The Golux |

Would an additional feat that enabled Elven Curve Blades to be used as Scimitars for Dervish Dance or an alternate feat that allowed you to get dex to damage for them be reasonable or balanced? What kind of prerequisites and limitations should it have? And what would you think would be the best way to work around or alter the restrictions about what you can do with your off-hand? My initial thought was something to the effect of 5 ranks in dance and maybe a higher dex requirement (not sure, since that would boost the damage) plus Elven Curve Blade Proficienct (on top of the reqs for dervish dance) for an additional feat whose text was mostly "You can use Elven Curve Blades as Scimitars for the purposes of the Dervish Dance feat and that weilding an elven curve blade two-handed doesn't count as weilding a weapon or shield in the other hand, or something, but you don't get any additional damage from the two-handedness (or power attack).
Actually, can you even use power attack with finesse? It seems kind of counterintuitive, but I don't see any specific prohibition.

The Golux |

What's wrong with the agile weapon enhancement?
Nothing particular, I was just trying to think of a non-individual-weapon-dependent way to do it (though Elven Curve Blades are rare, so that's not that likely to come up), and considering the value of feats vs enchantments on a weapon, depending on class and whatnot.

Lemmy |

Where's Weapon Mastery from? And I'm not sure it would work simply anyway, since dervish dance has specific language about the other hand, and the ECB is two-handed.
I can't check where it's from right now (nowadays I build my characters using HL). I'm sure someone will do that for us (os has already done and ninja'd me), otherwise I'll check when I get home.
But you do have a point. I momentarily forgot ECB is two-handed. So it can't be used with Dervish Dance.
(BTW, is there any rule for using a two-handed weapon with one hand? Or is it one of those things that simply impossible instead of very difficult or impractical??)

BeowulfIam |

Yeah, I think he's going for house ruling a feat to allow it to happen. As far as balanced or not, it should be stated that power attack applies only as if you were holding the ECB in one hand and not two. That way you're essentially boosting the damage during Dervish Dance by 2 (Average 3.5 on 1d6 to 5.5 on 1d10) but taking away the ability of the user to hold anything like potions or using touch attacks with their off-hand.

Cheapy |

Dervish dance is specifically meant to reward one-handed fighters. Making it work with a two-hander is just...weird.
And a higher dex a prerequisite for the feat isn't a prerequisite at all. With such stat ability consolidation abilities, they'll just put as many points as possible into Dex. If you're going to go ahead with this, give it a real prerequisite. Like Skill Focus (Dance). Or Acrobatic.

Nicos |
Dervish dance is specifically meant to reward one-handed fighters. Making it work with a two-hander is just...weird.
And a higher dex a prerequisite for the feat isn't a prerequisite at all. With such stat ability consolidation abilities, they'll just put as many points as possible into Dex. If you're going to go ahead with this, give it a real prerequisite. Like Skill Focus (Dance). Or Acrobatic.
I do not see why to make the feat harder to take. The benefits of dervish dance do not improve for a two hander. It will just a dervish dancer with a higher weapon dice.

![]() |

A feat for DEX to damage with an ECB would probably be okay as long as you track encumbrance in your games. That is, even a DEX fighter usually wants some STR so he can move at full speed. With that in mind, someone with 18 DEX and 14 STR using an ECB has +3 to damage due to STR. Switching to DEX ala Dervish Dance/Agile enchantment ups it to +4. Is +1 damage worth a feat? If you get a DEX belt later, it becomes equivalent to Weapon Specialization, only without the fighter requirement.
So it seems like a reasonable option (one I personally wouldn't bother taking - I'd just grab Power Attack and call it good). But that's just me.

BeowulfIam |

This is how I imagine it would look. The Elf prereq is mostly for flavor, but I suppose could be optional to the house ruler.
Elven Curve Dance (Combat)
You dance across the battlefield with a larger than expected weapon and leave everyone in pieces.
Prerequisites: Dexterity 13, Weapon Finesse, Perform (dance) 5 ranks, proficient with scimitar, Dervish Dance, proficient with Elven Curve Blade, Skill Focus: Dance, Elf.
Benefit: When wielding an Elven Curve Blade, you can treat it as a scimitar being wielded in one hand for the purposes of Dervish Dance. You must still wield the Elven Curve Blade in two hands.
Special: When using Power Attack in conjunction with this feat, you must treat the attack as a one-handed attack. In order to treat it as a two-handed attack while using Power Attack, you must use your strength modifier for damage as normal.