![]() Waaaaay back in 2nd Ed AD&D, our GM had a house rule of making a Con check(roll d20, equal to or less than your Con to succeed for you youngsters who never played 2nd) to wake up if things were happening around you and no one was making a direct effort to wake you up. The first time he announced this was when a vampire attacked a party member in an inn we were staying at. At the time, I was playing a Rogue who had rolled a 17 Con. So, after failing 2 rolls that night, I just chalked it up to bad luck. The next four encounters that occured while I was sleeping, with multiple opportunities each, I never succeeded on my Con checks. After that 4th encounter, my GM and I both came to an agreement. Unless someone was actively trying to wake him up, my character slept through anything and everything. ![]()
![]() 939. Not every old man in Ustalav is secretly a vampire. Some of them are liches.
![]() Just a few that have yet to be mentioned. Delita Heiral, of Final Fantasy Tactics. Ruthless. Manipulative. Cutthroat. Uses and manipulates a civil war, rising from an obscure commoner to King, through the sacrifice of his sister, best friend, and even the woman he loves. Elijah Price, a.k.a. Mr Glass, of Unbreakable. Murdered hundreds, possibly thousands, just to prove that he wasn't alone, wasn't an accident. Azazal, Fallen. Tiiiiiiime is on my side... ![]()
![]() After the destruction of our first ship, the Wandering Damage, our second ship was named after random flavor text used previously in the adventure, the Dread Silence. Subsequent ships have been dubbed Maelstrom's Edge and Stolen Kiss. A fourth ship was...acquired...in our last session last night, but she has not yet been named. ![]()
![]() After over an hour of debate and name pitching(we are mostly the same group of people who were distracted for over an hour by plans on what to do when a magical accident left us with a Large angora rabbit, and who sought to weaponize green slime, brown mold, poison oak, and walls of stone) we finally agreed to vote, elimination style, on a name. Names ranged from the serious(The Payback) to the comical(the previously seen in this thread She's One of Ours Sir & Don't Sink Me Bro) to the purely ridiculous(Money Shot) to the pure pop culture reference(Revenge, S.S. Date Rape, & The Orca) we eventually decided to christen the ship with one of our groups old in-jokes... The Wandering Damage ![]()
![]() AnnoyingOrange wrote:
From the PRD Cast a Spell A spell that takes one round to cast is a full-round action. It comes into effect just before the beginning of your turn in the round after you began casting the spell. You then act normally after the spell is completed. A spell that takes 1 minute to cast comes into effect just before your turn 1 minute later (and for each of those 10 rounds, you are casting a spell as a full-round action). These actions must be consecutive and uninterrupted, or the spell automatically fails. When you begin a spell that takes 1 round or longer to cast, you must continue the invocations, gestures, and concentration from 1 round to just before your turn in the next round (at least). If you lose concentration after starting the spell and before it is complete, you lose the spell. You only provoke attacks of opportunity when you begin casting a spell, even though you might continue casting for at least 1 full round. While casting a spell, you don't threaten any squares around you. This action is otherwise identical to the cast a spell action described under Standard Actions. ![]()
![]() 1 - It's a lot of backchecking, but I would allow any ability granted by any of the spells upon which it is based. Polymorph any Object being based off (Greater)Polymorph, which allows the subject the abilites granted by Beast Shape IV, Elemental Body III, Dragon Body I, or Alter Self. 2 - From the last line of the PRD on Polymorph any object
![]() Clockwork pickle wrote:
From the Pathfinder SRD Quote: True seeing, however, does not penetrate solid objects. It in no way confers X-ray vision or its equivalent. It does not negate concealment, including that caused by fog and the like. True seeing does not help the viewer see through mundane disguises, spot creatures who are simply hiding, or notice secret doors hidden by mundane means. So, no, true seeing should NOT help you find people using HiPS. ![]()
![]() Quote: An eldritch blast is a ray with a range of 60 feet. It is a ranged touch attack that affects a single target, allowing no saving throw. An eldritch blast deals 1d6 points of damage, with an additional 1d6 points of damage every two levels thereafter (3rd, 5th, 7th, etc.). An eldritch blast is the equivalent of a spell whose level is equal to one-half the warlock’s class level (rounded down) with a minimum spell level of 1st and a maximum of 9th when a warlock reaches 18th level or higher. I know this is your personal conversion, but didn't they errata out the scaling level of eldritch blast, because it would explicitly exclude the warlock from ever making use of feats like Empower Spell-Like Ability or Quicken Spell-Like Ability? Such feats can only be used on SLA's with an equivalent level much lower than the creature's caster level. ![]()
