Ridiculous items

Forum Games

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Heward's Handy Haberdasher

Efreeti Tumbler

Elixir of Horseradish Sauce

Randarak wrote:
Elixir of Horseradish Sauce

My Roommates son would LOVE that. Especially if it was full of Arby's Horsey sauce.

Elixir of Twinning

Talisman of the Spurs

Alternatively, Talisman of the Spear

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Foil Hat of Invisibility - While wearing said hat you are invisible to all government officials (such as Law enforcement) as per the spell Greater Invisibility. But it ONLY works on government officials. Everyone else can still see you.

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Ring of Invulnerability--This ring, while worn, is completely impervious to any and all damage.

Shadowborn wrote:
Ring of Invulnerability--This ring, while worn, is completely impervious to any and all damage.

But only the ring. LOL

Scarab Sages

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Ration Sack of the Coiled Serpent - "*proffers sack* More lembas, Frodo?" "Why, yes, thank y-*SPROING!*GAAAAAAUGH!!!"

Broom of Sweeping

Shadow Lodge

boccob's messed book

Scarab Sages

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Glasses of Sanctuary - You wouldn't hit a guy wearing these, wouldja?

Handy-Dandy Notebook - Users can draw simple pictures in it 3/day, which will then become minor images that float above the user's head for ease of contemplation.

Goggles of Futility - They do nothing!

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Figurine's of Minimus Power - These small metal miniatures of seemingly heroic figures and monstrous creatures bear a slight magic aura. They have each been slightly painted. They perform no useful function, however, and any attempt to finish the painting of said miniatures seems to take a ridiculous amount of time, and never seems to get completed, no matter how much time is spent painting them.

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Golem Manuel - It can speak and understand Spanish.

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Big Toe of the Mage

Harp of Chumming - Useful when fishing for big game

Scarab Sages

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Bonus Feet

Whoopee Cushion of the Seven Winds

Scarab Sages

Figurine of Wondrous Power: Silver Monkey - can be used to detect and open secret doors, but keeps falling apart for some reason.

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Shadowborn wrote:
Ring of Invulnerability--This ring, while worn, is completely impervious to any and all damage.

That could actually be useful. Like when it's made into a lich's phylactery...

Bottle of Farts

Crafting PreReq: 37 bean and beer filled dwarves.

Cloak of ElvenKids.

Pearl of Powder. First time you pop it into your mouth, it becomes candy and dissolves.

SodiumTelluride wrote:
Shadowborn wrote:
Ring of Invulnerability--This ring, while worn, is completely impervious to any and all damage.
That could actually be useful. Like when it's made into a lich's phylactery...

Sure, until you kill whoever is wearing the ring. Then the ring can be destroyed just like any other ring. No Mount Doom needed or anything.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Ring of Spell Turning.

When activated, a voice comes from the ring that says "Turning. T-U-R-N-I-N-G. Turning." This repeats until the ring is deactivated.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Seal Bane Club

Bonuses to attack and damage when clubbing baby seals.

krevon wrote:

Seal Bane Club

Bonuses to attack and damage when clubbing baby seals.

... and the definition for clubbing in this case is at a night club with disco balls and such.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Ever broke bottle.

Option 1: This bottle is cracked beyond usability. Any attempt to repair the bottle fails.

Option 2: when unstoppered this bottle whines incessantly about having no money.

Tiny Coffee Golem

This tiny golem pours coffee into an inter-dimensionsal space by drinking it.

A command word causes it pee coffee into the speakers mouth.

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Torso of Vecna.

krevon wrote:

Tiny Coffee Golem

This tiny golem pours coffee into an inter-dimensionsal space by drinking it.

A command word causes it pee coffee into the speakers mouth.

I don't go to those kind of parties anymore. Things got ... weird.

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Cloak of the Otyugh - lets the wearer transform into an otyugh.

Braces of Armor - Orthodontic instruments of protection.

Glasses of Seeing - Improves the wearer's vision to normal levels.

Headpiece of the Worm - A stuffed mouth of a purple worm, when worn it is bigger than a sombrero and still doesn't do much to provide shade.

Boots of the Titan - Stylish leather boots in size 382 (eur), that do not resize when worn. In a pinch, they can be used as canoes, tents, or the like.

The Exchange

Noose of Flying

Snot Rag of Holding

Porn of Plenty

Sponge of Observation

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GoatToucher wrote:
Porn of Plenty

I believe that's called "The Internet."

3 people marked this as a favorite.

The Pornucopia, you mean?

That -has- to be an actual website, but I'm not going to check at work.

It's actually an HBO documentary series. Also, a book by Piers Anthony.

Shadow Lodge

Pan of frying

Liberty's Edge

Dimension Door Peeps

Shadow Lodge

Bunny slippers of leaping and flopping

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Seeking, Distance, Impact, Returning Throwing Halfing.

Liberty's Edge

Impracticle Weapon of Impracticleness

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Sword of the Split Infinitive
Hammer of Dangling Participles
Dagger of the Serif

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Oxford Kama

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Sword of Sans Serif
Arrows of Re-Noun
Shield of Re-Verb-eration

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