morning.

Whether you will be level 4 or 5 upon the 'morrow will be up today's posting.

<trail of breadcrumbs to lure out energy, passion and roleplaying>

Revery (Erudite Enchanter) in somnis veritas // Kspress (Iksar Monk) Your pain is the breaking of your shell.

I was busy on the weekend and today I'm very tired. I don't have energy to create much interesting prose right now...

Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress

Nogglegrop has DINGed, and is ready for fine-toothed combing.

Revery (Erudite Enchanter) in somnis veritas // Kspress (Iksar Monk) Your pain is the breaking of your shell.

Gwendalyn and I had better post some good posts if we want to catch up to the others!

male Half Elf Rogue /Markus Vardin Human cleric (Giant Slayer Blackguard Kwenilithmor Eridosan)

Kwen is ready for looking over. Man I really wish I had stopped getting just 6's for all my dice rolls.

Revery (Erudite Enchanter) in somnis veritas // Kspress (Iksar Monk) Your pain is the breaking of your shell.

- List Iksar under languages, not just skills.
- Where did all your training points get spent? (Didn't I ask that last time?)
- That should allow me to calculate your skill points ((5+3)x(6+3) = 72) Please write down where they came from.
- Kwen still has 12 waterskins?
- (check not complete, but mostly...)

For the GM: For those of us without language as a class skill, we will need to spend 6 pts to get 3 ranks, right?

Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress
Revery wrote:
For the GM: For those of us without language as a class skill, we will need to spend 6 pts to get 3 ranks, right?

Yes indeed.

If memory serves it is only BRD, CLR, MNK, ROG and WIZ that get language as a class skill.

male Half Elf Rogue /Markus Vardin Human cleric (Giant Slayer Blackguard Kwenilithmor Eridosan)

I had 67 skill points for level 4 level 5 netted a total of 76, I took the rogue talent at 5 level and put it toward skill points which added 3 + INT mod for a total of 82. Remember I got 4 skill points at first level only.
so normally it would be 72 with out the 4 skill points for being half elf, and not taking the Rogue Talent skills.
My training points are right under "Feats and Special Abilities. At 4th level I didn't have enough points to increase any abilities. This level I put 12 points into my WISDOM score, bringing it from 11 to 12. I put another point into Cold Resistance and another point into Fire Resistance. I have 1 training point left out of a total of 25, also I forgot to sell some of my water skins, and pick up some new armor :)
and for Language Iksar is now there: Where would you like me to put my resistances at to ease your auditing and and training points as well?

Revery (Erudite Enchanter) in somnis veritas // Kspress (Iksar Monk) Your pain is the breaking of your shell.

I just want you to write down (not here, on your character sheet!) where the skill points came from and where the training points went. Loki asks me to check the sheets every level, so I have to check the numbers. We all make mistakes (well, I do), so another set of eyes just helps avoid that.

Even just "8x(6+3Int) +4HE + 6RA(skills)= 82" would be enough for skills. Then I can see where they all came from. Can you do the same with training points. Just copy what you wrote above and paste it onto your sheet somewhere.

You have Resistances under Feats and Special Abilities, which is fine.

Silver Crusade


I'll be traveling for the next 5 days (Wed to Sun), but I expect to be able to be online each of those days, for a while at least. Just, like, so you know.

Revery (Erudite Enchanter) in somnis veritas // Kspress (Iksar Monk) Your pain is the breaking of your shell.

- Your total attack bonuses for your thrown weapons should be the same as for your bow (+7).
- Weapon delays of kukri and shortbow are both standard.

That's all I've got at this late hour!

Revery (Erudite Enchanter) in somnis veritas // Kspress (Iksar Monk) Your pain is the breaking of your shell.

Bonus spells are any two spells of level 3 or lower, written in our spellbooks?

Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress

'twas a wonderful time for a critical success on a language roll. Too bad it was someone with cross class in language though :)

The tongue of the iksar is not one that is widely known, for the reclusive lizardmen would execute anyone that taught it (probably kill them twice if they found out that it was taught to a "softskin"). Read: unless you were willing to utilize torture, you weren't going to learn this language otherwise.

Those with higher ranks can teach it to those lower than them, and considering that 4 ranks is fluency, you have dominated this task.

Michael New wrote:
I'll be traveling for the next 5 days (Wed to Sun), but I expect to be able to be online each of those days, for a while at least. Just, like, so you know.

Danke for the heads up!

Revery wrote:
Bonus spells are any two spells of level 3 or lower, written in our spellbooks?

Yes sir, two new spells, of any level you can cast, that you have in your book without worry about rolls, time, or cost.

Barbarian Shaman (Luminary Gwendalyn Shaughnessy the Giant Slayer)

I just noticed that I completely forgot to choose a spirit mastery at 4th. Hmmm. Choices, choices...

ETA: Ooh, totem spirit! Nice. Spells chosen were Light Healing and Talisman of the Beast. I think that the sheet is ready for inspection (except for fixing her background).

Cthulhu-Spawn DM/crazy person

been sick and tired and catching up on sleep. will have the leveling crap done tomorrow, and I'll try to post from my phone tonight at work.

Angels bleed from the tainted touch of my caress

Glad to see how fast everyone is levelling.

Keep in mind that you remain level 4 until Mike has vetted your character sheet and you rest for the night.

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