![]() Quote: I wish that I could do any sort of crazy, dangerous, or illegal act without getting harmed, arrested, killed, or committed to a mental institution. Granted. Unfortunately, now that your term as President of the United Statese is over, no one much cares about you. I wish I had an easier time finding shoes that fit. ![]()
![]() Sebastian wrote:
I'm just curious. Where are you seeing reference to a charm monster there? I just poked back through the strips and I'm not seeing it. Personally, I just see V's current action as nothing but the logical outcome of his perceived failures in the battle against Xyklon, his obsession with locating his friends, and his frustration at his magic still not solving all of his problems. Oh, and sleep(or the elven equivalent) deprivation. ![]()
![]() Sorry for the long post, been awhile since I've updated this. Here goes... PC Name: Brother Joshua (Human cleric 9)
PC Name: Zhakarai (Human scout 9)
PC Name: Zhakarai (Human scout 8)
PC Name: Nidget (Tiefling wizard/sandshaper 11)
PC Name: Ixit (Poisondusk lizardfolk druid/warshaper 12)
PC Name: Brother Joshua (human cleric 12)
This brings our campaign's grand total of deaths up to 12. Deadliest fights would have to be the fight with the Kelvos and the 2 sword archons, and the fight against the spawns of Kyuss and Bozal Zahol. Close calls include the battles with The Faceless One and Grallak Kur in Three faces of Evil, and the fight with the Harbinger(maze + paralyzing touch make for great ways to whittle down your opponents!) ![]()
![]() PC Name: Kyra (female human bard 7)
PC Name: Half-breed(male half-orc barbarian/fighter/bear warrior 8)
Reach, Combat Reflexes, and Rend. That advanced Octopin was nasty. And it certainly didn't help that they fought it in the brain room after the warlock chose to wander off and get the octopin's attention before they had successfully dealt with the brain pillar. ![]()
![]() PC Name: Vanthis(male dragonborn of bahamut paladin 6)
After dying ingloriously to owlbears, Vanthis accepted being raised from the dead to give the ol' hero thing a second try. Everything was going well, until the party reached the Hall of Deception, and spent a good deal of resources(and patience) dealing with and recovering from the dopplegangers. Physically and emotionally drained, the party pushed onward, determined to find the source of this bizarre conspiracy hatched against them. Telakin awaited them upon his throne, in the guise of Allustan. Catching much of the party in the doorway will a wall of fire, he then managed to catch Vanthis and Dhar'shan, the parties main real warriors, with a confusion spell. During the first couple rounds, both fled from Telakin to the far side of the room(the wall of fire kept them from escaping the room entirely.) Unfortunately, on the 3rd round, Dhar'shan turned and attacked Vanthis. For the next several rounds, they traded blows until Dhar'shan landed a grievous blow on Vanthis, cutting him down.(sometimes, greataxe criticals aren't that beautiful) ![]()
![]() 1) Never sell your party members to the local alchemist, no matter how shady his ethics are, or if he's offered you a hefty bonus if you can find him exotic materials for making potions & oils. 2) When locked in a cell where the jailer has access to a lever/switch that can instantly kill you(spikes, crush trap, etc.) it is best to not compare his looks or personality to that of a chihuahua. 3) No matter their color or alignment, never EVER EVER ask a dragon for some of his or her blood. 4) For whatever peculiar reason, gnomes do not appreciate being used as footstools. 5) When a member of your party gains an odd magical aberration, such as a flame where his or her eye used to be, it is not appropriate to use it to light your pipe. 6) Invading a lizardfolk lair is the wrong time to discuss whether or not lizard tails taste like chicken. ![]()
![]() PC Name: Vanthis(male dragonborn of bahamut paladin 6)
Oh, and Vanthis died too. ![]()
![]() PC Name: Nala (female elf fighter 5)
Of course, they now have a problem, as the spawnling managed to reanimate the king and a few other dead lizardfolk as a spawns, and soon, the Mistmarsh may become a nightmarish place of worms. Hail Kyuss! ![]()
![]() As far as random path goes, from the basement, the only real paths of escape are the stairs. Unless you're playing a warlock who has Flee the Scene, which one of my players is. Pretty appropriate ability for having failed that fear save, imho. She ended up using it to run and dimension door outside of the keep until the effect faded. Pretty amusing. More amusing, however...
I was using the slightly harsher ruling that when grappled, 1d4 worms are automatically applied. My players were already paranoid against using touch/natural attacks from seeing what happened to the eggs in the Twisted Branch lair(having a dozen nasty miniature crocodiles with worms crawling out of their eyes trying to bite you will leave an impresssion on most anyone.) One of my players is playing a modified swordsage/rogue hybrid, and was hit on multiple occasions with worms. His solutions for removing them before they burrowed? 1) After having several worms on him as a result of a successful bull rush(went with the same ruling as grappling, especially since he failed his opposed roll so spectacularly) he used a maneuver that produced a small cone of flame....on himself.
[/threadjack] ![]()
![]() Psychic_Robot wrote: Why on Earth would I waste a spell slot on cone of cold when I could cast baleful polymorph, cloudkill, enervation, charm monster, black tentacles, or the like? Simply put, there's no reason to cast damaging spells as they currently are. Because no monsters are ever immune to any of those spells....never....and there are absolutely no spells to protect you from any of those spells. /sarcasm Psychic_Robot wrote: Not to be rude, but just because you think that they're fine doesn't mean that they are. There's a reason that the Character Optimization Boards (WotC forums) hate evokers and classes like the warmage. I'm going to have to side with my own mathematical prowess and the nigh-autistic number-crunchers on the CO forums. And not to be equally rude, but just because you think something is wrong doesn't mean that there is. ![]()
![]() I agree, it would have been not as bad had it been at the end of the adventure... However, my group has a long, long, long history of unorthodox thinking. This led to them making it into the mines almost undetected, managing to ambush and annihilate the two tiefling guards before any alarm could be raised, and then they chose to take the Labyrinth FIRST. ![]()
![]() On a small side note... Does anyone else think that it is absolutely insane to put a creature with ability DRAIN in this module? At 3rd & 4th level, you have zero means of dealing with ability drain. ZERO!!! And CR 3? I played it fast and loose with that one, making it only wisdom Damage, and letting the party face the allip alone, rather than with a pair of wizards aiding it. As it was, they nearly all lost to the allip anyway when 2 of 6 people succeeded on their saving throw to the babble. ![]()
![]() PC Name: Isom Phen (male human spellthief 3)
Oops. After the battle, the party found a pile of soot and ash covered clothing, with an eerie shadow scorched into the wall behind it that looked suspiciously like Phen... ![]()
![]() After successfully escaping the treacherous elevator, the party next faced off against... A large stone block. Yes, a stone block. It took them 15 minutes to gather up the courage to try to move it, to disarm the trap, to squeeze 2 characters through the opening above it, and finally pull it down. And who says it's only 3.5 combat that can slow things down? After that, things seemed to be going quite well for the group. They seemed quite fascinated by the statues here, especially the air currents in the statues hands. Of course, no one noticed the strangler lurking behind one of the statues... Several eye beams later, with Cuda running for his life, Dar'shan sleeping on the floor, and most of the rest of the party thoroughly confused, they finally noticed the beast. To make a long confusing battle short, the fight ended when the strangler attempted to strangle a sleeping Ixit, when it was pulled off of her by Dar'shan, and then hacked to pieces by Dar'shan's bastard sword. Oh, and Syl can't hit the broad side of a barn with her eldritch blasts. Or a tiny, flying aberration. The rest of the lair was explored rather uneventfully, with the party avoiding the brown mold as they had no real means to kill it. ![]()
![]() Grrr...stupid work computer....claiming to post 3 posts and none of them show up! Anyhew... After fighting the swarm, the party elected to not climb down that tunnel, and instead opted for the yellow tunnel instead, the one leading to the lair of the architect. Syl was the first to ride down the elevator. When it came back up, Brother Joshua was examining the device, but had made no move to actually enter it. Well, Brother Joshua, as mentioned before, is claustrophobic, and is already very uncomfortable in this cairn. Well, Cuda is very impatient. Cuda decided to shove Joshua into the elevator. Cuda succeeded on his bull rush attempt. Joshua had now entered his own personal HELL. Several years later(to his perspective, anyway) Joshua collapsed out of the elevator, sweating and panicking. And looks up at the ceiling to see Syl starting down at him from her spot on the ceiling. Oh, and the rest of the party made it down the elevator without incident. Oh, I have to tell you, the look of horror and fear on the face of Joshua's player so made that whole night worth it. ![]()
![]() Enervations, and all sources of negative levels as well, do stack, however... Did you take away his spell-like abilities do to enervate? Only actual memorized spells are wiped out due to negative levels. His effective caster level would have been lowered by the enervates, but he wouldn't actually lose the use of those abilities.